Takunda Mukombachoto 190468 Project Management

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Takunda Mukombachoto 190468

Computer information Systems

Project management EXAM NCSC402

Section A

Question 1A

The location of any hotel business is a key factor in the success or failure of the business. I
think the NSSA Beit Bridge hotel project is a failure, although they chose a good location
based on extensive research and actual statistics in 2005. The industry has always emphasized
that location is The most important key aspect of success. No matter how the market
develops, location remains crucial. Even if it promises excellent quality and service, a hotel
built on a seldom-used road cannot do well. However, although location is still critical, other
factors need to be considered because location alone cannot determine the success or failure
of a project. The hotel project in the story did a good study of location, but in other aspects,
what I will explain now is usually a failure;

NSSA failed to reduce costs and arrange risks. Hiring cheap amateurs or skipping the
planning phase of a building is one of the most expensive things NSSA does in its hotel
project. The report stated that “there were no building plans or drawings at the time, and there
was no evidence to prove how the proposed one-year construction period was reached.”

I think they are too confident and arrogant about the hotel plan. They want to build the hotel
within a year, but they don't have an effective plan to support the time frame they want to
complete the project. Choosing the wrong person to work on your hotel project will almost
always lead to satisfactory results, if not a complete failure. On the other hand, working with
the right people will put the project in the best position for success. The building plan can be
used as a blueprint, allowing the construction team to have a bird's eye view of the project, so
as to measure and roughly understand the appearance of the building after construction. Its
importance cannot be overestimated, but according to reports, the NSSA hotel project ignores
this important factor.
The project failed because its initial budget plan was poor. Beit Bridge Hotel was originally
built as a four-star hotel. NSSA cooperated with Rainbow Tourism Group, which suffered
losses of up to millions of dollars. They originally planned a budget of 3 million U.S. dollars,
but in the end it reached 49 million U.S. dollars, which was 16 times their plan, so the budget
plan was very bad. If the cost increases from 3 million US dollars to at least 6 million US
dollars, it will be a better prospect. The consequences of poor budget planning often make it
more difficult to achieve the goals set by the company. In this case, insufficient budgets can
cause delays in projects to be completed within a year. Other consequences include lack of
financial control, overspending, unpredictable unexpected expenses, and greater pressure. All
of this can lead to project failure. The change of contract terms between

NSSA and the contractor caused further delays. NSSA can be blamed for not choosing a
reliable contractor. However, according to the report, NSSA failed to provide a good
blueprint or blueprint design in the early stages of the project. Contacts may also be the
culprit, because the contractor lacks the necessary knowledge, experience and funds to meet
the NSSA specification, which will cause any quality issues. But all in all, the project belongs
to NSSA, and they should choose the right contractor at the right time to take on more
responsibilities. They should create search criteria to guide them in choosing the right
contractor. The original purpose of the

Beit Bridge hotel project was to provide hotel services and, in return, make a profit as soon as
possible. That is why they budgeted to build it at a price of 3 million US dollars and complete
the construction in one year. However, NSSA eventually had to suffer huge financial
setbacks in investing, because reports indicate that they may have to wait 278 years for a
reasonable return on investment, which means that they may not live long and may not be
able to see the return on investment even if you live. Two lifes.

Overall, although a seemingly weak assumption is an obvious consideration that can lead to
poor investment decisions and ultimately disappoint people, it is still shocking how NSSA
did it based on incorrect knowledge and decision making of seriously flawed assumptions.
The wrong assumption caused his project to fail.

Question 1B

. Many hotels and other companies around the world use project management to stay
competitive in the global economy. To thrive in today's market, hotels must rapidly produce
goods and services that can meet market needs. We must also be aware that each project is
different in terms of problems, goals and resources assigned to it, the work environment, and
the manner and style of project managers to guide and control project activities. Therefore,
the hotel or project management setup should be based on the operational constraints of the

It is important to understand the nature of hotel projects. Every hospitality project must have
an objective, such as a specific objective to be achieved, and the schedule is the moment in
which these objectives must be met. The complexity of the hotel project will determine what
technologies are needed to assist the project. The bigger the hotel and the longer it can take,
the better the plan should be. Large projects require more staff and equipment than small
projects. This knowledge will successfully take the project to the next stage, the inception

The project management technology integrates all the professional knowledge, technology
and services necessary to complete the construction of the hotel within the specified time in a
variety of ways, thus reducing the disruption of daily business operations. The skills required
vary depending on the project in question and the resources available. The project launch
team participates in organizing team members to assist in project launch activities.
Establishing relationships with clients or travelers on Beit Bridge will help to better
understand if they really need hotel services or other hotel services, so that a better start-up
plan is developed, which will help organizations to need tools and what to use.

