The Problem Background of The Study

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Adjustment is considered as the main indicator of success in life, it is an

individual’s ability to face problems resulting from fulfilling their needs, maintaining a

kind of good relationship with others and enhancement of mental health (Siryek, 2013).

According to Rathus and Nevid, as cited by Erzo and Milen (2010), it refers to the

behaviour permitting individuals to meet the demands of the environment”. Stress has

become part and parcel of life in human societies. The frustration, disappointment and

pressure of daily life constitute the genesis of stress (Newcomb, 1987).

According to Goldberger and Breznitz (1993), as cited by Paolo (2011), each

person process these events through a variety of tactics to minimize the impact of the

potential stressor. The tactics used to reduce the actual amount of stress experienced by a

potential stressor are referred to as coping mechanisms. Specific coping mechanisms can

lessen the impact of potential stressors on the students. It can also answer questions

related to why STEM students experience troubles in their specialized subjects, and have

differing levels of stress from these event.

For Cooper (1986), students who are studying in a competitive academic

environment today are experiencing various pressures from life changes that are related

to personal aspiration, need to success, meeting the expectation of the school, family and

community, their experiences have effects in which they cope in daily basis. In the view

of Esiekpe (2013), whether a situation is pleasant or unpleasant, it required necessary

coping skills to achieve the adjustment and reduce the effect of stress.

Hence, the students who have low level of coping skills show various adjustment

problem. The relation between students coping effort and their adjustment can be

determined when coping was said to be able to aid student’s adjustment process by

providing protection through its mechanism in reducing or modifying conditions that can

elicit stress among them, and evident from the adaptive characteristics of coping.

Specific research had been conducted to identify the sources of student’s stress,

(Dhiel, Coyle, & Labourie-vief, 1996). Such research has shown that there are valid and

significant reasons of the student’s stress, and one of them is the student’s problems in

their subjects. Future researches into the most successful coping mechanisms for

managing student’s problem in their specialized subject can be conducted (Whitbourne,


Examining studies that have investigated coping strategies in learning, they draw

similar conclusions. There are strategies that are positive, self-regulatory and consciously

as displayed by students to improve their learning (Zimmerman, 2001; Boekaerts, 2011).

Scrutinizing these approach strategies, they are synonymous with the problem focused

coping suggestions.

On the other hand, if students do not have successful approach strategies, they

turn to exhibit negative coping strategies such as refusing to seek help, avoiding the task,

(avoidant behaviour) or disrupting the class (disruptive behaviour) as they do not know

how to, or do not want to, perform the learning tasks allocated to them (Convington,

1992; Newman and Goldin, 1990; woods, 1980, 1984). These negative coping strategies

are termed as avoidant or disruptive strategies (Convington, 1992). As for the emotion-

oriented strategies as proposed by Lazarus and Folkman (1986) and Higgins and Endler

(1995), they are present in both approach and avoidant strategies.

According to Prather (2013), keeping things into perspective, having fun with

hobbies, and enjoy indulgence in moderations are secrets to stress busters. Anything that

poses a challenge or a treat to well-being undermines both mental and physical health

(Mayo Clinic Staff, 2012).

However, academic emotions area seldom researched on in educational

psychology, especially in subjects like Mathematics and Science (Pekrun et al., 2009)

that are the main subjects of STEM students. This is due to the common perception that

Mathematics is pure cognitive endeavour that is out of bounds to emotional responses.

The manner that students cope with Mathematics learning can also be strongly related to

their Mathematical identity and Mathematical socialization (Martin, 2009). Their

mathematical identity refers to their belief and perceived importance about Mathematics

learning and their motivation in, constraints face when they are learning Mathematics.

Erwing (2004) proposed that teacher interaction with students in mathematics learning

can have an impact on how the students cope eventually in their learning.

The difference of the STEM curriculum with other strands and tracks is the focus

on advance concepts and topics. STEM students will be offered subjects that are aligned

with Mathematics and Science. It aims to inculcate in the students various theories and

concept in Science and Mathematics, which might trigger students stress.

Mathematics students have to face the prospect of learning Mathematics that is

physiologically and psychologically uncomfortable for them in their Mathematics classes

if they are not coping well in it.


In the U.K, an earlier situation of stagnation in numbers of pupils taking up

Science past compulsory age (Smith, 2010) as led to a concern that there may not be

enough potential scientists particularly engineers in the subsequent decade. The

proportion of students taking up science is low particularly in the case of physics in

comparison to the take-up of other science and non-science subject. Longitudinal

evidence demonstrates that the majority of secondary students are indifferent to Science,

and even among those who find Science interesting. Positive attitudes are not translating

into career aspirations in science (ASPIRES, 2012). There is much documented evidence

for the possible reasons for this loss of interest in Science, such as; the association

between the cost of studying and drop-out rates (Van Langen & Dekker, 2005).

According to Paura and Arhipova (2013), several studies indicated that one of the

important factors of students’ dropout rate was the subject studied at university as well as

the secondary school grades.

Some identified coping mechanisms of Filipinos in the book, victims to Survivors

by Lourdes Ladrido Ignacio, MD and Antonio P. Perlas, MD, MPH that may help in the

coping mechanisms of the stressors are spiritually, bayanihan/cooperative endeavour,

concern for the welfare, gathering of family members, over activity, creativity and etc. In

the Philippines, spirituality is a frequently observed coping style. The intimate

relationship that Filipinos have with their religion allows them to accept reality in the

context that all events are within the plan of God for the world (Ignacio, 2015).


Education is very important in a society. It is the only way for every youth to

reach their goal in life. But we cannot deny that students experience difficulties in their

studies, most especially on their specialized subjects. As for STEM students, they face lot

of struggles in coping on their different specialized subjects which are Biology, Physics,

Chemistry and Pre-calculus.

One of the factors affecting the difficulties of students on their specialized

subjects is stress. According to the article, “Stress and coping skills among university

students: A Preliminary Research on Ethnicity” by Bahari (2012), Hans Seyle

defined stress as the body’s reaction towards demands which involve physiological

responses known as General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS). As mentioned by Bahari

(2012), Carlson (1999) viewed stress as a manifestation of psycho physiological reaction

towards the demands of excessive workload. Lot of school requirements can cause stress

to students. As cited by Bahari (2012), D’Zurilla and Sheedy (1991) reported that

conditions where students lack stress or are overly stressed, can negatively affect their

learning process. Students are expected to perform well on their studies to show

excellence and promotes competitiveness. Stress is also cause by lot of things. It can be

school and family problems and such.

According to Smith-Nelson (2016), there are teaching methods to reduce Math

anxiety: 1) letting students explore and acknowledge their math-anxious feelings

through writing. Park et al. (2014) expressed concern with the notion that “less attention

has been focused on the worry component of math anxiety”. They discuss how instead of

acknowledging the “anxiety” part of math anxiety, educators focus on drilling

mathematical skills to presumably increase mathematical competence. They designed a

study to explore the effects of expressive writing on math-anxious students. After

identifying participating college students as having either high or low levels of math

anxiety, highly math-anxious students performed better on a computerized math test after

7 minutes of free writing about their thoughts and feelings about the upcoming

mathematics test than their counterparts in the control group, who were asked to wait

quietly immediately prior to the test; 2) “Math therapy exercise”. Stogsdill (2013)

developed what he called a “math therapy exercise” in which students in a math course

journaled about the following six topics: “my earliest memory or memories of math;

when and why math became difficult for me; my worst memory or memories of math;

my best memory or memories of math; how I really feel about math; and how I really feel

about taking this course”. The students then shared their thoughts and feelings with the

rest of the class in a group therapy-style discourse. His results are supported by other

researchers who include expressive writing and open discussions of feelings toward

mathematics as viable and effective classroom practices to curb math anxiety (Furner &

Duffy, 2002; Fotoples, 2000).

According to Smith-Nelson (2016), there are also student strategies for reducing

Math anxiety. Math anxiety is ultimately a construct of mathematics students’ own

individual thoughts, feelings, experiences, and brain activities. Students should cope up

when encountering stressful situations. According to Ader and Erktin (2010), “coping is

the sum of responses that an individual uses to manage a stressful situation”. A coping

strategy can be either positive or negative; that is to say, it can be a productive, healthy

approach to dealing with a stressful situation (such as exploring solutions to solving a

problem or techniques to refocus one’s attention) or it can be an avoidance approach that

may ultimately harm the individual in some way (Ader & Erktin, 2010). In their 2008

study, Beeftink, ven Eerde, and Rutte (2008) found that taking small breaks when

feeling “stuck” can actually increase creativity and sharpen problem-solving skills, but

only when the breaks were taken when the participants were ready to have a break.

Hallowell (2012) encourages frequent “brain breaks” for students with ADHD and

anxiety, where they can take a minute or two to stand or stretch near their desks.

