Chcece 006 at 2 Behaviourobservationtemplategeneric

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Use the running record template to provide a detailed, factual description of Mason’s behaviour
during the video.
When recording items note the time indicated on the video.
The first two observations have been filled in as guidance.

Time Observation

0.00 At commencement of video Mason is kneeling on the floor, obviously distressed.

0.08 Mason lies on floor. Carer gently restrains his legs. Mason gets angry and starts to kick out.

0.26 The lady hugs Mason and pads his back, Mason still cries

0.42 Mason put his thumb to his mouth, the lady s puts him in her leg, and ask Mason to “take a
deep breath’, and holds his hand.
0.52 Mason says “No” when the lady asks if he want to work with her. Mason still cries.

0.57 The lady talks with 1 girl, he asks to her to ask for help to another worker.

1.13 The lady back talks to Mason, and Mason reply to her questions.

1.28 The lady points to her watch and tells its not a long time, but Mason keeps cries.

1.49 The lady asks if Mason want to drawing like yesterday, and Mason nods his head.

2.02 She asks Mason to stand and have a deep breath, hold his hand and Mason not cries
Answer the following questions:
Do you think the environment has contributed to Mason’s behaviour? Explain your answer.
Yeah, it seem other children play with computer and enjoy playing themselves.

The worker uses several strategies to support Mason. What are two strategies that work well?
- The worker tried to make Mason calm down, by hugging and holds his hands, and asked to
take a deep breath to release the stress.
- The working have strategies with making craft, (draw the airplane , glue it and make it fly)
the one Mason interesting.
What were two strategies that did not work well? Explain your answer.
- The worker asked if Mason want work together with her, and Mason refuse it.
- When ask the child how to feel.

As an outside observer, what are two different strategies that you would recommend to help to
support Mason’s behaviour when he needs to take turns?
-Know your student
Get to know your student by talking often about their likes and dislikes and what makes them
happy or sad. Finding out what triggers them to become upset is the key in recognizing when a
tantrum may be looming. Notice their facial expressions, body language, and notice which times of
the day are most difficult for them.
-Provide a calm space
When kids are overstimulated or frustrated, providing a calm place away from the situation can
give them space to work through their feelings without becoming even more upset. Having a quiet
space gives children a sense of control and a place to disengage from whatever triggered the
tantrum to begin with. Designate a calm area that kids know they can visit if needed.

Student signature: Lidya Date: 17 Aug. 20

Early Childhood Education and Care

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CHCECE006 AT2 Behaviour Observation template Worksheet

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