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General Problem
The study aims to catch the effects of Online Class on Physical and Mental Health of the
GRADE-11 students of FEU ROOSEVELT RODRIGUEZ CAMPUS due to stress and tons of
workloads caused by online classes.

Specific Problems:
1. How does Online Class affect student’s Physical and Mental Health?

2. How do the students manage to maintain their Physical and Mental health?

3. How do these aforementioned factors affect the student’s ability to look after oneself?
In this study, we will determine the effects of Online Classes on Physical and Mental Health
based on the opinions and insights that will be gathered from Grade-11 students of the FEU
Roosevelt Rodriguez Campus. This study will benefit the following:

STUDENTS. This study can be beneficial to students who are also struggling with their physical
and mental health. This can also make them realize how important the physical and mental health
is for a student. In which they should pay attention to it more and not neglect it.

PARENTS. This study can be beneficial to parents since this can serve to know their children better
and to guide them as they move forward. This can help them maintain or check their child's mental
and physical health.

TEACHERS. This study can be beneficial to teachers because this can help them improve and
have a better perspective on what students are currently facing with their Physical and Mental
Health, furthermore, this can also improve their ways of instructing their students.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS. For future researchers who are also interested in the topic, this can
help them gather more information from student’s opinion. This can also improve their research by
using this research paper as their basis.


This study is focused and limited to all Grade 11 students of FEU Rodriguez Academic
Year 2021-2022. In which their opinions will be the answer to our questions and our in-depth
observations will be the basis for this research. The research method that we will be using shall
be online interviews and online surveys hence having physical contact is not allowed.
The setting of the study will be done via Microsoft Teams Chat or Forms. The participants that
will take part of the study is Grade-11 students from the academic strands; STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), ABM (Accountancy and Business Management,
HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences). 2 students per section in each strand, male and female
students will be needed in this research.
The method that will be used to the said research will be done through online forms or
interviews, hence having physical contact is not allowed.

Reviews of Related Literature

This review contains concepts, a finished thesis, a generalization, or conclusion that was

gathered from different sources related to our research study and was reviewed by our researchers.

This chapter describes the kind of sources that the researcher mostly used. It gives the important

information regarding the study's references. It is a summary of all the hypotheses and findings

derived from a survey of related literature and their relevance to the study's purpose. The purpose of

this research is to ascertain the problems experienced by chosen Grade 11 students of

FEU Roosevelt Rodriguez in this school year 2021-2022. Those provided in this chapter assist in

becoming familiar with information that is connected to and comparable to current study.

Related Textbooks

According to Yusnilita (2020), this study enlightens how the online learning bring out impact for students’

achievement. 20 students as participant in this study. The descriptive qualitative was used as method of the

study. Based on the result of questionnaire 80% of online learning is interesting for students. 65% of students

answer that online learning class are easier that regular class and 5% answer not. 85% of students always

prepare their learning with taking notes or record it. 90% of students answer online learning practical for them.

When talking about the time of online learning 7% of students feel disturb and hurry but 70% are not. 75% of

students ask that online learning is cheaper than they should go to class, because they need to pay for bus

fare, lunch, clothes etc. 68% of students always join discussion along the online learning. 75% of students feel

more confidence joining online learning that face to face in class. That’s why 60% of students think online

learning can improve high quality of learning. And 70% of the teacher always accommodate their students in
learning. They teacher also give them feedback after they send their assignment and more of the students feel

more confidence with online learning. In summary, online learning provide students practical and flexible way in

learning, it also makes them more creative and active. Online learning gives them some benefit in learning.

(Yushinita, 2020)'s_Views

According to Reupert (2021), The book provides incorporated fashions and techniques that serve to decorate

pupil gaining knowledge of and sell wellbeing. Chapters discover troubles referring to study room management,

college lifestyle and leadership, team of workers wellbeing, pedagogy, inclusion, and the curriculum. Placing

college students on the middle of choice making, the book showcases revolutionary fashions and techniques

that colleges would possibly use for stopping troubles, enticing college students, and figuring out and

addressing gaining knowledge of or intellectual fitness troubles that a few college students would possibly

experience. This book will attraction to academics, researchers, and post-graduate college students within

inside the fields of intellectual fitness and education and will be of hobby to high-school counsellors, academic

psychologists and people operating with younger humans in colleges. (Reupert, 2021)


According to Garner (2020) Mental health is a much-discussed topic in education. They are many factors

contributing to the increase of mental health issues and there isn’t one ‘fix-all’ solution. Supporting mental

health isn’t just about implementing lots of add-ons or interventions. What we have to do in education is look at

our accountability and also what we can do to support the mental health and well-being of the students. Getting

school counselor is not going to fix all the problems. (Garner, 2020)



Related Website Articles

According to Mehdi (2020), Excessive release of dopamine may result in a desire for more screen time.

