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Name of Student Ayman I. Mohadali

Year and Section BSMT-1

Name of Instructor
Date Submitted October 2, 2020

Answer the following questions in 150 words or more.

1. What are the problems faced by hospitals using traditional manual

process and how will HMIS address these issues?

Manual processing can be a very tricky and mind numbing process. Data entry
consists of transferring data from a physical state into a digital state with other various
procedures involved as well. In recent times, where technology is at an all-time high, there
is less and less need for manual data entry because everything is being done through
computers and advanced technology. By using new technology it decreases and solves
the problems of manual data entry. The following are the common problem faced by the
hospitals using traditional manual process.
First is manual data entry takes a lot of money to conduct efficiently. Employees
need to be properly trained for any kind of data entry and training is a huge amount of
time and money for the company.
The next really important problem in relation to data entry is Human Error.
Everyone knows that humans are not perfect and there are going to be times when
mistakes are made, whether it is spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Using automation will
reduce the margin of error.
Third is it is Time Consuming. When entering information manually, it takes up a
lot of time, no matter how fast one can type or process information, it will never be as fast
as it needs to be. Typing in a lot of information can be tricky and cause individuals to lose
focus and this will also add to the time it takes for data entry. Not being fast enough leads
to a big delay in data availability.
And the last issue with data entry is Misinterpretation; this means that because
humans are conducting the entries, there is always room for misunderstanding.
Everyone’s mind thinks differently and understands things in different ways and the same
goes for data entry.
So nowadays, it is important to evaluate and understand the benefits of Hospital
Management Information System (HMIS) thoroughly and pit them against the needs of
your hospital when trying to figure out why you need an HMIS implemented in your
hospital. The unique benefits of HMIS includes, easy access to patient’s data, cost
effective, plugs revenue leakage, Increased Data Security & Retrieve-ability, Improved
Operational Effectiveness and lastly it is Accountability.
2. We have learned that a HMIS needs to be complete, consistent, clear,
simple, cost effective, accessible and confidential. Among these
characteristics, which do you think is the most important? Why?

For me, I have come to intervene that the most important characteristics of Hospital
Management Information System is the keeping confidentiality of the patient’s data. It may
be easy to access to the patient’s data but in the HMIS, only the doctor’s or the healthcare
workers in that hospitals have an instant access. Accordingly, A well-implemented HMIS
means readily available patient data to the care providers. It is only a matter of few clicks
and all the requisite information about a patient, from various departments in the hospital,
can be available on the screen. If the treating doctor needs to re-check the test reports of
a patient, he need not go looking for the IPD file in the patient floor; logging into the HMIS
will give him instant access to those reports and timely treatment decisions ensue. If the
HMIS is implemented, the doctor will be able to access reports remotely improving

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