Communication Solution For Vehicles Navigation On The Airport Territory

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Communication solution for Vehicles Navigation

on the Airport territory

Tomas Zelinka and Miroslav Svitek

Abstract - Communications solution represents one of the key modular system equipped with PC based powerful unit.
parts of the Intelligent Transport system (ITS). Methodology of Right now are available modules like GNSS unit, wireless
the communication system identification and configuration was communications units, display and audio unit. Both SW and
studied within projects CaMNA1 and SRAUTVU2. Goal of HW modular architecture gives to CaMNA system
CaMNA project is to improve airport over-ground traffic remarkable potential to extend functionality of the system by
efficiency and security for all moving aircrafts as well as service
means of a newly integrated modules.
vehicles. Requirements on the communications environment
are quantified indirectly by telematic sub-system performance Information about vehicle position is periodically sent to
indicators, which are usually applied in the ITS area. Right the central server together with vehicle driver/operator
selection and configuration of the appropriate communication requirements. Server collects and processes data received
solution are achievable, if "transformation matrix" between from all service vehicles. Obtained information is combined
vectors of communications and telematic performance with data gained from A-SMGCS, processed and delivered
indicators is correctly identified. Basic principles of method are to the airport management display unit, as well as to each
introduced. Application of the proposed methodology is vehicle equipped with active OBU. Each OBU receives also
demonstrated on the CaMNA communications system managerial data generated by either airport control system or
identification and its parameters settings. CaMNA vehicle unit
by dispatcher. Positional information shares the OBU screen
is designed for special navigation services operated in specific
lively airport area conditions. Positional data are obtained with administrative data.
from all service vehicles equipped with GNSS (Global
Navigation Satellite System) as well as from non-GNSS A-
SMGCS (Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control
System). These data are centrally processed and together with
dispatcher’s decisions are delivered to every active service
vehicle. Results of the communication solution parameters
tests processed within CaMNA pilot installation and relevant
recommendations are presented as the last part of this paper.