“Physical exercise, even for one minute, presses the reset button on the brain and

refreshes students mentally”. Brain breaks have been a ubiquitous part of my daily

classroom activities for just that reason: students, especially those who struggle with

mathematics, feel better and seem to think more clearly after taking a few moments away

from the problem, standing up, stretching, and maybe getting a drink of water, then

returning to the task at hand. In a meta-analysis of research on stress and coping

strategies, Francesco, Mauro, Gianluca, and Enrico (2009) found that relaxation training

is effective in reducing stress and anxiety in a wide variety of populations, including

those who experience anxiety without being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. The

relaxation training to which they refer includes meditation, muscular relaxation,

mindfulness, and breathing techniques that induce a calmer state of decreased physical

and emotional arousal. In a 2014 study, Feng, Suri, and Bell conducted an experiment in

which groups of participants were asked to calculate discounts on given products in order

to do comparison shopping. Groups performed these tasks in settings where either fast-

tempo instrumental music was playing, slow-tempo instrumental music was playing, or

no music at all was playing. Feng et al. (2014) found that not only were the participants

in the slow-tempo music group more willing to attempt the calculations in order to

comparison shop, they were also more likely to accurately calculate the discounts.

Paradigm of the Study


The operational paradigm of the study on the next page shows the direction of the

study. The first box on the left side concerned with the input data. The second box

described the process used. The third box described the output of this study.

The inputs were the factors affecting the difficulties of students in their

specialized subjects, coping strategies to address difficulties of students in their

specialized subjects and suggestions to improve the performance of the students in their

specialized subjects. The outputs were the following: The researchers help their

classmates and schoolmates understand the lessons they find difficult, if and only if they

understand the lessons well; recommendation to the specialized subject teachers to let the

students explore and acknowledge their Science/Math-anxious feelings and do

Science/Math therapy exercise; and, recommendation to the students to do some

relaxation training whenever necessary. Descriptive research was done.

After conceptually analysing the situation and details needed for the research,

gathering of data was done through survey questionnaire on the Grade 12 STEM students

of Easter College Incorporated (ECI).


Input Process Output

1. Factors affecting the *Administration of 1. We will help our

difficulties of the Grade 12 questionnaires classmates and
STEM students of Easter schoolmates
College Incorporated in *Statistical analysis understand the lessons
their specialized subjects. of data they find difficult, if
and only if we
2. Coping strategies to address understand the lessons
difficulties of the Grade 12 well.
STEM students of Easter
College Incorporated in 2) We will recommend
their specialized subjects. to the specialized
subject teachers to let
the students explore
3. Suggestions to improve and acknowledge their
performance of the Grade Science/Math-anxious
12 STEM students of Easter feelings and do
College Incorporated in Science/Math- therapy
their specialized subjects. exercise.

3) We will
recommend to our
fellow students to do
some relaxation
trainings whenever

Figure 1: Paradigm of the Study


Statement of the Problem

The main thrust of this study was to describe the difficulties of the grade 12

STEM students of Easter College Incorporated in their specialized subject and how to

address them with coping mechanisms.

Specifically, we sought to solve the following questions:

1) What is the degree of seriousness of the factors affecting the difficulties of the Grade

12 STEM students of Easter College Incorporated in their specialized subjects?

2) What is the degree of impact of the coping strategies to address difficulties of the

Grade 12 STEM students of Easter College Incorporated in their specialized subjects?

3) What is the level of applicability of the suggestions to improve performance of the

Grade 12 STEM students of Easter College Incorporated in their subjects?


1) There is no significant differences in the degree of seriousness of the factors

affecting the difficulties of the Grade 12 STEM students of Easter College

Incorporated on their specialized subjects.

2) There is no significant difference in the degree of impact of the coping strategies

to address difficulties of the Grade 12 STEM students of Easter College

Incorporated in their specialized subject.


3) There is no significant difference in the level of applicability of the suggestions to

improve the performance of the Grade 12 STEM students of Easter College

Incorporated in their specialized subjects.



This chapter presented the research design, locale and population of the study, the

data gathering instrument and procedure, the statistical treatment of data and statistical


Research Design

The study used the descriptive research. According to Wallen (1993), a)

information is going to be collected from a group of people in order to describe some

aspects of characteristics; b) the main way in which the information will be collected is

through asking questions, the answers of these question by the members of the group

constitute the data of the study; and c) information is going to be collected from every

member of the population.

It was descriptive in design since it described the findings in the study. The term

descriptive research referred to the type of research question, design, and data analysis

that was applied to a given topic. Descriptive statistics tell what is, while inferential

statistics will be determined cause and effect.

Locale and Population of the Study


This study was conducted at Easter College, Senior High School Department,

Easter School Road, Guisad, Baguio City. The respondents of the study were the 65

Grade 12-STEM students, who are enrolled for the school year 2018-2019.

Data Gathering Instrument

To gather the data necessary for this study, the researchers made questionnaire

that was based on specific problem to ensure that the data gathered were what the specific

questions asked. The questionnaires that were conducted were presented to the

researchers’ adviser for critique, needed corrections, enrichment and modifications will

be done to make the formulated questions congruent to the specific questions.

Data Gathering Procedure

Permission of the principal was sought before floating the questionnaire to the

targeted respondents. Retrieval of the questionnaire was done through the help of some

components in the field. The answers were sorted out, tabulated, and given interpretation

based on the outcome of the study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data gathered in this study were tallied, categorized, tabulated and subjected

to descriptive analysis. The descriptive measures used were the frequency count and

weighted mean.

For the degree of seriousness of the factors affecting the difficulties of the Grade

12 STEM students of Easter College Incorporated in their specialized subjects, the

following scales were used:

Numerical Statistical Descriptive Symbol Description

Value Limits Equivalent
4 3.25-4.00 Very Much VMS The factor is consistently affect
Serious your difficulties on your

specialized subjects.
3 2.50-3.24 Much Serious MS The given factor occasionally
affect your difficulties on your
specialized subject.
2 1.75-2.49 Moderately MoS The given factor rarely affect
Serious your difficulties on your
specialized subject.
1 1.00-1.74 Not Serious NS The given factor do not affect
your difficulties on your
specialized subject.
For the degree of impact of the coping strategies to address difficulties of the

Grade 12 STEM students of Easter College Incorporated in their specialized subjects, the

following scale were used:

Numerical Statistical Descriptive Symbol Description

Value Limits Equivalent
4 3.25-4.00 High Impact HI The given coping strategy affect
your difficulties on your
specialized subject so intense
3 2.50-3.24 Medium MI The given coping strategy affect
Impact your difficulties on your
specialized subject severely
2 1.75-2.49 Low Impact LI The given coping strategy affect
your difficulties on your
specialized subject delicately
1 1.00-1.74 No Impact NI The given coping strategy has a
weak effect or does not affect your
difficulties on your specialized

For the level of applicability of the suggestions to improve performance of the

Grade 12 STEM students of Easter College Incorporated in their subjects, the following

scales were used:

Numerical Statistical Descriptive Symbol Description

Value Limits Equivalent
4 3.25-4.00 Very Much VMA The suggested coping mechanism
Applicable extremely improves your
3 2.50-3.24 Applicable A The suggested coping mechanism
improves your performance
2 1.75-2.49 Slightly SA The suggested coping mechanism

Applicable moderately improves your

1 1.00-1.74 Not NA The suggested coping mechanism
Applicable do not improve your performance


To test the study’s credibility, the following statistical tools were initiated by

using manual computation.

To determine the average value of a particular sets of numbers with different level

of weight the coping mechanisms of STEM students of Easter College Incorporated in

their specialized subjects.

The formula are as follows:



W= Weighted Mean

TPW=Total Weight Point


To test the study’s hypotheses and determine the significances in the perception of

the respondents, the t-test for uncorrelated data was used (Ferguson et. al, 1989).

The formula is:

M 1−M 2
SD21 SD22
√ n1

Where: M1- Mean of the first group

M2- Mean of the second group

SD1- Standard Deviation of the first group


SD2- Standard Deviation of the second group

n1- Number of cases of the first group

n2- Number of cases of the second group



This chapter presented the data gathered and processed that helped resolved the

following issues: the degree of seriousness of the factors affecting the difficulties of

students in their specialized subjects; the degree of impact of the coping strategies to

address difficulties of students in their specialized subjects; and the level of applicability

of the suggestions to improve performance of students in their specialized subjects.

Degree of Seriousness of the Factors Affecting

the Difficulties of Students in their
Specialized Subjects

Many students tend to dislike Mathematics because they think that it’s a very

technical subject and it only takes a “genius” type of person to excel in this subject area

(Bormeo, 2006)

As for Sciences, Chemistry is often regarded as a difficult subject, an observation

which sometimes repels learners from continuing with studies in Chemistry, according to

the article “Learning Difficulties in Chemistry: An Overview” by Sirhan (2007).


The attitude toward the subject, level of confidence in self, and other factors are

really affecting the difficulties of students in their specialized subjects. Factors that might

be affecting the students forever when not given attention.

Table 1.0 and 1.1 introduce the data gathered from the male and female students

as to the degree of seriousness of the factors affecting the difficulties of students in their

specialized subject and Table 1.2 summarizes their perception. The factors are rated as

very much serious, much serious, moderately serious, and not serious.

