Quadrotor Quaternion Control: June 2015

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Quadrotor Quaternion Control

Conference Paper · June 2015

DOI: 10.1109/ICUAS.2015.7152367

38 7,087

3 authors:

Jossué Cariño Escobar Hernán Abaunza González

Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute Advanced Center for Aerospace Technologies (FADA-CATEC)


Pedro Castillo Garcia

Université de Technologie de Compiègne


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Quadrotor Quaternion Control
J. Cariño*, H. Abaunza, P. Castillo

Abstract— This paper presents the design and practical build a quaternion-based model and control for a robot
implementation of a quaternion control scheme to globally manipulator. In [5], [6], [7], and [4], the authors establish
stabilize a quadrotor aerial vehicle. First an attitude control law the mathematical tools for quaternion algebra and quaternion
is proposed to stabilize the vehicle’s heading, then a position
control law is proposed to stabilize the vehicle in all its states. kinematics, in [8], the authors proposed a linear control using
Using the position references, a smooth trajectory is calculated dual quaternions, however their example can only be applied
for the attitude controller to follow so that the position of to fully actuated systems, which is not the case in multi-
the vehicle becomes stable. The proposed control law is such copter vehicles.
that the quadrotor system can be analyzed and controlled as a
linear system. This model and control law are then numerically The main contribution of this article is the separation of
simulated to corroborate the closed-loop system’s stability. the quadcopter system into two analogous linear subsystems
At last, experimental flight tests were performed to validate that can be stabilized using only state feedbacks. The close
practical results.
relationship of quaternions with the axis-angle representation
I. I NTRODUCTION by means of the Euler-Rodrigues rotation formula allows
A quadrotor multi-copter is a popular platform in UAV the proposal of an equivalent model between both represen-
(Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) research because of the rela- tations. The nonlinearities on the axis-angle representation
tively simple dynamic model and its now low-cost imple- can be canceled using feedback linearization in order to
mentation. Although the dynamic model could be considered have a linear attitude model. As the model using the axis-
simple, the non-linearities introduced by using an Euler’s angle representation is analogous to the quaternion system,
angles representation makes the analysis of the system and any control law and stability proof implemented on the first
the design of control laws cumbersome. The Euler’s angles system has an equivalent response in the quaternion model.
approach is preferred because of its intuitiveness, in [1], A state feedback is analyzed on the linear attitude model
the authors describe the design, modeling, control, and and then implemented on the platform using the quaternion
simulation of a quadrotor by using this approach, but it has representation. Once an attitude control law is implemented,
become apparent that it makes the platform’s model loose a trajectory relying on the position and linear velocity can be
its mathematical simplicity. A more stable and more simple obtained that guarantees global stability and then fed to the
mathematical tool for modeling these dynamics are quater- attitude control, resulting in a control law that fully stabilizes
nions, in [2], the authors highlight that “a quaternion-based the system.
controller can exhibit an unwinding phenomenon, where the The paper is organized as follows: a Quaternions back-
controller unnecessarily rotates the attitude through large ground and the dynamical model using this approach are
angles”. given in section II, the control algorithms is introduced in
Quaternions are a type of hyper-complex numbers that can section III, the main graphs representing the behavior of the
be used to describe rotations in 3D space. Its computational closed-loop system are depicted in section IV, a quadrotor
stability comes from the fact that only unit quaternions prototype and main sensors are described in section V, an
are required to describe rotations, reducing numeric errors experimental validation in a real platform is presented in
when they are normalized. They lack the gimball-lock effect section VI and finally some discussions about this work is
inherent to Euler’s angles because of its relationship to the given in section VII.
axis-angle representation. Their mathematical simpleness
comes from the fact that no trigonometric functions are II. Q UATERNION M ODELING
required directly when they are used to model a rigid body’s
dynamics, only arithmetic functions like quaternion products A. Background
(which are computationally efficient). Quaternions, which belong to the quaternion space H, can
be represented in many ways, but the one presented here is
In [3] the authors build a quaternion-based model for as a sum of a scalar component along an imaginary vector
an hexa-rotor vehicle, which can be extended to build a (see [5], [4], [7]).
similar model for a quad-rotor UAV. In [4], the authors
q ∈ H; q ∈ R3 ; q0 ∈R 
J. Cariño and H. Abaunza are with the UMI LAFMIA CNRS 3175, q1
CINVESTAV-IPN, México, D. F. E-mail: (jcarino, habaunza)@cinvestav.mx (1)
P. Castillo is with the Heudiasyc Lab. 7253 CNRS, Université de q = q0 + q = q0 +  q2 
Technologie de Compiegne, France. E-mail: castillo@hds.utc.fr. q3
where q is a given quaternion, q̄ is the complex vectorial can be seen that ||q|| = 1, thus this quaternion can be used
part of q, and q0 is the scalar part of q. in the rotation operator.

