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INTRO (ALM1, BLM1, CLM1 & DLM1) Notice of Activities for WEEKS 6-9 (9 October 2020) 1

9 October 2020 (Friday)


RE: Notice of Activities for WEEKS 6-9
FR: Atty. Harriet B. Reyes-Linsangan

Kamusta, mga Anak! I hope everything is

well with you and your families as you
receive this notice. 

Please be guided by the following schedule

of activities and reading assignments for
Weeks 6-9 (5-31 October).

SESSION 1  5 or 6 October (Monday or Tuesday)

 Graded Oral Recitation (GOR) with Supplemental Lecture (SupLec) – We

will be having graded oral recitations with supplemental lecture. The
coverage for the discussions will include the entire of Module 5 and the
Guide Questions thereto. Please make sure you master your readings.
Memorize by heart the provisions I asked you to commit to memory, and
which are highlighted at the conclusion of every module. You may be
asked to cite said provisions as your recitation question; hence, be ready
INTRO (ALM1, BLM1, CLM1 & DLM1) Notice of Activities for WEEKS 6-9 (9 October 2020) 2

with your blindfold just in case. Also, make sure that you read cases in
their original text if indicated in our Modules. You will likewise be asked
to discuss them during GORs. Remember that during graded oral
recitations, you will be asked only one question. So please come to class
prepared ALWAYS. Please follow these general directions in the conduct
of our subsequent GORs in this course.

SESSION 2  8 or 9 October (Thursday or Friday)

 Scheduled Midterm Examination for 9-cycle subjects – We will not be

meeting during this session to give way to your scheduled Midterm
Examinations in other subjects, and to give you time to concentrate on
your review in preparation for said examinations.


TWO-HOUR RECITATION SLOT  11 October (Sunday)

 Supplemental GOR Hours – For those students who have not yet been
called for GOR, I will be in the Conference feature of our Red Canvas from
2:00 to 4:00 pm on Sunday, 11 October, to call students for recitation if
they wish to recite. Coverage for the recitation will be the entire of
Module 5. I will give priority to students who have not yet been called for
GOR. This activity is available to all INTRO students in all the sections who
wish to participate.
INTRO (ALM1, BLM1, CLM1 & DLM1) Notice of Activities for WEEKS 6-9 (9 October 2020) 3

SESSION 1  12 or 13 October (Monday or Tuesday)

 Graded Oral Recitation (GOR) with Supplemental Lecture (SupLec) – The

coverage for the discussions will include the entire of Module 5 and
pages 1 to 14 of your Module 6 on Family Relations. Be guided by the
general directions for the conduct of our GOR.

SESSION 2  15 or 16 October (Thursday or Friday)

 Graded Oral Recitation (GOR) with Supplemental Lecture (SupLec) – The

coverage for the discussions will include the entire of Modules 5 and 6.
Be guided by the general directions for the conduct of our GOR.

 Minor OPT No. 2 – This is a Class Project to be participated in by the

collective efforts of the different groups in every class. A notice will be
separately sent to your respective classes regarding the guidelines to be
followed for this activity. This requirement is due for submission on or
before 10:00 p.m. on 18 October (Sunday), and will cover a mastery of
the discussions outlined in Modules 5 and 6. Please keep posted.

Upcoming quiz…
Start catching up on your
readings. Master previous
INTRO (ALM1, BLM1, CLM1 & DLM1) Notice of Activities for WEEKS 6-9 (9 October 2020) 4

SESSION 1  19 or 20 October (Monday or Tuesday)

 Asynchronous session – During this class day, make an effort to

communicate with your respective groups (in your chosen platform, or in
any way you can) to discuss the answers to the Guide Questions to
Modules 6 and 7, which will be the subject of discussion and graded oral
recitations on Thursday or Friday (22 or 23 October). Make sure that you
master the legal principles applied to these questions. This will also serve
as preparation in your upcoming MT QUIZ No. 3, and our Midterm
Examinations (MTX) scheduled from 28 October to 3 November.

 Attendance Report – The Group Facilitators are requested to report to

their Class Representatives the attendance for their discussions, and the
reason for the absence of students who were unable to participate in the
discussions. Should you decide to meet at some other time other than
our regular class schedule, you are given leeway anent the time and
manner. What is important is that you set aside time for discussion, as a
group, of the questions for Module 7.

 Second Graded Quiz – Our second graded quiz, MT QUIZ No. 3, will be
given on 25 October (Sunday). You can take it at any time from 5:00 am
to 10:00 pm. Coverage for the quiz will be Modules 2 to 7.

SESSION 2  22 or 23 October (Thursday or Friday)

INTRO (ALM1, BLM1, CLM1 & DLM1) Notice of Activities for WEEKS 6-9 (9 October 2020) 5

 Graded Oral Recitation (GOR) with Supplemental Lecture (SupLec) – The

coverage for the discussions will include the entire of Modules 6 and 7. Be
guided by the general directions for the conduct of our GOR.

SESSION 1  26 or 27 October (Monday or Tuesday)

 Asynchronous session – This session will be allotted for reviewing for the
MTX with your respective groups. I will be on standby to discuss
clarificatory questions that you will pose in your respective class GCs.

SESSION 2  29 or 30 October (Thursday or Friday)

INTRO (ALM1, BLM1, CLM1 & DLM1) Notice of Activities for WEEKS 6-9 (9 October 2020) 6

 Scheduled MTX – We will follow the official schedule given by the Office of
the CAS regarding your scheduled MTX day. Please keep yourselves
posted on the official announcement. The coverage for the MTX will be
MODULES 1 to 8, inclusive of cited provisions you were asked to
memorize, as well as cases required to be read in their original text.
Goodluck, mga Anak. 

Thank you, and keep safe always! 

May the force be constantly with you.

Harriet B. Reyes-Linsangan

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