Cordero, Crizza Loraine A. - STEM12-C Swati Mohan - ORALCOMM M3

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Name: Cordero, Crizza Loraine A.

Grade & Section: 11 - STEM12C - Swati Mohan

Subject Code/Number: CORE06
Subject Title: Oral Communication
Teacher: Mr. Keth A. Villanueva

Communicative Competence Strategies in Various Speech

Situations Types of Speech Context
(SLG NO. 3)


Activity 1 - Comprehension Check (Q1 LC5)

Communicating with Self Communicating with two people

• Having a mental conversation • Speaking on the phone

with yourself, like
congratulating yourself on a
job well-done. • Sending a text message

• Trying to decide what to wear • Giving and receiving

to school in the morning, or instructions: on trains, in the
thinking that you wished you workplace, giving directions to
had studied more for a test visitors to our town, and
that the teacher is handing out reading the instructions
to you. leaflet for a new appliance

• It can also be things like to- • Giving a presentation at work

do lists, journals, assignment
notebooks, reminders on
calendars, etc. • Sending an invitation

Communicating with a Small Group Communicating with the Public

• Having a discussion with my • A pastor giving a sermon

groupmates about the group
• Giving a speech to the class

• A family conversing at dinner

• Hosting a public conference.

• Hanging out with your friends

• A class discussion

• A football huddle

A. Identify the differences of the speech contexts being discussed by

filling out the box given below.


(Please provide three)

Intrapersonal Intrapersonal communication is • Maria stares at the

Communication the process by which an mirror and sings her
individual communicates within favorite song.
themselves, acting as both • June congratulated
sender and receiver of himself for winning
messages, and encompasses the the poster contest.
use of unspoken words to • Lorraine was
consciously engage in self-talk thinking about what
and inner speech. she is going to eat
for dinner.

Interpersonal Interpersonal communication is • Mei and her

Communication an exchange of information classmate are
between two or more people. talking on the phone
about their
• Marco sends an
invitation to his
friends for his
upcoming birthday.
• Stephanie sends a
text message to her
boyfriend that she
wants to break up.

Public Public communication occurs in • The principal of the

a large context usually with school delivered a
one person (or a small group) speech to all
speaking to a larger audience students about the
opening of the
school year.
• Riley joined an
oratorical contest
at her school.
• Michael delivered a
speech at the UN

Mass Mass communication takes place • A female student

Communication through television, radio, journalist
newspapers, magazines, books, articulates her
billboards, internet, and other stand on current
types issues through the
of media. school’s newspaper.
• Marco is a
newscaster who
reports the news on
• The chairman who’s
running for the
election made a
political campaign.
B. Directions: Determine the types of speech context in the given

1. Intrapersonal Communication
2. Interpersonal Communication
3. Public Communication
4. Intrapersonal Communication
5. Public Communication
6. Interpersonal Communication
7. Mass Communication
8. Interpersonal Communication
9. Interpersonal Communication
10.Interpersonal Communication

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