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Name: Anne Gwyneth L. Japon Section: ABM 1201

What is/are new?

Activity 2.1 Guess the Gibberish
Word Wall:
1. Perspective a particular attitude towards or way of regarding something, a point of
2. Holistic comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected.
3. Value a person’s principles or standards of behavior
4. Abundance a very large quality of something
5. Custom cultural idea that describes a regular, patterned behavior that is considered a
of life in a social system.
6. Virtue behavior showing high moral standards
7. Culture the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation,
people, or other social group

What I know?
Activity 2.2 Connect and State
Philosophical study improves a person's problem-solving abilities. It aids us in
deciphering concepts, definitions, arguments, and issues. It improves our ability to
organize thoughts and issues, deal with value questions, and extract the most important
information from enormous amounts of data. It helps us solve our problems -mundane
or abstract, and it helps us make better decisions by developing our critical thinking
(very important in the age of disinformation).
In addition, philosophy is the mechanism through which every culture justifies its values,
beliefs, and worldview, as well as serving as a catalyst for progress. Philosophy
questions and confronts a society's established beliefs, customs, practices, and
Culture is a strong part of people's lives. It influences their views, their values, their
humor, their hopes, their loyalties, and their worries and fears. So when you are working
with people and building relationships with them, it helps to have some perspective and
understanding of their cultures.
The foundations of Filipino virtue ethics are two fundamental concepts. The first is loób,
which is literally translated as "inside" but is more accurately translated as "relational
will," and the second is kapwa, which is literally translated as "other person" but is more
accurately translated as "along with the person." These act as pillars for a unique set of
virtues (kagandahang-loób, utang-naloób, pakikiramdam, hiya, lakas-ng-loób/bahala na)
that are not individualistic in the same way as most of the Western cardinal virtues
(prudence, justice, temperance, and fortitude), but are all geared toward the
preservation and strengthening of human relationships.

Guide Questions:
1. What does the graphic organizer tell about broadening one’s perspective? In every
culture, abundance, perspective, values and philosophy are has different role in
expanding one’s point of view. We can at the very least avoid something unpleasant
from happening if we widen our viewpoint to look beyond ourselves, and at the very
best, bring comfort to someone who probably needs it more than they realize. When it
comes to how one's life can be enhanced by having a broadened perspective, it is about
one moving from one level of thinking to the other. Growth is beneficial and promotes
one's wellbeing. So having our prospective broadened will help grow us and build
relationship to others.
2. How do you broaden your perspective as a person? Experience my experiences
through a new filter. This one is big! Pretty much all of my life experiences can help me
to gain new perspectives, if I’m looking for them. I look for situations that I don’t
understand or surprise me and be curious. I think about things that happen and things I
hear through the filter of my current challenge or problem. I notice things and compare
them to the issues that I contemplating. Consistently and consciously thinking about
seeing new perspectives will make all the difference.
3. Do you think it is important that one should develop a broad perspective in life? Why
or why not? Yes, because I believe in the saying “It is a narrow intellect that cannot
consider a thing from multiple perspectives.” With larger perspective, I strongly perceive
and thus expanding the horizon towards various aspects of life makes living a lot easier.

What have I learned? (Application)

Activity 2.8 Foster through a Poster
Theme: ‘’Expanding One’s Horizons to Accomplish New Ways in Life’’
“Build Relationships That Will Elevate You”
Part of expanding your horizon is widening
your knowledge and mindset, which can come
from developing uplifting relationships. Every
person you meet will have unique opinions and
outlooks on life. Finding those people who
elevate you is vital for living a fulfilling life.
Having a friend or significant other who cheers
you on when you are stepping out of your
comfort zone can make the process less
daunting. It is also important to find someone
who will challenge you to be the best version of
yourself. This person can hold you accountable
for sticking to your goals or changing your
habits. A diverse array of supporters will allow
you to expand your horizon with more
Along with building positive relationships, you
should also let go of connections that are not
serving you. You will be unable to grow and
find new experiences if you are stuck in bonds with people who are holding you back.
You can also manage how often you are
around family and how much you allow them to
impact your life. Your loved ones know your
triggers and can occasionally fill your head with
self-doubt when you are trying a new activity.
On the other hand, they might be very
supportive and encouraging. Sometimes
creating more space between you and your
relatives gives you the independence you need
to expand your horizon.

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