TEST-8: Lesson 6 India's External Sector

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October 6th, 2019

Lesson 6
India’s External Sector
India’s External Sector ............................................. 2 Exchange Rate in the Long Run ......................... 14
Meaning of An Open Economy ............................ 2 Fixed Exchange Rate .......................................... 14
Output Market Linkage..................................... 2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Fixed Exchange
Rate Systems...................................................... 16
Financial Market Linkage .................................. 2
Advantages and Disadvantages of Flexible
Labour Market Linkage ..................................... 2 Exchange Rate.................................................... 16
Meaning of Closed Economy ............................... 2 Managed Floating (Managed Flexible Exchange
Pros and Cons of an Open Economy .................... 3 Rate)................................................................... 17
Advantages of an Open Economy..................... 3 Steps that can be taken to control too much
Deprecation ....................................................... 18
Disadvantages of an Open Economy ................ 3
Nominal and Real Exchange Rate ................... 19
Balance of Payment ............................................. 3
Nominal Exchange Rate ..................................... 19
Meaning ............................................................ 3
Real Exchange Rate ............................................ 19
Current Account ............................................... 4
Exchange Rate Management in India................. 19
Trade in Goods ..................................................... 4
The Indian Experience ..................................... 19
Trade in Services .................................................. 4
Convertibility of Rupee ................................... 20
Transfer Payments ............................................... 5
Concept of Convertibility ................................... 20
Balance on Current Account ................................ 6
Concept of Current Account Convertibility ....... 20
Capital Account ................................................. 7
Concept of Capital Account Convertibility......... 21
Investments.......................................................... 7
Is Indian National Rupee Convertible? .............. 21
External Borrowings ............................................. 8
Advantages of a Fully Convertible Currency ...... 22
External Assistance .............................................. 8
Disadvantages of A Fully Convertible Currency . 23
Balance on Capital Account ................................. 8
India’s FOREX Reserves ................................... 23
Representative Balance of Payments for India 8
What are Forex Reserves? ................................. 23
Balance of Payments Surplus and Deficit ......... 9
RBI Act 1934 and Forex Reserves ...................... 23
BoP Surplus .......................................................... 9
Objectives of Holding Forex Reserves ............... 23
BoP Deficit ............................................................ 9
Components of India's Foreign Exchange
BoP – Achieving a Balance ................................... 9 Reserves ............................................................. 23
Official Reserve Sale ............................................. 9 MCQs for Practice................................................... 25
Autonomous and Accommodating Transactions
MCQs with Answer and Explanation ...................... 26
Errors and Omissions .........................................10
Foreign Exchange Market .................................. 11
Foreign Exchange Rate ................................... 11
Demand for Foreign Exchange ...........................11
Supply of Foreign Exchange ...............................11
Determination of the Exchange Rate ............. 12
Flexible Exchange Rate.......................................12
Interest Rates and the Exchange Rate ...............13
Income and Exchange Rate ................................13
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foreign sector. It is "open" in the sense that goods
INDIA’S EXTERNAL SECTOR and services flow into and out of the country. The
alternative to an open economy is a closed
economy, one that does not engage in
MEANING OF AN OPEN ECONOMY international trade.
An open economy is one which interacts with other
countries through various channels. So far, we had MEANING OF CLOSED ECONOMY
not considered this aspect and just limited to a
closed economy in which there are no linkages with The alternative to an open economy is a closed
the rest of the world in order to simplify our analysis economy. A closed economy is a nation that does
and explain the basic macroeconomic mechanisms. not engage in international trade. The country has
In reality, most modern economies are open. There neither exports nor imports and no other economic
are three ways in which these linkages are interaction with the foreign sector. Its borders are
established. effectively "closed" to the rest of the world.

OUTPUT MARKET LINKAGE While examples of closed economies populate the

historical landscape, virtually all economies in the
An economy can trade in goods and services with modern world are open and engage in assorted
other countries. This widens choice in the sense that forms of international interaction, particularly
consumers and producers can choose between international trade. The question is not so much one
domestic and foreign goods. of open versus closed, but the degree of openness.
FINANCIAL MARKET LINKAGE Some open economies engage in only limited
interaction with their foreign sector and are largely
The movement of capital is essentially investment. self-sufficient. Others engage in a great deal more
While the flow of physical capital can and does occur, international interaction.
the flow of financial capital is quite common in open
economies. Financial capital is the funds used to Large economies, like that in the United States, tend
purchase physical capital, and is much easier to to more self-sufficient that smaller economies, such
"transport" than physical capital. The flow of as Denmark, and thus engage in relatively less
financial funds into and out of open economies is international trade. For this reason smaller
termed foreign direct investment. The flow of funds economies tend to be relatively more open than
into an open economy means foreign citizens gain larger economies.
ownership (and often management control) over
physical capital, something that concerns domestic KEY DEFINITION
International Trade: The economic interaction
LABOUR MARKET LINKAGE among different nations involving the exchange of
goods and services, that is, exports and imports.
The movement of labour, generally termed The guiding principle of international trade is
migration, flows into and out of an open economy. comparative advantage, which indicates that
The flow of labour into an economy is termed every country, no matter their level of
immigration and the flow out is termed emigration. development, can find something that it can
The movement of labour is largely in response to produce cheaper than another country.
wage differentials between economies. That is, International finance, the study of payments
workers are attracted to higher wages. between nations, is a related area of international
economics. A summary of international trade
KEY DEFINITION undertaken by a particular nation is given with the
balance of trade.
Open Economy: An economy that engages in
international trade, especially one that exports Degree of Openness: Economic openness, in
goods and services to, and imports goods and political economy, the degree to which
services from, other economies that make up its
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nondomestic transactions (imports and exports) fluctuations, market crashes and high
take place and affect the size and growth of a unemployment rates in one country can spread
national economy. The degree of openness is to other economies.
measured by the actual size of registered imports ▪ In an open economy, many businesses may try to
and exports within a national economy, also reduce their costs and maximize profits by
known as the Impex rate. This measure is exploiting employees or importing poor quality
presently used by most political economists in products and raw materials.
empirically analyzing the impact and ▪ Additionally, large organizations can dominate
consequences of trading on the social and certain markets, creating monopolies and
economic situation of a country. setting unfair prices. The increasing number of
foreign companies can kill local businesses.

Where X is total exports and M is total imports in
one accounting period.
The balance of payments (BoP) record the
transactions in goods, services and assets between
PROS AND CONS OF AN OPEN residents of a country with the rest of the world for
ECONOMY a specified time period typically a year. There are
two main accounts in the BoP — the current
ADVANTAGES OF AN OPEN ECONOMY account and the capital account.

▪ Collaboration drives growth. In an open There is a new classification in which the balance of
economy, people can exchange goods and payments have been divided into three accounts —
services, start or expand their business across the current account, the financial account and the
borders and enjoy lower costs. capital account. This is as per the new accounting
▪ Customers have access to a wide range of standards specified by the International Monetary
products that may not be otherwise available. Fund (IMF) in the sixth edition of the Balance of
▪ This type of economy encourages competition Payments and International Investment Position
among domestic producers, which translates Manual (BPM6). India has also made the change but
into higher quality products and lower prices. the Reserve Bank of India continues to publish data
▪ Another advantage of an open economy is the accounting to the old classification. The most
ability to sell exports at higher prices and get important change is that almost all the transactions
cheaper imports. arising on account of trade in financial assets such as
▪ Entrepreneurship is highly encouraged as well. bonds and equity shares are now placed in the
Those who plan to start a business can freely financial account. However, RBI continues to publish
exchange information and resources with the balance of payments accounts as per the old
foreign companies. This allows them to keep the system also, therefore the details of the new system
costs low and access the latest technologies so are not being given here. The details are given in the
they can offer innovative products at Balance of Payments Manual for India published by
competitive rates. the Reserve Bank of India in September 2010.
▪ Furthermore, access to technology and know-
how boosts productivity and innovation in the KEY DEFINITION
Balance of payments: The difference between the
funds received by a country and those paid by a
country for all international transactions. The
▪ Despite their apparent advantages, open international transactions include the exchange of
economies are far from perfect. First of all, merchandise (exports and imports), which is
they're vulnerable to external threats. Price commonly summarized as the balance of trade,

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plus the exchange of services, summarized as the their goods to foreign countries--leading to more
balance of services, as well as any gifts or transfer buyers, a higher price, and more profit.
payments that do not involve the exchange of
goods and services. The balance of payments, in Major exports from India include: Precious stones
effect, indicates the difference between currency and metals, Refined petroleum, Automobiles,
coming into a country and that flowing out of the Machinery and mechanical appliances, Organic
country. The balance of payments is divided into chemicals, Pharmaceutical products, Iron and steel,
two accounts -- current account (which includes Textiles and Electrical machinery.
payments for imports, exports, services, and
transfers) and capital account (which includes
payments for physical and financial assets).
Imports of goods refer to goods produced by the
foreign sector and purchased by the domestic
CURRENT ACCOUNT economy. In other words, imports are goods
purchased from other countries. India, for example,
The current account is a record of all trade between buys a lot of the stuff produced within the
one nation and other nations. It includes payments boundaries of other countries.
for imports and exports of both goods and services.
It also includes monetary gifts or transfer payments Major imports into India include: Petroleum Oil and
to and from other nations. The current account of Lubricants, Capital Goods (Machinery, Base metal,
the balance of payments is record of the flow of Transport equipment), Gems and Jewellery,
payments between one country and other Chemical and Related Products (Organic chemicals,
countries that result from: (1) the exchange of Fertilizers), Electronic Goods, Agriculture and Allied
goods (exports and imports), which is the balance of Products and Ores and Minerals (Coal, Coke, etc.)
trade, (2) the exchange of services, summarized as
the balance of invisibles, and (3) any gifts or transfer Buying foreign goods is expenditure from our
payments that do not involve the exchange of goods country and it becomes the income of that foreign
and services, which is unilateral transfers. country. Hence, the purchase of foreign goods or
imports decreases the domestic demand for goods
and services produced in our country.
Account Imports, together with exports, are the essence of
foreign trade--goods and services that are traded
Trade in Transfer
among the citizens of different nations. Imports and
Trade in Goods
Services Payments
exports are frequently combined into a single term,
net exports (exports minus imports).
Exports of Imports of Net Factor Net Non-factor
Goods Goods Income Income