. The setting should help answer the questions and opportunities that the hospitality project
will encounter. It can help you answer what needs to be done to get good results. This will
help understand how to measure success and how NSSA knows that the project has been
completed. At this stage, the project can be divided into some simple tasks that can reduce
financial costs because NSSA will know what is needed, why and when to proceed. From
here, a target date or due date can be created so that any delays or early compliance can be
considered in the plan. Communication with each team is crucial, for example, the
construction team must establish customer needs that can be afforded by the NSSA manager.
Before creating a budget, you must first determine that risk

project execution is the next stage. Monitoring progress and managing changes will help
reduce delays.
We can use tools like PERT charts to improve planning and coordination. It can also be used
to more accurately or quickly predict the resources required for a hotel project. You can
simplify the planning process by providing the expected project completion time and the
possibility of completion before a specific date. Another

tool is the Gantt chart, which can display tasks in days, weeks, or months on the calendar.
The tool uses graphical representations to show the start, course and finish time of each task
in the project. Gantt charts are great for tracking progress. You can compare the total number
of days required to complete a task to complete a milestone with the expected or predicted
number of days.

In short, any inexperienced hotel owner usually refuses to consider possible changes due to
new competition or economic factors affecting the local economy. An experienced investor
has a strong mentor who has never made such a mistake or made such a mistake, and
understands all the details of how to prevent such mistakes in the future, and this is at the
expense of his past At the expense of income in joint ventures.

Question One

i. Discuss the impact of Economic and Legal Analysis, non-financial approach in Project
Management. [25 marks]

In micromanagement, it is often the case that all the energy of the product manager is focused
on completing the work before a certain deadline, and within the scope of specific resources,
quality is ignored. The entire project manager team and the manager himself only focus their
attention on pre-set results with fairly strict parameters.

The cost of communication errors, even a small communication error, can cause great losses.
For example, if one stage of workflow development is misinterpreted and causes a part of the
team to go the wrong way, then the team must not only reverse direction, but also hinder the
progress of later phases of the project. Clear communication guidelines should be issued to
ensure timely and accurate transmission of new information and project updates to avoid

lacks creativity. Sometimes strict project management, strict policies and guidelines may
lack innovative thinking and may even get the job done better. Project workload and cost may
be reduced. It is often observed that due to specific specification violations to complete the
project, participants stop thinking outside the box, which can be done even faster. However,
this is not always the case.

project management issues

risk insurance will obviously involve certain risks when starting a project. Not only is it
important to obtain these risks, but it is also important to create ways to overcome these risks
and incorporate them into the contract.

Project Contracts:-A project will always contain many contracts. The drafting of the project
contract includes most of the contributions of the lawyers. When hiring, you must understand
the nature of the obligations stipulated in the contract and the evolution of the agreement
when making business-related decisions in the contract. After completing the contract phase,
the lawyer must also pay attention to the post-contract phase. The post-contract phase will
include hidden obligations that he and other parties must analyze and perform.

Change control: -The project contract must also include change procedures when proposed,
including change conditions, and sometimes only list conditions that can be changed.
However, he strongly opposes any form of changes to the terms of the contract. After
changes are made, they should be recorded and specifically numbered for future

imposes restrictions: -In a project contract between two parties, the other party generally
imposes restrictions on the other party. Lawyers are responsible for verifying whether these
restrictions comply with the provisions of Article 27 of the Indian Contract Act 1872, which
states: "Any agreement restricting any person to practice a legal profession, trade or business
shall be invalid in as much as possible. " However, the exceptions can be such as not
revealing company secrets to avoid the use of inside information, etc.

