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Bharath sports daily

Mr. Anil Mehra, a senior executive with a prominent Delhi-based newspaper,
had the idea to launch a niche sports daily. However, he was unable to
persuade his supervisor, Mr Ashok Kapoor, and Mr Kapoor requested demand
estimates for such a document. Mr Kapoor was not satisfied with Mr Mehra's
response because it was not based on any scientific research, so he requested
a paper with empirical research. When Mr Anil Mehra came up with the idea
for their organisation, he was an English [Hons] graduate with 12 to 13 years of
experience working in newspapers and business magazines. He regretted not
having a business background, which would have helped him with the MR
research that Mr Mehra's supervisor had promised him backing for. Because
their budget was Rs.50,000, Mr Mehra's friend Professor Ravi Sharma, who
works at one of India's leading management schools, contacted Mr Mehara
while Professor Sharma was in Delhi for a consulting project. Anil was
overjoyed, and he immediately arranged up a meeting for Sharma, who was
accompanied by one of his coworkers, Mr Singh. Professor Sharma and
professor Singh asked Mr Anil a series of questions concerning interested
persons, pay, a viable offer, demand, and time after he presented his concept.
When is it appropriate to cover sports on a regular basis? In response to
Professor Singh's questions, Mr Anil requests Praveen's assistance in
conducting a study with his students. Due to a paucity of funds, Anil could only
cover their travel expenses and pay them a little stipend for their efforts. Mrs
Singh was accused of sending to intelligent, diligent students, yet she was
called into doubt on two issues. On a daily basis, where would they want to
launch exclusive sports? and if they have any extra relevant data for the
research. Mr. Anil planned to test the market in Delhi, but he had no idea what
else they required. But if they specify it, he'll do his best to fulfil it.
1) The management choice problem in this scenario is whether or not to debut
as a sports daily. In the first year, what type of demand do you anticipate? Is it
going to be profitable? Similarly, the notion was not warmly received. Because
there was no true no response based on any scientific investigation, Mr Anil
Mehra was unable to persuade his superiors.
2) The issue with the investigation The question is whether or not to begin the
sports on a daily basis. On a daily basis, they must see and feel the need for
such sports. The corporation will participate in sports on a daily basis if the
head is large enough to be commercially viable.
They must be conscious of their sports supporters. For everyday sports, and
should be aware of the timings that should be brought to everyday sports.
Only qualitative and quantitative research will be conducted.
3) Mr Kapoor stated that Mr Anil Mehara should demonstrate such a paper
using "empirical study" in empirical research. The conclusion of the study is
based on actual empirical data obtained either through one "quantitative
research" or "qualitative research" step-by-step instructions for conducting
empirical research.
• Determined the research's purpose, including whether or not to introduce
the sports on a daily basis and the project's long-term profitability.
• Theories and literature that are worthy of serious consideration. The
researchers must first identify if there are any equesting theories that have
addressed this before assessing whether any earlier studies can help them
support their research.
• Hypothesis generation and measurement
Hypothesis of Relationships
1. People's opinions have an impact on their day-to-day sporting purchases.
2. The sports daily's buying intentions are unaffected by people's attitudes.
Other hypothesis
1. People's literacy levels are positively associated to their purchasing
2. The demographic context of the consumer has an impact on daily sports
• study design, methodology, and data collection Professor Singh is sending
two industrious, educated, and motivated students to assist Mr Anil Mehra
with data collecting, according to the case study. They must analyse the data
after acquiring it.
• Data analysis can be qualitative or quantitative, and it is an important aspect
of empirical research.
Nikhil Thareja worked at Thareja and Sons Builders for the third generation,
which was formed by Nikhil's grandpa, Lala Hurbans Lala Thareja, in 1947.
Nikhil Thareja is the heir apparent of Thareja and his sons. His grandfather
summoned him and assigned him his first strategic business unit on his own.
They planned to start a new venture called twilight luxury. This project aims to
develop retirement options or houses for financially comfortable elderly
persons who are capable of living alone. Nikhil was initially hesitant, but he
followed his grandfather's wishes. He was dead focused on seizing this once-in-
a-lifetime opportunity, and he had a well-thought-out plan in place to reduce
the danger of failure. He believed that a gap analysis was required. He realised
that gathering market data on the category and industry of old-age home
solutions would be straightforward. Thareja Builders had a reputation for
providing to people who "felt with their hearts rather than their mind," so he
had to conduct extensive study into his physical, emotional, and creative
requirements. He was dead focused on seizing this once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity, and he had a well-thought-out plan in place to reduce the danger
of failure. He believed that a gap analysis was required. He realised that
gathering market data on the category and industry of old-age home solutions
would be straightforward. Thareja Builders had a reputation for providing to
individuals who "felt with their hearts rather than their mind," therefore he
needed to look into his physical, emotional, and creative requirements
Bharath engineering works limited
As Bharath Engineering Works Limited is a well-known manufacturer of
machines and other engineering equipment, they compete directly and have
gotten more orders than they can fill. Later, with the support of foreign
technology, the two competitors entered the market. As a result, Barath
Engineering Work Limited struggled to promote its products while still making
a profit. Mr. Aravind Kumar, who had previously served in a similar capacity
abroad before returning to India, was designated general manager of the
industrial machinery sector by the chief executive. Mr. Kumar spoke with the
CEO, who advised him to speak with representatives from several departments
in order to obtain firsthand information. Because the organisation lacked an
integrated planning process, Mr. Kumar was given briefings from heads of
divisions and asked to identify major problems and challenges. More sales help
is required by the marketing manager in order to enhance sales. To gain
business, the salespeople lacked a central organisation and a large budget to
deploy demonstration teams to consumers. The production manager
expressed his displeasure with the utilisation of outdated machinery and
equipment. On the other hand, Bharat Engineering has not replaced or
reconditioned its ageing plant. They had to install new equipment to save
money. According to a top scientist in R&D, the director of R&D did not give
short-term research initiatives a high priority. Which might increase production
efficiency by at least 20% in a short period of time and without requiring a
significant capital investment
1. Nature and characteristics of management process:
PLANNING: It is the deliberate choice of a future course of action to
achieve the intended results. In Bharat Engineering Works Limited, the
planning process was varied for different functional sectors, and there
was no unified planning framework.