However, this does not happen with academics." Radhika emphasizes that "screen time here is not fun time; it

is strictly instructive." She adds that to combat the lethargy that may set in, students can contact their friends or

make video chats, and spend quality time with friends and family. It's no secret that kids spend a significant

amount of time each day slouched in front of a laptop or desktop computer for studying. "Since this has

become somewhat of a routine, many of them are neither as knowledgeable nor as worried as they should be

about the negative implications of this practice on their health," says Dr. Adarsh Annapareddy, orthopaedic and

joint replacement surgeon at Sunshine Hospitals. "Without the appropriate posture and the right type of study

desk, people are certain to complain about acute discomfort on their backs, shoulders, and neck muscles as a

result of slouching or straining for lengthy periods of time," Adarsh explains. Because of poor posture, some

people may feel tension, tingling sensations, headaches, muscular fatigue, and impaired performance. Adarsh

recommends using a laptop or tablet instead than a smartphone and keeping at least a foot away from the

eyes. To reduce lower back discomfort, he also recommends avoiding sitting or sleeping on the bed and

instead choosing a strong study table and chair with an armrest, or even a dining table. (Mehdi, 2020)


According to Magsambol B. (2021) The Filipino students didn't learn as much, aside from the school

system being unprepared for the shift, remote education also posed a major challenge for students

who did not have anyone to facilitate learning at home, or whose parents were not capable of guiding

them due to lack of knowledge. In a recent video interview released by the Ateneo School of
Government, Professor Carmel Abao said that aside from the issue of accessibility, remote learning

also had an impact on students' mental health. An online survey conducted by the multisectoral group

Movement for Safe, Equitable, Quality and Relevant Education (SEQuRE) found that 86.7% of

students under modular learning, 66% under online learning, and 74% under blended learning said

they "learned less" under the alternative modes of learning compared with the traditional face-to-face

setup. (Magsambol, 2021)

Balram (2020) stated from his article, that one of the major consequences of the transition to online learning is

its impact on student health, specifically sleep habits. In addition to adverse health impacts from altered sleep

cycles, increased digital use can affect student’s physical and mental health. From a director psychologist and

neuropsychologist, Jennifer Katzenstein, he learned that increased screen time usage, especially for non-

academic activities, has been found to be linked with increases in depression, anxiety and perceived attention

problems. He also added after interviewing Jaiswal that, online learning has also affected the physical activity

levels of students and that not walking between classes has made some students stationary for hours on end

in front of their computers. (Balram, 2020)

According to High Focus Centers (2020), Online learning affects everyone from young children to young adults,

teachers, and professors. For many students, virtual classes may worsen existing mental health disorders. For

others, the impact of the pandemic and online learning can trigger new changes in mental health and mood.

(High Focus Centers, 2020)
According to Ferlazzo (2021) He stated that there are several adverse effects as well. Vulnerable learners

struggled with different learning-management systems and applications, making learning experiences

frustrating. Given the prevalence of technology in schools, the gaps between students who are comfortable

with technology and those who are not will widen. Additionally, there will continue to be inequities between

students who have access to more reliable internet and those who do not. It is also quite realistic that some

learners were so likely turned off by online learning that they have entirely given up on school. Schools must

work hard to reengage these students. We have also seen a decline in teacher morale. Teaching online, in

person, and in hybrid environments was exhausting and caused tremendous stress for teachers of all

experience levels. Further, being apart from colleagues and working in isolation led to decreased enthusiasm

and teamwork. We also saw many teachers balancing teaching online and their own children—not an easy

task. In many districts, we saw a shortage of teachers willing to teach summer school or sponsor

extracurricular activities. They simply ran out of bandwidth. (Ferlazzo, 2021)


Related thesis/research

According to University of Minnesota (2007), they stated that technology not only impacts academics but

also their health. Good health is one of the strongest influences on completion of a degree. College

students face multiple risks to their health, including the use of computers and internet, which could

prevent them from completing their degrees. Research has suggested that having a college degree has a

positive impact on long term health, therefore it is important that the time on the computer does not have a

negative impact on the completion of their degree. Online learning can be beneficial but also comes with

added health risk. (University of Minnesota, 2007; Wang et al., 2012)
According to Smit (2015) he claims on his research that even though a large number of students do not seek

professional help for mental health problems, the purpose of this study is to make recommendations to student

health services on how to encourage students with mental health and physical health problems to seek

professional help in order to avoid study delays and the progression of these. Furthermore, Student Health

Services were interested in the role of the Internet in seeking assistance for mental health problems, because

general practitioners had invested in this medium to contact with non-help-seeking students for a variety

Reasons. (Smit, 2015)

According to Jessica (2016), Online learning presents a major risk on our emotional and physical health,

otherwise known as functional health which results in a trend away from active leisure pursuits and recreational

sports and leading us towards a sedentary lifestyle, someone who does not meet the minimum suggested

levels of physical activity. Nevertheless, she also stated that online courses are beneficial for many reasons.

With the combination of the advances in technology and busy schedules the only way some people are able to

go to school is online. (Jessica, 2016)

According to Halupa (2016), COVID-19 had a significant impact on our lives. Students, unfortunately, are

among those who may be most affected by the virus. Whether it is mental health, physical health, or a mixture

of the two, students have experienced their fair share of health issues during this pandemic. Students who take

online lessons from home do not have to be as professional as their peers in the classroom. As a result,

several areas of their physical health are worsening. One of the most prominent explanations for the current

upsurge in backaches is poor ergonomics, such as attending online classes on beds and sofas. Obesity is on

the rise in youngsters, either as a result of a lack of outdoor physical activity or as a result of binge eating and
easy access to junk food at home. Youngsters are also losing muscle mass and gaining fat, which will hinder

their growth. (Halupa, 2016)


According to Ren VanderLind, Texas State University (2017). Mental health, although not a new concern, has

become increasingly acceptable to discuss in recent years, A growing body of research about college students'

mental health concerns underlines the need for educators to consider how mental health might affect students

and what courses of action are available. This is imperative given how mental illness may hinder student

success. (Vanderlind, 2017)

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