Takunda Mukombachoto 190468 African Studies Exam

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Takunda Mukombachoto CIS 190468

African Studies exam


(a) Identify 5 problems affecting African economies (5)

There is a lack of investment in infrastructure (poor infrastructure) i.e. buildings etc

High unemployment and low employment rate

Financial crises as most countries are in debt

Political corruption

Dynamic changes in climate

Little to no technological advancements.

(b) ‘More of a blessing than a curse’ How valid is this comment with
reference to the Chinese activities in Africa towards development of
African economies? (20)
This term even more a gift implies that something has benefits yet additionally has
some seen or unanticipated negatives, presently with review on Chinese exercises in
Africa a large portion of them have been helpful with impediments just not being seen
now, we can reference the mining occurring in Zimbabwe. There is making of
business and a little commercial center will be set up, as individuals who work at
mines need food and different things. Where there is request supply follows, likewise
there is in real money inflow of unfamiliar cash inside the country. These are the
advantages, on the other, the detriments are that with mining, there is land corruption
and it is just seen as the mining is done it is for all intents and purposes irreversible.
Likewise referenced over that there is a flood of unfamiliar money yet its greater part
returned to China as these assets are then dispatched to china and sold there.

Moreover, racial isolation where businesses treat workers cruelly in view of their skin
tone or by the way that they look. The administrations may neglect these issues since
they are hesitant to lose FDI unfamiliar direct venture, this will leave individuals
Takunda Mukombachoto CIS 190468

working under cruel conditions consequently not improving the ways of life. Likewise
to add on misuse since the vast majority are under gifted and are frantic for work they
might be paid peanuts or not as much as what they are really expected to be paid. This
theme is neglected in light of the fact that African nations are significantly terrified of
loosing unfamiliar direct speculation. This is there passing on how the all the more a
gift than revile proclamation. In certain occasions the advantages do exceed the
detriments yet notwithstanding they are still there so they do should be managed

A benefit is that a great deal African nations if not all have a solid rural area so they
send out their items outside to china, not just rural items just different items also,
thusly assault an unfamiliar market since china has a tremendous populace which is
bigger than the entire of Africa so the market is rewarding.

Proceeding onward this explanation is likewise passed on by the way that a large
portion of these agreements between African governments and the Chinese don't
straightforwardly, decidedly influence the region to be worked in, anyway they do
affect the country over the long haul. I might want to make reference to that there has
been some advancement of foundation somewhat in certain nations for example
Mozambique the recreation of the street from the line post of it and Zimbabwe. The
street was patched up right to Beira it ought to be on going to Maputo also. In
Zimbabwe they are building the new parliament house for Zimbabwe, in Zambia
spans are additionally being assembled. The rundown goes on. So the explanation as I
would like to think considers substantial somewhat as like any typical exchange
between any two nations there will consistently be a decent side and an awful side.
Guarantee assuming the great exceeds the terrible, that exchange will go through.

To close this, In my assessment African nations ought not altogether rely upon china
for improvement yet in addition discover methods of creating themselves the way
things are most nations rely upon their relationship with china then procedures may go
Takunda Mukombachoto CIS 190468

( c) Suggest practical ways in which African leaders can help solve

economic problems facing Africa.(75)

Firstly to start with removing AID from western countries. Why? Because all that aid does is to
temporarily solve the problem not solve it permanently. In this case to remove poverty and not
reduce it because it will still be there so African leaders have to develop methods and ways to move
resources so that everyone can benefit.  Einstein once said, “insanity is doing the same thing over
and over again and expecting different results”. Western countries have been giving aid to African
countries for the longest of time, but the problems keep recurring so stopping foreign aid and
developing strategies that aim to permanently get rid of certain problems. However a major
expansion in guide for improved social administrations and other daily routine supporting
foundation pointed toward increasing experiencing expectations and formation of compact human
resources in lagging nations.

Leaders should attempt to diminish the brain drain, which is when profoundly talented labourers
leave a nation to look for better freedom and expectations for everyday comforts. The adverse
consequence is that there less talented work henceforth business will in all likelihood relocate or shut
down and there will be almost no development in organizations and there is no monetary
development in the monetary angle. Consequently, they can offer motivating forces that permit
people to make organizations, to make business opportunities and creation of employment. leading
to reduction in unemployment rates in the long-run

Arrangement that is more prominent, responsibility, and estimation of progress on agricultural

targets: Implement a Strategy and Roadmap, closed down by heads of express that gives a system to
Takunda Mukombachoto CIS 190468

estimating progress against country objectives, yet it needs public authority to guarantee execution
and to react quickly to holes. Numerous nations are right now evaluating their National Agriculture
and Food Security Investment Plan and others ought to be urged to do likewise. Farming
improvement plans should be connected to public advancement plans, something that has not
occurred in certain nations before. We need an anticipated, solid and working arrangement climate
that pulls in more noteworthy private-area venture. Again, improved approaches are concurred
however not completely carried out. Solid systems for joint effort and shared responsibility between
the public authority and different partners, this will target the starvation issue.

Supporting financial development will require monetary order, profitability upgrades,

framework enhancements, expanded local exchange, and more noteworthy spotlight
on invigorating and supporting advancement. All partners – including government,
benefactors and the private area – should adjust and focus on their speculations
towards a common objective of economical and comprehensive development.

While a flat out expansion in speculation is significant in practically all areas, in a

considerable lot of those areas, there is an undiscovered edge of likely monetary effect
on be had from applying existing assets in a more focused on and facilitated way. A
significant chance for expanding development through a "shrewd" and facilitated
approach can be found in the agricultural area.

Increased monetary help for development supporting framework—ports, transport

connections, data and correspondence innovation—in the main nations where
financial departure is probably, just as foundation to interface the business sectors of
enormous driving nations with work, capital, products, and thoughts in more modest
neighbours. This creates a network between African countries which means all the
nations that are involved will benefit and this will boost the financial income of
countries allowing them to develop infrastructure and improve standards of living in
the country

Specific enlistment to the business spaces of huge class pay nations for sub-Saharan
Africa's entries. Without requesting norms of beginning or capacity concludes that
ruin quick improvement of exchange moderate responsibilities with other making
Takunda Mukombachoto CIS 190468

economies, this would help in the making of good relations and an eventual fate of
productive benefits for countries, this would make voyaging and transportation of
assets more effective and stream all the more easily. Supporting financial development
will require monetary order, profitability upgrades, framework enhancements,
expanded local exchange, and more noteworthy spotlight on invigorating and
supporting advancement. All partners – including government, benefactors and the
private area – should adjust and focus on their speculations towards a common
objective of economical and comprehensive development.

While a flat out expansion in speculation is significant in practically all areas, in a

considerable lot of those areas, there is an undiscovered edge of likely monetary effect
on be had from applying existing assets in a more focused on and facilitated way. A
significant chance for expanding development through a "shrewd" and facilitated
approach can be found in the agricultural area.

To conclude leaders have to change the education sector mainly as this is where the
future lies, creating positive learning environments will go a long way.

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