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Muscular System 167


(a) Anterior view

Figure 7.14 Overview of the Superficial Body Musculature

Red is muscle; white is connective tissue, such as tendons, aponeuroses, and retinacula.
168 Chapter 7

External abdominal

Calcaneal tendon
(Achilles tendon)

(b) Posterior view

Figure 7.14 Overview of the Superficial Body Musculature (continued)

5.1.1 General Principles
 Origin – non-movable end
 Insertion - movable end
 Belly - middle
 Synergists - muscles that work together
 Antagonist - muscles that oppose each other

5.1.2 Nomenclature
Muscles are named according to
 Location Ex. tibialis anterior
 Origin/insertion Ex. sternocleidomastoid
 Size Ex. gluteus maximus
 Shape Ex. deltoid (triangular)
 Function Ex. Masseter

5.1.3 Muscles of Head and Neck Facial Expression and Mastication
 Occipitofrontalis - raises eyebrows (forehead)
 Orbicularis oculi - allows blinking (eyes)
 Orbicularis oris - kissing muscle (mouth)
 Zygomaticus - smiling muscle (cheek)
 Masseter - chewing (mastication) muscle

Figure 5.9 Muscles of Facial Expression and Mastication

*Photo and content taken from Seeley’s Anatomy and Physiology by VanPutte, Regan & Russo (2016) Tongue and Swallowing Muscle

Figure 5.10 Tongue and Swallowing Muscles

*Photo and content taken from Seeley’s Anatomy and Physiology by VanPutte, Regan & Russo (2016)

Table 3. Tongue and Swallowing Muscles

Muscles Origin Insertion Action

Tongue muscles
Intrinsic Inside tongue Inside tongue Changes shape of tongue
Extrinsic Bones around oral cavity or Onto tongue Moves tongue
soft palate
Hyoid muscles
Suprahyoid Base of skull, mandible Hyoid bone Elevates or stabilizes hyoid
(e.g. geniohyoid, stylohyoid,
and hyoglossus)
Infrahyoid (e.g.thyrohyoid) Sternum. Larynx Hyoid bone Depresses or stabilizes hyoid
Pharyngeal muscles
Elevators Soft palate and auditory tube Pharynx Elevate pharynx
Constrictors Larynx and hyoid Pharynx Constrict Pharynx
5.1.4 Trunk Muscles Thoracic Muscles
 External intercostals: elevate ribs for inspiration
 Internal intercostals: depress ribs during forced expiration
 Diaphragm: moves during quiet breathing


Figure 5.11 Muscles of the Thorax

(a) Anterior view shows a few selected intercostal muscles and the diaphragm. (b) Lateral view shows the external and internal intercostals
*Photo and content taken from Seeley’s Anatomy and Physiology by VanPutte, Regan & Russo (2016) Abdominal Wall Muscles
 Rectus abdominis: center of abdomen; compresses abdomen
 External abdominal oblique: sides of abdomen; compresses abdomen
 Internal abdominal oblique: compresses abdomen
 Transverse abdominis: compresses abdomen

Figure 5.12 Muscles of the Anterior Abdominal Wall

(a) In this anterior view, windows reveal the various muscle layers. (b) A cross-sectional view of the muscle layers
*Photo and content taken from Seeley’s Anatomy and Physiology by VanPutte, Regan & Russo (2016)

5.1.5 Upper Limb Muscles

 Trapezius: shoulders and upper back; extends neck and head
 Pectoralis major: chest; elevates ribs
 Serratus anterior: between ribs; elevates ribs
 Deltoid: shoulder; abductor or upper limbs
 Triceps brachii: 3 heads; extends elbow
 Biceps brachii: “flexing muscle”; flexes elbow and shoulder
 Brachialis: flexes elbow
 Latissimus dorsi: lower back; extends shoulder
Figure 5.13 Arm Muscles
*Photo and content taken from Seeley’s Anatomy and Physiology by VanPutte, Regan & Russo (2016)
5.1.6 Lower Limb Muscle Hips and Thighs
 Iliopsoas: flexes hip
 Gluteus maximus: buttocks; extends hip and abducts thigh
 Gluteus medius: hip; abducts and rotates thigh Muscles of Upper Leg

 Quadriceps femoris
 4 thigh muscles
 Rectus femoris: front of thigh; extends knee and flexes hip
 Vastus lateralis: extends knee
 Vastus medialis: extends knee
 Vastus intermedius: extends knee
 Gracilis: adducts thigh and flexes knee
 Biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus: hamstring, back
of thigh; flexes knee, rotates leg, extends hip Muscles of Lower Leg
 Tibialis anterior: front of lower leg; inverts foot
 Gastrocnemius: calf; flexes foot and leg
 Soleus: attaches to ankle; flexes foot

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