The main operation in quaternion algebra is the quaternion 2) Quaternion kinematics: The kinematics of a rigid body
product, which is defined as in terms of its orientation and the angular velocity are given
in [9] by
r ∈ H; r ∈ R3 ; r0 ∈ R 1
(2) q̇ = q ⊗ ω (8)
q ⊗ r = (q0 r0 − q · r) + (r0 q + q0 r + q × r) 2
The quaternion conjugate q ∗ is defined as q ∗ = q0 − q. B. Quadrotor Quaternion Dynamic Model
The quaternion norm, ||q|| ∈ R, is defined as The dynamic model of a quadcopter using Newton-Euler
√ p equations with quaternions is described as follows
||q|| = q ⊗ q ∗ = q02 + q12 + q22 + q32 (3)

 
 
The quaternion inverse is obtained from q −1 = . In p Fth
||q||   q⊗ ⊗ q∗ + g 
 
d  ṗ m
this work, only unit quaternions are used for the attitude ẋ =  =
 (9)
dt  q   q⊗ω

representation, thus, q −1 = q ∗ . Similarly, the quaternion ω


natural logarithm mapping is defined as J −1 (τ − ω × J ω)

 ln ||q|| + q arccos q0 , ||q|| = 6 0 where p ∈ R3 and ṗ ∈ R3 are the position and velocity
ln q = ||q|| ||q|| (4) vectors with respect to the inertial frame, Fth defines
 ln ||q||, ||q|| = 0 the thrust vector generated by the quadcopter motors, m
For unit quaternions the above logarithmic mapping is re- and g represent the vehicle’s mass and gravity vector,
duced to respectively, q describes the quaternion that represents the
 vehicle orientation with respect to the inertial frame, ω
 q arccos q , ||q|| = 6 0 denotes the angular velocity of the quadcopter with respect
ln q = ||q|| (5) to the body-fixed frame, J introduces the inertia matrix with
 0, ||q|| = 0 respect to the body-fixed frame and τ = τu + τext , where
This mapping is useful to change any unit quaternion to τu and τext are the input and external torques respectively,
the axis angle representation, in which the quaternion is applied on the aerial vehicle in the body-fixed frame [3].
represented as an axis over which the vehicle will rotate,
and a rotation angle. The relationships between the input torques and forces is
 
θ 2
k ω
θ˙ = ω i i
 
= ln q, Fth  i=1

2 
 τux   l k1 ω12 − k2 ω22 − k3 ω32 + k4 ω42 
where θ̄ ∈ R3 is the vector which contains the axis-angle  τuy  =  l k1 ω12 + k2 ω22 − k3 ω32 − k4 ω42 
    
