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PHYSICS MAX.MARKS: 100 SECTION -1 (SINGLE CORRECT ANSWER TYPE) This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct. Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 if not correct. 1. Aparticle moves from a point { 2.0/+4.0 j m, at -=0 with an initial velocity [5.07+4.0; |ms*, Itis acted upon by a force which causes an acceleration | 2#+3¢ 7 |ms What is the distance of the particle from origin at 1=2s? A) vida B) 16¥2 C)20/2 D) 2V85a0 A thermometer graduated according to a sale reads a value x, when in contact with boiling water and ** when in contact with melting ice. What is the temperature of the object in 'F if this thermometer in contact with the object reads x, /2? A) 60°F B) 12°F C)92F D) 77°F A volt meter has 50 divisions on its seale and has a figure of merit 17 division Resistance of the voltmeter is 1000. What is the shunt to be connected to it to convert it into an ammeter of current range 0 to 50.4 (nearly) A) IQ B20 oa D) 10a 4. Accireular ring of mass M and radius R has two identical dises of mass M and radius R attached rigidly at opposite ends of a diameter as shown in figure. The moment of inertia of the system about the axis G0’ passing through the centre of the ring and perpendicular to the plane of the ring will be yaar" D) Sauk? 9. ‘There is a small square wire frame of side length / inside a large square wire frame of side length (1 <<) concentric and coplanar with it. If side length of large square frame is doubled, then the mutual inductance between them ‘A) becomes 4 times B) becomes halved Obecomes doubled D) becomes jth of initial A particle mass m has initial linear momentum P. A foree F =r starts acting on it ina direction perpendicular to initial direction of motion of the particle (always) at r=0. The time T in which the magnitude of linear momentum of the particle becomes 3P will be [P [oP fe [oP OMe ONE ONE Dye An iron bar length 10 em and radius Lem is placed in a magnetic field of intensity 1000 An” with its length parallel to the direction of the field. Determine the magnetic moment produced in the bar if permeability of it’s material is 6310+ Henry m A) aan? B) 2a amr” C) Sa An D) 6240? A student measures the length of a simple pendulum as Im with a scale of least 1 mm to determine ‘g' the acceleration due to gravity. He uses a stop watch with least count of L second and records 40 seconds for 20 oscillations. The incorrect statement of the following is A) Error AT in measuring T the time period is 0.05 second B) Error A in measuring T the time period is | second C)Erpor in the measurement of 1 the length of the pendulum is | mm D) Percentage error in the determination of ¢ is 5.1% In the diagram AC input is across the terminals A and C and the output is across B and. D, Then the output is Lt ave rectified —B) full-wave rectified —C)same as the input D) zero ot A) Halt 10. i 14. An electric dipole of dipole moment 10*c.mis kept in an electric field of strength 1000 Ym" with it’s dipole moment in the direction of the field, What is the work done by the electric field if the dipole is rotated in the field so that it’s dipole moment makes an angle 60° with the field from it’s initial position? A) 5x10" B) 8.661077 C)-Sx107" D) 1.131077 The region between y=0 and »=d contains a magnetic field B= a{-X |. A particle of a a ime mass m. charge q enters the region with a velocity 7=77. 