Trade in services includes factor income and non-

factor income transactions.
Trade in goods includes exports and imports of
goods While most production within a nation's political
boundaries is undertaken by resources owned by
EXPORTS OF GOODS citizens of that nation, there are exceptions. Some
citizens own resources that do their production in
Exports of goods is sale of domestically produced the foreign sector. And some resources owned by
goods to a foreign country. India, for example, sells foreign citizens do their production within the
a lot of the stuff produced within our boundaries to political boundaries of the domestic economy. Net
other countries. In general, domestic producers (and factor income captures these exceptions.
their workers) are elated with the prospect of selling

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Suppose, for example, that a foreign citizen is
employed in the domestic economy. For example,
suppose that Yuri Boyka, a citizen of Russia, has
found employment in India. Boyka’s productive
efforts is included in gross DOMESTIC product, but Non-factor services comprise shipment, passenger
not gross NATIONAL product. Boyka’s income falls and other transport services, and travel, as well as
under the heading of factor payments made to current account transactions not separately
foreign citizens for domestic production. reported (e.g., not classified as merchandise,
nonfactor services, or transfers).
Alternatively, suppose a domestic citizen is
employed in the foreign sector. For example, Software exports are classified within invisibles
suppose that Vijendar Singh, a citizen of India, finds under the sub-head `miscellaneous non-factor
employment in Russia. Singh's productive efforts services'. Non-factor services refer to all invisible
are included in gross NATIONAL product, but not receipts or payments not attributable to any of the
gross DOMESTIC product. Singh's income falls under conventional `factors of production', i.e. labour
the heading of factor payments received from the (remittances from overseas migrants) and capital
foreign sector by domestic citizens. (income from investments, interest payments,
dividend repatriation). Thus, non-factor services
If Boyka earns Rs 15 lakhs in a given year for his include forex earnings and expenses on account of
productive efforts in India, while Singh earns Rs 20 tourism, shipping/freight and various
lakhs for this work in Russia, then net factor income `miscellaneous' sub-heads, under which export of
from abroad is Rs 5 lakhs (Rs 20 lakhs – Rs 15 lakhs). software features.
As such, gross DOMESTIC product is Rs 5 lakhs LESS
than gross NATIONAL product. KEY DEFINITION

Net factor income from abroad (NFIA) captures the Invisibles: Payments and receipts resulting from
net flow of income payments between the international trade in 'invisible' services instead of
domestic economy and the foreign sector. It is the 'visible' goods. Invisibles include banking,
difference foreign payments to domestic citizens franchising, insurance, interest (on foreign
and domestic income payments to foreign citizens. investments), licensing, profit repatriation (from
NFIA is usually quite small. However, the two foreign subsidiaries), salary remittances (from
components of net foreign factor income: (1) nationals employed abroad), shipping, and
foreign payments to domestic citizens and (2) tourism.
domestic payments to foreign citizens are more
substantial. Net foreign factor income is small QUESTION 1
because the two larger components almost cancel Q. In terms of economy, the visit by foreign
out. nationals to witness the XIX commonwealth
games in India amounted to [2011 - I]
(b) Import
Factor Services: Comprises services of labour and (c) Production
capital, thus covering income from direct (d) Consumption
investment abroad, interest, dividends, and Answer: A
property and labour income.

Net Factor Income from Abroad: The difference TRANSFER PAYMENTS

between factor payments received from the
foreign sector by domestic citizens and factor Transfers represent one-sided transactions, i.e.,
payments made to foreign citizens for domestic transactions that do not have any quid pro quo, such
production. Net factor income from abroad (NFIA) as grants, gifts, and migrants’ transfers by way of
is the key difference between gross DOMESTIC remittances for family maintenance, repatriation of
product and gross NATIONAL product savings and transfer of financial and real resources

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linked to change in resident status of migrants. Invisibles include services, transfers and flows of
Official transfer receipts include grants, donations income that take place between different countries.
and other assistance received by the Government Services trade includes both factor and non-factor
from bilateral and multilateral institutions. Similar income.
transfers by Indian Government to other countries
are recorded under official transfer payments. Factor income includes net international earnings
on factors of production (like labour, land and
Current Account is in balance when receipts on Non-factor income is net sale of service products
current account are equal to the payments on the like shipping, banking, tourism, software services,
current account. A surplus current account means etc.
that the nation is a lender to other countries and a
deficit current account means that the nation is a
borrower from other countries.
Balance of Trade: The difference between funds
Current Balanced Current received by a country when exporting
Account Current Account merchandise and the funds paid for importing
Surplus Account Deficit merchandise. The balance of trade is a major part
Receipts > Receipts = Receipts < of the current accounts portion of the balance of
Payments Payments Payments payments. A balance of trade surplus results if
exports exceed imports, commonly termed a
favorable balance of trade, and a balance of trade
Balance on Current Account has three components: deficit exists if imports exceed exports,
▪ Balance of Trade or Trade Balance analogously termed an unfavorable balance of
▪ Balance on Invisibles trade.
▪ Balance on Transfers (included in Balance on
Invisibles) Balance of Services: The difference between
BALANCE OF TRADE funds received by a country when exporting
services and the funds paid for importing services.
Balance of Trade (BOT) is the difference between The balance of services is one part of the current
the value of exports and value of imports of goods accounts portion of the balance of payments, the
of a country in a given period of time. Export of other is major part is the balance of trade. The
goods is entered as a credit item in BOT, whereas balance of services is very much like the
import of goods is entered as a debit item in BOT. It merchandise balance of trade, excepct intangible
is also known as Trade Balance. services are being exported and imported rather
than tangible goods. Like the balance of trade, the
BOT is said to be in balance when exports of goods balance of services can be out of balance. A
are equal to the imports of goods. balance of services surplus results if service
exports exceed imports, also termed a favorable
Surplus BOT or Trade surplus will arise if country balance of services, and a balance of services
exports more goods than what it imports. deficit exists if service imports exceed exports,
analogously termed an unfavorable balance of
Whereas, Deficit BOT or Trade deficit will arise if a services.
country imports more goods than what it exports.
Balance of Transfer: This is the difference
BALANCE ON INVISIBLES between gifts or transfers received from other
nations and transfers sent to other nations. In
Net Invisibles is the difference between the value of includes gifts or transfers between individuals,
exports and value of imports of invisibles of a and perhaps more important, it includes transfers
country in a given period of time. between governments.

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QUESTION 2 Capital
Q. Consider the following actions which the
government can take: [2011 - I]
1. Devaluing the domestic currency. External External
2. Reduction in the export subsidy. Borrowings Assitance

3. Adopting suitable policies which attract greater

FDI and more funds from FIIs. Direct Portfolio ECB, Short-
Aid, Loans
Which of the above action/actions can help in Investment Investment Term Debt
reducing the current account deficit?
(a) 1 and 2
FDI, Equity FII, Offshore
(b) 2 and 3 Capital Funds
(c) 3 only
(d) 1 and 3 INVESTMENTS
Answer: D
Foreign investment involves capital flows from one
QUESTION 3 country to another, granting extensive ownership
Q. With reference to Balance of Payments, stakes in domestic companies and assets. Foreign
which of the following constitutes/constitute the investment denotes that foreigners have an active
Current Account? [2014 - I] role in management as a part of their investment.
1. Balance of trade DIRECT INVESTMENTS
2. Foreign assets
3. Balance of invisibles Direct Investment is the acquisition of controlling
4. Special Drawing Rights interest in foreign firms and businesses from one
Select the correct answer using the code given country in another country. Abbreviated FDI, foreign
below: direct investment can also take the form of
(a) 1 only constructing factories, structures and equipment
(b) 2 and 3 (or any form of physical capital) in foreign soil.
(c) 1 and 3
(d) 1, 2 and 4 Domestic Direct Investment in Foreign Sector: This
Answer: C is the net flow of payments used by those in the
domestic economy to purchase physical assets in
other nations. (Example: Indian buys a UK car
Capital Account records all international
transactions of assets. An asset is any one of the Foreign Direct Investment in Domestic Sector: This
forms in which wealth can be held, for example: is the net flow of payments used by those in the
money, stocks, bonds, Government debt, etc. foreign sector to purchase physical assets in the
Purchase of assets is a debit item on the capital domestic economy. (Example: Chinese buys an
account. If an Indian buys a UK Car Company, it Indian car company)
enters capital account transactions as a debit item PORTFOLIO INVESTMENTS
(as foreign exchange is flowing out of India). On the
other hand, sale of assets like sale of share of an Portfolio Investment is the acquisition of financial
Indian company to a Chinese customer is a credit assets (which includes stock, bonds, deposits, and
item on the capital account. Following figures currencies) from one country in another country. In
classifies the items which are a part of capital contrast to foreign direct investment, which is the
account transactions. These items are Foreign acquisition of controlling interest in foreign firms
Direct Investments (FDIs), Foreign Institutional and businesses, portfolio investment is foreign
Investments (FIIs), external borrowings and investment into the stock markets. Most
assistance. economists consider foreign direct investment more
useful than portfolio investment since the latter is
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generally regarded as temporal and can leave the Select the correct answer using the codes given
foreign country at the first sign of trouble. below:
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Domestic Portfolio Investment in Foreign Sector: (b) 2 and 4 only
This is the net flow of payments used by those in the (c) 1 and 3 only
domestic economy to purchase financial assets in (d) 1, 2 and 3 only
other nations. Answer: D

