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Scholarship Application Information 

Scholarships Available For 
● Berkeley Haas Global Access Program (BHGAP) 
○ BHGAP scholarship ​website 
● Legal Studies Global Access Program (LSGAP) 
○ LSGAP scholarship ​website 

Scholarship Requirements 

● Current third- or fourth-year undergraduates or recent graduates / graduate students 

● 3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) in your undergraduate or graduate studies 

Important Note  

● The scholarship application is within the program application. S

​ tudents m
​ ust​ apply for 
the scholarship​ at the same time ​as the program.  

Application Deadline 

● The online program application, scholarship application and letter of recommendation must 
all be received by J​ une 1 ​for Fall applicants and ​October 1​ for Spring applicants. 

How to Apply 

1. Complete the online program application. Within the program application, you will be asked 
to indicate your intent to apply for the scholarship.  
2. Students must submit an essay on the following topic (500 words or less): 

Berkeley Haas Global Access Program​ (BHGAP): Berkeley Haas students, faculty 
and alumni live our distinctive culture out loud by embracing our four ​Defining 
Leadership Principles​: Question the Status Quo, Confidence Without Attitude, 
Students Always and Beyond Yourself. Detail what these four Haas Defining 
Principles mean to you and how would you incorporate them during your time in the 
Berkeley Haas Global Access Program. 

Legal Studies Global Access Program​ (LSGAP): D

​ escribe how your unique 
perspectives, academic background, and/or personal experiences will contribute to 
the Legal Studies course discussions at UC Berkeley. 

3. Submit a p
​ rofessional or academic letter of recommendation 

Students must submit a professional or academic letter of recommendation when 

they apply for the scholarship. To obtain this letter of recommendation, connect with 
a colleague (such as a supervisor, manager, or recent instructor) who can speak to 
your academic or professional capabilities. Once you have obtained the letter of 
recommendation, please ask them to email the letter to:  
●​ (for Berkeley Haas Global Access Program) 
●​ (for Legal Studies Global Access Program) 

Ask your recommender to include the following: 

● Your full name 

● The word "recommendation" in the email subject line 
● Their professional or academic association with you in the body of 
the letter 
● Acceptable formats for the recommendation letter are MS Word or 

Step-by-Step Scholarship Application Instructions 

→ Complete the online program application for BHGAP or LSGAP.  

→ Within the application, you can indicate your intent to apply for the scholarship.  

→ Click “Yes”:  

→ Next you will be prompted to upload your scholarship essay 
→ This section also includes details about the letter of recommendation, which must be 
emailed to the program  
→ Click confirmation at the bottom of page, once uploaded 
BHGAP Essay Prompt: 

LSGAP Essay Prompt: 

→ After you upload your essay, you will be prompted to complete the rest of the program 

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