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Name: Nguyễn Thị Vân Anh

Class: BK- ENG4023-04

Task 1: You are the president of FELTE Youth Council. You have decided to carry
out a meaningful project for which you want to receive some funding from the faculty.
Write a letter to the faculty dean requesting for the fund.


I am writing on behalf of FELTE Youth Council to request the fund from the faculty
for our contest “LIKE TO GUIDE” to create a playground for students who are
competent and passionate about becoming a tour guide. In this contest, students can
show off their ability to present tourist attractions in Vietnam in English.

The competition "LIKE TO GUIDE" consists of 2 rounds (qualifying, final). In the

qualifying round, candidates will record a video to introduce a tourist destination in
English. The top ten contestants with the best videos will continue to the final round,
where they will present directly within 20 minutes and answer some situational
questions from the judges. The judges will choose the three best contestants to award
the first, second and third prizes. Besides, all contestants participating in the contest
will receive a certificate of the Organizing Committee.

The amount of money needed for this event is about 9,000,000 VND including
organizational funding and prize money. The cost of the organization is 4,500, 000
VND for items: printing, advertising, light tea party, beverages, hall rentals. We will
spend 4,500 000 VND in the fund on awards and gifts.

We feel sure that you will agree with this project. With the faculty’s fund, we believe
the contest will be successfully organized, thereby creating a pervasive effect, helping
English language students to be more motivated to work in the field of tourism.

We sincerely appreciate your consideration of our request and look forward to hearing
from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

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