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The brief biography of Hazrat Darvesh Mohiuddin Quaderi

Karwan Sahu Hyderabad

Tomb of Hazrat Darvesh Mohiuddin Quaderi


In the praise of Hazrat Darvesh Mohiuddin Quaderi

Oh shah you were a great king and you ruled in the world
Your name and fame were well known in all corners
The first great king of Hyderabad who was your devotee
As well as his nobles who were also your beloved devotees 
Oh Shah you lived in the Mustaidpura where this low also lived 
Oh Shah of time not ignore Hafeez and all his famous books
For many centuries your rule is there in the Hyderabad 
Oh Shah of time reply call of persons present in your place
Oh Shah of Hyderabad shine this message in the world 
So that Hafeez shall be obliged to you in this matter

Oh Shah of time not only hafeez but hear needs of all persons
As you are most merciful king of Hyderabad ruling all places
As well as you did not return empty anyone from your door
So approve wishes and needs all persons present at your place
By Mohammed Abdul Hafeez
Email :


He was born during the year 1081 Hegira in Hyderabad city. He

was the great-grandson of Hazrat Syed Abdul Latif Kurnooli and
in his childhood his father Syed Shah Mohiuddin Quaderi has
died and then his grandfather Hazrat Pir Shah was brought him
  And under his care due to his hard work, he has become
perfect in education and as well as in training. And was
obtained knowledge of manifest and innermost and was
become perfect.
He has become disciple of his uncle Syed Shah Abdul Latif
and also become his caliphate. King Asif Jah First and many of
the noble persons of King Asif Jah First’s kingdom were among
his devotees. He was lived in the Mustaidpura locality in
Hyderabad. And he has three sons. 
    He was died on 14th Zill Hajj in the year 1154 Hegira and
corresponding to 1741 A.D.,at the age of 73 years. And he was

buried in the Karwan Sahu area on the eastern side of the Toli
Mosque at the bank of River Musi in Hyderabad. And his tomb
was constructed by Khan Alam Khan.
   The care taker of Dargah Hazrat Musa Quaderi is custodian of
the tomb of Hazrat Daarevesh Mohiuddin Quaderi Saheb at
present time. The chronogram date of death is found in the
following Urdu couplet which is translated into the English

He was annihilated in Allah’s personality

He was a teacher and guide Darvesh Mohiuddin

Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez
Reference book: Brief-biography-of-Hazrat-Ujale-Shah Saheb
-HyderabadDear all,Salam,Please find the reference book
details as


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