AIN goal of the project CaMNA1 (Car Movement
M maNagement on the Airport) is to improve efficiency
and security of the airport over-ground traffic, i.e. movement
of all service vehicles on the airport territory as well as all
individual aircrafts. It is projected that this telematic
application based on GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite
System) will be integrated with already operated
management systems A-SMGCS (Advanced Surface
Movement Guidance and Control System) based on the non-
Fig 1. Car Movement Management on the Airport
GNSS based localization systems. CaMNA sub-system is (CaMNA) functional units structure
designed in client – server structure – see Figure 1. Powerful
client is inevitable to be installed in every vehicle used at Described client-server application could resemble the
airport area. Client, i.e. OBU (On Board Unit) is designed as widely spread publicly available car navigation systems.
However, this application displays all moveable objects in
the area on both dispatcher as well as users units and
CAMNA – “Car Movement maNagement on the Airport” is part of grant extensive set of bidirectional interactivity tools is available,
802/210/112 "Joining of the Czech Republic into Galileo project" supported
by Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic.
as well. There are also outstandingly higher requirements on
SRAUTVU – “System Requirements and Architecture of the Universal telematic (CaMNA) system performance indicators. This
Telematic Vehicle Unit” is grant 2A-1TP1/138 of Ministry of Industry and
Trade of the Czech Republic.
fact is caused by specific conditions this application is Required mobility of the communication solution
operated on the airport area (see table 1). represents one of the crucial properties namely in context of
specific demand on availability and security of the
ITS architecture processes are defined as a chain of sub-
system components connected by information links. If Performance Limit Probability
processes are mapped as physical subsystems or modules the indicator value level Time interval
following results of process analysis can be achieved: Accuracy 7.5m 99% -
• functional specification assigned to each selected Availability 30s 99% after unit init.
subsystem or module, Reliability 36s 99% 3,600s
• performance specifications of all processes, Continuity 5s 99% 180s
Integrity 5s 99% -
• interface specification.
Correctly done system decomposition (see e.g. [1] - [5]) Required data transmission capacity represents another
allows to precisely define requirement on each critical system parameter. In TCP/IP communication
telecommunication service, as well as it lets to quantify risks structure one positional data represent approx. 70 Bytes. If
related to the requested parameters of communications position each of n object is identified by GNSS method and
system which are not reached. m additional object are localized by A-SMGCS both with
frequency f than needed transfer capacity for localization
Telematic subsystem performance indicators – see e.g.
data flow between server and clients is
[2] or [4] - are structured as follows:
Availability – after service initiation data is available within tci = pd .n. f .(n + m).8 [b/s]. (1)
defined time interval on certain probability level, In case e.g. n = 100 , m = 100 and f = 1s −1 than
Reliability – defined level of service accessibility in tci = 11.2 Mb / s . Required transferred capacity for
appointed time interval on certain probability level, localization data in opposite direction, i.e. from client to
Accuracy – maximal measuring error is less than defined server is
limit on certain probability level,
Continuity – defined maximal time period the service is not tcc = pd .n. f .8 [b/s]. (2)
available in defined time interval on certain probability If broadcast regime instead of the individual
level, communication between server and clients is applied, the
Integrity - if accuracy exceeds defined limit, central system data transfer
must be informed within defined time interval, on certain tcb = pd . f .(n + m).8 [b/s]. (3)
probability level,
Any other individual supervisory server to clients data
Security – risk analysis and classification must be done
flows are above that value. Data flow in broadcast regime
based on detailed knowledge of system environment and
from server to clients
potential risks. Fraud can be caused by external attack on
measuring method. Relevant solutions can be seen namely in tcb = tci / n [b/s]. (4)
application of additional security tools and usage of plus individual managerial data flow between server and
redundant alternative applied methods. clients.
Typical telematic sub-system is defined as a chain – In case broadcasting regime of data distribution is not for
GPS/Galileo GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) any reason applicable (e.g. for limited security reason), there
based ODU (Out Door Unit) frequently with user is possible principal potential reduction of the transmitted
communication unit (e.g. touch screen) included, wireless data volume, if positional data are specifically transmitted to
communication sub-chain with BSs (Base Stations) network, each moving object with individual variable frequency.
terrestrial communication network and management system Distance between objects represents simple but effective
