Flexibility Blueprint

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The 10 Secrets To
Superhuman Flexibility
The problem with most so called mobility experts is they’ve been bendy since
childhood. Very few achieved great mobility as adults.

And without that experience their programs are pretty useless.

I wasted so much time following BS programs. That’s why I created this

Flexibility Blueprint and my mobility and flexibility programs.

Now I’m sharing the 10 key lessons to faster flexibility and mobility that totally
changed my life.

> Why You Should Treat Your Stretching As A Workout

> Why You Should Increase Joint Movement Then Strengthen It

> Why You Must Mobilize And Strengthen Opposing Muscles

> Why I Love Loaded (Eccentrics And Isometric) Stretching

> What’s The Scientific Mechanism Of Flexibility Training

> How Hard Should I Push Stretches For Best Results

> What’s The Difference Between Flexibility And Mobility

> What’s The Secret To Avoiding Plateaus And Injuries

> What’s The Secret To Gaining Flexibility And Strength Together

> Why Having A Coach Or Following A Proven Program Is Key

For the visual learning, of those who’d like to see me demonstrate real world
examples of each point my brother and I have also created an
implementation video. You can access it here.
If we haven’t met, I’m Rad Burmeister, Founder of Unity Gym, where
health is measured by performance not body image. I make driven
people superhuman.

That’s me in the picture doing the splits at age 40. You probably won’t
believe me, but four years ago, I could barely touch my toes.

Truth be told, I was once looking for the answers just like you. Whether
you’re here to level up your performance, or are stiff and tight… the more
you research the more overwhelmed you get. It’s not your fault! There’s
way too much BS out there about flexibility!!

Lucky for you … I’ve been doing

this for 23 years and amongst the
decades of grinding, I experienced
10 MASSIVE breakthroughs.
Incredibly, all in the last three
years of my training!!

Each of these lessons delivered a
key breakthrough that profoundly
impacted my mobility and
flexibility. Strap yourself in
because I’m about to share them
with you…

Rad Burmeister
Founder, Unity Gym
01 Why You Should Treat Your
Stretching As A Workout?
“True strength cannot be achieved in the absence
of mobility.”

A massive mistake that I made for years is to stretch if I had time. It wasn’t until I
started to prioritize flexibility training and schedule proper stand alone stretching
and mobility sessions that I started to see real results.

This goes without saying … but it’s so bloody important!

We have a rule at my gym, prioritize your weakest link first. If that’s basic
conditioning so be it. If it’s strength, then do more strength. But in most cases
flexibility and mobility are compromised so we prioritize them first.

Remember, true strength cannot be achieved in the absence of mobility!

02 Why You Should Increase Joint
Movement Then Strengthen It?
“You must teach your nervous system how to
access new ranges of movement.”

You may have heard that stretching should never be held for long periods of time
before strength training because it can negatively impact tissue integrity. But it’s
only half true. If you’re priority is getting super human strength, and you’re lifting
heavy weights, then it’s definitely true!

However, if your priority is superhuman flexibility, and you’re lifting submaximal
weights, then it’s actually beneficial to increase flexibility, then strengthen it
afterwards. This strategy is most commonly used when training beginners, or stiff

In addition, there’s a clear line drawn between static stretching and loaded
stretching and mobility. And there’s BIG advantages both during and after strength
training because when you mobilise a joint you create a new range of motion that
wasn’t available before. And when you strengthen it immediately afterwards you
teach the nervous system how to access it, reinforcing the gains in flexibility.
03 Why You You Must Mobilise And
Strengthen Opposing Muscles?
“Flexibility is fancy, mobility is function.”

This is one of the key secrets to how we make people superhuman at my gym. By
carefully combining strength and flexibility training in the same workouts we
maximise efficiency and harness the concept that once you stretch (or mobilise) a
joint, by strengthening the opposing muscle group immediately afterwards, you
solidify your gains.

An example of this would be to stretch your pancake and then strengthen the
straddle leg lifts like in the picture.

Pay attention because it’s important, flexibility is about removing the brains
inhibitors. The best way to do so is to regularly demonstrate that your joints are
strong and capable of demonstrating end range strength.

The example above works well because the pancake and straddle leg lifts stretch
and strengthen opposing muscle groups.
04 Why I Love Loaded (Eccentrics
And Isometric Stretching
“Your bodies environmental adaptation process can and
should be exploited.”

Most people think stretching is about gently holding a passive (lengthened)

position for a few minutes. No, getting flexible is not just about passive stretching!
In fact, the discovery of loaded stretching was my biggest breakthrough. Loaded
stretching is when you use muscle contraction (via body weight, or external
weights) to stretch, most commonly, eccentric and isometric.

Eccentrics is when you lower yourself into the stretch using body weight, or external
weights. This method alone dramatically increases flexibility and mobility. A good
example is using deep Romanian deadlifts to stretch the hamstrings.

Isometrics is when you take the muscle to end range and tense without
lengthening or shortening it. A good example is using the active middle splits like in
the picture above.

Remember, flexibility alone leads to fragility. One of the keys to becoming both
strong and flexible at the same time is to develop what we refer to as end range
strength and loaded stretching does it best.
What’s The Scientific
Mechanism Of Flexibility Training?
“Stretching is more about the nerves than the muscles.”

It is crucial that you understand what is happening when you stretch so you know
how to best manipulate your routine and achieve consistent progress. Most people
who struggle to make improvements in flexibility no matter how much they stretch
fail to understand what I’m about to explain to you.

