The Windfloat Project: Windfloat 2 MW Floating Offshore Wind Wavec Workshop

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The WindFloat Project

WindFloat 2 MW Floating Offshore Wind

WavEC Workshop
13th of November, 2015

1. Why Floating Offshore Wind?

2. WindFloat Technology

3. The WF1 Project (Demonstration Phase)

4. WindFloat Atlantic (Pre-Commercial Phase)

5. Conclusions

The WindFloat Project 2

Why Floating Offshore Wind?

Why Offshore Wind?

• Higher wind resource and less turbulence
• Large ocean areas available
• Best onshore wind locations are becoming scarce
• Offshore wind, including deep offshore, has the
capacity to deliver large amount of energy

Why Floating Offshore Wind?

• Limited locations with shallow waters (mostly in the
North Sea)
• Most of the offshore wind resource is in deep waters
• Unlimited installation sites available
• Less restrictions for offshore deployments and
reduced visual impacts
• Enormous potential around the world: PT, Spain, UK,
France, Norway, Italy, the Americas, Asia …

The WindFloat Project 3

Deep Offshore Wind: Floating or Fixed?
Deep offshore wind potential goes in line with the quality of the resource and the availability of areas to explore
Mean Wind speed (50m)
EU15 Potential
• Good offshore wind resource (load factor > 3.000h)
• Offshore wind potential is mostly in transitional and deep
waters(1) (~65 %)
• Energy Potential >700 TWh (~220 GW)
• Ports and docks available along European coast
(1)Analysis limited to 100m water depths

Depth (m) 0 - 30 40 – 200 +

77 GW >140 GW
potential EU15
Source: Greenpeace & Garrad Hassan 2004; IEA; Global insight;

Portuguese & Spanish Potential

• Continental shelf ends near the coast
• Grid connection available near the coast European Bathymetry

• Limited Potential for water depths < 40m

• 250 km of PT Costal Line suitable to be explored
0 5 10 km
• Energy Potential in PT >40 TWh (~12 GW)
• Energy Potential in SP >290 TWh (~98 GW)
Depth (m) 0 - 30 40 – 200 +

PT 2 GW >10 GW
SP 18 GW >80 GW
Source: Zaragoza – Evaluación Potencial Energías Renovables (2007)
EDP INOV – Technology Development 4
Deep Offshore Wind: Floating or Fixed?
Offshore wind technology is likely to follow Oil &Gas addressing the deep offshore wind challenges

• Basic extension of turbine tower w/
transition piece
• Economically feasible in shallow water
depths (10-30m)

• Economically feasible in transitional water
depths (30-50m)
• Several jackets successfully installed at
depths of less than 50m (Beatrice in 2006
was the first project to deploy at 45m)

Other fixed (tripods, tripiles, gravity bases ,…)

• Very limited experience
• Similar depth limitations as jackets

• Expected economical feasibility in deep
waters (50-?m)
• Still limited experience

EDP INOV – Technology Development

WindFloat is >2 years ahead in commercial deployment vs. most
State of development of selected floating turbine concepts
Concept development Scale testing Full scale prototype Pre-commercial/Commercial
WindFloat (US/PT)

Mitsui (JP)
Gusto (NL)
HiPR Wind (EU)
Diwet (FR)
Japan Marine (JP)

Nautica AFT (US))
Sea Twirl (SW))

Gicon (GE))
Blue H(GE))

Pelastar (US)
Iberdrola Etorgai (SP)
Mitsui (JP)
Source: Main(e) International Consulting, LLC

1. Why Floating Offshore Wind?

2. WindFloat Technology

3. The WF1 Project (Demonstration Phase)

4. WindFloat Atlantic (Pre-Commercial Phase)

5. Conclusions

The WindFloat Project 7

The WindFloat Technology
The main characteristics of the WindFloat leads to High Stability even in rough seas

Turbine Agnostic
• Conventional turbine (3-blade, upwind)
• Changes required in control system of the turbine

High Stability Performance

• Static Stability - Water Ballast
• Dynamic Stability - Heave Plates and active ballast system
- Move platform natural response above the wave excitation
(entrained water)
- Viscous damping reduces platform motions
• Efficiency – Closed-loop Active Ballast System

Depth Flexibility (>40m)

Assembly & Installation
• Port assembly – Reduced risk and cost
• No specialized vessels required, conventional tugs
• Industry standard mooring equipment

The WindFloat Project 8

The WindFloat Technology
Due to the features of the WindFloat, the risk and cost of offshore works is significantly reduced

The WindFloat…

… requires NO PILLING

…is structurally decoupled from seadbed

…is independent from depth

…is assembled and commissioned quayside

…does NOT require high lift capacity vessels

Reduced Risk and Cost

The WindFloat Project

1. Why Floating Offshore Wind?

2. WindFloat Technology

3. The WF1 Project (Demonstration Phase)

4. WindFloat Atlantic (Pre-Commercial Phase)

5. Conclusions

The WindFloat Project 10

WindFloat Technology Roadmap
Bringing the Technology from Prototype to Fully Commercial Farms