Foreign Portfolio Investment in Domestic Sector:

This is the net flow of payments used by those in the EXTERNAL BORROWINGS
foreign sector to purchase financial assets in the
domestic economy. External debt is the portion of a country's debt that
was borrowed from foreign lenders, including
commercial banks, governments, or international
QUESTION 4 financial institutions. These loans, including
Q. Global capital flows to developing countries interest, must usually be paid in the currency in
increased significantly during the nineties. In which the loan was made. To earn the needed
view of the East Asian financial crisis and Latin currency, the borrowing country may sell and export
American experience, which type of inflow is goods to the lender's country.
good for the host country? [2002]
(a) Commercial loans External Commercial borrowings cover all
(b) Foreign Direct Investment medium/long term loans. It denotes drawls/
(c) Foreign Portfolio Investment repayment of loans including buyers’ credit,
(d) External Commercial borrowings suppliers’ credit, floating rate notes (FRNs),
Answer: B commercial paper (CP), bonds, foreign currency
convertible bonds (FCCBs) issued abroad by the
Indian corporates etc.
Q. Both Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and EXTERNAL ASSISTANCE
Foreign Institutional Investor (FII) are related to
investment in a country. Which one of the External assistance by India denotes aid extended by
following statements best represents an India to other foreign Governments under various
important difference between the two? [2011 - I] agreements and repayment of such loans. External
(a) FII helps bring better management skills and Assistance to India denotes multilateral and
technology, while FDI only brings in capital. bilateral loans received under the agreements
(b) FII helps in increasing capital availability in between Government of India and other
general, while FDI only targets specific sectors. Governments/International institutions and
(c) FDI flows only into the secondary market while repayments of such loans by India.
FII targets primary market
(d) FII is considered to be more stable than FDI.

Capital account is in balance when capital inflows

QUESTION 6 (like receipt of loans from abroad, sale of assets or
Q. Which of the following would include Foreign shares in foreign companies) are equal to capital
Direct Investment in India? [2012 - I] outflows (like repayment of loans, purchase of
1. Subsidiaries of foreign companies in India assets or shares in foreign countries). Surplus in
2. Majority foreign equity holding in Indian capital account arises when capital inflows are
companies greater than capital outflows, whereas deficit in
3. Companies exclusively financed by foreign capital account arises when capital inflows are
companies lesser than capital outflows.
4. Portfolio investment
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No. Item Million USD
1. Exports (of goods only) 150 Fixing the currency exchange rate below the
2. Imports (of goods only) 240 flexible exchange rate equilibrium level not only
3. Trade Balance [2 – 1] –90 generates a balance of trade surplus (as the
4. (Net) Invisibles [4a + 4b + 4c] 52 relatively low exchange rate encourages exports and
a. Non-factor Services 30 discourages imports), but it can also temporarily
b. Income –10 generate a balance of payments surplus (as more
c. Transfers 32 payments come in for exports than go out for
5. Current Account Balance [ 3+ 4] –38 imports).
6. Capital Account Balance [6a +
6b + 6c + 6d + 6e + 6f]
a. External Assistance (net) 0.15 BOP DEFICIT
b. External Commercial
Borrowings (net) Alternatively, a balance of payments deficit would
c. Short-term Debt 10 occur if the balance is less than zero. This means that
d. Banking Capital (net) of which 15 the country has a net outflow of payments. More
Non-resident Deposits (net) 9 payments are going out of the country for imports,
e. Foreign Investments (net) of transfers, or investments than are coming in.
which 19
[6eA + 6eB] Fixing the currency exchange rate above the flexible
A. FDI (net) 13 exchange rate equilibrium level not only generates
B. Portfolio (net) 6 a balance of trade deficit (as the relatively high
f. Other Flows (net) –5 exchange rate discourages exports and encourages
7. Errors and Omissions 3.15 imports), but it can also temporarily generate a
8. Overall Balance [5 + 6 + 7] 0 balance of payments deficit (as fewer payments
9. Reserves Change 0 come in for exports than go out for imports).


Q. Which of the following constitute Capital
Account? [2013 - I] The essence of international payments is that just
1. Foreign Loans like an individual who spends more than her income
2. Foreign Direct Investment must finance the difference by selling assets or by
3. Private Remittances borrowing, a country that has a deficit in its current
4. Portfolio Investment account (spending more than it receives from sales
Select the correct answer using the codes given to the rest of the world) must finance it by selling
below: assets or by borrowing abroad. Thus, any current
(a) 1, 2 and 3 account deficit must be financed by a capital
(b) 1, 2 and 4 account surplus, that is, a net capital inflow.
(c) 2, 3 and 4
(d) 1, 3 and 4 Current account + Capital account = 0
Answer: B
In this case, in which a country is said to be in balance
of payments equilibrium, the current account deficit
BALANCE OF PAYMENTS SURPLUS is financed entirely by international lending without
AND DEFICIT any reserve movements.

A balance of payments surplus would occur if the Alternatively, the country could use its reserves of
balance is greater than zero. This means that the foreign exchange in order to balance any deficit in
country has a net inflow of payments. More its balance of payments. The reserve bank sells
payments are coming in to the country for exports, foreign exchange when there is a deficit. This is
transfers, or investments than are going out.
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called official reserve sale. The decrease (increase)
in official reserves is called the overall balance of External sector: It refers to the economic
payments deficit (surplus). transaction of the domestic country with the rest
of the world.
The basic premise is that the monetary authorities
are the ultimate financiers of any deficit in the Exports: Sale of goods and services by the
balance of payments (or the recipients of any domestic country to the rest of the world.
surplus). We note that official reserve transactions
are more relevant under a regime of fixed exchange Imports: Sale of goods and services to the
rates than when exchange rates are floating. domestic country by the rest of the world.
AUTONOMOUS AND ACCOMMODATING Foreign Direct Investment: A foreign direct
investment (FDI) is an investment made by a firm
or individual in one country into business interests
International economic transactions are called
located in another country.
autonomous when transactions are made due to
some reason other than to bridge the gap in the
Foreign Portfolio Investment: Foreign portfolio
balance of payments, that is, when they are
investment (FPI) consists of securities and other
independent of the state of BoP. One reason could
financial assets held by investors in another
be to earn profit. These items are called ‘above the
country. It does not provide the investor with
line’ items in the BoP. The balance of payments is
direct ownership of a company's assets and is
said to be in surplus (deficit) if autonomous receipts
relatively liquid depending on the volatility of the
are greater (less) than autonomous payments.
Accommodating transactions (termed ‘below the
External Debt: External debt is the portion of a
line’ items), on the other hand, are determined by
country's debt that was borrowed from foreign
the gap in the balance of payments, that is, whether
lenders, including commercial banks,
there is a deficit or surplus in the balance of
governments, or international financial
payments. In other words, they are determined by
the net consequences of the autonomous
transactions. Since the official reserve transactions
Balance of payments: A set of accounts that
are made to bridge the gap in the BoP, they are seen
summarise a country’s transactions with the rest
as the accommodating item in the BoP (all others
of the world.
being autonomous).

