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Name : Febriyani Sholikhati Umun

Class : 2B

No. : P1337420429044 / 20

Tips of Successful Interview

1. Research your target company
You must choose your target company beside your skill. If you done to choose your
target company, you must understand about your target company like value, mission and
product in your company. It is important role in your success. Beside that, you should
visit their website to know review their history, foundation and principles. But you don’t
need to know everything about your company, you should equip yourself with the
background knowledge of the company.

2. First impression count

If you do an interview, first impression is very important. You must look good looking
and should greet the interviewers with beautiful smile and firm handshakes. You can
imagine that job interview are like first date. You must relax that you meet the
interviewer because in an interview everything can happen and unpredictable.

3. Be prepared
You must read and learn about your cv and job requirement carefully before the interview
because the interview situation and condition can make our brain to be blank. Please
answer in the right way to the question properly. And you learn how to answer all the
question the interviewers may ask. If you don’t sure about the question, you can talk the
interviewer that you need little time to think.

4. Don’t waffle
You should go directly to the answer of the questions you are asked. Don’t answer
immediately and then regret about it. You can answer the question to the point.

5. Be positive
Please be positive, patient and persistent in any conversation during the interview. We
must sit up right and then maintain a good nice eye contact. Don’t look before. I they ask
you the reason you apply for the job, just say you love this new position.

6. Be Active
Interviewers appreciate active candidates. To be active we can ask about the current of
the company. To show your good energy, sense of humor and a constant smile.

7. Clarify anything you are unsure

Sometimes when the interviewer ask us and we don’t understand about it, we can make
permission to clarify the question and take a second to think.

8. Appearance
Sometimes the interviewer look from our look, so please prepare your look. Never try the
bad haircut or style. You should always be neat and clean

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