To Make Artistic Expression Accessible To All: Who Is Cherry

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A place where creators thrive

Who is Cherry
Cherry is a community of idealists and technologists organized within the Cherry Decentralized Autonomous Organization, and
united with the aim to empower the ability of artists and creators to express their art freely.
We seek to accomplish this mission by developing and expanding innovative technological paradigms such as Blockchain,
Decentralized Finance, and Smart Contracts.

The Cherry Vision

To make artistic expression
accessible to all

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Why Cherry?
We believe the ability to express art, no matter its content, is a necessary
prerequisite for progress and prosperity. However, the legacy systems
tend to censor and suppress art deemed "controversial" or
"inconvenient." Emerging creators are stifled and repressed with fees
and high barriers of entry.

As technologists we knew this didn't have to be the case. We took it

upon ourselves to liberate artistic expression from the constraints of the
past, for all of us, once and for all.

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Cherry Chain
A decentralized computing virtual machine with a synchronous
execution ledger, optimized for media and DeFi applications:
Production Ready: 100,000+ transactions per second, Avalanche

micro-second latency, infinite scalability

Inter-Planetary File System: store and distribute large

amounts of data, while keeping content private and secure.
zk-SNARKs: advanced cryptography for private and
lightweight data transmission between parties.

Purpose built features to enable fast Tezos

and to secure development,

and meet the challenges of tomorrow. Page No. 4/ 12

Cherry Ecosystem Social Media

Developers and creators from all around the world A comprehensive self publishing tool for artists to curate a feed
collaborate to build decentralized applications and interact with their community.
powered by the Cherry Chain, and form the ultimate
platform for creative production. eCommerce
Censorship resistant marketplace for Artists to sell digital and
physical products, to the world.
Some features
under active development:
Decentralized Finance
Creators access credit facilities to fund their art, and investors
earn passive income financing the artists they most *cherish*.

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The Cherry Project is owned and operated
by its community as a decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)

The Cherry DAO administers a monthly budget of 4,000,000 Cherry Tokens, which it allocates and distributes to worthy
teams and proposals.

Cherry Labs
To facilitate partnerships, joint ventures and coordinate our corporate outreach efforts. It organizes hackathons and issues
grants for research and development to external teams.

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We Build We Perfect
Advisory board formed Cherry Governance & Labs Launch
Custom distributed ledger technology research Creators outreach and incentive program
Blockchain Oracle system Security Audit

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

We Design We Launch We Win

Technology stack identified Fundraise Community Based Governance
Development team formed Cherry Social, Marketplace & Finance Beta Launch Cross Chain interoperability
Core Architecture Designed Support early adopters Cherry SDK Released

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The Cherry Token

Cherry Token (CHER) is the Ecosystem's native token designed to empower the Cherry platform and foster a mutually
beneficial relationship between developers, users, and investors.

Currency: CHER is used as a “standard” currency within the Cherry economy: fans use it to tip and cherish artists, it is the
default payment method for marketplace transactions, developers spend them to operate their dApps.

Decentralized Finance: Access all of Cherry's DeFi properties through Cherry Token. Invest or get funded easily and for no fees.

Blockchain Fees: The Cherry Chain offers powerful features which cost expensive computational resources to maintain.
Pay the fees incurred while interacting with the decentralized applications hosted on the Cherry Chain with CHER

Funding: The Cherry Project is endowed with a 10 year budget to pay developers and proposals, and operate independently
from outside resources.

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4 million
Available monthly
to the DAO 132.5 million
0.03$/CHER Circulating Supply
Current Price

1 billion
10 years CHER
of DAO Total Diluted
self-sufficiency Market Capitalization

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One billion CHER tokens was created upon launch of the Cherry Project. That constitutes the token supply limit, which means that no
new Cherry Tokens will be created in the future. The following pie-chart illustrates the initial CHER token distribution at the time of

5% Public Token Sale



7.5% Liquidity Pools




48% Decentralized Autonomous Organization

5% 10% Strategic Partnerships and Community Incentives
2.75% Seed Investors
12.25% Private Sale Investors
% 48
10 % 4.5% Founders
7.5% Cherry Labs
2.5% Advisors

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Vesting Schedule
Cherry Tokens either sold or granted to Strategic Partners, Early Investors, the Founders, Advisors* and the Cherry Labs Team* will
follow a vesting schedule which will continue to be distributed in 2026 and beyond. The chart shows the number and breakdown of
the CHER tokens that will become accessible on a monthly basis.

Seed Investors
Private Sale Investors
Cherry Labs

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This document is for information, illustration, and discussion purposes only, and nothing in this document shall constitute a recommendation, offering, or a solicitation of an offer to
buy any securities or financial instruments of any kind in any jurisdiction. In particular, the sale of Cherry tokens ("Tokens") referred to in this document is not directed at Excluded
Persons (as defined below).

The Tokens are cryptographic utility tokens usable on the blockchain and allowing, in the long term, to access the functionalities of the Cherry Ecosystem, which includes, inter alia,
purchasing transaction coordination services, and eventually using the Tokens to donate to third parties, investing in interest-bearing decentralized finance products, and access
programmatic resources of the Cherry Chain. Therefore, the Cherry Tokens should not be identified or construed as a security or financial instrument of any kind, and potential
purchasers should only purchase Cherry Tokens for their utility and in such quantities as will actually be used by such purchaser in the foreseeable future.

Information in this document ("Information") is provided by Cherry Technology Ltd (Company Registration No. 4479 Registered offices: Unit GA-00-SZ-L1-RT-201, Level 1, Gate Avenue
- South Zone, Dubai International Financial Centre, Dubai, 74777, United Arab Emirates ) t/a Cherry Labs. Information has been provided on an indicative basis and shall not be
considered binding, exhaustive, or final in any way. Cherry Token makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such Information
and reserves the right to amend, modify or supplement any of the parameters stated with no prior notice. Cherry Project may publish an updated version of the Information
provided herein at a later date.

"Excluded Persons" refers to the following person(s) : (1) a person who is a citizen, domiciled in, resident of, or physically present / located in the United States of America, People's
Republic of China, and such other jurisdiction that Cherry Token may determine (each an "Excluded Jurisdiction"); (2) a body corporate: (a) which is incorporated in, or operates out of,
an Excluded Jurisdiction, or (b) which is under the control of one or more individuals who is/are citizen(s) of, domiciled in, residents of, or physically present / located in, an Excluded
Jurisdiction; and/or (3) an individual or body corporate which is otherwise prohibited or ineligible in any way, whether in full or in part, under any laws applicable to such individual or
body corporate from participating in the sale and purchase of Tokens.

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Cherry Technologies Ltd 2021. All rights reserved.

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