Table 1.0 presented the degree of seriousness of the factors affecting the


Table 1.0

Degree of Seriousness of the Factors Affecting the Difficulties of

Students in their Specialized Subjects as Perceived
by the Male Respondents
N= 34

Factors VMS MS MoS NS TWF WM DE Rank

(4) (3) (2) (1)

1) Expectations from parents 10 14 8 2 34 2.94 MS 2

and friends pressure you so (40) (42) (16) (2) (100)
2) Unwanted experiences, like 12 9 10 3 34 2.88 MS 4
family problem, affect your (48) (27) (20) (3) (98)
difficulties in your
specialized subject.
3) Your emotions toward the 10 10 13 1 34 2.85 MS 5.5
subject affect your (40) (30) (26) (1) (97)
difficulties on the subject.
4) Teachers’ teaching styles 12 9 7 6 34 2.79 MS 8
cause difficulties on (48) (27) (14) (6) (95)
student’s comprehension.
5) Stress affects your 13 5 13 3 34 2.82 MS 7
difficulties on your (52) (15) (26) (3) (96)
specialized subject.
6) Many school requirements 12 6 15 1 34 2.85 MS 5.5
add to your difficulties on (48) (18) (30) (1) (97)
your specialized subject.
7) Less attention or time given 14 8 9 3 34 2.97 MS 1
to the specialized subjects (56) (24) (18) (3) (101)

affect your comprehension.

8) You lack self-esteem to 9 11 8 6 34 2.68 MS 10
excel on your specialized (36) (33) (16) (6) (91)
9) You lack interest in the 8 12 10 4 34 2.71 MS 9
subject. (32) (36) (20) (4) (92)

10) You absent most of the time 6 8 11 9 34 2.32 MoS 11

especially on your (24) (24) (22) (9) (79)
specialized subject.
11) Study habits and learning 9 13 12 0 34 2.91 MS 3
styles of students. (36) (39) (24) (0) (99)

Numerical Value Statistical Limits Descriptive Equivalent Symbol
4 3.25-4.00 Very Much Serious VMS
3 2.50-3.24 Much Serious MS
2 1.75-2.49 Moderately Serious MoS
1 1.00-1.74 Not Serious NS
Total Weight of Frequency TWF
Weighted Mean WM
Descriptive Equivalent DE
of students in their specialized subjects as perceived by the male respondents.

With an average weighted mean of 2.79 and described as much serious, this suggests that

male students find the identified factors as seriously affecting their difficulties in their

specialized subjects.

It was found out that item 7 which is less attention or time given to the specialized

subjects affect students’ comprehension ranked 1 with a weighted mean of 2.97,

described as much serious. Regular classroom set up which is composed of 40 and above

number of students contributes to why less attention is given to every student. Teachers,

having short span of time, are not able to attend the attention needed by students. Another

thing, Mathematics and Science are not the only subjects taken by students. They also

have what we call the core subjects. We cannot deny that sometimes projects and

activities are given to students at the same time. Lot of things to do occupy their minds

which do affect their comprehension. Sometimes, it come to the extent where in students

already do not know what to start first. Lot of school requirements is a primary cause

why students give less attention and time to their specialized subjects which is also

directly affecting their difficulties on the subjects. Going back to the comprehension, it is

very important for students to really understand what they read or lessons being


Next in rank is item 1 which is expectations from parents and friends pressure

students so much with a weighted mean of 2.94 and described as much serious.

Expectations are the greatest fear of students. Not being able to reach the expectations

from people is a nightmare that may cause stress and difficulty to students.

Rank 3, with a weighted mean of 2.91, described as much serious, study habits

and learning styles of students affect their difficulties on their specialized subjects. Every

student have his/her own learning styles and study habits. Going back to the regular

classroom set-up, what if the teacher uses teaching techniques that are not suited to the

different learning styles of students? This adds up to their difficulties in understanding

the lesson being discussed.

Table 1.1 presented the degree of seriousness of the factors affecting the

difficulties of the students in their specialized subjects as perceived by the female

respondents. The average weighted mean of 2.85 suggests that the identified factors

seriously affect the difficulties of students in their specialized subjects.

Item 6 which is many school requirements add to the difficulties of students in

their specialized subjects ranked 1 with a weighted mean of 3.45, described as very much

serious. According to the article, “ The K to 12 Academic Track: What you need to

Know”, Senior high school students take up 15 core subjects and another 16 subjects

composed of different contextualized and specialized subjects based on the track and

strand. With this being said, students are to take 31 different subjects all in all.

Sometimes, subject teachers give requirements at the same time. Aside from projects and

performance tasks being given, students also prepare for quizzes and seatworks. The

thought of these activities coming ahead pressure students.

Item 7 which is less attention/ time given to the specialized subjects affects

student’s comprehension ranked 2 with a weighted mean of 3.32, described as very much

serious. Due to lot of requirements in school, household chores to be done and others, it

is understandable that less time and attention is given to the specialized subjects.

Sometimes, students also lack time to even browse their notes and review because of too

many activities to be done.

Table 1.1

Degree of Seriousness of the Factors Affecting the Difficulties of

Students in their Specialized Subjects as Perceived
by the Female respondents
N= 31

Factors VMS MS MoS NS TWF WM DE Rank

(4) (3) (2) (1)

1) Expectations from parents 9 11 6 5 31 2.77 MS 7

and friends pressure you so (36) (33) (12) (5) (86)
2) Unwanted experiences, like 6 5 12 8 31 2.29 MoS 10
family problem, affect your (24) (15) (24) (8) (71)
difficulties in your
specialized subject.
3) Your emotions toward the 7 14 8 2 31 2.84 MS 6
subject affect your (28) (42) (16) (2) (88)
difficulties on the subject.
4) Teachers’ teaching styles 14 12 4 1 31 3.26 VMS 3
cause difficulties on (56) (36) (8) (1) (101)
student’s comprehension.
5) Stress affects your 10 18 2 1 31 3.19 MS 4
difficulties on your (40) (54) (4) (1) (99)
specialized subject.
6) Many school requirements 18 10 2 1 31 3.45 VMS 1
add to your difficulties on (72) (30) (4) (1) (107)
your specialized subject.
7) Less attention or time given 16 10 4 1 31 3.32 VMS 2
to the specialized subjects (64) (30) (8) (1) (103)
affect your comprehension.
8) You lack self-esteem to 7 10 7 7 31 2.55 MS 9

excel on your specialized (28) (30) (14) (7) (79)

9) You lack interest in the 10 7 9 5 31 2.71 MS 8
subject. (40) (21) (18) (5) (84)

10) You absent most of the time 5 4 4 18 31 1.87 MoS 11

especially on your (20) (12) (8) (18) (58)
specialized subject.
11) Study habits and learning 12 13 4 2 31 3.13 MS 5
styles of students. (48) (39) (8) (2) (97)

Numerical Value Statistical Limit Descriptive Equivalent Symbol
4 3.25-4.00 Very Much Serious VMS
3 2.50-3.24 Much Serious MS
2 1.75-2.49 Moderately Serious MoS
1 1.00-1.74 Not Serious NS
Total Weight of Frequency TWF
Weighted Mean WM
Descriptive Equivalent DE

Item 4 which is the teacher’s teaching styles causes difficulties on student’s

comprehension with a weighted mean of 3.26, described as very much serious. Students

cannot deny that there are teachers whom they find boring. But there are also teachers

who are trying their best to innovate teaching styles in order to discuss the lesson

effectively and understandable for most of the student. It might also be better for teachers

to use more than 1 teaching style in order to meet students halfway.

Item 2 ‘Unwanted experiences, like family problems, affect your difficulties in

your specialized subject’ ranked second to the last with an average weighted mean of

2.29, described as moderately serious. Some students enter the classroom without energy

or worst, they are absent. When you ask the reason behind, there answer is family

problem and such. Family problems, misunderstanding between friends, and bullying are

some of the important factors that cause stress to students.

Item 10 which is ‘you absent most of the time especially in your specialized

subjects’ ranked 11 with an average weighted mean of 1.87, described as moderately


serious. Even though it was ranked as 11 th, it does not mean that being absent does not

affect your difficulties in your specialized subjects. When a student is absent, he/she

misses lot of activities and more importantly, discussions. This will definitely affect

his/her academic performance. Taking into consideration that not all students can easily

comprehend what they read, it would be difficult for them to catch up.

Table 1.2 presents the summary and comparison of the degree of seriousness of

the factors affecting the difficulties of students in their specialized subjects as perceived

by the respondents.