representation, in which ||θ̄θ̄|| describes the unitary axis over
 
τuz  4 
τi (−1)
which the rotation is applied, ||θ̄|| represents the magnitude i=1
of the rotation, and ω is the vehicle’s angular velocity.
where ki ωi2 defines the thrust of the propeller of motor i
with respect to its angular velocity ωi , l is the distance from
1) Quaternion Rotation: The rotation of a 3D vector from
the center of mass to the motor axis of action and τi denotes
one reference frame to another can be accomplished with the
the torque of motor i.
three quaternion product
||q|| = 1; v, v 0 ∈ R3 III. C ONTROL ALGORITHMS
v 0 = L (q, v) = q ∗ ⊗ v ⊗ q A. Attitude algorithm
The operator L (q, v) is linear as it does not change the From (9) and using (5), the attitude dynamic of the aerial
magnitude of v. vehicle could be expressed as
d θ ω
= (10)
According to Euler’s theorem for rigid bodies [9], the dt ω J −1 (τ − ω × J ω)
relationship between the rotation of a body represented by
a 3D axis and a rotation amount around that axis, and the where θ = 2 ln q. Observe that the terms J −1 , and (ω ×J ω)
quaternion representation of this rotation is: can be compensated using an appropriate τ = J u + ω × J ω
    with u as the new control input. Thus, the previous model
θ θ becomes:
q = cos + e sin (7)
2 2 d

0 I3


= = + u
where e ∈ R3 represents a unitary 3D axis in which the dt ω u 0 0 ω I3
rigid body is rotated and θ ∈ R is the amount of rotation. It = A xatt + B u (11)
where xatt is the attitude of the vehicle. Proposing IV. S IMULATIONS RESULTS
u = −Katt (xatt − xattd ) (12) The closed-loop system was validated in simulation using
the Python programming language, along with the SciPy
where Katt > 0 denotes the gains and xattd the desired
[10], NumPy [11] and Python Systems Control [12] libraries.
attitude. Observe that this control law makes system (11)
The quadrotor model (9) was simulated by integrating numer-
exponentially stable.
ically ẋ using SciPy’s integrate function for a period of ten
B. Position strategy seconds. The control inputs (12) and (17) were implemented
From (9), it follows that using Katt and Kpos , which were determined using a linear
quadratic regulator using the function lqr() included in the

" #
ẋpos = Fth (13) python control library:
q⊗ ⊗ q∗ + g
m  
 T T 100 0 0 14.142 0 0
where xpos = p ṗT . Notice that the quaternion Katt =  0 100 0 0 14.142 0 
0 0 3.16e − 6 0 0 2.51e − 3
norm is ||q|| = 1 thus, the direction of the input vector
Fth 
3.1622 0 0 2.7063 0 0

up = q ⊗ ⊗ q ∗ depends exclusively on the vehicle’s
m Kpos =  0 3.1622 0 0 2.7063 0 
orientation, and remark that its magnitude depends entirely 0 0 3.1622 0 0 2.7063
of the magnitude of the vector Fmth , which is also a control
The quaternion operations were previously defined using
input of the quadcopter. The algebraic relationship between
NumPy’s vector and cross products, and then included in a
Fth , q and up is:
custom library. The parameters used were the following.
q0 = (b · up + ||up ||) + b × up  
q0 0.0118976 0 0
q = (14) J =  0 0.0118976 0 
||q 0 ||
0 0 0.0218816
Fth = b ||up || m
m = 1.3 kg
where b is a unitary vector denoting the axis in which the  T
thrust acts in the body frame. p0 = 1 2 0
ṗ0 = 0 0 0
Let upd be a desired trajectory that stabilizes system (13)
q0 = 1+0
if up u upd . Substituting up for upd in equations (14) gives  T
us the quaternion trajectory q d and thrust vector trajectory ω0 = 0 0 0
Fthd that the quadcopter must follow in order for up u upd .

pd = 1 2 0
As the thrust vector is a control input, it is defined as  T
Fth := Fthd . ṗd = 0 0 0
1) Attitude Stabilization: The first simulation were de-
The angular velocity trajectory can be obtained from fined to stabilize the attitude of the quadrotor. Figures 1 and
ωd = (2 ln q d ). Therefore, the desired attitude becomes 2 show the stabilization of the vehicle states, for example
dth iT in Figure 1, it can be seen that the quaternion stabilizes in
xattd = (2 ln q d )T ωdT . the equilibrium point. Similarly, in Figure 2 we can observe

From the attitude control observe that Katt can be chosen

such that q u q d , which implies that up u upd and then, the q0
model (13) can be rewritten as q1
ṗ 1.2
ẋpos = (15) q3
upd + g 1.0

Choosing upd such that it compensates the gravity vector

Quaternion Attitude

upd = upos − g, this results in another linear representation
for the position subsystem 0.6
0 I3 0
ẋpos = xpos + upos 0.4
0 0 I3 (16)
= Apos xpos + Bpos upos 0.2

with upos denoting the new input. Proposing 0.0

upos = −Kpos (xpos − xposd ) (17) −0.2

0 2 4 6 8 10
with xposd as the desired position state, then this controller Time [s]

exponentially stabilizes subsystem (16).

