Social Ethics 12

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Ivan Albert 3303018006

Nicholas 330301909
Vena 3303020004

There are related concepts in this case, including:

Economy Activity
In today's growing economy, in an age when businesses are constantly innovating, it's
becoming increasingly difficult to stand out from your competitors. so that many people who
do business often forget about ethics in business such as competition in price, product,
quality. So that today many business players knock each other down in order to survive in the
market and also to get a lot of profit without seeing users or competitors. From here we can
learn that in doing business business ethics is very important so as not to have a bad effect on
our business process, which initially we aim to make a profit and also open jobs for others
instead becomes an unethical act in business competition .

In today's business competition, many business actors like to reduce the quality of a product
that is not in accordance with what it should be in order to get a lot of profit or to be able to
compete with its products at a cheaper price with competing products, resulting in a bad
experience for the users so that the product it will be branded with a bad product. because in
business we also pay attention to the ethics of our products so that users of our products give
good feedback and our products can be in demand and develop in the market. Maintaining
ethics in product quality is very important for business people so that their products can be
accepted in the community and meet the needs of the community.

Unity & Cooperation

In that case, it was stated that Haier's business model follows the principle of "human values
​come first". The term “Rendanheyi” consists of three terms- “Ren” which means employees
or people, “Dan” or user needs, and “Heyi”, which means integrating the needs of employees
and users. This model is considered people-centric because it places consumers, employees,
and external partners as the pivot on which the business operates and develops its strategy. so
that in doing business prioritizing ethics in business, the core idea of ​the Rendanheyi model is
to create “zero distance” with users to better meet their needs. In the era of the Internet of
Things (IoT) where the connection between humans, between objects, and between humans
and objects has generated a lot of data, it can be utilized to gain deeper insight into user

linear management model with Ecosystem Micro Communities (EMCs). EMC is a Micro
Enterprise (UM) community, which further consists of 7-8 employees who interact with users
and fulfill their needs. They have the right to make decisions, the right to recruit talent, and
the right to distribute compensation. Meanwhile, functional departments are merged into one
shared service platform, providing financial, HR, legal, and IT services to MEs. In this way,
employees become entrepreneurs who create value for users and are paid by users according
to the level of value they can create for them.

The goal of business

Businesses should be characterized by their capacity to serve the common good of society
through the production of useful goods and services. By making people the ultimate goal, the
Rendanheyi model leverages the abundance of data and interconnectedness facilitated by IoT
to serve a purpose that is far greater than simply creating shareholder value. Since the
ultimate goal sought is the creation of value for all individuals involved, Haier's business
model does not create an exchange between people and technology, but uses the latter to
forge stronger relationships between people.

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