Energy Transfer Work and Heat

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BITS Pilani

Hyderabad Campus

Energy Transfer
Work and Heat
Work Done at the Moving Boundary
Consider as a system the gas contained in a cylinder
and piston.

The total force on the piston is PA.

Therefore, the work W is

W = FdL = (PA)dL = P(AdL) = PdV

 The work done at the moving boundary during a

given quasi-equilibrium process can be found by
integrating above equation.
Thermodynamics – Chapter 4 2
 This integration can be performed only if we
know the relationship between P and V during
the process.
 The relationship may be expressed in the form of
an equation, or it may be shown in the form of a

Use of pressure-volume
diagram to show work done
at the moving boundary of
system in a quasi-
equilibrium process.

Thermodynamics – Chapter 4 3
 The work done on the air during this
compression process can be found by
2 2

1W2   W   P dV
1 1

 The symbol 1W2 is to be interpreted as the work

done during the process from state 1 to state 2.

 It is clear from P-V diagram that the work done

during the process is represented by the area
under the curve 1-2, area a-1-2-b-a. This area
represents work done on the system.

Thermodynamics – Chapter 4 4
Various quasi-
between two
given states.
 The area underneath each curve represents the
work for each process.
 The amount of work done during each process
depends on the path that is followed in going
from one state to another. For this reason work is
called a path function.
Thermodynamics – Chapter 4 5
Thermodynamic properties are point functions. Thus
there is a definite value of a property corresponding
to each state. The differentials of point functions are
exact differentials, and the integration is simply

dV V 2  V1

The differentials of path functions are inexact

differentials. Thus, for work, we write

 W  W
1 2

Thermodynamics – Chapter 4 6
Important Points
• Work done in a process is not only a function
of the two end states, but it also depends on the
path followed in going from one state to

• Work is a path function and W is an inexact


• Thus 1W2 =  W  W2 – W1. Hence never

speak of work in state 1 or state 2. There is
only Win and Wout which is work in transit.
Thermodynamics – Chapter 4 7
Polytropic Process
For many expansion and compression processes, the
path of the process may be modeled as a polytropic
process. For this process the system pressure and
volume are related by the polytropic relation


where C is the constant and the parameter n is

known as the polytropic constant. Although n can
take on any value, the relation is especially useful
when 1 ≤ n ≤ 5/3.
Thermodynamics – Chapter 4 8
PV  C  PV  PV
2 2 1 1
n n

n n
P  n  1 n1  2 n2
2 2
dV V 
 n 1

1 P dV  C 1 V n  C  n  1 
1 n 1 n

2 n n

1 P dV 
1 n
1 n
 V1
1 n
 
2 2 V2

1 n
1 1 V1

P2 V2  P1 V1
1 W2 
1 n

Thermodynamics – Chapter 4 9
Hyperbolic Process
For a process following hyperbolic law,
PV  C  P1 V1  P2 V2
2 2 2
dV dV V2
1 PdV  C 1 V P1 V1 1 V  PV
1 1 ln
V2 V2
1W2  PV
1 1 ln or P2 V2 ln
V1 V1
P1 P1
 PV
1 1 ln or P2 V2 ln
P2 P2
Note that the hyperbolic process becomes an
isothermal process for an ideal gas at constant
temperature Pv = RT = C
Thermodynamics – Chapter 4 10
Constant Pressure Process
1 2
P = Constant P

1W2 =  W = PdV = P dV 1 W2

1W2 = P (V2 – V1) V

Constant Volume Process

V = Constant, dV = 0
1W2 = 0

Thermodynamics – Chapter 4 11
Work done at the Moving Boundary

•1-2a => P=Const

•1-2b => PV = Const
•1-2c => PV1.3 = Const
•1-2d => V=C

P-V Diagram showing work done in the various process


P-V Diagram showing work done in the various process

Work done at the Moving Boundary

•n = 0 (constant pressure or Isobaric Process)

•n = 1 (Constant Temperature or Isothermal Process)
•n = 1.3 (Polytropic Process)
•n = γ (Isentropic or Rev. adiabatic process)
•n = ∞ (Constant Volume or Isochoric Process)


1< n < γ

Fig : Comparison of Isentropic, Isothermal & Polytropic Processes
The Identification of work
The identification of work is an important aspect of
many thermodynamics problems. The work can be
identified only at the boundary of the system.

