Ahmad Jamal

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Komar University of Science and Technology

Department of Business Administration

Spring 2020 Semester
Final Assessment Report

Kurdistan regional government

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Komar University of Science and Technology
Business Administration Department

Academic English 1

A Report
Submitted to the Council of the College of Science / Department of Business
Administration as a final assessment
by :
Ahmad Jamal F180004

Supervised by:
Heero M.Rashasoor

1. Introduction:

Learning academic English is likely one of the surest, most dependable ways of achieving socio- financial

success. Learners cannot work in school settings successfully without it. This assortment of English

involves the different, complex highlights of English required for success in open tutoring and career

headway. It involves authority of an article framework and its specific scholastic traditions as well as

capability in perusing, talking, and tuning in. Shockingly, scholarly English has frequently been

disregarded or under-emphasized in open school instruction. Numerous have not caught on its significance

in helping students work in school settings or have misconstrued its complex nature.

English for academic purposes (EAP), commonly known as Academic English, involves preparing

students, ordinarily in a better instruction setting, to utilize dialect suitably for study. It is one of the

foremost common shapes of English for particular purposes (ESP). And it helps to raise student’s English

levels in order to have access to many universities.

Language skills include: tuning in comprehension, fluency advancement, verbal intelligibility, reading,

language structure, composing, and vocabulary advancement. Academic study abilities tended to

incorporate: test taking and note taking abilities, academic vocabulary utilization, basic reading and

composing, comprehending academic lectures, research and library aptitudes, formal composition forms

and advancement, including research papers. Activities incorporate formal presentations, discussions, and

reports on basic research.

This course develops students’ capacity to read and type in graduate-level writings, including summaries,

definitions, papers, book indices, studies, and information commentaries.

Academic English is important for understanding the dynamics of written communication helping students

to think clearly and learn how to write effectively as you present form and coherence to complex ideas.

This report will be about the current situation that is happening globally, COVID-19, and its reasons of

expansion along precautions and preventions.

2. Body:

Coronaviruses are a huge family of infections which may cause sickness in animals or people. In people, a

few coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory diseases extending from the common cold to more

serious infections such as Middle East Respiratory Disorder (MERS) and Serious Intense Respiratory

Disorder (SARS). The foremost as of late found coronavirus causes coronavirus infection COVID-19.

COVID-19 is the infectious illness caused by the foremost recently found coronavirus.

This modern infection and illness were unknown before the episode started in Wuhan, China, in December

2019. COVID-19 is presently a widespread influencing numerous nations universally.

The foremost common indications of COVID-19 are fever, dry hack, and tiredness. Other side effects that

are less common and may influence a few patients incorporate aches and pains, nasal clog, migraine,

conjunctivitis, sore throat, loose bowels, misfortune of taste or scent or a hasty on skin or discoloration of

fingers or toes. These side effects are usually gentle and start gradually. A few individuals gotten to be

infected but only have very gentle side effects.

Most individuals (approximately 80%) recover from the infection without requiring healing center

treatment. Around 1 out of each 5 individuals who gets COVID-19 gets to be truly sick and creates trouble

breathing. Older individuals, and those with basic therapeutic issues like high blood pressure, heart and

lung issues, diabetes, or cancer, are at higher chance of developing genuine sickness. However, anybody

can catch COVID-19 and become truly sick. Individuals of all ages who encounter fever and/or hack

related with difficulty breathing/shortness of breath, chest pain/pressure, or loss of speech or movement

ought to look for therapeutic consideration instantly.

Individuals can catch COVID-19 from others who have the infection. The disease spreads fundamentally

from individual to individual through little droplets from the nose or mouth, which are removed when an

individual with COVID-19 coughs, wheezes, or speaks. These droplets are moderately overwhelming, do

not travel distant and rapidly sink to the ground. Individuals can capture COVID-19 if they breathe in
these droplets from an individual contaminated with the virus. This can be why it is critical to remain at

slightest 1 meter) away from others.

Self-isolation is when an individual who is encountering fever, cough or other COVID-19 side effects

remains at home and does not go to work, School or open places. This may be deliberately or based on

his/her wellbeing care provider’s suggestion.

These droplets can arrive on objects and surfaces around the individual such as tables, doorknobs and

handrails. Individuals can become contaminated by touching these objects or surfaces, at that point

touching their eyes, nose or mouth. This is often why it is critical to wash your hands frequently with

cleanser and water or clean with alcohol-based hand rub.

