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QUESTION NO. 5: Why is separation of substances necessary?

Separation of substances is necessary in order to achieve its three main
purpose. One is to remove unwanted particles which could be useful for danger
avoidance. Second is to obtain important substances which can be a betterment and/or
change for something. And lastly is to obtain pure substances that are indeed more
beneficial and advantageous when separated from the mixture.
My claim towards the importance of separating substances is supported by the
whole article itself. It is indeed wholesome and helpful for everyone who has the same
question with regards to that matter. “They are to remove unwanted particles, to
obtain important substance and to obtain pure substances.” That statement
supports my claim.
The evidence I chose supports my answer because it is clearly the answer for
what is being asked in question number five. There is no other thing that could fit
perfectly to that answer aside from my claim. It is very important to verify your claims
but with questions like this, we should never go too far from it and stick to what is given.

QUESTION NO. 4: What are the gases present in the air?

According to NASA, the are 10 gases present in the Earth’s atmosphere
including nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, trace amount of neon, helium,
methane, krypton and hydrogen. However, only gases such a nitrogen and oxygen
make up the most out of the gases we breathe with about 78 percent and 21 percent,
“The air around us has many gases. It has oxygen, nitrogen, carbon
dioxide, etc. But air also has dust and impurities.” That statement supports my
claim on what gases are present in the earth’s atmosphere.
The evidence I chose supports my answer because it states things that are
important to the recognition of gases that are present in the air. It has the exact
evidence I need to support my claim.
QUESTION NO. 9: What are the substances that are present in salt water?

The substances present in saltwater are salt and water. Those are the only
substances present in the mixture
“For example, Saltwater is not very important to us. But salt and water
individually are very useful to us.” This statement from the article supports my claim
on to what saltwater is made of.
The evidence I chose supports my claim because it states facts that describes
the components of a saltwater.

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