Contract Explanation:-Any law should include an explanation part, because this is the only
way to understand the contract. The first part of any contract interpretation is its recital. The
introductory part of a contract is usually called a "statement." Similarly, in the contract, there
are certain things that are explicitly provided, and certain things are implied. Some clauses in
the contract are clear, while other clauses are not disclosed, so legal experience is required to
understand the undisclosed clauses and work in accordance with these clauses. Therefore, the
interpretation of the contract is as important as the conclusion of the contract itself.

Withdraw the issue through arbitration or mediation. It is very important to include an

arbitration or mediation clause in the project contract. If there is a small dispute between the
contracting parties, such a dispute cannot always be brought to court, then the case will last
forever, and the project will not be able to be completed. In addition, it must be added that
when both contracting parties are foreign entities, or both contracting parties are foreign
entities, what law will govern each of the parties. If someone goes to court, it is also
important to determine jurisdiction in advance.

In Conclusion project management is an excellent way to handle different tasks in an

organization. We are not aware of this, but even in our daily work, we will use the skills of
the project manager according to the content to be dealt with. It is nothing more than a
framework for achieving specific goals, which may include studying for exams or managing
multinational projects. All projects are completely different, but they all start with an idea.
Initiating, analyzing, executing, controlling and completing any type of project includes
knowledge and experience in that particular field. However, for companies, the people who
are essential in project management are legal experts.

ii. Discuss the various steps that are involved in order to come up with a risk
management plan and explain why project risk planning is important in today’s
environment. [25 marks]

Uncertainty is the core of risk. You may not be sure if the event is possible. Similarly,
you may not be sure of the consequences if this happens. The possibility (the
probability of an event occurring) and the consequences (the impact or result of the
event) are two components that characterize the magnitude of the risk. The five steps
of the risk management process combine to provide a simple and effective risk
management process. The first thing to do

is to identify the risks and discover, identify and describe the risks that can affect the
project in various ways, as well as the results. You can use a variety of techniques to
find project risks. In this step, you will begin to prepare the risk registration form.

Once the risks are determined, you can proceed to the next step, and then analyze the
risks to determine the likelihood and consequences of each risk. If you understand the
nature of the risk and its potential to influence project goals and objectives, this
information will also be entered into your risk register.

In the third step,

assessment or classification of

risks. You can evaluate or classify risks by determining the size of the risk
(determining the degree of harm the risk has to the enterprise). The size of the risk is a
combination of probability and consequence. You can decide whether the risk is
acceptable or severe enough to require treatment. These risk levels are also added to

risk register.

In step 4, you address the risk. This is also called a risk response plan. In this step,
you will assess the higher ranking risks and develop a plan to address or modify these
risks to achieve an acceptable level of risk. How to minimize the possibility of
negative risks and increase the opportunities? In this step, you create a risk mitigation
strategy, a prevention plan, and an emergency plan, and then add the risk treatment
measures of the highest risk or most serious risk to the project risk. Register.

Finally, you monitor and verify the risk. This is the step you need to take to record

risks and use them to monitor, track and review risks.

risk is related to uncertainty. If you determine this uncertainty, you can effectively
eliminate the risk in the project. This means you can achieve your project goals with
more confidence. By identifying and managing a comprehensive list of project risks,
you can reduce unpleasant surprises and obstacles and discover once-in-a-lifetime
opportunities. The risk management process can also help solve problems because
they have been foreseen, and plans have been developed and agreed to solve them.
Avoid impulsive reactions and enter the "fire extinguishing" mode to correct problems
that may be expected. This makes it possible for project teams and stakeholders to be
happier and less stressed. The bottom line is that you minimize the impact of project
threats and seize the opportunity to make them happen.

By implementing a risk management plan and considering various risks or potential

events before they occur. This is because a strong risk management plan will help the
company establish procedures to avoid potential threats, minimize the impact of
potential threats, and process the results. This ability to understand and control risk
enables organizations to have more confidence in their business decisions. Risk
management creates a safe working environment for all employees and customers. It
improves the stability of business operations while reducing legal liability.
can prevent incidents that are harmful to the company and the environment. Protect
all related personnel and assets from potential harm. It also helps to establish the
insurance needs of the organization to save unnecessary premiums.


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