Fig. 1. Quadcopter attitude (q).
that the angular velocities converge to zero. This means that ωerror,0
the vehicle will converge exponentially to a given orientation ωerror,1
and stay still in it. ωerror,2


Angular Velocity Error [dB | rad


Angular Velocity [ rad


0 2 4 6 8 10
Time [s]

−1.0 Fig. 5. Quadcopter attitude velocity error (ωe ).

0 2 4 6 8 10
Time [s] A trajectory is calculated from the position control (see
section IV-.2) q d comes from the position control, the desired
Fig. 2. Quadcopter rotational velocity ω. attitude is illustrated with q d in Figure 3. Figure 4 illustrates
the behavior of the quaternion error. Since the quaternion
error is defined as: q e = q ⊗ q −1
d , so in this case the attitude
1.4 qd,0
qd,1 (q) converges to the desired trajectory(q d ), making the error
1.2 qd,2 q converge to the unit quaternion.
qd,3 On the other hand, Figure 5 depicts the angular velocity
errors in a logarithmic scale, it can be seen that the angular
Quaternion reference

velocity converges to zero at an infinite time, since the error
values approach to −∞, and the inverse of the logarithmic
0.6 scale e−∞ → 0. In practical terms it can be considered that
the system’s angular velocity really converges to zero.
2) Translational Stabilization: An initial position
0.2 p0 = [1, 2, 0] was given, then a desired equilibrium point
pd = [0, 0, 1] was proposed as a reference to globally
stabilize the system.
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time [s] Figures 6 and 7 show that the system’s position exponen-
tially converges from the initial condition p0 to the reference
Fig. 3. Quadcopter attitude reference (qd ). pd .
Figures 8 and 9 introduce the translational error in a
logarithmic scale, we can see that it converges to zero in
qerror,1 an infinite time. This error is insignificant in practical terms.
1.2 qerror,2 The resulting error is used to calculate the attitude refer-
ence trajectory shown before in section IV-.1, see Figure 3.
In Figure 9 the translational velocity errors in a logarithmic
scale are depicted, here it can be seen that the angular
Quaternion Error


velocity converges to zero at an infinite time. In practical

terms it can be considered that the system’s angular velocity
really converges to zero. Figure 10 shows the system inputs
τux , τuy , and τuz , notice that they converge to zero when
the system stabilizes.
0 2 4 6 8 10
Our prototype is a quadcopter assembled at the UMI
Time [s] LAFMIA laboratory. This prototype is composed as follows:
the structure is a carbon fiber frame. The four motors are
Fig. 4. Quadcopter attitude error (qe ). 3525-650Kv 14-Pole Brushless Motors, they are controlled
using four 30 Ampere ESC Multi-rotor Motor Speed Con- ṗ0
trollers. The radio-transmitter has 9 PPM channels working ṗ1
3.4 GHz. The battery is a 5000mAh 4-cell 14.8V Li-Po 0.5 ṗ2

Battery. Also, the processor is a 32Bit Autonomous Vehicle

Micro-computer, see Figure 11. 0.0

The processor used is based on the open hardware

Velocity [ ms ]
Pixhawk board, [13], which is an “all in one” unit that −0.5

combines all the necessary sensors to stabilize the system

in attitude, as well as several interfaces for other kinds −1.0

of inputs and outputs. It has a 168 MHz Cortex M4F

CPU with 156 KB RAM, and 2 MB Flash, it includes 3D −1.5

accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers, and barometers.

0 2 4 6 8 10
Time [s]
A. Attitude test Fig. 7. Quadcopter translational velocity (ṗ).

