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Online Written Interview Questions for the Zest-O Marketing Department

Name: ______________________________________________

Age: _____________________

Gender: M ____ F ____

Note: This will only serve as a guide question for researchers conducting the actual interview and may add

supplementary questions necessary and aligned to the topic, "A Study on Optimal Marketing Strategies for

Zest-O Corporation in Increasing its Sales Revenues Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic".


IQ1. What marketing strategies did Zest-O Corporation use during this pandemic?

IQ2. Based on those mentioned marketing strategies, how does it affect Zest-O Corporation’s sales


IQ3. What problems did your team encounter in promoting Zest-O products during this pandemic?

IQ4. What methods did your team use to solve those problems?

IQ5. Do those methods work to solve those problems your team encountered in this pandemic?

IQ6. With the constant change of consumers’ buying behavior due to the pandemic, what kinds of

approaches did your team use?

IQ7. What benefits do your team give to encourage consumers to buy Zest-O products?
Survey Questions for the Zest-O Consumers

Age: _____________________

Gender: M ____ F ____

Instruction: Please select the option that mostly defines your thoughts and how you feel about the given


SQ1. Have you ever seen an advertisement about Zest-O?

a. Yes
b. No
SQ2. What kind of advertisement did you see about Zest-O?
a. Print Ads
b. TV Ads
c. Social Media Ads
d. Billboard
SQ3. What advertising persuades you to buy?
a. Print Ads
b. TV Ads
c. Social Media Ads
d. Billboard
SQ4. Did you show appreciation for the advertisement?
a. Yes
b. No
SQ5. What does it feel like after you see the Zest-O product?
a. Amazed
b. Interested
c. Shocked
d. Uninterested
Please read and indicate your level of agreement with each of these statements regarding this

research study title, “A Study on Optimal Marketing Strategies for Zest-O Corporation in Increasing its

Sales Revenues Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic”. Please mark whether you: 1 - Strongly Disagree; 2 -

Disagree; 3 - Neither Agree nor Disagree; 4 - Agree; 5 - Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5

SQ6. Zest-O promotes its product well with their marketing strategies

SQ7. Zest-O marketing strategies effectively leave an impact on the minds of its

SQ8. Zest-O's current marketing strategies are efficient during this pandemic

SQ9. Zest-O has a strong online presence

SQ10. It is beneficial if Zest-O will outsource in social media marketing

SQ11. Marketing strategy affects customers’ overall satisfaction

SQ12. I am satisfied with the service I have received from Zest- O

SQ13. Consumer buying decision changes, but it depends on what type of

marketing strategy used

SQ14. The marketing strategy may encourage or discourage me to purchase Zest-


SQ15. Since the pandemic, consumer buying behavior is heavily influenced by

digital marketing
Note: The survey questionnaires are categorized based on the variables of the study to answer the SOP.
Actual Google Form Survey
Research Locale Caillo
Research Design Castillo
Population Sampling/Respondents of the Study Dimatulac
Data Gathering Procedure Gonzales
Research Instrument Lim
Statistical Treatment of Data Gonzales
Research Questionnaires Vega

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