1f ¢=S8 2 Bg the acceleration of the particle just before it emerges at the other side is 3 itt; ml 22 qv a A) B)# We m D) 1 Fe) vitational constant (G) and angt If speed (1), universal g1 lar momentum (1) are considered as fundamental units. the dimension of surface tension will be B) A solid sphere of mass m is lying at rest on a rough horizontal surface. The coefficient of friction between ground and sphere is st. The maximum value of F, so that sphere will not slip, is equal to A)Zumg B)Sumg ©) ume D)Zume ‘A meter bridge is set up as shown, to determine an unknown resistance X using a standard 10 ohm resistor. The galvanometer shows null point when tapping-key is at 52 cm mark. The end corrections are 1 cm and 2 cm respectively for the ends A and B. The determined value of X is 16. 0 19. A)10.2ohm —-B)10.80hm —C)10.6 ohm D) 1.1 ohm A.270mm™ laser beam has a cross-sectional area of 10 mm’, The magnitude of the maximum value of magnetic induction field strength of the electromagnetic waves in the Ie 10" Nu and speed of light in beam in vacuum is (permeability of free space 44 vacuum = 3.10'ns) A) 15x10" B) 12T C)tsx10*r D)6T The Hubble telescope in orbit above the earth has a 2.4 m circular aperture. The telescope has equipment for detecting ultraviolet light. The minimum angular separation between two objects that the telescope can resolve in ultraviolet light of wavelength 95 nm is A) 4.83«10% rad -B) 4.03«10% rad = C)2.41«10% rad dD) 2.0010 rat A fish rising vertically up towards the surface of water with a speed of | ms“! observes a bird diving vertically down towards it a speed of S ms". The actual speed of the bird is A) inst B) 2 ns 3 mst D)4.5 ms" In the circuit shown, the batteries have emf s_£, = 2.5V and resistances =W.E, R,=100. R, =200. capacitance C=10,1F . The charge on the left plate of the capacitor in steady state is ph [ee 4 he Ayr pc B) 4 yc O)-5 sic D) +12 ic A ’ HV atom in ground state is moving with initial kinetic energy K. it colloids head on with a He” ion in ground state kept in at rest but free to move. Find minimum value of K so that both H atom and He" ion can excite to their first excited states. A) 63.75 eV B) SleV C)54.4eV D) 13.05 eV 20. The de-Broglie wavelength of a particle moving with a velocity equal to half of the velocity of light it equal to wave length of a photon. The ratio of energy of photon to that of kinetic energy of the particle is op D)4 SECTION-I (Numerical Value Answer Type) This section contains 5 questions. The answer to each question is « Numerical valve. Ifthe numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the value of Two decimal places. Answer to each question will be ‘evaluated according to the following marking scheme: Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases. 21. Your local radio station relays news signal as ¥'(+)=(20~ 4sin50077).cos yl Al B dF ) 2 -10°r) volts The modulation index of the signal is 22. A copper calorimeter of water equivalent 125g contains 150g of water and the system is at 30°C’, Ifsteam at 100°C is passed into it till the temperature of the system rises to 90°C, the mass(in gram) of steam passed into the calorimeter is 3 A pendulum clock loses 10 seconds per day at 35°C and gains 5 seconds per day at 20°C then find the temperature (in °¢ ) at which the clock gives correct time. 24, The total KE of all the molecules of helium having a volume exerting a pressure P is 1500J. The total KE in joules of all the molecules of N; having the same volume Vand exerting a pressure 2P is 25. A rigid body rotating about a fixed axis with uniform angular retardation completes 33 rotations before its angular velocity is reduced to half of its initial value. Find the number of rotations made by the body further before it comes to rest CHEMISTRY MAX.MARKS: 100 SECTION -1 (SINGLE CORRECT ANSWER TYPE) This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct. Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, O if not attempted and -1 if not correct. 26, The reaction 20, 4) 22,40, for which AH? =+578.487/ mote and AS® = 208.5 JK mole” is not feasible at 298K Temperature above which reaction will be feasible is A) 2001"'¢ B) 2501°c C2501 D) TC 27, The co-ordination number of Ca and Co respectively are X and Y, in the following examples [ea(zpray]": [Coten), ch] Sum of X and Y value is A)S B)7 Clo D) 12 mn 42 a i = (excess) nom “ i _ Products A and B are respectively. ‘C* is the compound more acidic than water and it is asimple carbinol oor oH — oO I Ro-C A) NO. on CH,-OW NO, NH, On 0 OH OH ©) HO MH, on — =~ D) HO HO NO, OH NH, 'O Pick out the correct pair of hydrides, which are not electron deficient A) SiH,.CH, B) 41H. B.H, — C)BH,. Bi, —‘D) Gall,, lH, Given the equilibrium constant, &, for reaction C+ Zig) > Cu + Zn, 18 x10", Caleulate the £2, of the reaction at 298K, A)OA72V B) 0.472 mV C)0.059<61" D) 0.354m7 The correct option with respect to the Pauling electronegativity values of the elements is A) Al >Ga B) Ci> Br C)si>C dD) Alon 34, 35. Which of the following set of compounds will produce ppt with igo, are Br Br CHB CH, - Br A) B) Br Br ° p- D) [= Which of the following compound reacts with CH,MgBr to yield alkane and also decolorise Bromine water by the formation of white ppt A) B) oH Cc) D) t The relative stability of +2 oxidation state of group 14 elements, follow the order A) C>Si>Ge> Sn B) Pb>Ge>Sn>C ©)Pb> C> Si> Sn D) Pb>Sn>Ge> Si The reaction that does not define Roasting is A) ZnCO, —*4Zn0+C0, B) ZnS—*+Zn0+ SO, C) PbS—+ PbO +50, D) Cures, —* + CuO + FeO +0, 36, The compound ‘X’ on treatment with 27,/ NoOQH form a product Y, which gives unpleasant odoured compound with CHCi, /KOH . Compound X and Y are respectively CONE, c CONE, NC A) (Cy : B) : i C-NHCH, NH-CH, [OJ : oO} ° I C-NH, D) ( J Me Me 37, The monomer units of PHBV’, a biodegradable co-polymer are A) CH,CH.CH.CH (OH \COOH . CH,CH (OH )CH,COOH B) CH,CH,CH (OH \CH.COOH , CH,CH(OH\CH,COOH C)CH,CH (0 )CH,CH.COOH . CH,CH (OH)CH,COOH D) CH,CH (OH )CH,CH,COOH , CH,CH,CH(OH)CH,COOH 38. K,Higl, is 58% ionized in aqueous solution. The value of its Van't Hoff factor (i) is A)21 B)43 og D)37 39. The correct match between item-I and item-II is Ttem -I (Functional | Ttem-TI (Amino Group) acid) A. Thio ether I. Tyrosine B. Thioalcohol 2. Methionine ©. Amide 3. Aspargine D. Phenol 4. Cysteine A) A-4,B-1,C-2,D-3 B) 4-2; B—4;C—3,D-1 C)A-4: B-2, 0-3: D-1 D) 4-2; B-4;C-1; D-3 40. Match the following items in Column-I with the corresponding items in Column-IT Column Column-II (Method of preparation) (Compound) T. Aluminium A Silica is treated with coke at high temp TL. Nao B, Serpeck’s process, Si0, is removed as silicon vapor [I Carborandum [C.Solvay’sprocess s—S—~S~=S@ IV. Washing Soda [D. Mercury cathode method A) I-A, 1-B I-CD B) [-B.1-D.ill— 4.1" ~ C)I-B.1-C,M-a, IV-D D) -D, U-B.I-D,V-C 4 The following reaction follows zero order Kinetics 2W—3X+Z Ifthe initial cone of W is 0.6M and its halflife is 15 hours. When the initial cone of W is 15M. then time required to reach the final cone. of 0.6 M will be A) 18 hours B) 45 hours ©)22.5 hours D) with the given data, answer can’t be calculated. 