ERRORS AND OMISSIONS Foreign exchange reserves: Foreign assets held by

the central bank of the country.
It is difficult to record all international transactions
accurately. Thus, we have a third element of BoP Official Reserve Transactions: Official reserve
(apart from the current and capital accounts) called transactions are the transactions made by the
errors and omissions which reflects this. Central Bank which cause changes in its official
reserves of foreign exchange. It takes effect in the
foreign reserve of the country. This transaction
BoP Deficit Balanced BoP BoP Surplus happens only when an economy withdraws from
its stock of foreign exchange reserves to finance
the deficit in its overall Balance of Payments.
Overall Overall Overall
Balance < 0 Balance = 0 Balance > 0
Reserve Reserve Reserve Q. Consider the following statements: [2006]
Change > 0 Change = 0 Change < 0 Assertion (A): Balance of Payments represents a
better Picture of a country economic transactions
with the rest of the world than the Balance of
KEY DEFINITION Trade Balance of Payments takes into account
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Reason (R): the exchange of both visible and
invisible items whereas balance of Trade does not. KEY DEFINITION
Select the correct answer using the code given
below: Foreign exchange: Foreign currency, all currencies
(a) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’, are individually true and ‘R’ is other than the domestic currency of a given
the correct explanation of ‘A’. country.
(b) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are individually true but ‘R’ is
not the, correct explanation of ‘A’.
(c) ‘A’ is true but ‘R’ is false. FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATE
(d) ‘A’ is false but ‘R’ is true.
Answer: A Foreign Exchange Rate (also called Forex Rate) is the
price of one currency in terms of another. It links
the currencies of different countries and enables
QUESTION 9 comparison of international costs and prices. For
Q. In the context of India, which of the following example, if we have to pay Rs 70 for $1 then the
factors is/are contributor/contributors to exchange rate is Rs 70 per dollar. To make it simple,
reducing the risk of a currency crisis? [2019] let us consider that India and USA are the only
1. The foreign currency earnings of India’s IT countries in the world and so there is only one
sector. exchange rate that needs to be determined.
2. Increasing the government expenditure.
3. Remittances from Indians abroad. KEY DEFINITION
Select the correct answer using the code given
below: Exchange Rate: An exchange rate is the value of
(a) 1 only one nation's currency versus the currency of
(b) 1 and 3 only another nation or economic zone. For example,
(c) 2 only how many Indian Rupees does it take to buy one
(d) 1, 2 and 3 dollar? As of Jan. 22, 2020, the exchange rate is
Answer: B 71.12, meaning it takes Rs 71.12 to buy $1.


So far, we have considered the accounting of People demand foreign exchange because: they
international transactions on the whole, we will now want to purchase goods and services from other
take up a single transaction. countries; they want to send gifts abroad; and, they
want to purchase financial assets of a certain
Let us assume that a single Indian resident wants to country. A rise in price of foreign exchange will
visit London on a vacation (an import of tourist increase the cost (in terms of rupees) of purchasing
services). She will have to pay in pounds for her stay a foreign good. This reduces demand for imports
there. She will need to know where to obtain the and hence demand for foreign exchange also
pounds and at what price. This price is known as the decreases, other things remaining constant.
exchange rate. The market in which national
currencies are traded for one another is known as SUPPLY OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE
the foreign exchange market. The major
participants in the foreign exchange market are Foreign currency flows into the home country due to
commercial banks, foreign exchange brokers and the following reasons: exports by a country lead to
other authorised dealers and monetary authorities. the purchase of its domestic goods and services by
the foreigners; foreigners send gifts or make
It is important to note that although participants transfers; and, the assets of a home country are
themselves may have their own trading centres, the bought by the foreigners. A rise in price of foreign
market itself is world-wide. There is a close and exchange will reduce the foreigner’s cost (in terms
continuous contact between the trading centres and of USD) while purchasing products from India, other
the participants deal in more than one market. things remaining constant. This increases India’s

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exports and hence supply for foreign exchange may increase in demand for foreign goods and services
increase. result in a change in the exchange rate.



Different countries have different methods of

determining their currency’s exchange rate. It can be
determined through Flexible Exchange Rate, Fixed
Exchange Rate or Managed Floating Exchange Rate.


A flexible exchange rate is a "hands off," non-

intervening policy that allows the foreign exchange
market to adjust to equilibrium through the balance
of demand and supply with no explicit government
actions. The presumption is that the resulting The initial exchange rate e* = 70, which means that
exchange rate generates a better outcome for we need to exchange Rs 50 for one dollar. At the
international trade, the balance of trade, and the new equilibrium, the exchange rate becomes e1 =
balance of payments than what could be achieved 75, which means that we need to pay more rupees
through government intervention. for a dollar now (i.e., Rs 75). It indicates that the
value of rupees in terms of dollars has fallen and
As depicted in the following figure, the exchange value of dollar in terms of rupees has risen.
rate is determined where the demand curve
Demand Curve Supply Curve
intersects with the supply curve, i.e., at point e on
the Y – axis. Point q on the x – axis determines the Meaning Implication Meaning Implication
quantity of US Dollars that have been demanded and
Supply Demand
supplied on e exchange rate. In a completely flexible Demand remaining Supply remaining
system, the Central banks do not intervene in the Rightwards
has constant, has constant,
increased price will increased prices will
foreign exchange market.
increase decrease

Supply Demand
Demand remaining Supply remaining
has constant, has constant,
decreased price will decreased prices will
decrease increase


Increase in exchange rate implies that the price of

foreign currency (dollar) in terms of domestic
currency (rupees) has increased. This is called
Depreciation of domestic currency (rupees) in terms
of foreign currency (dollars).
Suppose the demand for foreign goods and services
increases (for example, due to increased
international travelling by Indians), then as depicted
Similarly, in a flexible exchange rate regime, when
in the following figure, the demand curve shifts the price of domestic currency (rupees) in terms of
upward and right to the original demand curve. The foreign currency (dollars) increases, it is called
Appreciation of the domestic currency (rupees) in
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terms of foreign currency (dollars). This means that around the world in search of the highest interest
the value of rupees relative to dollar has risen and rates. If we assume that government bonds in
we need to pay fewer rupees in exchange for one country A pay 8 per cent rate of interest whereas
dollar. equally safe bonds in county B yield 10 per cent, the
Example of Appreciation/Depreciation interest rate differential is 2 per cent. Investors
from country A will be attracted by the high interest
Exchange Rate Exchange Rate rates in country B and will buy the currency of
(Rs/$) on (Rs/$) on country B selling their own currency.
01.01.20 31.01.20
Appreciation 70 65 At the same time investors in country B will also find
Depreciation 70 75 investing in their own country more attractive and
will therefore demand less of country A’s currency.
Impact of Appreciation/Depreciation on
Exports/Imports This means that the demand curve for country A’s
currency will shift to the left (i.e. demand
Exports Imports decreases) and the supply curve will shift to the
Appreciation Discouraged Encouraged right (i.e. supply will increase) causing a
Depreciation Encouraged Discouraged depreciation of country A’s currency and an
appreciation of country B’s currency.

Thus, a rise in the interest rates at home often leads

SPECULATION to an appreciation of the domestic currency. Here,
the implicit assumption is that no restrictions exist in
Money in any country is an asset. If Indians believe buying bonds issued by foreign governments.
that British pound is going to increase in value
relative to the rupee, they will want to hold pounds. INCOME AND EXCHANGE RATE
Thus, exchange rates also get affected when people
hold foreign exchange on the expectation that they When income increases, consumer spending
can make gains from the appreciation of the increases. Spending on imported goods is also likely
currency. This expectation in turn can actually affect to increase.
the exchange rate in the following way.
When imports increase, the demand curve for
If the current exchange rate is Rs. 80 to a pound and foreign exchange shifts to the right (i.e. demand will
investors believe that the pound is going to increase). There is a depreciation of the domestic
appreciate by the end of the month and will be currency (due to an appreciation in foreign
worth Rs.85, investors think if they gave the dealer currency).
Rs. 80,000 and bought 1000 pounds, at the end of
the month, they would be able to exchange the If there is an increase in income abroad as well,
pounds for Rs. 85,000, thus making a profit of Rs. domestic exports will rise and the supply curve of
5,000. This expectation would increase the demand foreign exchange shifts outward (i.e. supply
for pounds and cause the rupee-pound exchange increases).
rate to increase in the present, making the beliefs
self-fulfilling. On balance, the domestic currency may or may not
depreciate. What happens will depend on whether
INTEREST RATES AND THE EXCHANGE RATE exports are growing faster than imports.

In the short run, another factor that is important in In general, other things remaining equal, a country
determining exchange rate movements is the whose aggregate demand grows faster than the
interest rate differential i.e. the difference between rest of the world’s normally finds its currency
interest rates between countries. depreciating because its imports grow faster than
its exports. Its demand curve for foreign currency
There are huge funds owned by banks, multinational shifts faster than its supply curve.
corporations and wealthy individuals which move
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EXCHANGE RATE IN THE LONG RUN ones are capital, real estate, corporate stock, and
money. The depreciation of capital results from
The purchasing power parity (PPP) theory is used to the rigors of production and affects our economy's
make long-run predictions about exchange rates in ability to produce stuff. A sizable portion of our
a flexible exchange rate system. According to the annual investment is thus needed to replace
theory, as long as there are no barriers to trade like depreciated capital. The depreciation of a nation's
tariffs (taxes on trade) and quotas (quantitative money is seen as an increase in the exchange rate.
limits on imports), exchange rates should eventually
adjust so that the same product costs the same Speculation: Buying an asset with the intent of
whether measured in rupees in India, or dollars in reselling it later at a higher price. The purpose of
the US, yen in Japan and so on, except for speculation is simply to buy low today and sell high
differences in transportation. Over the long run, tomorrow. Those who engage in speculation have
therefore, exchange rates between any two no reason for buying the asset, other than resale
national currencies adjust to reflect differences in at a later time. Such speculation is quite common
the price levels in the two countries. in most financial markets.