Your nervous system has an inbuilt mechanism that prevents stretching referred to
as an inhibitor. All flexibility training in its most basic form is about delaying your
inhibitors over time to allow increases in range of motion.

Understanding that the breakdown of your brains inhibitors is a process that takes
time and can’t be rushed with harder stretching will be key to your progress going
06 How Hard Should I Push
Stretches For Best Results?
“Never stretch to pain, only stretch to discomfort!”

This lesson is short, but extremely important! This one principle of flexibility training
was a HUGE breakthrough for me. It is crucial to understand that pain inhibits the
decrease in muscle spindle sensitivity.

A key component of the process of flexibility training is learning your limits so you
can take your body to a safe level of discomfort.

If you push beyond them (which may happen during your journey) you’ll over
stretch and tear muscles. Therefore, never use pain as a target indicator, stretching
to the point of pain is counter productive and stifles the process of muscle spindle
07 What’s The Difference Between
Flexibility And Mobility?
“Flexibility is vanity, mobility is sanity.”

Flexibility and mobility are both intended to increase range of movement but are
not the same. To improve a joints range of motion the muscles surrounding the
joint need to be flexible enough to stretch and allow joint mobility. Flexibility
describes the process of training to increase the range of motion.

Whereas mobility is an umbrella term that covers any movement within an existing
range of motion. In basic terms, flexibility is training the joint and mobility is
maintaining the joint.

Read on to find out how we use mobility to dramatically increase our results!
08 What’s The Secret To Avoiding
Plateaus And Injuries?

Most people think that plateaus and injury are just a part of exercising. But that’s
incorrect! Barring a freak accident, with the right approach, injuries and plateaus
don’t occur. The secret to avoiding plateaus and injury (and getting superior
results) is a principle in strength and conditioning called progressive overload,
which is the process where by you increase the difficulty of your workouts over time
to continue to adapt.

The key to progressive overload is … wait for it … patients and consistency. You can’t
rush the process! In all our programs we gradually progress the difficulty of four
simple variables to progressively overload your flexibility:

> Your stretching intensity

> Stretching session volume

> Recovery after stretching

> Complexity of stretches used

The principle of progressive overload is the most important training concept to

understand because it takes a long time to properly conditioning your bones and
muscles for hard training. Avoiding injuries and plateaus requires patience. To
build superhuman flexibility, strength and physique, you must use progressive
09 What’s The Secret To Gaining
Flexibility And Strength Together?
“Immediately following and between training, add a little
mobility to your routine.”

Building strength and flexibility is often a game of two steps forward and one step
back. Exercising and then resting whilst you adapt can be frustrating because a
great session one day can make you feel stiff the next.

This is most obvious when stretching. Following a big training session your muscles
and joints may feel stiff. Finding a sweet spot between enough and too much takes
patience and practice.

But there’s a simple system we use to get superior results.

Immediately following, and on days off training, add a little mobility into your
routine. To learn all our mobility secrets join our next 28 day intensive program,
held monthly.

It doesn’t need to be much, just five minutes of mobility after training, or between
workouts has a huge impact! This is one of the secrets that makes our tribe
superhuman because it solidifies the flexibility gains and prevents regressing
between workouts.
Why Having A Coach Or
Following A Proven Program Is Key?
“Whether we like it or not, we’re all students and

Nothing is new or revolutionary nowadays and whether we like it or not, we’re all
students and teachers. Even Rad and I. Yes, you heard that right, Rad and Yani
Burmeister (the exercise gurus themselves) employ coaches!

We’ve learned just about everything we know from fitness to finance from reading
great books, or working with great coaches (who’ve trodden the path before us.)

We’re just really good at determining what’s useful, and what’s a waste of our time
… and systemising what’s left so it produces superior results for our tribe.
Right at this moment I have a flexibility coach and my business partner is working
with a mentor.

I guarantee that all our biggest breakthroughs come when working with our
coaches. And I have an amazing opportunity for you to work with me during our
next 28 day intensive.

Click this link to join the next 28 day intensive program held monthly at Unity Gym.

My final piece of advice … don’t try to reinvent the wheel … humans have evolved to
where we are today because of our ability to learn from and innovate other ideas. If
you want guaranteed success in anything align yourself with a good coach, or
follow their proven program.
Amplify Your Results With Our
18 Minute Stretching Routine
We’ve created a simple yet insanely powerful stretching program that delivers
kick-ass, whole body workout and is the ONLY program that is Money-back
guaranteed to massively improve your flexibility and mobility.

So here’s exactly what you’ll get in this program:

> Modern approach to stretching designed by people that got

flexible as adults so you learn methods that work for you.

> 18-minute real time follow along routine so you know

exactly how to improve the efficiency of your workouts.

> 4 comprehensive coaching tutorial videos to break down

each individual movement so you learn perfect execution.

> Bonus stretching video that outlines the most common

mistakes people make so you avoid wasting time.

> An opportunity to level up your skill with further training

progressions so your flexibility never plateaus.

In addition, each comprehensive video lesson will

give you technique and cueing so you nail the
right form in every movement, progressions and
regressions for each movement in addition to
expert coaching from yours truly.

Plus, you’ll also get online coaching provided by
our private Facebook group!

Enroll Now For Just $27 Rad

Full 30 Day Moneyback Guarantee!
Rad Burmeister
Founder, Unity Gym

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