Basing on the data, the null hypothesis is accepted therefore implies that there is


Table 1.2

Summary and Comparison of the Degree of Seriousness of the Factors

Affecting the Difficulties of Students in their Specialized
Subjects as Perceived by the Respondents
N1= 34
N2= 31
Factors Male Female Combined Rank
1) Expectations from parents 2.94 MS 2.77 MS 2.86 MS 6
and friends pressure you so
2) Unwanted experiences, like 2.88 MS 2.29 MoS 2.59 MS 10
family problem, affect your
difficulties in your specialized
3) Your emotions toward the 2.85 MS 2.84 MS 2.85 MS 7
subjects affect your difficulties
on the subject.
4) Teachers’ teaching styles 2.79 MS 3.26 VMS 3.03 MS 3
cause difficulties on student’s
5) Stress affects your 2.82 MS 3.19 MS 3.01 MS 5
difficulties on your specialized
6) Many school requirements 2.85 MS 3.45 VMS 3.15 MS 1.5

add to your difficulties on your

specialized subjects.
7) Less attention or time given 2.97 MS 3.32 VMS 3.15 MS 1.5
to the specialized subjects
affect your comprehension.
8) You lack self-esteem to 2.68 MS 2.55 MS 2.62 MS 9
excel on your specialized
9) You lack interest in the 2.71 MS 2.71 MS 2.71 MS 8
10) You absent most of the time 2.32 MS 1.87 MoS 2.1 MoS 11
especially on your specialized
11) Study habits and learning 2.91 MS 3.13 MS 3.02 MS 4
styles of studies.

t.05= 2.00 tcr= -0.036 df= 63

decision: accept Ho
conclusion: not significant
significant difference in the degree of seriousness of the factors affecting the difficulties

of students. No matter what is the rank of the identified factors on the preceding tables,

what is important is that they directly and seriously affect the difficulties of students, both

male and female, in their specialized subjects.

Items 6 and 7, which are also ranked 1 in the preceding tables, top the ranking

with a combined weighted mean of 3.15, describes as much serious. This is an evidence

that proves the decision. Many school requirements is the main cause why less attention

and time is given to the specialized subjects. Aside from the seatworks, quizzes, projects

and performance tasks given by teachers, students also have extracurricular and co-

curricular activities to attend to. Due to lot of activities to be done, students sometimes

give a little effort and little time to each activity for them to accomplish everything and

submit them on the right time. Sometimes, because of too many activities, students are

not able to accomplish some of the activities and not able to pass them. With this being

said, missed activities may contribute to the less chances of passing, which also brought

students difficulties to cope up on the subjects. Another one, being excuse in class in

order for the student to prepare or compete and represent the school, cause him or her to

miss discussions and activities. Because of this also, the student might not be able to

approach the teacher for the missed activity and also not able to catch up with his/her

missed discussions.

According to the blog of Hobbolog entitled “Pay attention! Why I think it is

important to study attention in school children”, attention directly impacts school

attainment across the whole spectrum – not just at the lowest end. Attention may mediate

other key variables which contribute to school success. It may mediate other key

variables which contribute to school success. And so, attention and time allotted to

subject plays an important role in their comprehension.

Item 4, which is the teachers’ teaching styles cause difficulties on student’s

comprehension, ranks as third with a combined weighted mean of 3.03 and describes as

serious. Item 11 which is the study habits and learning styles of students ranked 4 with a

weighted mean of 3.02 and described as serious. Both male and female find these factors

as seriously affecting their difficulties on their specialized subjects. In a regular

classroom set-up, students have different learning styles. Some might be good in

auditorial learning, in visual learning, or in audio-visual learning. Some students also

prefer the traditional way. When the teacher uses movies to discuss lessons, students who

are good at visual learning will surely cope up but the students who are not might face

difficulties in understanding the lesson. On the other hand, when the teacher teaches

using the traditional way, many students may find it boring and prefer to do something

not related to the subject.


Item 5, stress affects your difficulties on your specialized subjects, is ranked 5

with a weighted mean of 3.01 and described as much serious. Item 1, expectations from

parents and friends pressure you so much, is ranked 6 with a weighted mean of 2.86 and

described as much serious. Not being able to reach the expectations of your parents and

friends is a stressor to students. Expectation itself is an enemy to students. It becomes a

hindrance to their education and not to enjoy learning. Family problem is also a major

stressor which affect students’ performances.

Degree of Impact of the Coping Strategies to Address

Difficulties of Students in their Specialized Subjects

In order to improve the performance in a subject, a student needs to have a

measure or technique or ways on how to excel in that subject (Sagudang, 2018) The

measure, technique, or ways are what we call coping strategies. Table 2.0 and 2.1 shows

the degree of impact of the coping strategies to address the difficulties of students in their

specialized subjects as perceived by the respondents. Table 2.2 presents the summation

and comparison of the data collected from the respondents. The degree of impact was

rated as highly impactful, moderately impactful, low impactful and not impactful.

Table 2.0 presents the degree of impact of the coping strategies to address

difficulties of students in their specialized subjects as perceived by the male respondents.

With an average weighted mean of 3.26, described as highly impactful, the identified

coping strategies have a high impact in addressing difficulties of students.

As we all know, every student does experience difficulties in their subjects

especially in their specialized subjects. Even the most intelligent student has a taste of

this difficulties. In order to address these difficulties each must have their own strategies,

these are the coping mechanisms.


Ranked 1 on the identified coping strategies is item 6, knowing your priorities.

“It’s not enough to be busy; so are the ants. The question is: what are we busy about?”-

Henry David Thoreau. Knowing activities that are urgent and important, not urgent but

important, urgent but not important, and not urgent as well as not important is of great

help to manage time. Doing what is important and disregarding those which are not gives

you more time

to focus on the most important thing.

Class tutorials and paying more attention tied at rank 2.5, with an average

weighted mean of 3.35, described as highly impactful. Attending class tutorials does help

to address difficulties in academic performance. Tutors can help you understand the

lesson better. As for paying attention, it is really helpful if you listen to your teacher

during discussion.

Table 2.0

Degree of Impact of the Coping Strategies to Address

Difficulties of Students in their Specialized Subject
as Perceived by the Male Respondents

Coping strategies HI MI LI NI TWF WM DE Rank

(4) (3) (2) (1)
1) Class tutorials 20 9 2 3 34 3.35 HI 2.5
(80) (27) (4) (3) (114)
2) More time allotted for 10 18 5 1 34 3.09 MI 9
self- study (40) (54) (10) (1) (105)
3) Pay more attention 19 8 7 0 34 3.35 HI 2.5
during discussion (76) (24) (14) (0) (114)
4) Be active in all school 13 14 2 5 34 3.03 MI 10
programs and (52) (42) (4) (5) (103)
5) Ask/Raise questions to 15 10 8 1 34 3.15 MI 8
the subject teacher. (60) (30) (16) (1) (107)
6) Know your priorities 17 15 2 0 34 3.44 HI 1
(What to do first in all (68) (45) (4) (0) (117)
your requirements).

7) Have self-esteem. 16 14 3 1 34 3.32 HI 4

(64) (42) (6) (1) (113)
8) Do projects and other 15 14 5 0 34 3.29 HI 6
school activities ahead of (60) (42) (10) (0) (112)
9) Minimize unnecessary 13 18 3 0 34 3.29 HI 6
activities and concentrate (52) (54) (6) (0) (112)
on your academics.
10) Ask help from other 19 9 3 3 34 3.29 HI 6
students/ Open up with (76) (27) (6) (3) (112)
other students about your

Numerical Value Statistical Limits Descriptive Equivalent Symbol
4 3.25-4.00 Highly Impactful HI
3 2.50-3.24 Moderately Impactful MI
2 1.75-2.49 Low Impactful LI
1 1.00-1.74 Not Impactful NI
Total Weight of Frequency TWF
Weighted Mean WM
Descriptive Equivalent DE

Listening to teachers and taking down notes are some ways for students to have a better

academic performance.

Item 4 ‘Be active in all school programs and requirements’ ranked 10 with an

average weighted mean of 3.03 and described as moderately impactful. Most teachers

give credits to students who actively participate in any school activities. That additional

point can create change in your grades. Aside from the additional points given by the

teachers, a student who actively participate in any activity gains knowledge. Knowledge

that he can use not only in his academics but also in any aspect of his life. Taking

seminar about Stress Management for example, students who intently listen to the

speaker can grasp the information being disseminated. From then on, he can use the

information he acquires for the betterment of himself.


Table 2.1 presents the degree of impact of the coping strategies of students in

their specialized subjects as perceived by the female respondents. With an average

weighted mean of 3.37, the identified coping strategies are highly impactful to address

difficulties of students in their specialized subjects.

This result implies that these coping strategies can be of great help for the female

students. They can use these strategies to address their difficulties in their specialized


It is reflected in the table that knowing your priorities has the highest weighted

mean of 3.71 which indicates that knowing what to prioritize first is a good coping

strategies. Knowing what is more important among the items in your To-Do list and

doing them may help you cope in your difficulties. Prioritizing your school activities than

your hobbies and leisure activities is of great help to improve your performance.

Table 2.1

Degree of Impact of the Coping Strategies to Address

Difficulties of Students in their Specialized Subject
as Perceived by the Male Respondents

Coping strategies HI MI LI NI TWF WM DE Rank

(4) (3) (2) (1)
1) Class tutorials 13 12 3 3 31 3.13 MI 9.5
(52) (36) (6) (3) (97)
2) More time allotted for self- 20 9 1 1 31 3.55 HI 3
study (80) (27) (2) (1) (110)
3) Pay more attention during 21 8 2 0 31 3.61 HI 2
discussion (84) (24) (4) (0) (112)
4) Be active in all school 12 13 4 2 31 3.13 MI 9.5
programs and requirements. (48) (39) (8) (2) (97)
5) Ask/Raise questions to the 13 12 5 1 31 3.19 MI 7.5
subject teacher. (52) (36) (10) (1) (99)
6) Know your priorities 23 7 1 0 31 3.71 HI 1
(What to do first in all your (92) (21) (2) (0) (115)
7) Have self-esteem. 14 12 4 1 31 3.26 HI 6

(56) (36) (8) (1) (101)

8) Do projects and other 18 13 0 0 31 3.58 HI 4
school activities ahead of (72) (39) (0) (0) (111)
9) Minimize unnecessary 15 12 4 0 31 3.35 HI 5
activities and concentrate on (60) (36) (8) (0) (104)
your academics.
10) Ask help from other 12 13 6 0 31 3.19 MI 7.5
students/ Open up with other (48) (39) (12) (0) (99)
students about your difficulty.