KEY DEFINITION Purchasing Power Parity (PPP): PPP is an

economic theory that compares different
Flexible Exchange Rate: An exchange rate countries' currencies through a "basket of goods"
determined through the unrestricted interaction approach. According to this concept, two
of supply and demand in the foreign exchange currencies are in equilibrium—known as the
market. Also termed floating exchange rate, this is currencies being at par—when a basket of goods
one of three basic exchange rate policies used by is priced the same in both countries, taking into
domestic governments to control their exchange account the exchange rates.
rates with the goal of affecting international trade,
balance of trade, and balance of payments. This
policy is based on the view that the free interplay FIXED EXCHANGE RATE
of market forces is most likely to generate a
desireable pattern of international trade. The In this exchange rate system, the Government fixes
other two policies are fixed exchange rate and the exchange rate at a particular level.
managed flexible exchange rate.

Appreciation: A more or less permanent increase

in value or price. "More or less permanent"
doesn't include temporary, short-term jumps in
price that are common in many markets.
Appreciation is only those price increases that
reflect greater consumer satisfaction and thus
value. While all sorts of stuff can appreciate in
value, some of the more common ones are real
estate, works of art, corporate stock, and money.
In particular, the appreciation of a nation's money
is seen by an increase in the exchange rate caused
by a growing, expanding, and healthy economy.

Depreciation: A more or less permanent decrease

in value or price. "More or less permanent" In the above figure, the market determined
doesn't include temporary, short-term drops in exchange rate is e. However, let us suppose that for
price that are common in many markets. It's only some reason the Indian Government wants to
those price declines that reflect a reduction in encourage exports for which it needs to make rupee
consumer satisfaction. While all sorts of stuff can cheaper for foreigners it would do so by fixing a
depreciate in value, some of the more common

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higher exchange rate, say Rs 70 per dollar from the KEY DEFINITION
current exchange rate of Rs 50 per dollar.
Fixed Exchange Rate: A fixed exchange rate is an
Thus, the new exchange rate set by the Government exchange rate that is established at a specific level
is e1, where e1 > e. At this exchange rate, the supply and maintained through government actions
of dollars exceeds the demand for dollars. The RBI (usually through monetary policy actions of a
intervenes to purchase the dollars for rupees in the central bank). To fix an exchange rate, a
foreign exchange market in order to absorb this government must be willing to buy and sell
excess supply which has been marked as AB in the currency in the foreign exchange market in
figure. whatever amounts are necessary to keep the
exchange rate fixed.
Thus, through intervention, the Government can
maintain any exchange rate in the economy. But it Devaluation: The act of reducing the price
will be accumulating more and more foreign (exchange rate) of one nation's currency in terms
exchange so long as this intervention goes on. of other currencies. This is usually done by a
government to lower the price of the country's
On the other hand, if the government was to set an exports and raise the price of foreign imports,
exchange rate at a level such as e2, there would be which ultimately results in greater domestic
an excess demand for dollars in the foreign production. A government devalues its currency
exchange market. To meet this excess demand for by actively selling it and buying foreign currencies
dollars, the government would have to withdraw through the foreign exchange market.
dollars from its past holdings of dollars. If it fails to
do so, a black market for dollars may come up. Revaluation: The act of increasing the price
(exchange rate) of one nation's currency in terms
of other currencies. This is done by the
government if it wants to raise the price of the
In a fixed exchange rate system, when some
country's exports and lower the price of foreign
government action increases the exchange rate
imports. This is an appropriate action if the
(thereby, making domestic currency cheaper) is
country is running an undesired trade surplus with
called Devaluation.
other countries. The procedure for revaluation is
REVALUATION for the government to buy the nation's currency
and/or sell foreign currencies through the foreign
On the other hand, a Revaluation is said to occur, exchange market.
when the Government decreases the exchange rate
(thereby, making domestic currency costlier) in a
fixed exchange rate system.
Q. Consider the following statements: [1999]
Assertion (A): Devaluation of a currency may
Example of Devaluation/Revaluation
promote export.
Reason (R): Price of the country’s products in the
Exchange Rate Exchange Rate international market may fall due to devaluation.
(Rs/$) on (Rs/$) on Select the correct answer using the code given
01.01.20 31.01.20 below:
Devaluation 70 75 (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
Revaluation 70 65 explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct
Impact of Devaluation/Revaluation on explanation of A
Exports/Imports (c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
Exports Imports Answer: A
Devaluation Encouraged Discouraged
Revaluation Discouraged Encouraged

