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Group Number: Group 14

Group Member: Barce, Rhina

Proposed Title: Graham Balls with a twist

The majority of Filipinos are sweet toothed, in fact, desserts or foods that are sweet must
always be on the table for special occasions. Furthermore, desserts are often served after lunch or
supper, yet Filipinos are notorious for not sticking to traditional mealtimes (breakfast, lunch, and
dinner). Instead, they have what they refer to as "merienda" in the morning and mid-afternoon.
As a result, we decided to make a dessert using crushed graham crackers, Nestle All Purpose
Cream, and condensed milk, as well as graham balls filled with micro marshmallows, chocolate
chips, peanut butter, and dried fruit (also known as "Graham Ball with a Twist").

The relevance of our product stems from the fact that Filipinos utilize sugar in almost
everything, therefore it's no surprise that they have a large selection of sweet treats. The
Philippines' dessert inventiveness can be traced back to its colonial history with sugar, which was
a vital product. “If there's any nation in the world with the sweetest of sweet-tooths, it would
have to be Filipinos,” according to (Tee, 2020). Sweet foods are consumed throughout the day in
the Philippines, both as desserts and as snacks.”

Our Graham Ball with a Twist taps into an ongoing culinary trend that focuses on healthy
eating (ingredients e.g., fruits, milk) while still offering a sweet pleasure at the end of a meal or
as a solo snack, and we feel it will have a significant impact on the globe today. Creating a more
health-conscious and exciting dessert by tweaking with existing recipes. Natural sugar comes
from a variety of sources, many of which offer healthful nutrients in addition to their opposites.
Natural sugar is found in vegetables, fruits, and dairy products, as well as fiber, vitamins, carbs,
and other nutrients.

Humans are born with an innate preference for sweet food, this preference can be
observed in even newborn babies. As a result, our product will undoubtedly prosper, especially
since we are offering it for only P 5.00 per pcs. This is because we feel that reduced costs are
simply seen as good offers by consumers. What shoppers consider when deciding whether or not
to buy a product influences their perception of a low price. Also, as what we have said earlier,
desserts are, at their most basic level, a form of luxury.


Tee, S. (2020, November 26). Guide to Desserts in the Philippines: Must-Try Filipino S... Guide
to the Philippines.

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