Numerical Value Statistical Limits Descriptive Equivalent Symbol
4 3.25-4.00 Highly Impactful HI
3 2.50-3.24 Moderately Impactful MI
2 1.75-2.49 Low Impactful LI
1 1.00-1.74 Not Impactful NI
Total Weight of Frequency TWF
Weighted Mean WM
Descriptive Equivalent DE

According to the table, students can cope up in their specialized subjects if they

prioritize what is more important or on what to do first in all requirements. In some case,

the students do not know where to start when all the requirements from the minor

subjects and the specialized subjects are given in one time, they get discourage, stressed,

and unmotivated causing confusion on what to do first.

According to the article, “How students should prioritize their workload” (2016),

efficiency is another broad priority every student must embrace. Work flow refers to the

time when you are at the peak focus and concentrating intently on the task at hand and

not being distracted by anything else. To cultivate work flow, you need a quiet place

where you are free from interruptions. Turn off that instant messenger, put your phone

away, and get started. When you find yourself experiencing a solid workflow, mark the

time. Do this over the course of a week, and then review your data to find out what time

is most conductive to getting your best work done. Once you know when your mind

operates at its peak, set aside the most challenging work for that time of the day. In the

hours when you often struggle to stay focused, get in the habit of doing less important

work like answering emails or organizing notes. Make it a priority to invest your best self

in your hardest work, and you will see your productivity increase exponentially.

According to the study advice given, this is one of the best ways to prioritize

work load given to the student to minimize stress and to cope up on their specialized


Ranked 2 is pay more attention during class discussion. With a weighted mean of

3.61 this denotes that students who pay more attention during discussions are more likely

to cope up in their specialized subjects. In here, there is a great difference between

listening and just merely hearing. When we say paying more attention, we pertained to

listening. Listening where in all our attention is focused on the teacher.

Ranked 3 is the more allotted time to study. With a weighted mean of 3.55, it

shows that if students allot more time to study, they can cope up in their specialized

subjects. If they are given more time to study, they can understand the lesson better. If

not, they can re-read the notes they took in class, research about the lesson on the in the

internet, and can get an easier grip on the lesson that was discussed.

Ranked as 9.5 were the ‘class tutorials’ and ‘be active in all school programs and

requirements’ with an average weighted mean of 3.13 and described as moderately

impactful. As what was mentioned a while back, it is not because they were ranked last

mean that they were not impactful. Basing on the result of the weighted mean, these two

were described as moderately impactful. This meant that both of these two had impacts in

addressing the difficulties of students.

Table 2.2 presented the summary and comparison of the degree of impact of

coping strategies to address difficulties of students in their specialized subjects. Basing

on the result of the data collected, it was found out that the null hypothesis should be

accepted therefore denotes that there is no significant difference in the degree of impact

of the coping strategies to address the difficulties of students in their specialized subjects.

Researchers come to conclude that there are no such groups of coping strategies

applicable for male only and vice versa. Both male and female students found that the

identified coping strategies are impactful and can be adapted for their own use.

Ranked 1 is knowing your priorities with a weighted mean of 3.58 and described

as highly impactful. This implies that students who know how to sort activities, either

Table 2.2

Summary and Comparison of the Degree of Impact of the Coping Strategies to

Address Difficulties of Students in their Specialized Subject

Coping strategies Male Female Combined Rank

1) Class tutorials 3.35 HI 3.13 MI 3.24 MI 7.5
2) More time allotted for 3.09 MI 3.55 HI 3.32 HI 4.5
3) Pay more attention during 3.35 HI 3.61 HI 3.48 HI 2
4) Be active in all school 3.03 MI 3.13 MI 3.08 MI 10
programs and requirements.
5) Ask/Raise questions to the 3.15 MI 3.19 MI 3.17 MI 9
subject teacher
6) Know your priorities 3.44 HI 3.71 HI 3.58 HI 1
(What to do first in all your

7) Have self-esteem 3.32 HI 3.26 HI 3.29 HI 6

8) Do projects and other 3.29 HI 3.58 HI 3.44 HI 3
school activities ahead of
9) Minimize unnecessary 3.29 HI 3.35 HI 3.32 HI 4.5
activities and concentrate on
your academics.
10) Ask help from other 3.29 HI 3.19 MI 3.24 MI 7.5
students/ Open up with other
students about your

tcv= -0.140 t.05 = 2.000 df = 2.000

decision: accept Ho
Conclusion: not significant

important and not, have the upper hand of coping on their difficulties on their specialized

subjects. Using time wisely with important things and considering if they are urgent or

not is a good way to address the difficulties not only academically but also in everyday


Paying more attention during discussion ranked 2 with a weighted mean of 3.48

and also described as highly impactful. The amount of time and effort allotted to listening

to the teacher have a great impact in the comprehension of students. If you are to

compare the academic performance of students who are paying attention to the teacher

and the students who are not, you might find as well a great difference in their academics.

Ranked 3 is doing projects and other school activities ahead of time. Which do

you think has the better output? The one made ahead of time or the one made out of rush?

The output made ahead of time is much better because sufficient time and effort are

allotted compared to the one that is rushed. Aside from this, doing projects ahead of time

gives you more free time to do other school requirements. Sometimes, rushing projects

also pressure students causing them stress.

Another thing, in rushing, students tend to skip meals and sleep late at night, or

worst do not sleep at all. Given that situation, students may get sick and definitely be


Level of Applicability of the Suggestions to

Improve Performance of Students in their
Specialized Subjects

Aside from the identified coping mechanisms, some suggestions are also

identified that can improve performance of students. These suggestions are well-

researched and that found to really have an effect to academic performance. Table 3.0

and 3.1 show the level of applicability of the suggestions to improve performance of

students in their specialized subjects as perceived by the respondents. Table 3.2 presents

the summation and comparison of the data collected from the respondents. The level of

applicability was rated as very much applicable, applicable, slightly applicable, and not


Table 3.0 presents the level of applicability of the suggestions to improve

performance of students in their specialized subjects as perceived by the male

respondents. The average weighted mean of 3.15 suggested the applicable effect of

improving performance for specialized subjects. This means that the suggestions were

applicable for the improvement of the performance of students in their specialized

subject. This also explains that students who wants to follow this suggestions will have a

chance of improving their performance in their specialized subjects.


It was found out that there are two items that are ranked first with a weighted

mean of 3.44 which was letting students explore and acknowledge their Math anxious

feelings through writing and Relaxation training. This implied that students that explores

further and acknowledges their math anxious feelings through writing and relaxation

training have the largest level of applicability to improve performance of students in their

specialized subjects. In the relaxation techniques, it can relieve stress and anxiety that the

student deals to improve the way they perform. With proper relaxation and techniques

used, students will have a higher chance of improving their performance in their

specialized subjects.

The 4th rank were taking small breaks when feeling stuck on their subjects, eating

food that stimulates the brain and attend all your classes and avoid being late with a

weighted mean of 3.26. Having small breaks is very important if you feel like you are not

being productive. By taking small breaks, it can help the mind clear out built-in stress


Table 3.0

Level of applicability of the suggestions to improve performance

of students in their specialized subjects as perceived
by the male respondents
Suggestions VM A SA NA TWF WM DE Rank
A (3) (2) (1)
1) Let students acknowledge 20 10 3 1 34 3.44 VMA 1.5
their Math anxious feelings (80) (30) (6) (1) (117)
through writing.
2) Math therapy exercise 8 22 3 1 34 2.85 A 10
where in student’s state why (24) (66) (6) (1) (97)
Pre-Cal and Chemistry
became difficult for them.
3) Taking small breaks when 16 12 5 1 34 3.26 VMA 4
feeling stuck on their (64) (36) (10) (1) (111)

4) Physical exercise even 9 15 8 2 34 2.91 A 9

when for a minute. (36) (45) (16) (2) (99)
5) Relaxation training 14 12 7 1 34 3.44 VMA 1.5
(meditation, muscular (56) (46) (14) (1) (117)
relaxation, mindfulness and
breathing techniques).
6) Play instrumental music 11 14 9 0 34 3.06 A 6
when studying. (44) (42) (18) (0) (104)
7) Participating in group 10 18 2 4 34 3.03 A 7
study. (40) (54) (4) (4) (102)
8) Participate in co-curricular 11 15 3 5 34 2.94 A 8
activities like trainings and (44) (45) (6) (5) (100)
9) Eat foods that stimulate 17 10 6 1 34 3.26 VMA 4
your brain. (68) (30) (12) (1) (111)
10) Attend all your classes 16 12 5 1 34 3.26 VMA 4
and avoid being late. (64) (36) (10) (1) (111)

Numerical Value Statistical Limits Descriptive Equivalent Symbol
4 3.25-4.00 Very Much Applicable VMA
3 2.50-3.24 Applicable A
2 1.75-2.49 Slightly Applicable SA
1 1.00-1.74 Not Applicable NA
Total Weight of Frequency TWF
Weighted Mean WM
Descriptive Equivalent DE

was compiled during the time of studies. With this being said, students can learn in their

specialized subjects more without gaining too much stress from it. Eating food that

stimulates the brain helps the student by giving nutrients for the brain. For example, dark

chocolate contains flavonoids, caffeine and antioxidants which enhances the memory at

the same time a legitimate mood booster. Lastly, attending all your classes and avoid

being late is a very effective way to improve performances because when arriving on

time, students wouldn’t miss an important detail in class. Avoiding tardiness can help

reduce stress because when you are on time or ahead of time, you can prepare yourself

for school and this improves ones concentration.