• Free expansion : Is a non-equilibrium

adiabatic process in which the volume of a
closed system increases.

Thermodynamics – Chapter 4 16
One observes that the
system boundary
moves. It is not a
process, and Pext = 0.
Hence, PextdV is
zero, no work is done
in the process.

Free expansion is a
process in which 
PdV is finite, but still
W = 0 Thermodynamics – Chapter 4 17
 As the paddle runs, work enters the system.
 It increases the stored energy of the system.
 There is no movement of the system boundary.
Hence PdV is zero, although work has been
done on the system.
 Thus, PdV does not represent work for this
 So work may be done on a closed system even
though there is no volume change.

Thermodynamics – Chapter 4 18
(E 4.2) The piston is loaded with a mass, mp, the
outside atmosphere Po, a linear spring, and a single
point force F1. The piston traps the gas inside with a
pressure P.
The force balance on the piston in the
direction of motion
m p a  0   F  F 
with a zero acceleration in a quasi-equilibrium

 F  PA,  F   m g  P A  k  x  x   F
p o s o 1

with the spring constant, ks .

Thermodynamics – Chapter 4 19
The force balance then gives the gas pressure
P  Po   m p g  k s  x  xo   F1  / A
mp g F1 ks V  Vo 
P  Po    2
 C1  C2V
This relation gives the pressure as a linear function of volume,
with the line having a slope of C2  ks / A2 .
The work term in a quasi-equilibrium
W2   P dV  area under the process curve

1W2   P1  P2 V2  V1 

Thermodynamics – Chapter 4 20

Example A piston/cylinder arrangement shown in Fig.

initially contains air at 150 kPa, 400°C. The setup is
allowed to cool to the ambient temperature of 20°C.
a.Is the piston resting on the stops in the final state?
What is the final pressure in the cylinder?
b. What is the specific work done by the air during this




State 1: P1 = 150 kPa, T1 = 400°C = 673.16 K

State 2: T2 = T0 = 20°C = 293.16 K
For all states air behave as an ideal gas.
a) If piston at stops at 2, V2 = V1/2 and pressure
less than Plift = P1
⇒ P2 = P1 × (V1/V2 )× (T2/T1)
= 150 × 2 × 293.16/673.16 = 130.7 kPa < P1
⇒ Piston is resting on stops at state 2.

b) Work done while piston is moving at constant Pext = P1.

1W2 = ∫ Pext dV = P1 (V2 - V1) ; V2 = (½ V1)

V2 = (½) mRT1/P1
1w2 = 1W2/m = RT1 (1/2 - 1 ) = -1/2 × 0.287 × 673.16
= -96.59 kJ/kg

Claus Borgnakke, & Richard E. Sonntag,

“Fundamentals of Thermodynamics”, John
Wiley& Sons, 2009, 7thEdition.
Cengel, Boles, Thermodynamics An
Engineering Approach, Mc Graw Hill,2008,
Nag P K , Basic and Applied
Thermodynamics, Mc Graw Hill,2013, 2nd

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

BITS Pilani
Hyderabad Campus

Energy Transfer
Work and Heat-2
(4.42/4.35) A piston/cylinder assembly contains 1
kg of liquid water at 20oC and 300 kPa. There is a
linear spring mounted on the piston such that
when the water is heated pressure reaches 3 MPa
with a volume of 0.1 m3.
(a) Find the final temperature.
(b) Plot the process in a P-v diagram
(c) Find the work done in the process.

State 1: m  1 kg, T1  20o C, P1  300 kPa
 Compressed liquid
From Table B.1.1  v1  v f @ 20o C  0.001002 m3 /kg
V1  mv1  1 kg  0.001002 m3 /kg  0.001002 m3

State 2: m  1 kg, V2  0.1 m3 , P2  3000 kPa

V2 0.1 m3
v2    0.1 m3 /kg
m 1 kg
From Table B.1.2 for P2@ sat  3000 kPa  v2  vg
 Superheated vapor
From Table B.1.3 and by interpolation  T2  404 C o

W2   P dV  area under the process curve

  P1  P2 V2  V1 
  300  3000  kPa  0.1  0.001002  m3 /kg  163.35 kJ

• Paddle Wheel Work: It is a process involving
friction in which the volume of the system
does not change at all.