The attitude control law (12) is implemented on the

experimental platform. The references used came from a perror,0
manual radio frequency controller in order to test the validity 0 perror,1
of the attitude control law. perror,2
The test was performed in an outdoor environment, which
means that the quadcopter was subjected to a considerable −10
Position Error [dB |m|]
amount of perturbations. It can be seen that, despite the inter- −15
ferences, the platform follows the trajectory. The quaternion
error used has the same definition as the one used for the
simulations. The control law stabilizes this error quaternion −25

to one. −30

The feedback gain used in this control law was obtained −35
empirically and has the following form:
  0 2 4 6 8 10
0.35 0 0 0.08 0 0 Time [s]

Katt =  0 0.35 0 0 0.08 0  ,

0 0 0.2 0 0 0.2 Fig. 8. Quadcopter translational position error.

which is implemented as seen in equation (12). It is important 10

to note that this state feedback uses the axis-angle represen- ṗerror,1
tation with the logarithmic mapping found in equation (5). ṗerror,2
All information presented in Figures 12 – 15 was logged
Translational Velocity Error [dB | ms |]

inside the vehicle’s control board and later retrieved from its

p0 −30

Position [m]

0 2 4 6 8 10
0.5 Time [s]

Fig. 9. Quadcopter translational velocity error.


0 2 4 6 8 10
memory. The board can also be configured to broadcast this
Time [s] information immediately using a radio transmitter.
Figure 12 shows the reference quaternion given through
Fig. 6. Quadcopter translational position (p). the radio controller. It can be seen in the first part that there
τu x
will be given using the radio transmitter. The speed will be
τu y sensed with an optical flow sensor camera so that the vehicle
τu z stabilizes at the desired velocity.
Since the rotational and the translational model have an
Control Input Torques [N m]

0.05 algebraic relationship given by equation (14), it is expected

that the attitude system converges to the trajectory needed
0.00 to stabilize towards the desired velocity.

A quaternion model for the quadrotor vehicle is presented
in this paper. This model was separated in two dynamics,
−0.20 one for the rotational and another for the translational
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time [s] stabilization. The dynamic model was simulated in Python
programming language, and successfully stabilized using
Fig. 10. Quadcopter input. a PD controller. Although only the rotational control law
was implemented in the experimental platform, the results
from the simulations and from the flight tests let us foresee
are just a few changes in order to correct the position of the promising results for future work.
vehicle according to the pilot’s references. A change in the
An exact linearization is also realized in order to apply
yaw angle of the vehicle can be seen near the end of the plot.
linear control algorithms. Moreover, it was shown that the
Figure 13 shows the real attitude trajectory that the vehicle
quadrotor system can be stabilized asymptotically using
followed using the proposed control law. This information
simple state feedback controls by taking advantage of the
was obtained and filtered from the vehicle’s IMU. It can be
mathematical simpleness of the quaternion exponential map-
noted its similarity with the desired trajectory.
ping. The test showed that, even in outdoor environments,
Figure 14 shows the quaternion error as described in the
the attitude remains stable using the proposed control law.
simulation section. The imaginary vector of this quaternion
tends to stabilize around one. Figure 15 shows the angular In addition, the usage of quaternions also eliminates
velocity in rad/s. It can be seen that it is smooth and is undesired effects on the platform such as the gimball-
also affected by the external disturbances. Since it is a stable lock or discontinuities, which are common problems using
system, the angular velocity tends to stay around zero. traditional approaches. This makes possible to accomplish
complex tasks and applications such as surveillance using
B. Future Work gimbaled cameras or object manipulation.
The stability of the attitude control was proven for a
manual trajectory in an outdoor environment. In order to R EFERENCES
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Desired Attitude




−0.2 qd,0
−0.4 qd,2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time [s]

Fig. 11. Quadcopter platform Fig. 12. Quadcopter reference attitude (qd ).
1.2 1.5
1.0 ω1
1.0 ω2

0.6 0.5

Angular Velocity [ rad



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−0.6 −1.5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time [s] Time [s]

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