The 6th rank was playing instrumental music when studying with a weighted mean

of 3.06. This lightens the student’s pressure because instrumental music produces sound

that can help calm a person. Our brain can grasp more when it's relaxed and increases

your concentration, calms you down, making you more patient and gentle. With this,

students who listen to instrumental music will have a higher chance of improving their

academic performance.

7th in the rank with a weighted mean of 3.03 was participating in group studies.

This signifies that students who participate in groups studies will have more improvement

because of teamwork effort. According to Andrew Carnegie, "Teamwork is the ability to

work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments

toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain

uncommon results." They learn to work as one and such through group studies. Just like

math equations, students choose to do math equations by groups over solving math

equations alone. They learn to interact and help out one another to be able to understand

the equation more. They learn to participate more in group studies to be able to improve

in their performance.

Ranked 9.5 with the weighted mean of 2.91 are physical exercise even for a

minute and participating in group activities. With proper exercise conducted, stress is

reduced to improve the performance of a student in their specialized subject. Also,

students who do this exercises have greater chance of avoiding burn-outs. This can

refresh an individual’s mind and can focus more on his study. Physical exercises

improves an individual’s health and with a fit and healthy mind and body male students

can be at their best when it comes to learning. Hence, this improves their performance in

school. Also, group work can be effective method to motivate students, encourage active

learning and develop key critical thinking, communication, and decision-making skills

(Berksky L., 2010).

Table 3.1 presents the level of applicability of the suggestions to improve the

performance of students in their specialized subjects by the female respondents. The

average weighted mean of 3.10 implied that the suggestions to improve the performance

of the students in their specialized subject is applicable. This means that the suggested

measures to help the students excel in their specialized subjects is applied and useful. It

also explains that there are certain factors affecting students’ performance in their

specialized subjects.

It was discovered that students who avoid being late and attend all their classes is

ranked first with a weighted mean of 3.71. This signifies that Grade 12 female STEM

students of Easter College Incorporated perceived that being on time and present in all

the lectures and classes contribute to the improvement of their academic performances.

According to Colorin Colorado (2008), students arriving to school with time to spare


Table 3.1

Level of Applicability of the Suggestions to Improve Performance

of Students in their Specialized Subjects as Perceived
by the Female Respondents
Suggestions VMA A SA NA TWF WM DE Rank
(4) (3) (2) (1)
1) Let students 14 11 6 0 31 3.52 VMA 2
acknowledge their Math (64) (33) (12) (0) (109)
anxious feelings through
2) Math therapy exercise 10 9 10 2 31 2.87 A 7
where in student’s state (40) (27) (20) (2) (89)
why Pre-Cal and Chemistry

became difficult for them.

3) Taking small breaks 17 11 3 0 31 3.45 VMA 3
when feeling stuck on their (68) (33) (6) (0) (107)
4) Physical exercise even 8 8 10 5 31 2.61 A 9
when for a minute. (32) (24) (20) (5) (81)
5) Relaxation training 12 11 6 2 31 3.06 A 6
(meditation, muscular (48) (33) (12) (2) (95)
relaxation, mindfulness and
breathing techniques).
6) Play instrumental music 9 10 7 5 31 2.74 A 8
when studying. (36) (30) (14) (5) (85)
7) Participating in group 7 6 13 5 31 2.48 SA 10
study. (28) (18) (26) (5) (77)
8) Participate in co- 17 7 6 1 31 3.29 VMA 4.5
curricular activities like (68) (21) (12) (1) (102)
trainings and others.
9) Eat foods that stimulate 17 7 6 1 31 3.29 VMA 4.5
your brain. (68) (21) (12) (1) (102)
10) Attend all your classes 23 7 1 0 31 3.71 VMA 1
and avoid being late. (92) (21) (2) (0) (115)

Numerical Value Statistical Limits Descriptive Equivalent Symbol
4 3.25-4.00 Very Much Applicable VMA
3 2.50-3.24 Much Applicable MA
2 1.75-2.49 Slightly Applicable SA
1 1.00-1.74 Not Applicable NA
Total Weight of Frequency TWF
Weighted Mean WM
Descriptive Equivalent DE
the luxury of setting in, preparing their class materials and focusing their minds on the

lessons while students who shows up in the middle of the a lesson miss out on natural

transition period and may even lose more of the lessons as they scurry to settle into

academic focus. Attending all your classes, students has greater possibility that they

won’t miss important information, reminders and other school-related specifics.

Letting students explore their math-anxious feeling through writing is ranked

second with a weighted mean of 3.52, this denotes that students expressing their feelings

through writing has a great impact in their performance especially on math-related

subjects. According to SL Beilock 2015, expressive writing is effective because it


provides individuals with the opportunity to reappraise a potential negative situation.

When we view an anxiety-inducing situation such as math-anxiety as a threat we tend to

underperform relative to our abilities. This means that the female STEM students have

greater control on their anxiety feelings and is a great help in their performances.

Ranked 3rd with a weighted mean of 3.45 is taking small break when feeling stuck

on their subject. This entails that those students who knows when to stop and just relax a

little bit have greater performance in their specialized subject than those who extend their

limitations. Breaks increase productivity and creativity, working for long stretches

without breaks leads to stress and exhaustion. Taking regular breaks raises students’

ability to engage in work correlated with productivity.

Ranked 4.5 with a weighted mean of 3.29 are participating in co-curricular

activities like trainings and eating food that stimulates the brain. This denotes that

students who engage themselves in co-curricular training such as sports can greatly affect

students’ performance. Students who participates in co-curricular activities show a higher

academic result, stronger relationship in school and are more likely to live a healthy

lifestyle. Students also feel a sense of belonging to the school and have higher self-

esteem. In addition to this, students are motivated and it leads to a happier, healthier and

a more cohesive school ( It also concluded that students who have a

healthier diet has an edge on performing. According to Tammy Sons in her book Thrive

Global 2017, consuming healthy brain foods can improve an individual’s mental focus

and can stimulate and strengthen brain cells for better understanding. This foods can also

reduce stress which can help improve cognitive ability that is essential to learning.

Rank 6 with a weighted mean of 3.06 is relaxation training such as meditation,

muscular relaxation, mindfulness and breathing techniques, presupposes that female

students who engage themselves in techniques such as Yoga have greater control of their

selves that can help them in their performances. Participating in relaxation techniques can

reduce everyday stress, boost energy and mood, and improve your mental and physical

health, which means students can have a positive approach towards learning.

Rank 7 with a weighted mean of 2.87 is Math-therapy exercises where in students

state why their specialized subjects related to Math became difficult indicates that female

STEM students is more on emotional health. Students who are emotionally healthy have

greater performances. This therapy can enrich senses that can help the students excel in

their subjects (Pomeran, 2016).

Rank 8 with a weighted mean of 2.74 is playing instrumental music. This

indicates that students who engage their self or sooths their self with music has a greater

chance of coping with their stress. Music may improve focus on a task by providing

motivation and improving mood. During long study sessions, music can aid endurance, in

some cases students have found that music can help them with memorization, likely by

creating a positive mood, which boosts memory function and this can help students

improve their performances in school, according to Nicky Davies (2010).

Rank 9 with a weighted mean of 2.61 is physical exercise even for a minute. This

implies that female students who do physical activities such as stretching or even walking

in times of work can cope up with their troubles in school. According to a new study

published in Neuropsychologia, engaging in a quick physical exercise can increase


brainpower. People can get immediate cognitive benefits from a short exercise, you have

this increased level of arousal, and that prompts you to be better at doing tasks.

Rank 10 with a weighted mean of 2.48 and is lastly ranked is participating in

group activities. This infers that female students who partake in tasks done within a group

can cope up with their specialized subjects. Because it is lastly ranked this may suggest

that female students learn better or cope up with matters in school alone. In accordance

with the research Assessment of learning styles of the grade 11 students of Easter College

Incorporated a basis for intervention 2017, the dominant learning style among the

students is intrapersonal learning style or students learn better when working by


Table 3.2 summarized and compared the level of applicability of the suggestions

to improve their performance in their specialized subjects. Basing on the computation

using the t-test, null hypothesis must be accepted therefore stating that there is no

significant difference on the level of applicability of the suggestions to improve

performance of students. This implies that the mentioned suggestions are applicable to

students, either male or female.

