đục lỗ tuần 6 - giải buổi 1

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Why Won’t You Listen?

Everyone agrees that having well-behaved children is important, which is why the 0) ……... majority
of parents create rules in an attempt to teach their children 1) ........ from wrong. Nevertheless, does a
child’s behaviour actually improve 2) ........ of obedience when they have to adhere to a set of rules?
It seems that the extent to which children take household rules into consideration depends on how
parents actually deal with their children’s actions and whether or not they 3) ........ past behaviours.
Rebellious behaviour on the child’s behalf is often the result of a child’s inability to 4) ........ the
reasoning behind a rule. Understandably, this can be quite challenging for a parent, which is why
making the threat that they will be ‘grounded’ if they don’t 5) ........ attention may not have the
desired outcome.
Putting strict conditions on children will most likely prompt them to avoid doing as they are told and
will put more stress on the parent/child relationship. Getting children to 6) ........ with rules can be a
struggle; however, parents can make sure they create household rules that encourage their children
into better behaviour, as opposed to imposing strict guidelines, which may have the opposite effect. If
parents want to 7) ........ eye to eye with their children about how to behave, they should provide
positive examples by following the rules themselves at home. A home environment with positive
reinforcements not only nourishes cooperative behaviour, but could have important 8) ........ for a
child’s overall social development.
well-behaved: ngoan ngoãn
The vast majority: phần lớn số đông
in an attempt to: để
adhere to sth: tuân theo cái gì = comply with = follow/obey sth = conform to sth
in terms of: về mặt gì đó
household rules: luật lệ trong gia đình
Rebellious: nổi loạn
Reasoning: cách lập luận
Come/get to grips with sth: start to deal with a problems
Seize the opportunity: nắm bắt cơ hội
Grasp sth: nắm được cái gì
Grounded: bị giam giữ
desired outcome: kết quả mong muốn
prompt sb to: thúc đẩy ai làm gì
put more stress on: gây áp lực
as opposed to: trái với
impose: áp đặt
Backfire – be counter-productive: phản tác dụng
See eye to eye with sb on sth: có chung quan điểm với ai đó
Reinforcements: sự củng cố (trong bài chỉ bố mẹ củng cố luật bằng cách cũng tuân theo)
Nourish: tạo ra
cooperative behaviour: hành vi hợp tác
0 A vast B wide C extensive D huge
1 A truth B right C good D justice
2 A in case B by means C in terms D on behalf
3 A prey on B call in C turn over D weigh up
4 A seize B hold C grip D grasp
5 A offer B pay C give D provide
6 A comply B maintain C fulfil D obey
7 A realise B recognise C see D understand
8 A indications B conclusions C predictions D implications
What we know about music and the brain
Work on the human brain has indicated how different parts are centres of activity for different skills,
feelings, perceptions and so on. It has also been shown that the left and right halves, or hemispheres,
of the brain are (1) …….. for different functions. While language is processed in the left, or analytical
hemisphere, music is processed in the right, or emotional hemisphere. (2) …….. of music like tone,
pitch and melody are all probably processed in different parts of the brain. Some features of musical
experience are processed not just in the (3) ……….. parts of the brain, but in the visual ones. We
don’t yet fully understand the (4) …….. of this.
The tempo of music seems to be (5) …….. related to its emotional impact, with fast music often (6)
…….. as happier and slower music as sadder. It is the same with the major (7) ………. rhythm of the
body: our heart (8) …….. quickens when we’re happy, but slows when we’re sad. Military music may
have (9) …….. from attempts to get us ready for (10) …….. by using fast drumming to (11) …….. our
hearts into beating faster. Music is perhaps one of the most complex experiences the brain (12) ……..
with and it has become an absolutely (13) …….. part of our rituals and ceremonies. It has power (14)
………. language to (15) …….. mood and co-ordinate our emotional states.
1. A. amenable B. dependable C. responsible D. reliable
2. A. Views B. Aspects C. Factors D. Pieces
3. A. hearing B. olfactory C. auditory D. sensory
4. A. expectations B. implications C. assumptions D. propositions
5. A. surely B. plainly C. evidently D. directly
6. A. felt B. endured C. encountered D. touched
7. A. biology B. biological C. music D. musical
8. A. pulse B. speed C. pace D. rate
9. A. evolved B. extended C. advanced D. elevated
10. A. battle B. fight C. quarrel D. struggle
11. A. activate B. motivate C. stimulate D. animate
12. A. manages B. copes C. bears D. holds
13. A. vital B. important C. compulsory D. dominant
14. A. with B. above C. beyond D. over
15. A. notify B. report C. associate D. communicate
A recent (61)________of a language learning magazine has consulted a number of experts in the
(62)________of second language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for those considering
a language course. One suggestion is that you assess whether you are likely to be successful at
learning a language. Did you enjoy studying languages at school, for example? Do you have enough
time to learn a language? The major (63)_________will be your own time and effort. Therefore you
must make sure that the course on offer leads to a (64)________qualification. Also, be realistic in your
(65)________. If you don’t set achievable aims you are more likely to give up. Do not be deceived into
thinking that the most expensive courses are the best. (66)________ around to get the best possible
value for money. You should also bear in mind that the quicker you learn a language the more
quickly you forget it. Sandra Miller, a French teacher, tried to teach herself German by enrolling on a
(67)________course. Already fluent in four languages and with a sound knowledge of teaching
methodology her chances of (68)________ progress were high. Three years (69)_________she
remembers very little. She feels her biggest mistake was not to follow up her first experience.
“Moreover, I think the teacher’s role is important. It’s so nice to have somebody give you a/ an
Question 61: A. volume B. issue C. printing D. version
Question 62: A. area B. field C. branch D. domain
Question 63: A. evaluation B. change C. price D. cost
Question 64: A. understood B. regarded C. recognised D. valued
Question 65: A. sights B. objects C. ends D. goals
Question 66: A. Run B. Push C. Shop D. Nose
Question 67: A. quick B. rapid C. crash D. fast
Question 68: A. making B. achieving C. gaining D. doing
Question 69: A. forward B. onward C. on D. from
Question 70: A. hand B. encouragement C. help D. aid