30mL of the given #NO, solution requires 40mL of 0.05M sodium carbonate solution What is the volume of this #.NO, solution required to titrate 30mL of 0.1M KOH solution? A) 37.5 mL B) 62.5 mL C)50 mL D) 40 mL Lo Br, (lec | Balla) Major Product(X) MeOH Oo oO Y Me Brs(leq) c PHD) sajor Product(¥) =/ MeOH 0 a : oO Zp, 3 Br OMe 44. Me oy Me oN B) Oo FB ; 2 Come Br Br oO OH OMe Me Ov Me ov Y C) oO OMe 5 (— Br Br oO OMe oO Me Ov ve @ Y D) ¥ : o Lome Br 5 Me OMe 7 4 4 Me The radius of the largest sphere which fits properly at the centre of the edge of body ° centered cubic unit cell is (Edge length is represented as 2A) A) 0.268 A B) 0.054 4 ©) 0.134 A D) 0.094 A ‘The maximum prescribed cone of cadmium in drinking water is A) 0.2 ppm B) 3ppm ©)0.005 ppm D) 0.05 ppm SECTION-I (Numerical Value Answer Type) This section contains 5 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical valve. If the numerical valve has more thon two decimal places, rounc-off the value of Two decimal places. Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme: Marking scheme: 46. -4 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases. Number of bridged ligands present in Fe,(CO), 1s 47. In the following compound, electron pair of Nitrogen more effectively involved in the delocalization process, for adopting aromatic character is 48. Among the colloids. Cheese. Milk, Smoke. Hemoglobin, Starch. Gold sol. 45,3, colloid, Sulphur colloid etc., how many colloids have dispersion medium in gaseous phase. 49. For equilibrium 2H,O = H,O' + OH; the value of AG? at 363K is approximately (At 363K: 0") in KY/ mole. (log 1.8 50, How many of the following statements are correct A) Molecule binding to a site other than the active site of enzyme is Allosteric effect B) Molecule binding to the active site of enzyme is the competitive inhibitor C)Molecule crucial for communication in the body is receptor D) Poison is binding to the enzyme covalently MATHEMATICS MAX.MARKS: 100 SECTION -1 (SINGLE CORRECT ANSWER TYPE) This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) ant (4) fori canswer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct. Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 if not correc. SL. The eccentricity of the hyperbola whose length of the latus rectum is equal to 8 and the length of its conjugate axis is equal to half of the distance between its foeii is Bt A) Di ele ze If the area of the triangle whose one vertex is at the vertex of the parabola sv =4(y-a°)=0 and the other two vertices are the points of intersection of the parabola and X-axis is 128 sq. units, then a value of *a’ is A) Va B) 4/3") cysy? D)S Two lines aa y#6 27) and o = = intersect at the point R. The reflection of *R’ in the yz- plane has co-ordiantes: A) (2.0.3) B) (-2.0.3) C)(-2.0.-3) D) (2.0. The contrapositive of ifa triangle is equilateral then it is isosceles” ‘A) Ifa triangle is isosceles then it is equilateral B) Ifa triangle is not equilateral then it is not isosceles C)lf'a triangle is not isosceles then it is not equilateral D) If a triangle is not isosceles then it is equilateral If (2.1) (-1,-2).