Pre-Commercial • Fully Optimized
WF 1 • Design Optimization • World Wide designs
• ~30 MW Windfarms with >6MW • LCOE Below market
• 2MW Conservative Design
• Different sites and Turbines: • Project Finance
• Verified Numerical Models +8MW
• Operational Learning


EDP Inovação
The WF1 Project (Prototype)
The WindFloat project was structured as a Joint Venture, WindPlus

The Project is promoted by…

…in a joint venture…

…and counts with the support of…

The WindFloat Project 12

The WindFloat Project
The development of the WindFloat project carried enormous challenges due to the lack of know-how in Portugal

The project followed a risk mitigation approach but…

…the challenges were enormous…

…project being done for the first time

…Lack of offshore know-how in Portugal

…different cultures involved(US, Denmark, Portugal, France)

…Collaboration between two different industries that have

never worked together (Oil & Gas and Wind Industry)

… Standards & Rules for design exist but need to adapted

The WindFloat Project 13

The WindFloat Project
The project was implemented under a tight scheduled

Project was completed in less than 2,5 years

Fabrication completed in less than 9 months

Task Timeline
Sep, 09
Project Start
Jan, 10
Sep, 10
Turbine Selection
Final Investment Decision
Sep, 11
Project Execution
Sep, 11 May, 11
Detail Design
Sep, 11
Nov, 11
Offshore Installation Dez, 11
Offshore Commissioning
Ago, 13
Testing and Monitoring …

Significant space to improve project implementation schedule!

The WindFloat Project 14

Workshop Fabrication of main components

A. Silva Matos was the responsabilbe for the

fabrication of the WindFloat

The WindFloat Project 15

Pre-assembly of the columns
outside the Dry-dock in Setúbal

The WindFloat Project 16

Columns moved to Dry-dock

The WindFloat Project 17

Dry-dock assembly

The WindFloat Project 18

Mooring Pre-Lay in parallel
with the fabrication

The WindFloat Project 19

Turbine Installation in the Dry Dock using the
shipyard’s gantry crane

The WindFloat Project 20

Tow from Setúbal to Aguçadoura (~400 km) using the
same vessel that was used for the mooring installation

The WindFloat Project 21

Hook-up at final location

The WindFloat Project 22

Energy delivery since December 2011!

More than 16 GWh produced up today!

The WindFloat Project 23
The WindFloat Project 24

1. Why Floating Offshore Wind?

2. WindFloat Technology

3. The WF1 Project (Demonstration Phase)

4. WindFloat Atlantic (Pre-Commercial Phase)

5. Conclusions

The WindFloat Project 25

Pre-Commercial Phase – WindFloat Atlantic

• Total capacity: ~25MW capacity, (3 or 4 units

equipped with 8MW or 6MW)

• Location: 20 km off the coast of Viana do Castelo, in

water depth of 85-100m

• Interconnection: connected to the transport grid

(60kV). No offshore substation

• Construction: several shipyards options available

close to final location. Turbine installation quayside

• Floating structure certification: designed for 25

years, certified throughout design, construction and
installation by ABS, an independent party

• Strong Institutional Support:

- EU: NER 300
- Portugal: Feed-in Tariff, APA
The WindFloat Project 26
Second Generation currently in late stages design for real projects
proving considerable reduction in Cost of Energy

WF1  Larger turbines (x3-4) WF Atlantic

Prototype Pre-comercial phase
 Design life extension (x5)
 Proportionally smaller
 Structural optimizations
 Equipment improvement
 Accessibility
 Mooring improvements
 Installation improvements
 Full Class Certification

The WindFloat Project 27

LCOE competitive with currently commercial technology such as
Jackets and the most cost effective in deep waters

Levelized Cost of Energy (€/MWh)

140 132
126 129 129


Target: NREL Feb ‘14

100 100




Jacket 45m WF 45m Jacket 60m WF 60m Water Depth
GL / GH, December 2012
NREL, Feb 2014

The WindFloat Project 28


1. Why Floating Offshore Wind?

2. WindFloat Technology

3. The WF1 Project (Demonstration Phase)

4. WindFloat Atlantic (Pre-Commercial Phase)

5. Conclusions

The WindFloat Project 29

Final Remarks

1 Floating is already proven technology, and is now

proving its financial and economic viability

2 Reduction of Cost and Risk => Addressing the industry’s

challenges while enabling it to reach its full potential

3 Already several Pre-Commercial Projects ongoing

worldwide, expecting to be deploying commercially in the
marketplace by 2018

The WindFloat Project 30

Thank you!

The WindFloat Project 31

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