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ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF make exports uncompetitive. If it is too low, it
FIXED EXCHANGE RATE SYSTEMS could cause inflation.
▪ Require higher interest rates: If the currency is
falling below the exchange rate floor, the
▪ Avoid currency fluctuations: If the value of
government may be forced to put up interest
currencies fluctuates, significantly this can cause
rates – even if this is unsuitable for the economy.
problems for firms engaged in trade. For
▪ Current account imbalances: Fixed exchange
example, if a firm is exporting, a rapid
rates can lead to current account imbalances. For
appreciation in foreign exchange rate would
example, an overvalued exchange rate could
make its exports uncompetitive and therefore
cause a current account deficit.
may go out of business. If a firm relies on
▪ Difficulty in keeping the value of the currency: If
imported raw materials, a depreciation would
a currency is falling below its band the
increase the costs of imports and would reduce
government will have to intervene. If
membership of a fixed exchange rate is short-
▪ Stability encourages investment: The
lived, it defeats the purpose and rather than
uncertainty of exchange rate fluctuations can
gradual changes in the exchange rate, there is
reduce the incentive for firms to invest in export
added uncertainty and speculation about the
capacity. A fixed exchange rate provides greater
exchange rate.
certainty and encourages firms to invest.
▪ Speculative Attack: The main feature of the fixed
▪ Keep inflation low: Governments who allow
exchange rate system is that there must be
their exchange rate to depreciate may cause
credibility that the government will be able to
inflationary pressures to occur. Depreciation of
maintain the exchange rate at the level specified.
a currency can cause inflation because aggregate
Often, if there is a deficit in the BoP, in a fixed
demand increases, import prices increase and
exchange rate system, governments will have to
firms have less incentive to cut costs. A fixed
intervene to take care of the gap by use of its
exchange rate, by contrast, means firms have an
official reserves. If people know that the
incentive to keep cutting costs to remain
amount of reserves is inadequate, they would
begin to doubt the ability of the government to
DISADVANTAGES maintain the fixed rate. This may give rise to
▪ Conflict with other macroeconomic objectives: speculation of devaluation. When this belief
To maintain a fixed level of the exchange rate translates into aggressive buying of one currency
may conflict with other macroeconomic thereby forcing the government to devalue, it is
objectives. If a currency is under pressure and said to constitute a speculative attack on a
falling – the most effective way to increase the currency. Fixed exchange rates are prone to
value of a currency is to raise interest rates. This these kinds of attacks, as has been witnessed in
will increase hot money flows and also reduce the period before the collapse of the Bretton
inflationary pressures. However higher interest Woods System.
rates will cause lower aggregate demand (AD)
and lower economic growth, If the economy is ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF
growing slowly this may cause a recession and
rising unemployment. ADVANTAGES
▪ Less flexibility: In a fixed exchange rate, it is ▪ Market Determined Rates: Freely floating
difficult to respond to temporary shocks. For exchange rate means that the market will
example, if the price of oil increases, a country determine the rate at which one currency can be
which is a net oil importer will see a exchanged for another. The market will set these
deterioration in the current account balance of rates on a real time basis as and when new
payments. But in a fixed exchange rate, there is information flows in. This reduces the need for
no ability to devalue and reduce current account an elaborate mechanism to ensure that the
deficit. exchange rates remain within a particular
▪ Join at the wrong rate: It is difficult to know the range.
right rate to join at. If the rate is too high, it will ▪ Independence: Freely floating exchange rates
allow the governments and central banks of a
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nation to have a great degree of independence. However, these risks can be managed with tools
For instance, when the dollar raises its interest like hedging.
rates, all currencies pegged to it also have to ▪ Allocation of Resources: At a macro level, the
make necessary changes. Hence, the countries economy faces a problem while allocating
that have their currencies pegged to the dollar resources. This is because as exchange rates
have limited independence whereas countries change so does the benefit that can be derived
that let their currencies float have a far greater from resources. For instance, a rising exchange
degree of independence. rate makes imports a better option whereas a
▪ Less Probability of Speculative Attacks: A freely falling rate makes exports easier. Hence, if
floating currency faces adjustment on a minute exchange rate keeps of fluctuating, the country
to minute basis. The point is that speculative cannot really create a long-term strategy and
attacks happen only when the currency remains stick to it. The allocation of resources is
stagnant at a given point whereas its underlying optimized in the short run. However, in the long
fundamentals have changed. It is then that the run, this allocation seems to be ad-hoc since it
speculators see an opportunity to bring the does not follow any given plan.
currency to its equilibrium point quickly and ▪ Lack of Discipline: Lastly, freely floating
make a quick buck by doing so. However, if the exchange rates only make sense if the country
currency is traded on the Forex market as a freely has sufficient internal control mechanisms in
floating currency, adjustments happen on a place. Hence, if there is likelihood that the
minute to minute basis. Therefore, the gap monetary policy may be misused for personal
between the underlying fundamentals and the gains by a group of influential people, then it is
market value never really widens up enough for better to peg the currency to another more
the speculators to mount a sudden attack. developed currency. In this way, fiscal discipline
▪ Low Requirement of Reserves: A freely floating is imposed on the economy. Freely floating
exchange system does not require the central currencies provide independence. However, the
bank to hold massive reserves. This is because independence can only be utilized if the
the Central Bank does not have to conduct economy is disciplined enough.
active trading operations in order to maintain
the value of the currency. Central Bank MANAGED FLOATING (MANAGED FLEXIBLE
operations are a very rare event for countries
that have a floating rate system. This is a major
A managed flexible exchange rate is a combination
advantage of this system since holding foreign
of two other exchange rate policies -- fixed and
exchange for trading purposes is an expensive
flexible. It recognizes the benefits of a flexible
strategy. Firstly, it requires the country to
exchange rate automatically adjusting to
maintain a huge currency reserve. Then, it also
equilibrium in response to foreign exchange market
requires the central bank to have an active
disruptions. However, it also recognizes that the
trading desk 24 by7! The floating rate system is
resulting exchange rate might not always generate
simply a lot more convenient since it does not
desired international trade patterns and that
have any such requirements.
government might need to step in to fix the rate
DISADVANTAGES temporarily.
▪ Uncertainty: Firstly, a freely floating currency
rate implies a lot of volatility. The value of A managed float exchange rate policy is much like a
currencies changes on a real time basis. Also, mother who allows her young son to play outside but
since Forex market is not regulated, currency does not allow him to leave the backyard. Freely
values could skyrocket or hit rock bottom in a playing in the backyard is the flexible part and not
matter of minutes. In the short run, traders find leaving the backyard is the managed/fixed part.
it difficult to engage in foreign trade since they
are not aware of the exact prices that their goods This policy evolved from the historical inclination of
will fetch them. Movements in the currency most nations to fix exchange rates, which was then
market can cause a significant dent in the profits countered with the theoretical benefits of
of companies which indulge in foreign trade. unrestricted flexible exchange rates. Nations have
been prone to fix exchange rates above equilibrium
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levels as a means of encouraging exports and
discouraging imports. But this strategy cannot be
simultaneously undertaken by all nations and is STEPS THAT CAN BE TAKEN TO CONTROL
usually detrimental to global trade.
▪ RBI can start supplying US dollars in the market
A flexible exchange rate policy is generally more
to cool down the exchange rate. Increase in
efficient and lessens the likelihood of global trade
supply of US dollars will pull down the price of
conflicts. However, problems can occur if exchange
US dollars (FOREX Rate) in the Indian FOREX
rates rise or fall substantially in a short period. As
market. In other words, depreciation of rupee
such, governments step in to limit exchange rate
against US dollar will be checked.
changes, keeping them within "acceptable" bounds,
▪ The second measure which can be taken is to talk
keeping them from leaving the backyard where they
the market down. In the situation of
might run into a street and be injured by a moving
depreciation, there is a tendency for importers
to rush in to buy dollars and exporters to hold
back remitting their earnings on the expectation
With a managed float, the foreign exchange markets
that the rupee will depreciate further. This
carry on normal day-to-day activity as exports,
exacerbates the demand-supply matrix for
imports, investors, and speculators buy and sell the
foreign currency and drives down the rupee
currencies needed to conduct their business
further. The RBI can ensure that export earnings
activities. If, however, an exchange rate looks to be
come back to the country on time while
rising or falling too much, moving outside the range
importers should be urged not to rush in to buy
that the policy players deem acceptable, then they
dollars in advance. Alternatively, asking the
are likely to step into the fray, doing whatever
importers to hedge can be attempted though it
buying and selling of currency is necessary to keep
cannot be made mandatory. Making such
the exchange within bounds.
statements will help lower the speculative
element which comes into the picture every time
Suppose, for example, that the Reserve Bank of India
the rupee keeps falling.
and Government of India officials by consensus
▪ Third, the government should focus on exports
decide that an exchange rate of Rs 70 (+/- 3) per US
and to the extent possible, especially on the tax
dollar is a fair exchange rate. If the exchange rate is
credit/refund part, clear the coast for exporters.
floating within this band, no action will be taken to
SMEs (small and medium enterprises) which are
affect it. However, if the exchange rate starts to
dominant in the export market have had tax
diverge beyond the limits in either direction, action
refund issues and this needs to be sorted out.
will be taken to restore it within the band.
Also, export finance is another problem which
has been bothering exporters and impediments
on this front too need to be removed. But this
will work only in the medium term and cannot
Managed Flexible Exchange Rate: A managed
deliver result immediately because export
flexible exchange rate, what is also termed a
markets tend to be relatively inelastic and are
managed float, is an exchange rate that is
driven by demand factors.
generally allowed to adjust due to the interaction
▪ RBI would have to monitor the other
of supply and demand in the foreign exchange
components of demand for dollars to ensure
market, but with occasional intervention by
that there are limits to the drawal of dollars for
government. Most nations of the world currently
other purposes such as travel, investment, and
use a managed flexible exchange rate policy. With
this alternative an exchange rate is free to rise and
▪ Channels for external commercial borrowing
fall, but it is subject to government control if it
should be looked at judiciously. While urging
moves too high or too low. With managed float,
companies to explore the market makes sense,
the government steps into the foreign exchange
it should be noted that un-hedged positions can
market and buys or sells whatever currency is
put on pressure on debt servicing. Nevertheless,
necessary keep the exchange rate within desired
in these conditions, such borrowings would be
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▪ Channel for considering a sovereign bond or any rate between the dollar and the rupee is 70. We
such scheme for getting expatriates to invest in need to give 70 rupees to buy one dollar.
such bonds should be planned in advance —
which may not be required if conditions stabilise. It’s called nominal, because it takes into account
▪ Capital flows need to be monitored proactively only the numerical value of the currencies. It
and this is where FPIs (foreign portfolio doesn’t take into account the purchasing power of
investments) matter. The strong inflow of FPIs the currencies. There is another exchange rate called
has the power to rein in the rupee. “real exchange rate” that takes the purchasing
power into account.
Q. Consider the following statements: [1998] REAL EXCHANGE RATE
The price of any currency in international market
is decided by the: The real exchange rate is a bit more complicated
1. World Bank than the nominal exchange rate. While the nominal
2. Demand for goods/services provided by the exchange rate tells how much foreign currency can
country concerned be exchanged for a unit of domestic currency, the
3. Stability of the government of the concerned real exchange rate tells how much the goods and
country services in the domestic country can be exchanged
4. Economic potential of the country in question for the goods and services in a foreign country.
Select the correct answer using the code given
below: The difference between the nominal and the real
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct exchange rate is that the real exchange rate takes
(b) 2 and 3 are correct into account the domestic and foreign prices, as
(c) 3 and 4 are correct summarized in the following formula:
(d) 1 and 4 are correct
Answer: B

QUESTION 12 Real exchange rate can be defined as the rate that

Q. Which one of the following is not the most takes into account inflation differential between
likely measure the Government/RBI takes to stop the countries. Suppose the rupee was trading at Rs
the slide of Indian rupee? [2019] 70 to a dollar at the beginning of 2019. Assuming a
(a) Curbing imports of non-essential goods and 10% inflation in the Indian economy and 5%
promoting exports inflation in the US economy for the whole year, then
(b) Encouraging Indian borrowers to issue rupee this model says the rupee should depreciate by 5%
denominated Masala Bonds (10%-5%) to Rs 73.50 to a dollar, other things being
(c) Easing conditions relating to external equal.
commercial borrowing
(d) Following an expansionary monetary policy
▪ India’s exchange rate policy has evolved in line
The nominal exchange rate is defined as: with international and domestic developments.
The number of units of the domestic currency that ▪ Post-independence, in view of the prevailing
are needed to purchase a unit of a given foreign Bretton Woods system, the Indian rupee was
currency. pegged to the pound sterling due to its historic
links with Britain. A major development was the
For example, if the value of the US Dollar in terms of devaluation of the rupee by 36.5 per cent in June,
the INR is 70, this means that the nominal exchange 1966. With the breakdown of the Bretton
Woods system, and also the declining share of
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UK in India’s trade, the rupee was delinked from
the pound sterling in September 1975.
▪ During the period between 1975 to 1992, the
Q. Consider the following statements: [2000]
exchange rate of the rupee was officially
Assertion (A): The rate of growth of India’s exports
determined by the Reserve Bank within a
has shown an appreciable increase after 1991.
nominal band of plus or minus 5 per cent of the
Reason (R): The Govt. of India has resorted to
weighted basket of currencies of India’s major
trading partners.
Select the correct answer using the code given
▪ The Reserve Bank intervened on a day-to-day
basis which resulted in wide changes in the size
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
of reserves. The exchange rate regime of this
explanation of A
period can be described as an adjustable nominal
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct
peg with a band.
explanation of A
▪ The beginning of 1990s saw significant rise in oil
(c) A is true but R is false
prices and suspension of remittances from the
(d) A is false but R is true
Gulf region in the wake of the Gulf crisis. This,
Answer: A
and other domestic and international
developments, led to severe balance of
payments problems in India. CONVERTIBILITY OF RUPEE
▪ The drying up of access to commercial banks and
short-term credit made financing the current CONCEPT OF CONVERTIBILITY
account deficit difficult.
▪ India’s foreign currency reserves fell rapidly Convertibility of currency means when currency of a
from US $ 3.1 billion in August to US $ 975 country can be freely converted into foreign
million on July 12, 1991 (we may contrast this exchange at market determined rate of exchange.
with the present; as of December 06, 2019, For example, convertibility of rupee means that
India’s foreign exchange reserves stand at US $ those who have foreign exchange (e.g. US dollars,
453 billion). Pound Sterling etc.) can get them converted into
▪ Apart from measures like sending gold abroad, rupees and vice-versa at the market determined
curtailing non-essential imports, approaching rate of exchange.
the IMF and multilateral and bilateral sources,
introducing stabilisation and structural reforms,
there was a two-step devaluation of 18–19 per QUESTION 14
cent of the rupee on July 1 and 3, 1991. Q. Convertibility of rupee implies [2015-I]
▪ In march 1992, the Liberalised Exchange Rate (a) being able to convert rupee notes into gold
Management System (LERMS) involving dual (b) allowing the value of rupee to be fixed by
exchange rates was introduced. Under this market forces
system, 40 per cent of exchange earnings had to (c) freely permitting the conversion of rupee to
be surrendered at an official rate determined by other currencies and vice versa
the Reserve Bank and 60 per cent was to be (d) developing an international market for
converted at the market determined rates. currencies in India
▪ The dual rates were converged into one from Answer: C
March 1, 1993; this was an important step
towards current account convertibility, which CONCEPT OF CURRENT ACCOUNT
was finally achieved in August 1994 by accepting CONVERTIBILITY
Article VIII of the Articles of Agreement of the
IMF. Current account convertibility means when foreign
▪ The exchange rate of the rupee thus became exchange (e.g. Pound Sterling, U.S.Dollar etc)
market determined, with the Reserve Bank received for export of merchandise and services can
ensuring orderly conditions in the foreign be freely converted into Indian rupees and vice-
exchange market through its sales and versa in case of imports.