(3.3) are midpoint of sides BC.C4.4B of A4BC then the equation of AB is, A)x-y=l2 B) x C)y-v=9 D) x=y Fin SEO ig equal to >> tan 9x.cos ec*3x 5 5/- 1 27 2 2 1 2 A) 25 B)5/ O55 Dz If [FSe- J(x)V3-x-+C where °C’ is a constant of integration, then f(x) is equal to A) ous B) 42 -4x of D) 42-4x The integral [———} 4 equal § Sin2x( tan" v= cot" x) B= OZ -tan24 bp) = 2 2 16 If the ratio of sum of » terms of two A.P’s is 2n:7+1, then the ratio of their 8" terms is A)IS:8 B) 8:13 5:17 D)8:15 60, 61 62. 63. 64. 66, 2a+bec\(vtath+cy x20 and a+b+e20, then x is equal to A) abe B)-(a+b+e) — C)2(a+b+e) D) -2(a+b+0) Four bad apples are mixed accidentally with 20 good apples. Probability distribution of the number of bad apples in a draw of 2 apples with replacement is formed. The mean is A)V3 BY 22/69 C) 40/138 D) 23 Let ':' be a complex number such that |2~1f +|:+1[°=4, then [| is equal to A)2 B)1 Ow? D)4 Let x.y be positive real numbers, then the maximum value of the expression ey (24x")(849%) 1 1 1 1 NS Be OR Da Let f:R+>R bea function defined by f(x)=— e+ A) # is both one-one and onto B) / is one-one but not onto C)f is onto but not one-one D) f is neither one-one nor onto S(tan‘x)+4>0, lie in the interval: All‘ x’ satisfying the inequality (tan~*x)' A) (tan4.c) B) (tan4.tant) C)(-».tan1) D) (-#.)u(4.) The solution of the differential equation 4 =xtan(y—x)=1. when »(0)=. is in( yx) B) 6? =tan(y—x) +sin(y-x)=0 67. Let §={1.2.34.....10}. A subset B of S is said to be “good”, if product of the elements of Bis odd, Then the probability that a randomly chosen subset of S is “good” is i By ost p& 68. Ifthe point (7,~.0) lies on the plane which passes through the points (2,2.1) Aap and (9.3.6) and is perpendicular to the plane 2x+6y+62=9, then 'a? +3er+4" is equal to A) 12 B)7 oo D4 69. Let (1¢20+3¥°)° =a, sare age? + .oct aye forall ve R, then & is equal to a A) 10.5 B)21 clo D)5.5 70. A variable circle passes through the fixed point (2.0) and touches the y-axis. Then the locus of its centre is A) a parabola B) acircle C)an ellipse D) a hyperbola SECTION-II (Numerical Value Answer Type) This section contains 5 questions. The answer to each question is « Numerical volve. Ifthe numerical valve has more than two decimal places, round-off the value of Two decimal places Answer to each question wil be evaluated according tothe following marking scheme: Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, Oin al other cases. 71. Let Aand B be two invertible matrices of order 3x3. If det(3.487)=81 and det(4'8)=9, then det(2.487R") is equal to 72. If 4=[}. 8 ={o,.0,.45.0,.04) then the mumber of one-one funetions that can be formed from A to B so that the images of i” not equal to a, for any #=1, is equal to The slope of the tangent to the curve y= f(x) at (x. /(x)) is 2v+1. Ifthe curve passes through the point (1.2) then the area of the region bounded by the curve, the x-axis and the line x= is equal to 74, Uf 4i+77+8k, 27+3)+4%, 2/+57+7K are position vectors of vertices A.B,C of A4BC and position vector of the point where the bisector of angle A meets BC is xi+yj+2F then yeyts is equal to 1B _ SIC then the value of cos.4 e088 s08C is equal to 75, In aaae, if KEY SHEET PHYSICS 1 B a ce j3ay7 a4 4 B 5] B 6] D 7] ¢ [8 B | Oo B [io] c¢ uj B fiz) a /i3sf D is] ec fis] a 16) A fi7)/ c /is] c¢ /i9f a ao] D 21/ 0.20 [22| 30 [23] 28 [24] 3000 25) 11 CHEMISTRY 26] B |27/ D 2s]; c 29] a [so] ¢ 31f B is2] D |33f ¢ |34] Dp jas] a 36] D |s7[ B [ssf a j39] Bao] B 41] B i422, aA 43st ce 4a ce 4s oe 46/3 |a7] 4 |48] 1 |49] 2483 Jso] 4 aif ¢ |s2] c |[s3[ B |s4] c [ss] D 56] ¢ [57] B [ss] B [so] a foo] bp o1]| a fez] B |os) c jo) Dd Jos; ¢ 66/ a |e7) ec jes} pb feo] a [vo] a 71/ 266 | 72) 44 | 73] 083 | 74] 12.93 | 75] 1.43 SOLUTIONS PHYSICS Initial position co-ordinates of the particle are (14.15) (24) Final position co-ordinates of the particle be (x.») tdi 4, =2ms7and a, =31 1 id +, In 2s0ee §=8x244204= 14m fe, =[3ra > 7,—, Jar=[uartfSear = y-aaane~ Range of volt meter is SOV : 5 Initial current range i, = ~ st new current range = 504 is G =t= Hn 1000 SF _100e 20 atthe centre B=“ (sin 45 ark Flux through the smaller frame @= Bx!” = As Lori ifL is doubled £ is halved Let P and let force acts in y-direction Kidt = P, 4 2 9 10. u AU aap = H=10004m7, w= 6.3%104 Henry nv, 1=0.1m.r=10%m =a,(1+ 7) where z is susceptibility 6.3x107) ly 4xxl07 Magnetic moment =/¥ = 5000,1%1000% 71°] =5x10°x 2100.1 Time period of the pendulum is equal to time for one oscillation = a= 500.1 => I= ~H =500.1x10004m™ =28. Error 0 in the measurement of time for 20 oscillations=1 second. Therefore error AT for ‘one oscillation is 0.05 second, Error in the measurement of length of the During ~ve half cyele of input if A is at higher potential and C at lower potential, diodes D, and D, are in forward bias and D,.D, are in reverse bias hence current flows from B to D through R. During -ve half cycle of input A is at lower potential and C at higher potential hence diodes D,..D, are in forward bias and D,.D, are in reverse bias ., current flows from B to D through R. Full wave is rectified PE of the dipole Uv -PEcos0 Work done WW =-AU =—(U, -U,)=U, -U, =—PEc0s0 ~(—PE cos60) PE__PE __ 100010" 5x10” =-PE+ 2 2 2 IL 14. Acceleration of the particle is towards centre of the circular path a=28 5=asin60{-i}+0c0s60) ws. iy] m a) Surface tension = /T~ KV (ert) (aeerey(arery = tert =r (). e-b ..Q) and -a-2b bte=2 ~bte Adding (1) and (3) Sb=c- u 1 3 3b Surface tension = 7?G?h? Under the condition of maximum value of F static friction on the sphere reaches its limiting value. Let a be the acceleration of e.m and « be the angular acceleration about ¢.m F-wng=ma and pong = Re For pure rolling = FaLumg F—umg =m > F—pmg =n If resistances of copper strips and solders at the ends are taken into account corrections are to be made for balancing lengths. Given that the resistances of the strips at the left end (A) and right end (B) are equivalent to resistances of 1 comand 2 cm length of the wire «./, =52+1=53 cmand /,=48+2=50cm 15. Intensity of the beam 1=" woe} 4 10x(107) aise Pts [25270005 4x10", <1sx10"7 Ho 3x10" 16. Circule aperture 2.4m and L224 _ 1.22x95x10? 27000Fnm 95 um. — asin®=1.224 => a8 =1.224 =e 83x10° tadian a 24m 17. If Vis actual speed of bird, as seen by a stationary observer inside water its speed appears to be sa’ (as its apparent distance from water surface appears to be # times its actual distance) yuri aed ms 18. Insteady state current through the branch containing capacitor is zero. current in the remaining branch is 4 = 3" — 0.05.4 anti clockwise. 6, -iR, + (Vg Vo) =0 Vy -. Charge on the left plate of the capacitor = -CV =-s1¢ 19 For excitation with least KE of colliding particle the collision should be perfectly in elastic and all the loss in KE is to be used for excitation, mu + M x0 =(M +m)v=> {jt where v-common velocity after collision Mem maximum loss in AK = Limi? £0 + my) = Ln? | A} 2 2 Diane 2 Gree) Meu} ie w2-1024=8| aK =05 750? 