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Kinship is a culture system recognized family roles and relationship that define the obligation

rights and boundaries of interaction among the members of a self-recognizing group .According
to Anthropology Kinship is the web of social relationship that form an important part of the lives
of all humans in all societies , in other perspective Kinship is a feature of Aboriginal social
organization and family relationships across society. It determines how people relate to each
other and their roles responsibility and obligation in relation to one another ,ceremonial business
and land.

Being a horizontal relationship mostly out of marriage Kinship has served important roles in the
community leave alone an individual.

Kinship gives one Identity in the community through this surname are earned hence gives easy
identification of one origin and recognition by other members in the society at large .Woman for
example traces her identity through children and husband .

Kinship also ensure continuity and genesis ,family lineage is passed from one generation to
another without losing of someone’s origin .There is also members placement through Kinship
members of the society to where they belong without confusing anyone’s identity and origin this
is brought through tribes and clans in different dialects .

Class and Status through kinship we are able to identify the rich and the poor ,from the
indigenous societies power was inherited from one generation to another but mostly amongst the
Royal families ,for example the chiefdom societies the chief handed over power to the eldest son
or someone with royal bloodline .

There is also value and significance ,there are some bloodlines that are mostly recognized in the
community and also there are some communities that were highly respected and always
consulted when some decisions are made ,before any leadership positions are negotiated some
communities must always be considered and end up getting the lions share in that for example in
the Samburu community the Lmasula which is the biggest clan in that community always get
biggest share in the leadership positions hence the minority might end up without anything
because of their numbers and no identity.

Enculturation through kinship elders are able to teach the younger generation about their culture
and hence values and morals upheld ,it also helps in passing of the community culture from one
generation to another. This guarantees the nurturing of children in a good way and continuity as
well,through kinship families are formed whose role procreation ,survival and continuity of the
individuals and societies at large.
Through Kinship there is economic support, by understanding who we are related with either by
blood or marriage we therefore learn to help each other in times of needs either in provision of
food or any other basic need. some families even live together and accomplish daily needs as a
group this helps to cover the needy people in that community and also uplifts some people pride
hence they earn respect from others.

Kinship maintains Unity ,harmony and cooperation among relationship ,it acts as a watchdog of
the social life .In the rural or in the tribal society kinship defines the rights and obligation of the
family and marriage.

Kinship system governs the rules regarding descent and inheritance by understanding marriage
and associated rules of residence and also helps in regulation of sexuality through incest and

It also helps in nurturing of children and teaching of morals to the juniors in every society and
appreciation of other cultures .

Fox,Robin (1967) , Kinship and Marriage . Harmondsworth ,UK; Pelican pg 30

Lewis Henry Morgan (1871), systems of consaguinity and Affinity of the Human family.

Wake ,Stainland (1974) ,The Development of Marriage and Kinship ,University of Chicago
press , Chicago

Kutty ,A.R(1972),Marriage and Kinship in an Island Society ,University of Sagar Monographs in

Sociology and Social Anthropology .

Alan .Barnard ,Anthony Good ,``Research Practices in the study of Kinship Academic Pr,1994



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