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Institutional affiliation


What is terrorism? What are the problems/ issues in defining it?

Terrorism could be understood as the unlawful of violence and intimidation or the use of

intentionally indiscriminate violence with an aim to create terror among people. Its main goals

are to achieve financial, political, or religious gain. There exists no universally agreed

comprehensive definition of terrorism. Lots of problems emerge when trying to define this

phenomenon and this makes all available definitions flawed in some way. The major issue which

makes it impossible to define it is that any situation which involves engaging in an act of

violence could be termed as terrorism. Also, considering that it is a broad term there is need to

conceptualize it in which incorporates theories such as civil war, counter insurgency, and the

theory of insurgency.

What psychological theories or concepts could be applied to terrorism-cognitive theories?

There are several psychological theories which have been applied to understanding terrorism.

The instinct theory is the most widely recognized theory which addresses the roots of all forms

of violence. Freud viewed aggression as an innate and an instinctual human trait which most

people outgrow in the normal course of human development. The other psychological theory

applicable to terrorism cognitive theories is the drive theory. This theory tries to establish the

link between frustration and aggression. It can be viewed as a master explanation for the

understanding causes of human violence. Also, there is the social learning theory. This theory

suggests that behavioral patterns are gained through the links which are established between

various forms of behavior and their consequences.

How are terrorists recruited and radicalized?


Terrorist groups also have the role to recruit and maintain its members like any other

organization. The methods used by terrorists to recruit and radicalize their members continue to

evolve. Now days the social media and encrypted messaging apps are used in recruiting

terrorists. Also, these two medium of communication are used in radicalization as they help

propagate extremist philosophies.

Discuss the role of fear as used in terrorism.

The social fear generated by terrorism makes people afraid that they might become victims of

terrorists’ random outrage. Terrorists use the concept of fear to terrorize people considering that

they are sure of the people’s fear and this encourages them to exploit it to the maximum in the

push for what they want.

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