You'll diminish your chances of being infected or spreading COVID-19 by taking a few straightforward

safety measures: Keep up at least 1 meter distance between yourself and others. When somebody coughs,

wheezes, or talks they splash little fluid droplets from their nose or mouth which may contain infection. If

you're too close, you'll be able breathe within the droplets, counting the COVID-19 infection in case the

individual has the illness. The time between exposure to COVID-19 and the moment when indications

begin is commonly around five to six days but can extend from 1 – 14 days.

Alongside all these measures remains there's the basic to test all suspected cases of COVID-19 wherever

possible, promptly separate cases, follow contacts to the most extensive degree conceivable, and guarantee

isolate of contacts for the duration of the incubation period. This goes for any setting or level of spread of

the pandemic in a nation, in order to extend the benefits of social measures. Social measures ought to

make the task of contact tracing much simpler as the number of contacts quickly decreases and in the long

run the number of cases declines as well. As social measures are lifted, it is fundamental to proceed to
reinforce case-finding, isolation for COVID-19 cases and isolate of contacts, in order to reply to resurgent

or imported cases. Facilitated reorganization of wellbeing and social administrations is essential to

evaluate and test people quickly, treat patients viably, and secure clinics and health faculty.

Social and physical distancing measures point to moderate the spread of illness by halting chains of

transmission of COVID-19 and anticipating modern ones from showing up. These measures secure

physical separate between individuals (of at least one meter), and decrease contact with contaminated

surfaces, whereas empowering and maintaining virtual social connection inside families and communities.

Measures for the common open incorporate presenting adaptable work arrangements such as teleworking,

separate learning, lessening and dodging crowding, closure of non-essential facilities and administrations,

protecting and assurance for helpless groups, nearby or national development limitations and staying-at

domestic measures, and facilitated reorganization of health care and social administrations systems to

protect hospitals. The measures are utilized in conjunction with individual defensive measures against

COVID-19 such as frequent hand washing and cough behavior.

3. Conclusion:

Public health and social measures are measures or actions by people, institutions, communities, local and

national governments and worldwide bodies to moderate or halt the spread of COVID-19. These measures

to reduce transmission of COVID-19 incorporate person and natural measures, identifying and separating

cases, contact-tracing and isolate, social and physical distancing measures counting for mass social

occasions, universal travel measures, and immunizations and medications. Whereas immunizations and

particular drugs are not however accessible for COVID-19, other public health and social measures play

an fundamental part in decreasing the number of contaminations and sparing lives.

To prevent and protect yourself and other individuals from catching the virus you should Avoid touching

eyes, nose and mouth. Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up infections. Once contaminated, hands

can exchange the infection to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the infection can enter your body and

contaminate you.

Make sure you, and the individuals around you, follow great respiratory hygiene. This means covering

your mouth and nose along with your bent elbow or tissue once you cough or wheeze. At that point

dispose of the used tissue quickly and wash your hands. Droplets spread infection. By following great

respiratory hygiene, you secure the individuals around you from viruses such as cold, flu and COVID-19.

Remain home and self-isolate even with minor indications such as cough, migraine, mellow fever, until

you recover. Wear a mask to dodge contaminating others. Avoiding contact with others will protect them

from getting the infection.

All public health measures to halt infection spread can be adjusted with versatile procedures to energize

community resilience and social association, ensure salaries and secure the food supply. Nations ought to

adjust the possible benefits and negative results of each intervention and send procedures to energize

community engagement, gain believe and limit social or financial harm. There are numerous techniques

that can back community resilience and mental wellbeing, protect access to basic merchandise and

administrations, and limit the financial effect of stay-at-home measures where these are considered

fundamental. For example, organizing work-sites to guarantee physical distance between people, such as

staggering shifts over time, or changing over on-site benefit to domestic conveyance may help to keep

more businesses open. Tele-working and tele-schooling techniques completely different settings
demonstrate innovation and the role of technology in supporting business coherence and supporting social

association within.

In conclusion to this report, it illustrates the perfect concept of using Academic English in writing,

vocabulary techniques, formal compositions and discussing topics.


1. https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/331685/nCoVsitrep01Apr2020-eng.pdf

2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0896841120300469

3. http://www.ecie.com.ar/images/paginas/COVID-19/4MMWR-



4. https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/full/10.7326/M20-0504

5. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(20)30195-X/fulltext?


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