All in all there were 5 applicable suggestions and 5 very much applicable

suggestions among the 10 items given.

Along with the 10 suggested coping mechanisms, the last item which states that

students should attend all their classes and they should avoid being late is ranked 1 st with

a weighted mean of 3.49 which is very much applicable. This indicates that the grade 12

STEM students of Easter College cope up with their troubles in their specialized subjects

well if they are always present physically, mentally and emotionally in all their classes

and if they avoid coming to school late. Aside from getting a credit for the attendance,

According to Woody Allen, (2013) students who attend classes don’t miss out details

about a lesson. Class gives you another perspective on the material not just the textbook.

Even if the student thinks that she/he already understand the lessons well, classes always

add something new. Classes also gives the student opportunity to interact with their

teachers, this raises the likelihood of finding mentors and role models who can guide

them to improve their academic performances and personal development.

Literally, the term “late coming” implies a situation where an individual arrives

after the proper, scheduled or usual time (Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, 2010).

If the students arrived at the school late, they won’t be at their very best and this can

affect their performances. They can be rattled with the fact that they have to cope up with

the started lesson as soon as possible and having these worries can make it harder for the

student to focus on the matter at hand. The student will be distracted and will miss out

important details. These can lower their productivity and creativity and affect their

performances. By avoiding “late comings” students, may it be male or female, their

academic performance can improve.

Table 3.2

Summary and Comparison of the Level of Applicability of the Suggestions to

Improve Performance of Students in their Specialized Subjects
As Perceived by the Respondents

Suggestions Male Female Combined Rank


1) Let students explore and 3.44 VMA 3.52 VMA 3.48 VMA 2
acknowledge their Math
anxious feelings through
2) Math therapy exercise 2.85 A 2.87 A 2.86 A 8
where in student’s state why
Pre-Cal and Chemistry
became difficult for them.
3) Taking small breaks when 3.26 VMA 3.45 VMA 3.36 VMA 3
feeling stuck on their
4) Physical exercise just for a 2.91 A 2.61 A 2.76 A 9.5
5) Relaxation training 3.44 VMA 3.06 A 3.25 VMA 5
(meditation, muscular
relaxation, mindfulness, and
breathing techniques).
6) Playing instrumental 3.06 A 2.74 A 2.9 A 7
music when studying.
7) Participating in group 3.03 A 2.48 SA 2.76 A 9.5
8) Participate in co-curricular 2.94 A 3.29 VMA 3.12 A 6
activities like trainings and
9) Eat foods that stimulates 3.26 VMA 3.29 VMA 3.28 VMA 4
your brain.
10) Attend all your classes 3.26 VMA 3.71 VMA 3.49 VMA 1
and avoid being late.

tcv = 0.035 t.05 =2.000 df = 2.000

decision: accept Ho
Conclusion: not significant

Next is the following: Let students explore and acknowledge their math-anxious

feeling through writing with a weighted mean of 3.48. This implies that the Grade 12

female and male Students of Easter College Incorporated cope up with their specialized

subject when they express their feelings towards math through writings. According to

2013 National Assessment of educational purposes (NAEP) understanding Math-related


information is very much essential to the students who entered the track STEM because

mathematics holds a special place in this track. Most of the major subjects in STEM is

integrated with mathematics, namely Statistics, pre-calculus, general mathematics,

biology, chemistry and physics. Having anxious feeling towards math is deeply

associated with low academic performance especially on STEM. Expressive writing is a

simple, clinical technique that encourages individuals to write freely about their thoughts

and feelings regarding an important stressor they are facing (Pennebaker & Beall, 1986).

Previous work indicates that writing about a stressful or emotional event for 15–20

minutes can reduce negative thoughts and ruminations in anxious and depressed

populations (Donnelly & Murray, 1991; Graf, Gaudiano, & Geller, 2008).

Ranked 3rd with a weighted mean of 3.36 is taking small breaks when feeling

stuck in their subject. Studies show that breaks on your daily routine can positively affect

your attention abilities. Female and male don’t have any significant difference when it

comes to taking small breaks because in both sides this suggestion is very much

applicable. According to Loman S. (2012) Taking breaks to relax, de-stress and clear

your head can make your study time more efficient and effective. Spreading out your

studying into multiple sessions with breaks in between not only helps your brain

remember information more effectively, but it can improve your concentration and

motivation while you are studying! Short breaks during the work day can actually boost

mental resources such as attention, ensuring good performance.


Chapter 4



Based on the findings of the study, the conclusions made are as follows:

1. Both the male and female Grade 12 students of Easter College Incorporated

found that the identified factors really affect their difficulties in their specialized


2. The respondents, both male and female, agree that the identified coping

strategies have impacts in addressing the difficulties of students in their specialized


3. The students of Easter College, specifically the Grade 12 students, found the

identified suggestions to be applicable in improving their academic performances.


Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the researchers recommend

the following:

1. Knowing that the factors affect students difficulties, the researchers recommend

that it would be of great help if students know and rate the factors affecting their

difficulties not only on their specialized subjects but also on their others subject

areas. In this way, they will know how to address the factors and the difficulties.

2. Given that the respondents found one item as the most impactful coping
strategies, researchers recommend that students would be better if they know their
priorities and doing the most important and most urgent first.
3. Students might want to adopt the identified suggestions and use them to
improve their performance, especially attending all their classes for it really does

A. Books
Ariola, M. (2006). Principles and Methods of Research. Manila: Rex Book Store Inc.
Sevilla, C.G. et al. (1989). Fundamentals of Statistic. Manila: National Book Store Inc.
Folkman, S., & Lazarus, R. S. (1980). An analysis of coping in middle aged community
sample. 21: 219-239.

Cooper, S. H. (2008). Changing Notions of Defense within Psychoanalytic Theory.

Journal of Personality, 66, 947-964.
B. Internet Sites
Changing Minds Org. Coping Mechanisms. Retrieved from


Unknown.Coping Mechanisms. Retrieved from


Scott, E. (2018). Laughter as a Coping Mechanism. Retrieved from https://www.verywell

Sincero, S.M. Stress and Coping Mechanism. Retrieved from


Khiat, H. (2013). A Qualitative Study of Coping Strategies in Secondary Level

Mathematics Learning: A Psycho-Analytic Perspective. Retrieved from

Guevarra, R.S. and Cimanes, R.A. (2017). Stress Coping Mechanisms and Its Impact to

their age among Senior High School Students at Paranaque National High School-

Baclaran. Retrieved from


Paura L. and Arhipova, I. (2013). Cause Analysis of Students’ Dropout Rate in Higher
Education Study Program. Retrieved from
Appendix A
Letter of Request
September 25, 2018

Allan C. Balalao, MDiv.MTS

Principal, Senior High School Department,

Easter College Incorporated

Easter School Road, Guisad
Baguio City

In partial fulfillment of our requirement in Research II, we will conduct a research
gather data through survey questionnaires that will be used in our study.

Regarding this issue, we would like to ask your permission that we will be allowed to
distribute our survey questionnaires to the Grade 12 STEM students of Easter College
Incorporated that will help us obtain information we need in relation to our topic.

Rest assured that this will not cause any stress or pain to our respondents and all data
gathered will be kept confidential.

We would greatly appreciate your consent at our request.

Thank you for your time.

Respectfully yours,

Deborah Piluden Daniel Buting

Dominga For-og Gerald Licang
Jianina Victoria Escalo John Leo Marrero
Acer Carl Polutan

Endorsed for Approval: Approved by:


Subject Teacher Principal/ Chairperson
Appendix B
Dear respondents:

We are presently conducting a study entitled “COPING MECHANISMS OF STEM

SPECIALIZED SUBJECTS” as a fulfillment to our subject Research II.
Thus, we are asking for you to answer the following queries honestly and sincerely. Rest
assured that the information you are to give will be kept in high confidentiality.
Thank you and God bless!

Very truly yours,

Dominga For-og Deborah Piluden

Researcher Researcher

Jianina Victoria Escalo Daniel Buting

Researcher Researcher

Gerald Licang John Leo Marrero

Researcher Researcher

Acer Carl Polutan

Appendix C
NAME (optional): ______________________________
GRADE AND SECTION: ________________________

INSTRUCTION: Put a checkmark on the appropriate column. Thank you for your time
and cooperation.
I. Degree of seriousness of the factors affecting the difficulties of students in
their specialized subjects.
4 3.25-4.00 Very Much Serious VMS
3 2.50-3.24 Much Serious MS
2 1.75-2.49 Moderately Serious MoS
1 1.00-1.74 Not Serious NS

Factors Affecting the Difficulties of Student in their VMS MS MoS NS

specialized subject (4) (3) (2) (1)
1) Expectations from Parents and friends pressure
you so much.
2) Unwanted experiences, like family problem
affect your difficulties in your specialized
3) Your emotions toward the subject affect your
difficulties on the subject.
4) Teachers teaching styles causes difficulties on
student’s comprehension.
5) Stress affect your difficulties on your specialized
6) Overlapping School requirements adds to your
difficulties on your specialized subject.
7) Less attention or time given to the specialized
subjects affect your comprehension.
8) You lack self-esteem to excel on your
specialized subject.
9) You lack interest in the subject.
10) You absent most of the time especially on your
specialized subject.
11) Study habits and learning styles of students.