interconnect. criteria for such data flow control.
Transparent interoperability of generally accepted IP
III. COMMUNICATIONS SOLUTION protocol is paid by need of wide range of techniques and
tools, which must be carefully installed and managed to
A. Telematic sub-system requirements on obtain requested service quality. Telematic real-time
communications solution applications frequently strictly require precise specification,
Airport is strictly, but precisely and transparently control and continuous monitoring of the communications
regulated area and CaMNA telematic sub-system services parameters.
performance indicators are displayed in Tab. 1.
Physical layer (L1) has been essentially improving its where TM is transformation matrix. Identification of the TM
quality parameters. Due to this fact link layer (L2) BER (Bit represents iterative process and it can be handled in four
Error Rate) is today reaching level of 10-9 in case of carrier iterative steps. Identification process starts with matrix in as
grade wireless systems and 10-12 for fiber networks. L1 has general as possible structure - TM0. Transformation matrix
got so minor influence on the communication system BER. TM0 takes in account all potential relations between
However, due to packet/frame information structure L3 and communications and the telematic indicators. Matrix
L2 nodes performance is critical for the whole construction is dependent on the detailed communication
communications systems system parameters. solution and its integration into telematic system. Probability
Following communications performance indicators quantify of each phenomena appearance in context of other processes
service quality: is not deeply evaluated in period the TM0 identification.
• Availability, In case of CaMNA final communications solution
o Service Activation Time (SAT) - defined as time needed vector ∆ tmi consists of
for activation/modification of the network archived on
certain probability level, • Accuracy ∆pi ,
o Mean Time to Restore (MTTR) - defined as time service • Availability ∆ t ds ,i ,
is restored from unexpected inoperable stage on certain • Reliability ∆ ttna ,i ,
probability level,
o Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) - defined as time • Continuity ∆ t i ,
between two unexpected inoperable stages on certain • Integrity ∆ t tsna ,i .
probability level and and vector tci of
o VC availability - percentage of correctly provided
service in appointed time interval on certain • time to upload d u , i ,
probability level. • time to download d d ,i ,
• Delay is an accumulative parameter. It is defined as
time delay the frames are delivered within a defined • handover within the same media rc hs , m , i ,
time period on a certain probability level. This • handover within different (CALM) media rchd , m ,i ,
parameter is effected by (i) interfaces rates, (ii) frame • feedback parameters settings period rcr ,m ,i ,
size, and (iii) load / congestion of all in line active
• MTTR of the terrestrial network service rcr , f ,i ,
nodes (switches).
• Packet/Frames Loss - percentage of undelivered • MTTR of the access mobile service rcrp , m , i ,
packets/frames within defined time period on certain • time period fix service is not available (self-healing not
probability level. available or not successful) t na , f ,i ,
• Security - Risk Analysis (RA) and classification must be • time period mobile service is not available (self-healing
done based on detailed knowledge of the system process not successful) t na , m ,i ,
environment and potential risks. Risk of information
integrity can be caused by attack on any part of the
• time to accept OBU into relevant cell toi ,i .
information transfer chain. Relevant solutions can be General impact of listed set of communications
seen namely in additional security tools – like on L2 performance indicators on above defined set of telematic
authentication, coding and on application layer - performance indicators is described by Eq. 6 – 10:
authentication, coding and tunneling.
 d u ,i + rchs,m,i + rchd ,m,i + rcrp,m,i + 
B. Communications design methodology ∆pi = vi *  , (6)
 + rcr , f ,i + rcr ,m,i + d d ,i + t na,m,i + t na, f ,i 
Performance indicators described for communications  
applications must be transformed into telematic performance
indicators structure, and vice versa. Such transformation ∆t ds ,i = toi ,i + d d ,i + rchs , m ,i + rchd , m ,i + rcrp , m ,i + (7)
allows system synthesis. Final additive impact of the vector + rcr , f ,i + rcr , m ,i + d u ,i + t na , f ,i + tna , m ,i ,
of communications performance indicators tci on the vector
of telematic performance indicators ∆tmi can be expressed ∆ttna ,i = tna , f ,i + tna , m ,i + nshsm,i ∗ rchs , m ,i + (8)
by Eq. 5, however, only under condition that probability + nshdm ,i ∗ rchd , m ,i + nsrpm ,i ∗ rcrp , m ,i +
levels of all indicators are set on the same level and
performance all indicators are expressed exclusively by time + nssf ,i ∗ rcr , f ,i + nsrm,i ∗ rcr , m ,i ,
value. We can experes that ∆ ti = rc hs , m , i + rc hd , m , i + rc rp , m , i + (9)
∆tmi = TM ⋅ tci, (5)
+ rc r , f , i + rc r , m , i + t na , m , i ,
∆ttsna,i = rchs,m,i + rchd ,m,i + rcrp,m,i + (10) and transformation matrix structure TM of Eq. 5 in its initial
stage before processing, i.e. TM0, is described by Eq. 11:
+ rcr , f ,i + rcr ,m,i + d d ,i + tna, f ,i + tna,m,i