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At the beginning of the 1991 ‘LPG’ reforms, the conducted. Exporters and importers were allowed
rupee was made partially convertible for goods, to exchange foreign currencies for the trade of
services, and merchandise only. During the mid- unbanned goods and services, there was easy access
1990s, the rupee was fully made current account to forex for studying or traveling abroad, and a
convertible for all trading activities, remittances, relaxation on foreign business and investments with
and invisibles. minimal (or no) restrictions depending on the
industry sectors.
However, Indians still require regulatory approval if
they want to invest an amount above a pre-
By capital account convertibility we mean that in
determined threshold level for the purpose of
respect of capital flows (that is, flows of portfolio
investments or purchasing assets overseas. Similarly,
capital, direct investment flows, flows of borrowed
incoming foreign investments in certain sectors like
funds) a currency is freely convertible into foreign
insurance or retail are capped at a specific
exchange and vice-versa at market determined
percentage and require regulatory approvals for
exchange rate.
higher limits.
Rupee continues to remain capital account non-
As of 2019, the Indian rupee is a partially convertible
convertible. One can still bring in foreign capital or
currency. This means that although there is a lot of
take out local money for these purposes, but there
freedom to exchange local and foreign currency at
are ceilings imposed by the government that
market rates, a few important restrictions remain
require approvals.
for higher amounts, and these still need approval.
QUESTION 15 The regulators also intervene from time-to-time to
Q. The Capital Account Convertibility of the keep the exchange rates within permissible limits
Indian Rupee implies: [1998] instead of keeping the INR as a completely free-
(a) that the Indian Rupee can be exchanged by the floating currency left to market dynamics. In the case
authorised dealers for travel of extreme volatility in rupee exchange rates, the
(b) that the Indian Rupee can be exchanged for RBI swings into action by purchasing/selling U.S.
any major currency for the purpose of trade in dollars (kept as foreign reserve) to stabilize the
goods and services rupee.
(c) that the Indian Rupee can be exchanged for any
major currency for the purpose of trading financial Full convertibility would mean the rupee exchange
assets rate would be left to market factors without any
(d) None of the above regulatory intervention. There may be no limit on
Answer: C inflow or outflow of capital for various purposes
including investments, remittances, or asset

Until the early 1990s (pre-reform period), anyone QUESTION 16

willing to transact in a foreign currency would need Q. Consider the following statements: [2000]
permission from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), The Indian rupee is fully convertible:
regardless of the purpose. People wanting to engage 1. in respect of Current Account of Balance of
in foreign travel, foreign studies, the purchase of payment
imported goods, or to get cash for foreign currencies 2. in respect of Capital Account of Balance of
received (like with exports) were all required to go payment
through the RBI. All such forex exchanges occurred 3. into gold
at pre-determined forex rates finalized by the RBI. Which of these statements is/are correct?
(a) 1 alone
After liberal economic reforms were introduced in (b) 3 alone
1991, many significant developments occurred that (c) 1 and 2
impacted the way forex transactions were (d) 1, 2 and 3
Answer: A
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the euro. In 2018, INR contracts traded against
the dollar an average of 11,666 times per day
compared to 193,512 contracts converted from
Euro to USD. Making the rupee fully convertible
Q. Consider the following statements: [2002]
would enable greater trades and global flow of
Full convertibility of the rupee may mean:
the Indian currency, helping national markets
1. Its free float with the international currencies
with improved liquidity, better regulatory
2. Its direct exchange with any other international
purview, and reduced dependence and risks
currency at any prescribed place inside and
from offshore market participants.
outside the country
▪ Easy Access to Foreign Capital: Local businesses
3. It acts just like any other international currency
can benefit from easy access to foreign loans at
Which of these statements are correct?
comparatively lower costs—lower interest
(a) 1 and 2
rates. Indian companies currently have to take
(b) 1 and 3
the ADR/GDR route to list on foreign exchanges.
(c) 2 and 3
After full convertibility, they will be able to
(d) 1, 2 and 3
directly raise equity capital from overseas
Answer: D
▪ Better Access to a Variety of Goods and
ADVANTAGES OF A FULLY CONVERTIBLE Services: Amid current restrictions, one does not
CURRENCY see much variety in India for foreign goods and
▪ Sign of Stable and Mature Markets: Regulators services. Walmart (WMT) and Tesco stores aren’t
like to keep control over their territories. Free that common, although a handful exist in
and open entry to an enormous number of global partnership with local retail chains. Full
market participants would increase the risk of convertibility will open doors for all global
losing regulatory control due to large market size players to the Indian market, making it more
and a huge flow of capital. Opening up to a fully competitive and better for consumers and the
convertible currency is a solid sign that a country economy alike.
and its markets are stable and mature enough
to handle the free and unrestricted movement ▪ Progress in Multiple Industry Sectors: Sectors
of capital, which attracts investments making like insurance, fertilizers, retail, etc. have
the economy better. restrictions on foreign direct investments
▪ Increased Liquidity in Financial Markets: Full (FDIs). Full convertibility will open the doors of
capital account convertibility opens up the many big international players to invest in these
country’s markets to global players including sectors, enabling much-needed reforms and
investors, businesses, and trade partners. This bringing variety to the Indian masses.
allows easy access to capital for different
businesses and sectors, positively impacting a ▪ Outward Investments: Fancy buying a house on
nation’s economy. the coast of Florida or buying a million-dollar
▪ Improved Employment and Business yacht in London? At present, any Indian
Opportunities: With increased participation individual or business would need permission
from global players, new businesses, strategic from authorities to do so. After full convertibility,
partnerships, and direct investments flourish. It there will be no limits on the amounts
also helps in the creation of new employment exchanged and no need for approvals.
opportunities across various industry sectors, as ▪ Improved Financial System: The Tarapore
well as nurturing entrepreneurship for new Committee, which was tasked with assessing the
businesses. full convertibility of the rupee, has noted these
▪ Onshore Rupee Market Development: The benefits after full rupee convertibility, including:
growing international interest in the Indian ✓ Indian businesses will be able to issue foreign
rupee is evident from the development of currency-denominated debt to local Indian
offshore rupee markets in locations like Dubai, investors.
London, New York, and Singapore. Trading of the
INR is still far lower than other currencies such as
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✓ Indian businesses will be able to hold foreign which defines forex reserves as external assets that
currency deposits in local Indian banks for are readily available to and controlled by monetary
capital requirements. authorities for direct financing of external
✓ Indian banks will be able to borrow and/or payments imbalances, for indirectly regulating the
lend to foreign banks in foreign currencies. magnitudes of such imbalances through
✓ Easy options to buy/sell gold freely and offer intervention in exchange markets to affect the
gold-based deposits and loans with higher currency exchange rate, and/or for other purposes.
(or even uncapped) limits.
CURRENCY In India, the Reserve Bank of India Act 1934 contains
▪ High Volatility: Amid a lack of suitable regulatory the enabling provisions for the RBI to act as the
control and rates subject to open markets with a custodian of foreign reserves, and manage reserves
large number of global market participants, high with defined objectives. The powers of being the
levels of volatility, depreciation, or appreciation custodian of foreign reserves is enshrined, in the first
in forex rates may happen, challenging the instance, in the preamble of the Act. The ‘reserves’
country’s economy. refer to both foreign reserves in the form of gold
▪ Foreign Debt Burden: Businesses can easily assets in the Banking Department and foreign
raise foreign debt, but they are prone to the risk securities held by the Issue Department, and
of high repayments if exchange rates become domestic reserves in the form of ‘bank reserves’.
unfavorable. Imagine an Indian business taking a The composition of foreign reserves is indicated, a
U.S. dollar loan at a rate of 4%, compared to one minimum reserve system is set out, and the
available in India at 7%. However, if the U.S. instruments and securities in which the country’s
dollar appreciates against the Indian rupee, more reserves could be deployed are spelt out in the
rupees will be needed to get the same number of relevant Sections of the RBI Act.
dollars, making the repayment costly.
▪ Effects on Balance of Trade and Exports: A OBJECTIVES OF HOLDING FOREX RESERVES
rising, unregulated rupee makes Indian exports ▪ Maintaining confidence in monetary and
less competitive in the international markets. exchange rate policies.
Export-oriented economies like India and China ▪ Enhancing capacity to intervene in forex
prefer to keep their exchange rates lower to markets.
retain the low-cost advantage. Once the ▪ Limiting external vulnerability by maintaining
regulations on exchange rates go away, India foreign currency liquidity to absorb shocks
risks losing its competitiveness in the during times of crisis including national disasters
international market. or emergencies.
▪ Lack of Fundamentals: Full capital account ▪ Providing confidence to the markets especially
convertibility has worked well in well-regulated credit rating agencies that external obligations
nations that have a robust infrastructure in can always be met, thus reducing the overall
place. India’s basic challenges—a high costs at which forex resources are available to
dependence on exports, burgeoning all the market participants.
population, corruption, socio-economic ▪ Adding to the comfort of the market
complexities, and challenges of bureaucracy— participants, by demonstrating the backing of
may lead to economic setbacks post-full rupee domestic currency by external assets.
At a formal level, the objective of reserve
INDIA’S FOREX RESERVES management in India could be found in the RBI Act,
where the relevant part of the preamble reads as ‘to
WHAT ARE FOREX RESERVES? use the currency system to the country’s advantage
and with a view to securing monetary stability’.
Most countries have adopted the definition
suggested by the International Monetary Fund
(Balance of Payments Manual, and Guidelines on COMPONENTS OF INDIA'S FOREIGN
Foreign Exchange Reserve Management, 2001); EXCHANGE RESERVES

