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A. Fill in the correct article (A , AN or THE) where

necessary – or leave blank !

1. The modern life is stressful.

2. What’s the capital of your country?
3. A doctor earns more than A teacher.
4. Do you know who invented the computer ?
5. Have you seen A newspaper? I can’t find it anywhere.
6. Is the Nile or the Amazon the longest river on The earth ?
7. Several million visitors The year are attracted to The ski slopes of the Alps.
8. I’ll meet you outside the post office. I’ll be there in A quarter of hour.
9. In my opinion the education should be free.
10. In some cities, the cars have been banned from the centre.
11. I went to A Buckingham Palace today. It was great.
12. I hhad an experience at work today.
13. The car sped past at 100 miles An hour.
14. The Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
15. We lived in the Netherlands before moving here.
16. We noticed a strong smell coming from the refrigerator.
17. She lives in the England, which is part of the UK.
18. He should have called me an hour ago.

19. An history is an interesting subject, but what I like most is the history of the
United States.
20. Munich lies in the south of Germany.
B. Write the plural forms of these special nouns.

a. I can see two (fish) Fishes in the fish tank.

b. How many (child) children are there in the school yard?

c. We still need three more forks and (knife) knifes for our dinner

d. Many trees lose their (leaf) leaves in the fall.

e. Many (deer) deer live in that forest.

f. Sharks can grow thousands of (tooth) teeth in a lifetime.


g. What is the population of Mexico? How many (person) live

there? People

h. Cats like to catch (mouse) mice

i. I really want to sit down. My (foot) feet are killing me!

j. (Octopus) Octopuses have eight arms an live in the sea.

k. There are lots of ducks and (goose) in this park.

l. The policeman followed the three (man) out of the bank.

m. Many husbands and (wife) eat at restaurants on Valentine’s

n. (Wolf) look very much like large dogs.

o. Farmer Brown has lots of (sheep) .

p. How many (woman) work in your office?

C. Change the words in bold from feminine to masculine.

1. The boy looks very much like his father.

2. The sir gave him maidservant a present.

3. The monk is talking to my grandfather.

4. My uncle was an airplane steward once.

5. The bulls was chased by the male fox

6. My maternal uncle is a spinster male

7. My nephew has a pet tabby-cat.

8. This actor played the part of the mele hero in the movie.

9. This boy is the groom.

10. Mis.Lee is our headmastress.

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