k p ,u ,i ⋅ vi , k p,d ,i ⋅ vi , k p ,hs,m,i ⋅ vi , k p,hd ,m,i ⋅ vi , k p ,rp,m,i ⋅ vi , k p,r , f ,i ⋅ vi , k p ,r ,m,i ⋅ vi , k p,na, f ,i ⋅ vi k p,na,m,i ⋅ vi 0 

 k , k , k , k , k , kd ,r , f ,i , kd ,r ,m,i , kd ,na, f ,i , kd ,na,m,i , kd ,oi,i 
 d ,u ,i d ,d ,i d ,hs,m,i d ,hd ,m,i d ,rp,m,i

TM 0 
= ks ,u ,i , ks ,d ,i , ks ,hs,m,i ⋅ nshs,m,i , ks ,hd ,m,i ⋅ nshd ,m,i , ks,rp,m,i ⋅ nsrp,m,i , k s,r , f ,i , ks ,r ,m,i , ks ,na, f ,i , ks ,na,m,i , 0  , (11)
 
 0 0 k k ,hs,m,i , k k ,hd ,m,i , k k ,rp,m,i , k k ,r , f ,i , k k ,r ,m,i , k k ,na, f ,i , k k ,na,m,i , 0 
 ki ,u ,i , ki ,d ,i , ki ,hs,m,i , ki ,hd ,m,i , ki ,rp,m,i , ki ,r , f ,i , ki ,r ,m,i , ki ,na, f ,i , ki ,na,m,i , 0 