Thermodynamics – Chapter 4 29
(4.106/4.102) A vertical cylinder has a 61.18 kg
piston locked with a pin, trapping 10 L of R-22 at
10oC with 90% quality inside. Atmospheric
pressure is 100 kPa, and the cylinder cross-
sectional area is 0.006 m2. The pin is removed,
allowing the piston to move and come to rest with a
final temperature of 10oC for the R-22. Find the
final pressure, final volume, and work done by the

mp  61.18 kg, Ap  0.006 m2 , Po  100 kPa
State 1 : V1  10 L  0.01 m , T1  10 C, x1  0.9
3 o

From Table B.4.1 (702)  P1  680.7 kPa

v1  0.0008  0.9  0.03391  0.03132 m3 /kg
V1 0.01 m3
m  3
 0.319 kg
v1 0.03132 m /kg

State 2 : Force balance on piston gives the equilibrium pressure

mp g 61.18 kg  9.81 m/s 2

P2  Po   100 kPa   200 kPa
AP 0.006 m 1000

From Table B.4.2 (704) for P2  200 kPa, T2  10o C 
it is superheated v2  0.13129 m3 /kg

V2  v2  m
 0.13129 m3 /kg  0.319 kg
 0.04188 m3

W2   Pext dV  P2 V2  V1 
 200 kPa   0.04188  0.01 m3
 6.376 kJ

Shaft work
The work crossing the boundary of the system is that
associated with a rotating shaft.
W  Fdx  F rd  T d
that is, force acting through a distance dx or a torque
(T = Fr) acting through an angle of rotation.

 W dx d
W F  FV  F r  T
dt dt dt
Thermodynamics – Chapter 4 33
Electrical work
Let the potential difference be ε
and the amount of electrical
charge that flows into the system
be dZ
δW = - ε dZ
Since the current, i, equals dZ/dt
(where t = time), we can write
also write W   i dt

1W2     i dt

Thermodynamics – Chapter 4 34
Heat: The form of energy that is transferred between
two systems (or a system and its surroundings) by
virtue of a temperature difference.
Temperature difference is the driving force for
heat transfer. The larger the temperature
difference, the higher is the rate of heat

Energy can cross the boundaries of a closed

system in the form of heat and work.
The amount of heat transferred when a system undergoes
a change from state 1 to state 2 depends on the path that
the system follows during the change of state similar to
work done, we can write 2
 Q = 1Q2
Specific heat transfer q = Q/m

 Q
Rate of heat transfer Q 

Amount of heat transfer

when heat transfer rate is

Amount of heat transfer when heat transfer rate

changes with time
Methods of Heat Transfer
The three modes of heat transfer are
– Conduction
– Convection
– Radiation
Fourier' s law of conduction
 dT
Q  K A
Newton's law of cooling  
Qrad   A Ts  Tsurr
4 4

Q  h A T

Energy is recognized as heat transfer only as

it crosses the system boundary.

During an adiabatic process, a system

exchanges no heat with its surroundings.
Comparison of Heat and Work

Heat and work both are boundary phenomenon.

System never posses heat or work, but either or
both crosses the system boundary when a system
undergoes a change of state.
Both heat and work are path functions and are
inexact differentials.
Comparison of Heat and Work

 +ve Q represents heat transferred to the

system and thus energy added to the system
 +ve W represents work done by the
system and thus energy leaving the system
and Vice versa.
Comparison of Heat and Work
Comparison of Heat and Work
BITS, Pilani

An example showing the difference between heat and work


Claus Borgnakke, & Richard E. Sonntag,

“Fundamentals of Thermodynamics”, John
Wiley& Sons, 2009, 7thEdition.
Cengel, Boles, Thermodynamics An
Engineering Approach, Mc Graw Hill,2008,
Nag P K , Basic and Applied
Thermodynamics, Mc Graw Hill,2013, 2nd

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

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