II. Degree of Impact of the coping strategies to address difficulties of students in their
specialized subject.


4 3.25-4.00 High Impact HI

3 2.50-3.24 Medium Impact MI
2 1.75-2.49 Low Impact LI

1 1.00-1.74 No Impact NI

Coping strategies to address difficulties on specialized subject. HI MI LI NI

(4) (3) (2) (1)
1) Class tutorials
2) More time allotted for self- study
3) Paying more attention during discussion
4) Being active in all school programs and requirements.
5) Asking/Raising questions to the subject teacher.
6) Knowing your priorities (What to do first in all your
7) Having confidence in everything you do.
8) Doing projects and other school activities ahead of time.
9) Minimize unnecessary activities and concentrate on your
10) Ask help from other students/ Open up with other students
about your difficulty

III. Level of applicability of the suggestions to improve performance of students in their

specialized subjects.


4 3.25-4.00 Very Much Applicable VMA

3 2.50-3.24 Applicable A
2 1.75-2.49 Slightly Applicable SA
1 1.00-1.74 Not Applicable NA

Suggestions to improve performance of students in their VMA A SA NA

specialized subjects. (4) (3) (2) (1)
1) Letting students explore and acknowledge their Math-anxious
feelings through writing.
2) Math therapy exercise where in student’s state why Pre-Cal
and Chemistry became difficult for them.
3) Taking small breaks when feeling stuck on their subjects.
4) Physical exercise just for a minute.
5) Relaxation training includes meditation, muscular relaxation,
mindfulness and breathing techniques.
6) Playing instrumental music when studying.
7) Participate in group study.
8) Participating in co-curricular activities like trainings and
9) Eating chocolates when studying.
10) Attend all your classes and avoid being late.
Appendix D

Sample Statistical Computations

Problem 1

SD for Table 1.0 (n=34) X x-mean (x-mean)2


100 5 25 86 -2.45 6.0025

98 3 9 71 -17.45 304.5025
97 2 4 88 -0.45 0.2025
95 0 0 101 12.55 157.5025
96 1 1 99 10.55 111.3025
97 2 4 107 18.55 344.1025
101 6 36 103 14.55 211.7025
91 -4 16 79 -9.45 89.3025
92 -3 9 84 -4.45 19.8025
79 -16 256 58 -30.45 927.2025
99 4 16 97 8.55 73.1025
1045   376 2244.727
95     973   5
SD for Table 1.1 (31)
x x-mean (x-mean)2

s1 11.39 3.38 s2 74.82 8.65

s1/n 0.34 s2/n 2.41
T -0.06 -0.036

df 63 2.000
tcv = -0.036 < t.05 = 0

decision: accept Ho

Conclusion: not significant

Problem 2

SD for Table 2.0 (n=34) SD for Table 1.1 (31)

x x-mean (x-mean)2 x x-mean (x-mean)2
114 3.1 9.61 97 -7.5 56.25
105 -5.9 34.81 110 5.5 30.25
114 3.1 9.61 112 7.5 56.25
103 -7.9 62.41 97 -7.5 56.25
107 -3.9 15.21 99 -5.5 30.25
117 6.1 37.21 115 10.5 110.25
113 2.1 4.41 101 -3.5 12.25
112 1.1 1.21 111 6.5 42.25
112 1.1 1.21 104 -0.5 0.25
112 1.1 1.21 99 -5.5 30.25
1109   176.9 1045   424.5
110.9     104.5    

s1 5.36 2.32 s2 14.15 3.76

s1/n 0.16 s2/n 0.46
t -0.11 -0.140
df 63 2.000
tcv = -0.140 < t.05 = 2.000

decision: accept Ho

Conclusion: not significant


Problem 3

SD for Table 3.0 (n=34) SD for Table 3.1 (31)

X x-mean (x-mean)2 x x-mean (x-mean)2
117 10.1 102.01 109 12.8 163.84
97 -9.9 98.01 89 -7.2 51.84
111 4.1 16.81 107 10.8 116.64
99 -7.9 62.41 81 -15.2 231.04
117 10.1 102.01 95 -1.2 1.44
104 -2.9 8.41 85 -11.2 125.44
102 -4.9 24.01 77 -19.2 368.64
100 -6.9 47.61 102 5.8 33.64
111 4.1 16.81 102 5.8 33.64
111 4.1 16.81 115 18.8 353.44
1069   494.9 962   1479.6
106.9     96.2    

s1 15.00 3.87 s2 49.32 7.02

s1/n 0.44 s2/n 1.59
t 0.05 0.035
df 63 2.000
tcv = 0.035 < t.05 = 0

decision: accept Ho

: not significant

Appendix E

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Background:

Name: Buting, Daniel Cariño

Date of Birth: June 23, 2000

Place of Birth: Baguio City, Philippines

Provincial Address: Tublay, Benguet

City Address: P. Burgos, St. Baguio City

Father: Buting, Albert C.

Mother: Buting, Nelly C.

Educational Background:

Year School Year Graduated

Senior High Easter College Inc. In Progress
Junior High Easter College Inc. April 2017
Elementary Easter College Inc. March 2013

3rd Placer in surprise Bike Race


“It’s either ride my bike or ride the bike?”

Personal Background:

Name: Escalo, Jianina Victoria Del Campo

Date of Birth: November 18, 2000

Place of Birth: La Union, San Fernando City

Provincial Address: La Union, San Fernando City

City Address: Maria Pucay, Guisad Central, Baguio City

Father: Escalo, Rodrigo D.

Mother: Escalo, Diana Jean D.

Educational Background:

Year School Year Graduated

Senior High Easter College Inc. In Progress
Junior High Easter College Inc. April 2017
Elementary BHC Educational Institution March 2013

Achievements: Awardee in performing Arts, 3rd Place in Softball Panglungsod

3rd place in speech choir UP Namnama, Academic Honor Award- Grade 10


“If you believe, you can achieve.”

Personal Background:

Name: For-og, Dominga Alubong

Date of Birth: September 10, 2000

Place of Birth: Poblacion, Natonin, Mountain Province

Provincial Address: Poblacion, Natonin, Mountain Province

City Address: 6E Sumulong Street, Holy Ghost Proper, Baguio City

Father: Juan Henry Amsiwen For-og

Mother: Aniceta Tenma’cheg Alubong

Educational Background:

Year School Year Graduated

Senior High Easter College In Progress
Junior High Immaculate Heart High school April 2017
Elementary Natonin Central School March 2013

Highest Achievement awardee on Junior High school


“Whoever reaches the finish line first doesn’t matter, what matter most is how you live

your life.”

Personal Background:

Name: Licang, Gerald Gali

Date of Birth: November 26, 1999


Place of Birth: Manaoag, Pangasinan

Provincial Address: Lubon, Tadian Mountain Province

City Address: Blk. 7, Lot 8 East Quirino Hill, Baguio City

Father: Licang, Gerald C.

Mother: Licang Rebecca G.

Educational Background:

Year School Year Graduated

Senior High Easter College In Progress
Junior High Magsaysay National High May 2017

Elementary Lucban Elementary School March 2013

Best in Math- Grade 9 and 10


“God is good, all the time"

Personal Background:

Name: Marreo, John Leo Dumasan

Date of Birth: October 30, 2000

Place of Birth: Baguio City, Philippines


Provincial Address: Tadian, Mountain Province

City Address: Quirino Hill, Baguio City

Father: Marrero, Teofilo D.

Mother: Marrero, Marcela D.

Educational Background:

Year School Year Graduated

Senior High Easter College In Progress
Junior High Easter College May 2017
Elementary Quirino Hill, Elementary March 2013



“Let your mind guide you”

Personal Background:

Name: Piluden, Deborah Layag

Date of Birth: June 17, 2001

Place of Birth: Butigue, Paracelis, Mt. Province

Provincial Address: Butigue, Paracelis, Mt. Province

City Address: Purok #10, Upper Pinget, Baguio City


Father: Piluden, Frenzel Ray P.

Mother: Piluden, Norma L.

Educational Background:

Year School Year Graduated

Senior High Easter College In Progress
Junior High Butigue National High School March 2017
Elementary Butigue Elementary School March 2013


Academic Achiever on Junior High School and Elementary


“Don’t waste your time on something you don’t deserve, strive for something bigger than

what you imagined.”

Personal Background:

Name: Polutan, Acer Carl Sianen

Date of Birth: November 7, 2000

Place of Birth: Baguio City, Benguet

Provincial Address : Poblacion, Bontoc, Mountain Province

City Address: Pinsao Pilot, Baguio City

Father: Polutan, Carl C.

Mother: Sianen, Elsie T.


Educational Background:

Year School Year Graduated

Senior High Easter College Inc. In progress
Junior High Mountain Province March 2017

General Comprehensive

High School
Elementary All Saints Mission March 2013

International School


“What we are looking for may just be at your side.”


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