where vi is vehicle velocity nshs / hd / rp , m ,i represents number typically applied DTMF (Dual-tone multi-Frequency), CSD
of appropriate phenomenon appearance (on agreed (Circuit Switched Data), HSCSD (High Speed CSD), SMS
probability level) in time interval 0, T . Value of each (Short Message Service), USSD (Unstructured
parameter k xx, yy , m / f / −,i is identified as either „0“ or „1“ in Supplementary Service Data), UUS (User to User Signaling)
accordance to iterative process described below. served via widely spread GSM (Global System for Mobile
Each TM element is consequently in several steps Communications networks). GSM mobile providers,
evaluated based on the detailed analysis of the particular however, preferably offer GPRS (General Packet Radio
telematic and communications configuration and its Service) – see [7] and EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM
appearance probability in context of the whole system Evolution) data services. In area growing UMTS (Universal
performance. This approach represents subsequent iterative Mobile Tele-communications System) data services, are
process managed with goal to reach stage where all minor becoming available, as well. GSM and UMTS data services
indicators (relations) are eliminated and the major indicators performance indicators are noticeably limited to let apply
are identified under condition that relevant telematic such wireless access services particularly for specialized
performance indicators are kept within given tolerance range. “sensitive” ITS applications.
Four steps of the process leading to the final stage are: Carrier grade mobile wireless communications solutions
[I] primary elimination of communication parameter Mobile WiMax, i.e. communications system based on IEEE
based on implementation of relevant communication Std. 802.16d and Amendment 802.16e is promising system,
solution or setting (e.g. guaranteed homogenous radio which will be able to meet even very demanding wireless
signal coverage in defined area – e.g. airport runway), access performance indicators requirements see [9] and [10].
[II] primary disregarding of communications indicator, if However, Mobile WiMax has not been for the meantime
its weight can be justified as insignificant, available in certified version. In short term view it is hardly
[III] identification and exclusion of indicators with expectable that Mobile WiMax becomes publicly available
significantly lower level of their appearance service. WiMax services will be in short/term view available
probability (e.g. in case of coincidence of processes only in dedicated installations. Nevertheless, expected
with unified probability level of their individual reasonable value/cost ratio, gives to Mobile WiMax in mid-
occurrence - the dominant one is appointed), term view potential to be successful in competition with
[IV] concluding iterative identification of dominant UMTS. This situation can happen not only in rural areas (see
indicators as the last step of the iterative process of the e.g. activities of companies like Intel, Nokia, Samsung and
TM identification is based on the virtual Motorola in IEEE 802.16 working group).
communication solution parameters settings. Potential General trend to apply IP communications in highly
solution modification can, however, lead identification demanding solutions is leading to availability of the effective
process back to step [I]. tools both on L2 or L3 of the TCP/IP model - see [6] and [8].
Presented method is designed as generally as it is possible Even though MPLS is understood as the most complex IP
with clear aim to allow this method to be applied in the based L3 solution, L3/L2 switching (IEEE 802.3 and 802.1d
widest range of telematic application. This method can be and 802.1q applied on L2) is archiving remarkable position in
also successfully applied for CALM criteria identification. ITS, namely due to notably faster network convergence. ITS
However, correct results of described iterative process are solution needs usually to combine both mobile access and
obtained only if detailed knowledge of studied system terrestrial backbone services and theirs simple transparent
solution is available as well as all causal associations are interoperability on L2 represents another critical issue. L3/L2
identified and they are correctly taken in account. switching based on 802.1q/802.3 so achieved good potential
to reach relevant parameters for most of ITS applications with
C. Communications solution for ITS remarkable value/price ratio.
Most of ITS serve moving objects, so that mostly
appropriate wireless access solution is needed. There are
Applied transformation method identified telematic The main goal of the pilot project communications system
performance indicator “accuracy” as the dominant indicator. tests was to identify parameters of the Wimax wireless access
This dominance is caused by real-time character of the solution integrated into CaMNA system. Because of any
CAMNA application installed in the specific conditions of certified Mobile WiMax systems based on IEEE Std. 802.16e
airport area. Requested level of accuracy (see Table 1) must was not commercially available, the only identified
be reached for every object moving with speed up to possibility was to process test with implemented
100km/hour. In this case within 200ms vehicle moves 5.4 m. communication solution based on IEEE Std. 802.16d. This
There so remains demand on 2m accuracy of the GNSS applied standard, however, offers the only limited achievable
sensor (see Table 1). This accuracy will be reachable by dynamic parameters.
selection of Galileo services. For present-days tests based on
the GPS sensors requested accuracy can be reached only if
the differential GPS method is applied. All the other limits
defined in Table 1 are met if total reached delay is below
critical 200ms.
Delay limit of 200ms represent critical issue for the
communications chain and it must be carefully kept namely
in the airport critical areas (i.e. Class 1 areas like runways).
This parameter considerably determines the communications
chain performance indicators with consequences of
elimination of most of available wireless communications
Mobile WiMax (IEEE Std. 802.16e) was identified as the
only possible alternative of the wireless access solution for
critical areas of the airport. All the other available access
systems like DTMF, CSD, HSCSD were identified as
inappropriate. Also GPRS and EDGE as well as in area
growing UMTS data services served by public GSM Fig. 2. OBU with display unit and WiMax in-door antenna installed in
vehicle - exclusively for pilot test.
operators do not meet system requirements for the critical
airport areas (200ms total max. delay). The most busy part of the airport area was selected for
Even though Mobile WiMax was selected as the core pilot tests. This area included runways with majority of
mobile access system for the airport critical areas, whole traffic, as well. Selected area was covered by one WiMax
airport area coverage with this technology is hardly cell. Limits in dynamic processes given namely by applied
reachable. Some of alternative access solutions for Mobile smart antenna (see Fig. 2) were taken in account in the pilot
WiMax difficult areas can be applied (like test design.
EDGE/GPRS/UMTS or even WiFi), if system parameters of
these technologies meet these areas limited system
parameters requirements (Class 2 and lower) . For such case
CALM (ISO TC204, WG16.1) access management with
implementation of the second generation handover process
has been identified as appropriate tool for the final system
L3/L2 switching (IEEE 802.3 and 802.1d,q on L2) in
combination with HW redundancy switching system
“HYPER ring” (available proprietary solution produced by
company Hirschman) was selected due to reachable values of
the performance indicator MTTR (incl. convergence
procedure below 100ms for 1Gb/s Ethernet ring) as well as
due to transparent possibility to effectively interconnect fix
and mobile solutions.
Introduces mobile and fix communication chain so offers
relevant communications system parameters in context of
required by project performance indicators.
Fig. 3. Dispatchers CaMNA display unit (central) installed within active
displays of airport management center - for pilot tests, only.
Fig. 2 introduces OBU installation the vehicle cabin for frequently accompanied with new setting of the smart antenna
pilot tests purposes. Additional antenna unit in vehicle cabin is not expectable. Dynamic parameters of applied smart
is installed only for communications system tests and security antenna were dominant, so that studied dynamic processes
purposes. Fig. 3 presents CaMNA dispatcher display typical parameters would be overlapped by the antenna ones.
view (central display unit) installed within already functional
managerial systems display units. Fig. 4 shows typical screen
of in car installed OBU where is displayed also additional
information sent either by dispatchers or by central computer
control system.

Fig. 5. Packets Round Trip Delay (RTD) spectra of Non Line of Site (NLOS)
regime on Site 3 displayed in Table 2.

