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Three Filipinas in fancy dress

What type of primary source is it? What are its physical characteristics?

This is an example of Visual materials in images. They are in their original form photos from “Tiffany
Williams Photograph Collection” usually without explanation or interpretation. Primary sources do not
speak for themselves, they need to be interpreted just like this picture.

When and where was it produced?

Record ID: 1885

Source Date: 1895/1944
Place Located: Philippines
Source Repository: University of Michigan, Special Collections Library

What was the source’s original form?

It is an Albumen print. Albumen prints are a variety of photographic paper print in which a finely divided
silver and gold image is dispersed in a matrix of egg white. 

Who was the author or maker of the source? What is their background?

Author: Tiffany Bernard Williams

Publisher: [approximately 1895-1944]
Edition/Format:  Image: Graphic: Picture Archival Material:
Summary: Collection consists of photographs and postcards documenting the Philippines and its
people during Williams's tour of duty as a military officer in the Philippine
Constabulary stationed in the mountain district of North Central Luzon.

What are the source’s main points? What is it about?

The source’s main point is Girl clothing & Dress in the Philippines.

For whom was it intended? What perspective or point-of-view does it use?

This was intended for others to see the beauty of Girl clothing & Dress in the Philippines. The point of
view in the picture is the angle or perspective she uses in taking the photo. Perspective in this can be
describe as spatial awareness between the objects within the scene she is capturing.

What is the author or maker’s possible motives for making the source?

Tiffany Williams possible motive is to produce and preserve images that paint a picture, tell a story, or
record an event. Because this was the time that Williams's tour of duty as a military officer in the
Philippine Constabulary stationed in the mountain district of North Central Luzon.

Are any parts of the source inconsistent with each other?

For me, I think there is no inconsistencies because photographs seem reliable as sources of information.

What does the source tell us about the period it is from?

This source tells us the closing years of 18th century of the Philippines. It tells us that Filipinos tend to
dress modestly, especially when in public. I can see that the dress reflects the Philippines culture and

What questions would you personally like to ask the author or maker of the source?

What was her experience staying here in the Philippines during that time?

What questions does the source leave unanswered?

Background of the author and the real reason why she chooses that picture to share.

Does anything in the source contradict or not fit with the period it claims to be from?

No, because this picture relates in a personal way to events of the past and promote a deeper
understanding of history as a series of human events. This is an incomplete snippets of history, each one
represents a mystery that we students can only explore further by finding new pieces of evidence.

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