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▪ Foreign currency assets (FCAs): The foreign (d) Both ADR and SDR
currencies which are held as forex reserves Answer: C
include US dollar, Euro, British pound sterling,
Japanese yen and Chinese Yuan.
▪ Special Drawing Rights with IMF: Special
drawing rights, or SDR, are an artificial currency Q. Which one of the following groups of items is
instrument created by the International included in India’s foreign-exchange reserves?
Monetary Fund, which uses them for internal [2013 - I]
accounting purposes. The value of the SDR is (a) Foreign-currency assets, Special Drawing
calculated from a weighted basket of major Rights (SDRs) and loans from foreign countries
currencies, including the U.S. dollar, the euro, (b) Foreign-currency assets, gold holdings of the
Japanese yen, Chinese yuan, and British pound. RBI and SDR’s
SDR interest rate (SDRi) provides the basis for (c) Foreign-currency assets, loans from the World
calculating the interest rate charged to member Bank and SDRs
countries when they borrow from the IMF and (d) Foreign-currency assets, gold holdings of the
paid to members for their remunerated creditor RBI and loans from the World Bank
positions in the IMF. Answer: B
▪ Gold reserves
▪ Reserve Bank of India's reserve position with
the IMF: Reserve tranche is a portion of the
required quota of currency each member
country must provide to the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) that can be utilized for its
own purposes.

The largest component of the Foreign Exchange

Reserves constitutes of foreign currency assets
(FCAs). Changes in FCAs occurs due to the selling and
purchasing of foreign exchange by the Reserve Bank
of India, externally received income of the
Government of India from the deployment of foreign
exchange reserves and income due to the
revaluation of assets.

Forex reserves, as on January 10, 2020 are as


Q. Which of the following is/are treated as
artificial currency? [2010]
(a) ADR
(b) GDR
(c) SDR

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1. Increase in Indian imports.
MCQS FOR PRACTICE 2. Rise in interest rates of Government of India
Q.1 In the context of Indian economy, which of the Select the correct answer using the code given
following constitute export of services? below:
1. An Indian tourist visiting Mauritius. (a) 1 only
2. Bharti Airtel setting up its operations in Africa. (b) 2 only
3. An Indian IT company selling software to a (c) Both 1 and 2
Chinese firm. (d) Neither 1 nor 2
4. A Pakistani national visiting India for liver
Select the correct answer using the code given
(a) 1, 2, and 3 only
(b) 4 only
(c) 2, 3 and 4 only
(d) 2 and 4 only

Q. 2 With reference to economy, the term 'Autarky'

is best described by which of the following?
(a) A closed economy
(b) An open economy
(c) A floating exchange rate
(d) A fixed exchange rate

Q.3 Consider the following statements regarding

capital and current account of Balance of Payments:
1. The current account has a direct effect on the
flow of income in a country.
2. The capital account influences the volume of
assets which a country holds.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Q.4 Which of the following items are part of

'current account' in Balance of Payments?
1. Interest on loans
2. Tourist expenditure
3. Banking and insurance charges
4. Software services
Select the correct answer using the code given
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(b) 2, 3, and 4 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 4 only

Q.5 Which of the following conditions can lead to

depreciation of Indian Rupee?
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However, even North Korea has extensive trade with
MCQS WITH ANSWER AND the Russian Federation, the People's Republic of
EXPLANATION China, Syria, Iran,Vietnam, and many countries in
Europe and Africa.

Q.1 In the context of Indian economy, which of the Q.3 Consider the following statements regarding
following constitute export of services? capital and current account of Balance of Payments:
1. An Indian tourist visiting Mauritius. 1. The current account has a direct effect on the
2. Bharti Airtel setting up its operations in Africa. flow of income in a country.
3. An Indian IT company selling software to a 2. The capital account influences the volume of
Chinese firm. assets which a country holds.
4. A Pakistani national visiting India for liver Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
transplant. (a) 1 only
Select the correct answer using the code given (b) 2 only
below: (c) Both 1 and 2
(a) 1, 2, and 3 only (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(b) 4 only Answer: C
(c) 2, 3 and 4 only
(d) 2 and 4 only Explanation:
Answer: C
The current account deals with payment for
Explanation: currently produced goods and services. It includes
also interest earned or paid on claims and also gifts
Services export means an activity which earns and donations.
foreign exchange for the home country, and which is
included within the services sector. In this case, the In other words, current account receipts have the
first option is included within the services sector but effect of increasing the flow of income in the
it would result in outflow of foreign exchange. country. On the other hand, when India imports
goods and services from foreign countries and pays
In rest of the three cases the activities are included them money which would have been used to
in services sector and are earners of foreign demand goods and services within the country
exchange for India. money flows out to foreign countries.

Q. 2 With reference to economy, the term 'Autarky' The capital account, on the other hand, deals with
is best described by which of the following? capital receipts and payments of debts and claims.
(a) A closed economy The capital account, however, does not have such a
(b) An open economy direct effect on the level of income; it influences the
(c) A floating exchange rate volume of assets which a country holds.
(d) A fixed exchange rate Hence, both the statements are correct.
Answer: A
Q.4 Which of the following items are part of
Explanation: 'current account' in Balance of Payments?
1. Interest on loans
Autarky is the quality of being self-sufficient. Usually 2. Tourist expenditure
the term is applied to political states or their 3. Banking and insurance charges
economic systems. Autarky exists whenever an 4. Software services
entity can survive or continue its activities without Select the correct answer using the code given
external assistance or international trade. Another below:
term for closed economy is Autarky. (a) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(b) 2, 3, and 4 only
Today, complete economic autarkies are rare. A (c) 1 and 3 only
possible example of a current autarky is North Korea. (d) 1, 2 and 4 only

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Answer: A an appreciation of Rupee. Thus, a rise in the interest
rates at home often leads to an appreciation of the
Explanation: domestic currency. Here, the implicit assumption is
Both visible and invisible items together make up the that no restrictions exist in buying bonds issued by
current account. Interest on loans, tourist foreign governments. Hence, statement 2 is not
expenditure, banking and insurance charges, correct.
software services etc., are similar to visible trade
since receipts from selling such services to the
foreigners are very similar in their effects to the
receipts from sales of goods; both provide income to
the people who produce the goods or services.

Thus, Balance of payments on current account is

more comprehensive in scope than balance of trade.
It includes not only imports and exports of goods
which are visible items but also invisible items such
as foreign travel, transportation (shipping, air
transport etc.), insurance, tourism, investment
income (e.g. interest on investments), transfer
payments i.e. donations, gifts, software services, etc.

Q.5 Which of the following conditions can lead to

depreciation of Indian Rupee?
3. Increase in Indian imports.
4. Rise in interest rates of Government of India
Select the correct answer using the code given
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Answer: A

When imports increase, the demand curve for
foreign exchange shifts to the right. There is a
depreciation of the domestic currency. Hence,
statement 1 is correct.

There are huge funds owned by banks, multinational

corporations and wealthy individuals which move
around the world in search of the highest interest
rates. If we assume that government bonds in China
pay 8 per cent rate of interest whereas equally safe
bonds in India yield 10 per cent. Investors from China
will be attracted by the high interest rates in India
and will buy the Indian currency (Rupee) selling their
own currency. At the same time Indian investors will
also find investing in India more attractive and will
therefore demand less of country Chinese currency.
This will cause a depreciation of China‘s currency and

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