Dynamic parameters of the WiMax internal processes

extended with handover times will be tested immediately
certified Mobile Wimax, (system based on Appendinx IEEE
802.16e Std.) is available. Motion tolerance up to required
120km/hour was identified (in “open” area) on required
probability level even with IEEE 80.16d based system.
Fig. 4. Typical OBU screen view displayed in moveable object, i.e. all Presented results confirmed that critical dominant
equipped service vehicles (pilot test version) performance indicator “round trip delay” meets calculated
requirements, of course under accepted tests restrictions given
Due to limits given by applied technology most of tests
by applied available wireless technology. Reached results
were processed in the static regime. Obtained
communications system static parameters are displayed in leave appropriate space (more than 100ms on probability
level of 99%) to the terrestrial solution. It is reachable
Table 2:
TABLE 2 requirement on terrestrial backbone network based on HW
PRINCIPLE PARAMETERS OF THE WIMAX ACCESS switched Ethernet rings, like it is e.g. in case of HYPER ring
produced by company Hirschman installed at Prague airport.
Site Visibility LPR ART [ms] SNR [db] Solution covering the whole airport area will, evidently
1 LOS 0,0009 45.6 33 require cellular architecture, i.e. Mobile Wimax (IEEE Std.
802.16e based certified system) combined with alternative
2 LOS 0 47.1 32 access solutions, if it is appropriate and effective. Such
3 NLOS 0,057 44.6 -26 combination calls due to economical reason for final solution
4 NLOS 0,0647 44.8 -27 based on application of the second generation of handover in
the cellular structure, i.e. management system based on the
where LPR is “Lost Packets Ratio”, ART “Average Round CALM family of standards.
Trip” and SNR “Signal to Noise Ratio”.
Spectra of Round Trip Delay (RTD) in ms identified in V. CONCLUSION
static regime are practically identical for both LOS and The main goal of the CaMNA project is to introduce
NLOS configuration. Typical RTD spectra obtained in case telematic system, which based on positional identification of
of more demanding NLOS regime is displayed on Fig. 5. all vehicles on the airport area (i.e. not only vehicles, but also
Occasional packet re-transmission is most probably caused by aircrafts) improves safety and efficiency of existing airport
interaction between WiMax radio and airport landing radar over-ground traffic management. This goal is reached by
systems. Resultant probability of those phenomena is, means of all service vehicles real-time navigation, which
however, deeply below required limit, i.e. 1%. must be fully functional under any condition, i.e. even in case
Test with moving vehicles were operated only in the “open of extremely low visibility.
area”, where switching between LOS and NLOS regime
GPRS, EDGE, DTMF, CSD, HSCSD, SMS, USSD, UUS Applied method curiously disqualified communications
served via widely spread GSM networks are usually applied services like MPLS backbone terrestrial networking or
in ITS systems. Additionally are coming services of in area GPRS/EDGE wireless access as potential core technologies
growing UMTS. GSM and UMTS services performance due to fact, that these communications systems cannot
indicators are, however, noticeably limited to let employ such guarantee critical areas airport performance indicators limits.
wireless access services for “sensitive top” ITS applications. Combination of the Mobile WiMax (IEEE Std. 802.16e)
Carrier grade Mobile WiMax solution promises to meet access and terrestrial L3/L2 switching solution combined
top wireless access performance indicators requirements (e.g. with HW redundancy switching system was selected.
better than 100ms delay in case of airport Class 1 services). “HYPER ring” system has been already applied for other
Due to fact, that Mobile WiMax has not been nowadays airport area control system purposes. Prime WiMax access
available in certified version, there is no chance in short-term solution would be combined with alternative access
view that Mobile WiMax becomes widely available service. technologies, where it is quantified as a relevant approach
The only dedicated WiMax installation will be available in (Class 2 and 3, i.e. less demanding areas like parking or depot
short term view. Nevertheless, in mid-term view remarkable areas etc.). Switching between access services must be
advantages of this technology (cost, convergence, CoS carefully controlled by management system with CALM
management) grant good chance to Mobile WiMax services standards adopted.
to become important competitor to UMTS and GSM ones,
moreover with parameters acceptable for wide range of REFERENCES
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