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Cybersecurity Risk & Sustainability

Submitted in ESP II

12th Project


Submitted by:

Rana Ahmed (19102519)

Mohamed Mostafa (19103668)

Submitted to:

Dr. Reham Medhat El-Masry

Submitted on:
Sunday, 10th of January, 2021

Definition of supply chain:.........................................................................................................1

Example of supply chain:...........................................................................................................1

Definition of cybersecurity risk:................................................................................................2

Examples of cybersecurity risk:.................................................................................................2

Solutions for cybersecurity risk:................................................................................................3


Examples of sustainability:........................................................................................................4

Problems of supply chain sustainability.....................................................................................4

Solution to sustainability problems............................................................................................4

Supply chains are developed by companies to stay competitive in a business environment . In
the supply chain there can be many different challenges, including cyber security risk and
sustainability. We are going to identify their problems and solutions and define them.

Definition of supply chain:

A supply chain links between a firm and its
suppliers to manufacture and distribute a
particular product to the customer. This link
consists of some different resources, activities,
information, entities, and people. Moreover,
the supply chain introduces the actions which
takes to get the service or product from its
original place to the customer.

Supply chain integration

Example of supply chain:

Consider a supply chain bakery model which sells different cakes, the food distributor is the
supplier who provides ingredients like flour, sugar, and cream. And the producer is the
bakery which makes some different cakes by these ingredients and the retailer is the owner of
the bakery who sells these cakes to the customer.

Supplier Producer and Retailer Customer

Definition of cybersecurity risk:
Cybersecurity risk refers to the
possibility of loss due to cyber-attacks
that affect the technologies designed
to protect organization’s customer
data and some other sensitive
information. In supply chain,
companies suffer from having a poor
Stealing customer's credit card
cybersecurity which results in stealing data
some sensitive customer information
by hackers. Cybersecurity of supply chain

Examples of cybersecurity risk:

Target company announced that over 70 million addresses, telephone numbers and emails of
their customers were stolen by hackers in January 2014 which led to the resignation of
Target’s CEO in May and the company paid $10,000 to its customers.

Date of data breach in one of the stores

Customer reaction to data breach

Around 400 Dairy Queen stores confirmed that hackers had stolen debit and credit numbers
in August 2014 because their payment systems were infected with malware.

Solutions for cybersecurity risk:
Nowadays, Companies try to reduce cybersecurity risk by taking some actions which are:

1. Using strong network security protocols.

2. Securing their Wi-Fi networks and making sure that they are hidden and changing their
passwords repeatedly.
3. Limiting the people who have access to order information.
4. Making their employees aware of using unknown networks to have access to sensitive
company data.

It is a business issue affecting an organization's supply chain or logistics network in terms of
environmental, risk, and waste costs. However, a sustainable supply chain seizes value
creation opportunities and offers significant competitive advantages for early adopters and
process innovators.

Sustainable supply chain

Examples of sustainability:
Meanly there are many examples in sustainability:

1. Green Space.
2. Crop Rotation.
3. Sustainable Design and Construction.
4. Water Efficient Fixtures.
5. Renewable Clean Energy.

6. Waste to Energy Recycling.
7. Water Treatment.

Problems of supply chain sustainability

There is a list of problems that affect supply chain:

1. Hazardous materials use.

2. Waste.
3. Biodiversity and natural resources.

Solution to sustainability problems

There are many solutions to the supply chain sustainability problems:

1. Replace disposal items with reusable items.

2. The use of paper should be avoided.
3. Conserve water and electricity.
4. Support environmentally friendly practices.
5. Recycle the waste to conserve natural resources.

Overall, Supply chain is considered as a tool to supply product effectively and operating it
can be complex but identifying its challenges and focusing on finding solutions for them by
implementing different technology solutions and best practices in industry are the keys to
success for supply chain.

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