20, If Eis energy of photon and K is kinetic energy of the particle and Vis its velocity and 21. For carrier cosine signal v, =V,cos(2a fr) and modulating sine signal v, =V,sin(27f,1) We have a modulated wave, v v,=4v (i +V, sin 2zf,1).cos( 277.1) So, V=20¥ and Modulation index 4 22. Letm be the mass of steam passed ‘mx540+mx(100—90) x1 =(150+125)x1x(90-30) => m $50 =275%60 > m =30g 23. Loss or gain of time per day = Laarx86400 Let the clock gives correct time at temperature @ then 5=4(20-8)«86400 -10=4e(35-2)+86400 on solving @= 25°C m4 PF 22 or £=3pP S.opy > E=1500%2=3000 8 =208 AG" = AH" -TAS? EDTA is hexadentate ligand and ‘en’ is bidentate ligand Lidl, Will reduce carboxylic acids, esters Nitro compounds and ketones In Sif, CH, both central atoms have octet configuration AG? =-nFE®, ip -p) 230387 «UE 31. Due to lower shielding effect of d and f electrons respectively in Ga and 77. they posses small size relatively and high E.N values than 4 32. The species which have higher ability to give stable carbocation, are readily reacts with 4gVO, to give ppt 33. Phenol has active hydrogen, thus it gave alkane with CH,MgBr. Phenol also gave white ppt of Br, in water, due to the formation of 2,4,6-tribromophenol Due to inert pair effect Decomposition of carbonate is calcination log Ke Ae 45 46 Amides will give primary amine with Br, and NaOH. 1° amines will give unpleasant odoured isocyanides with CHC?, / KOH Factual i-l a=-— n-l Amino acid structures — refer NCERT SiC is called carborandum, formed by heating SiO, with coke at high temp. K, tty =< (for zero order) MW =Ny Cyelie bromonium ion is formed as intermediate 2(R+r) Se(Rtr) 0) R (2) From (1) and (2) r 067 x. 1344° Factual 7 co \ Vu \ / iG cos Fe (oO — Fe-—co co % oe? Neo © pair from 4" nitrogen involved in delocalisation to impart aromatic character Factual points AG 303RT log K,, Facts MATHS Length of latus rectum of the hyperbola =8=> 22 =8 =? = 4a a Length of its conjugates axis = half of the distance between its foci @e > 4a? (e?-1)=a°e? > de® Solving X-axis and parabola x? +4(y~a’)=0 We get P.OI =(2a,0)(~2a,0) Area of triangle formed by (0.a")(24.0) (-20.0) is 4( 4) lige 5(4a*) =128 spa=4 Solving the given lines, we get point of intersection R = (2.0.3). Conceptual 55. Let D(2.1), E(-1.-2). FG tan Oxia Sy sin? 3y Gx) 37. m4 Is tan .x( tan x+cot* x >) 2 eee tan* x.sec? xdx > 2tanx (1+tan® x) Put tanx=t sec'xdv=dt LL y=07=0 s(n-1)d _ 20 0s spsieanrmstesy 2As(0=D mH] 60, Rat+2+20 a b 2a+2b+2¢ b+e+2a b a+ 26+ a e+at2b| la D =(2a42b+2c)L b Bb ROR -R.R OR, la eta 28) 1 a b AUats+c}]0 atb+e 0 2(a+b+e)) 0 0 a+bte GI. Range of X is {0,1,2},P = é Mean = 2(1/6)=1/3 62. Given |:~1} + =>(x-1) + oy 8 BP leo UsingAM2GM 24x23, Seyto ove ° : 1 1 W228 16 64. fis not one-one as f(0)=0 and f(-1)=0. f is also not onto as for Maximum value of given expression is there is no xeR such that f(x)=1. If there is sucha veR then dle =e" +e", clearly x40, For x>0, this equation gives -e* = e* which is not possible. For <0, the above equation gives -e* = e* which is also not possible 65. (tan x=1)(tan"ty—4) > 0 > tary (or) tan” xed (2—,)' +3? =sf => yf 4x, 44=0 *. Equation to the locus is 4(x-1), parabola 74 . dv 5 Given that 21a dy=(2x+l)dr= fay =f Since the curve passes through (1.2).c=0 Equation of the curve is y =x" + Required area = I! (e+ sales) = “B AC= 2:1 is (2.3/3.6) sind _sinB _ sae 1 ~The point which: divides 3 B(2,3,4),C(2.5,7) in the ratio Given, == SAA Satb:e=4:5:6 Using cosine rule cos4=3,c08B=2 cose =4 4 16 8 = cos A+ cosB+c0sC = 23/16

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