ORGANIZING: Delegating authority to each person so that work can be

organised improves the company's efficiency.
The sales department was organised in a decentralised fashion in this
circumstance. Task completion is delegated to lower-level supervisors,
who are granted responsibility and authority. Due to a lack of a
centralised sales organisation in the company, there is a lack of sales
assistance for salespeople. STAFFING: It is the process of forming
positions as a result of the organisational process. Due to a staffing
shortage in the marketing department, the marketing manager and sales
manager collaborated to boost sales. The firm was compelled to
outsource its work, resulting in higher labour costs.

DIRECTING: The superior's task is to constantly guide and lead them in

order to improve their work performance and motivate them to work.
The company's R&D department's guiding method was long-term
research rather than short-term research in this case. Because the
production manager planned to replace worn-out gear and equipment,
There was a dearth of top-level support, which may have boosted
manufacturing efficiency.

COORDINATION AND CONTROL: The task of coordinating the actions of

numerous organisational units in order to accomplish the desired results
is referred to as coordination and control.
In this case study, there was a lack of centralised planning and
1) There was little competition for the company. As a result, they had a big
market. However, with the introduction of two competitors with overseas
partnership, the company had marketing issues and profit margin reductions.
2) A lack of an integrated planning system made coordination with other
departments difficult.
3) Manufacturing costs are greater because new machinery is not installed and
old machinery is not reconditioned.
4) The R&D department is more concerned with long-term projects than with
keeping current goods running smoothly.
5) Quality was outsourced at a higher expense to a third party, and the job was
6) Inadequate technical support due to a lack of a specialised department and
distributed engineers.
Mr. Aravind Kumar has been promoted to general manager of operations, and
he will be responsible for resolving the difficulties.
1) Emphasize the need of having an integrated planning system in place
to send the message and information.
2) There should be a recruitment process in place that includes adequate
training and orientation.

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