Abstraction - Petrus Nandi

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Petrus Nandi, 16.75.5954. Critical Analysis toward Women Sub-ordination in Cultural

System of Manggarai based on the Universality Principle of Human RightS. Mini-thesis.
Under-graduate Program, Catholic Philosophy and Theology Program, Catholic Institute of
Philosophy Ledalero, 2020.
This study has three objects: (1) to explain about patriarchy cultural system, (2) to
describe reality of sub-rdination toward women in patryarchy cultural system of Manggarai, (3)
to explain about the universality principle of human rights concept, (4) to explain how the
universality principle of human rights concept criticized the reality of woman sub-ordination in
patriarchy cultural system of Manggarai.

The study contains two variables: in one hand, the variable of patriarchy cultural in
Manggarai; and in other hand the universality principle of human rights. To explore those
variables, the writer uses qualitative description method, especially secondary data analysis
method. Based on that method, the writer uses some sources which talk about both variables. The
sources come from books, articles ad any other sources from library and internet. Furthermore, in
order to get additional data about patriarchy cultural system in Manggarai, the writer use
interview method by interviewing some main informers. Data submission technic which used is
interactive and non-interactive. The interactive technic used in the moment of interview. The
non-interactive technic used in the moment of reading sources and analysing.

Based on the study, the result is concluded below: first, patriarchy cultural system is a
system which is express men’s supremacy toward women. As a conscequence, women are being
sub-ordinated in the society and family. Second, in Manggarai, women sub-ordination happened
in the social structure and institutions and cultural organization structure. It is caused by the
concept of “ata one – ata peang” (which literally transleted as “people inside – or outside the
community”). Based on that concept, a woman must go out from her own village if she get
married with a man and live in the husband’s house. Meanwhile, men always stay at the village
and possesses all the family property. That case causes many problems with the women. They do
not get a good privilege as the men have in the society. Third, Human Rights is primary rights of
everybody. It is universal and can not added or decreased by something or someone. The
universality principle of human rights concept become the basic of statement to criticize the sub-
ordination toward women in patriarchy cultural system of Manggarai. The main reason is that
most of women’s rights dissapeared by the systems in Manggaraian patriarchy culture.
Obviously, it is contradict with the universality principle of human rights concept which acclaim
women’s rights. Fourth, according to the critical analysis toward women sub-ordination in
Manggarai, the writer points out three points of recommendation below: (1) change the cultural
system: from patriarchy to egality, (2) change women’s mind: from fatalism to optimism, (3)
increasing the education for women.

Key words: sub-ordination, women, culture, patriarchy, Manggarai, human rights, and
universality principle of human right.

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