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Km. 23, Sumulong Highway Sta. Cruz, Antipolo City

Perineal Care
(NCMA217 RLE [Task])

Submitted by: Alinea, Aeron Lance H.

Year and section: BSN 2Y1-3s

You are the nurse assigned at the labor and delivery unit of Brock Maternity Hospital. You are about to
perform pernial care to Mrs. Diaz a G1P1 mother who is currently on 6cms of cervical dilation and on 1 st
stage of labor. As a maternity nurse, you know the principles to be applied when doing perineal care.

Answer the following questions:

1. What are the purposes of perineal care?

 Involves thorough cleansing of the client’s genital area, anal area and surrounding skin.
 It involves washing of the external genitalia with soap and water or with water alone or
in combination with any commercially prepared periwash.
 It prevents and eliminate infection, odor and promote healing
 It removes secretions and provide comfort.

2. List the equipment needed in perineal care.

 Wash cloths
 Bath towels
 Bath blanket
 Soap and soap dish
 Toiletry items
 Tissue paper or diaper wipes
 Water proof pad
 Bed pan
 Disposable gloves
 Solution bottle / prescribed rinsing solution
 Warm water 43-46’C
 Cotton balls/swab
 Perineal pads

3. What are the important things you need to assess to Mrs. Diaz when doing perineal care?
 Assess the condition of perineal skin-any itching, irritation, ulcers, edema, drainage etc.
 Assess the need and frequency of perineal care.
 Assess whether perineal care should be done under an asptic technique or a clean
 Check the physcian’s order for any specific instructions.
 Assess the patient ability for self care.
 Assess the patient mental state to follow instructions.
 Check the articles available in patients unit.

4. What are the important principles that you need to apply when doing perineal care?
a. Clean the perineum from the cleanest to less clean area.
b. Patient who require special attention to perineal area.
 Patient who are unable to do self-care.
 Patient with genitor urinary tract infection.
 Patient with incontinence of urine and stool.
 Patient with indwelling catheters.
 Postpartum patients.
 Patients after surgery on the genitor-urinary system.
 Patients with injury, ulcer or surgery on perineal area.

5. What are the import things that you need to document regarding perineal care?
 Postpartum perineal care is cleaning and caring for your perineum after having a baby.
The perineum is the area between the vagina (birth canal) and the anus (rear end
opening). In the first few weeks after childbirth, you will probably have soreness or pain
in your perineum. You will also have discharge coming out of your vagina.

 You may have also had a tear or an episiotomy during childbirth. An episiotomy is an
incision (cut) that caregivers may make between the vagina and the anus to prevent
tearing during delivery. The incision is sewn back together right after your baby's birth.
Perineal care will help your perineum heal faster, feel better, and help prevent infection.
Ask your caregiver how long you should keep doing perineal care. You may need to
continue doing perineal care for 1 to 3 weeks after giving birth.


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