For many of us, we are working, travelling, and shopping in hours that used to be _____(1) for
relaxation and sleep. But according to the results of test being_____(2)by scientists, we are no longer
getting enough darkness in our lives. In fact, (3)_____shows that a growing number of health and
environmental problems are due to a loss of darkness.

Life has evolved with a day/night circle. People who go (4)_____this day/night rhythm will notice an
adverse impact on their immune systems, and that’s not a good sign. We are (5)_____ a conflict
between what our mind wants, and what our internal body clock prepares us for. Some experts
explain that our biological clock is similar to the conductor of an orchestra, with the multiple rhythms
of the body (6)_____ the various orchestra sections.

The body clock is (7)_____ on the light/dark cycle and it governs us for every (8)_____ of activity and
rest in our lives. It ensures that all our various internal systems are working together – this is its sole
(9)_____. By moving to 24- hour living, and not taking into (10) ______ the dark side, we will
effectively be throwing away the advantages of evolution (11)_____ we care to admit or not.

1. A. conserved B. reserved C. upheld D. defended

2. A. carried up B. carried through C. carried out D. carried off
3. A. discovery B. display C. research D. foundation
4. A. down B. without C. through D. behind
5. A. considering B. contributing C. giving D. creating
6. A. describing B. corresponding C. expressing D. representing
7. A. founded B. based C. decided D. established
8. A. prospect B. attitude C. position D. type
9. A. reason B. purpose C. project D. desire
10. A. interest B. importance C. detail D. account
11. A. so that B. whether C. unless D. in case
As the twenty-first century (1)_______, it seems that more and more people are leading increasingly
hectic and stressful lives. This leaves little, if any, time for (2)_______ activities. All too often, it
appears that any interest that we may have in sporting activities will disappear when our lifestyle
become more stressful, but many people (3)_______ to realize that a few hours (4)_______ to enjoy a
sport each week can actually reduce stress levels. Another (5)_______ that is associated with
(6)_______ a sport is general improvement in health. This, in (7)_______, can lead to weight loss, due
to the fact that fat is (8)_______ when our heartbeat (9)_______ above a certain level. (10)_______, as
with everything, there are certain drawbacks to taking part in a sport, the main one being that it can
lead to serious injury. The main reasons for this are that we have not taken time to (11)_______
properly or that we are not properly supervised in our chosen sport. In addition, it is very easy to
(12)_______ the heart if exercise is suddenly taken up after not having participated in any form of
(13)_______ activity for a long time. Taking all this into (14)_______, sporting activities can be
extremely beneficial to our health provided they are carried out with care and under correct
supervision and are not (15)_______ to an extreme.
Question 1: A. reaches B. approaches C. arrives D. appears
Question 2: A. spare B. blank C. leisure D. free
Question 3: A. overlook B. miss C. forget D. fail
Question 4: A. put aside B. made up C. paid out D. taken in
Question 5: A. benefit B. profit C. favour D. help
Question 6: A. doing B. performing C. acting D. making
Question 7: A. reply B. collaboration C. turn D. conjunction
Question 8: A. taken B. vanished C. burnt D. left
Question 9: A. arises B. raises C. rises D. progresses
Question 10: A. Therefore B. However C. Additionally D. Moreover
Question 11: A. cool down B. get off C. play out D. warm up
Question 12: A. break B. exhaust C. sprain D. strain
Question 13: A. stressful B. mental C. natural D. physical
Question 14: A. review B. account C. judgment D. discussion
Question 15: A. led B. dragged C. taken D. forced
The point of Phobia Awareness Week is to highlight the difficulties that many people face in
everyday situations. It is important to (56) _____ between a fear and a phobia. It's (57) _____ usual for
all of us to have our own peculiar fears, for example being anxious around snakes or nervous about
flying. However, only a very small proportion of us actually have a phobia of these things. When
these fears begin to (58) _____ you embarrassment or you feel that your life is being disrupted then
you would be wise to (59) _____ treatment for what could potentially be a phobia. By far the most
(60) _____ phobia and potentially the most disruptive is agoraphobia. The word derives from Greek
and (61) _____ means 'fear of the marketplace' but we apply it today to describe a distressing (62)
_____ in which people avoid going outside because of the awful feelings of anxiety that arise.
Treatment of phobias usually consists of the patient (63) _____ behavioural therapy during which
they gradually get used to being near the object or the situation that causes them fear. Drugs may be
(64) _____ to treat anxiety and many people opt for alternative therapy such as acupuncture or
hypnosis to help them come to terms with their fear and conquer it.
Question 56 A. choose B. distinguish C. select D. pick
Question 57 A. very B. absolutely C. quite D. truly
Question 58 A. cause B. make C. create D. give
Question 59 A. explore B. hunt C. search D. seek
Question 60 A. standard B. average C. normal D. common
Question 61 A. precisely B. specifically C. literally D. exactly
Question 62 A. illness B. condition C. disease D. injury
Question 63 A. undergoing B. taking C. experiencing D. doing
Question 64 A. released B. issued C. certified D. prescribed

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