Melfred Ricafranca - AMT 1101 - PRELIM ACTIVITY NO. 3

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For this exam/quiz/activity, I make the following truthful statement: I understand that acts of
academic dishonesty shall be penalized to the full extent as indicated in the provision of the
PhilSCA Student Manual (page 30, No.6.)

Signature of Student over Printed Name


ESSAY: Answer the following in your own words while using any resources that is available on
your end.

1. What do you think is the most important ground support equipment?

Explain your answer.

As time goes by more and more equipment create that could be helpful for
the airport and passengers. Ground support equipment (GSE) is the
equipment that refers to service or helps the aircraft to manage the flow of the
arrival and the unloading of the passengers. The GSE main purpose is to
secure the operations of the aircraft and passengers during the arrival and
landing of an aircraft. It has different equipment that is used in ground power
operations, aircraft mobility, and cargo and passenger loading operations, but
did you know what the best for me or the most important ground support
equipment? For me, the best ground equipment is the pushback tugs because
it is most powerful it could tow the plane depending on the size of an aircraft.
Without this equipment, I think it is hard to control a plane when it is a problem
or going to park into the hangar. It can be the cause of delayed flights
because without the pushback tugs they can’t move the airplane to repair the
broken parts. It can’t be pulled or pushed easily by the use of ordinary aircraft
especially it is too big to carry an airplane. It has an appropriate pushback tug
where you can able to use in different aircraft. It is low or reduces the
possibility of accidental aircraft is being pushed away. It avoids to damage an
airplane and also avoids to damage the engine during the procedure this
equipment is designed to control mobility or to ensure the aircraft is safely
moving away from the gate.
Therefore all of the equipment in GSE is important for the aircraft taking off
and landing procedure, they didn’t create without purpose.
2. State your own understanding about the importance of wind direction indicators.


     As we notice the pilot always observes the wind direction during the
take-off and also the landing process. Wind indicators is designed to know what
the wind direction is, but why it is important to have a wind indicator in an
            The importance of wind indicators gives vital information to the pilot of an
airplane, especially it is a control tower. It gives both wind direction and wind
speed to clarify what we’re going to do during an aircraft arrival. A simple person
can’t easily identify the wind direction and speed without these wind indicators.
This information is provided by FSS personnel located at a particular airport or by
requesting information on a CTAF at airports that can receive and broadcast on
this frequency. Being a professional pilot we can’t rely only on the wind indicators
because we can’t assure that it is accurate in the information provided by the
wind indicators. Wind direction indicator can be a winding cone that is mounted
on a metal frame, wind stock he plays at the power forward position, Tetrahedron
It’s a triangle pyramid on its side and will swing with the wind, pointing into the
wind, and lastly, the wind tee that is weather vane shaped like the letter T or like
an airplane. It is usually located in a central location near the runway and may be
placed in the center of a segmented circle, which identifies the traffic pattern

           It is important to know the wind indicators because the one opponent of an
airplane is the wind so if we didn’t know the wind directions may damage the
aircraft reason for a higher chance of an accident.

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