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Vhat Ts a Wardrobe Dan? A wardrobe pli Mn, oF clothing viet, h several purpose First, it will he Ip you make ter use of items that you already own, As # develop your plan, you may find new ways to combine the clothes that are already in your wardrobe, cond, a wardrobe plan will help you decide what you need to add to your wardrobe, You will be able to determine whether a pair of black wool slacks or a pair of deni Third, it will sérve as a guide for future addie Hons. You will be able to determine which items are wearing out or beginning to look dated, This will give you a head start on knowing what you will need to add next season or next year. A wardrobe plan is a guideline for the clothes and accessories that are appropriate for you and ur lifestyle. You should review your plan each season. It should be flexible enough to change 2s your needs, wants, and lifestyle change in life, Steps to Take ‘To investigate your wardrobe and its possibili- ties, follow these steps: 1. Take inventory of what clothes you have. 2. Make a wardrobe plan chart, 3. Sort your clothing into categories, Planning your wardrobe wisely will save you lime, money, and disappointment TAKE INVENTORY Teyou were a store owner who needed to know exactly what merc in the store, you would take physica tory. This means that all the merchandise teoule be counted, whether it was on racks, in bins, Under the counter, on shelves, or part of a dis- blay. Then you could decide what should be added to the store's inventory. You need to do the same thing with your Wardrobe. Itis best to take your clothing inven- tory at the beginning of each season or schoot year, instead of at the end, when you are tired of your clothes. You will beable to take a fresh look at what you own, Set aside a day when you will have enough time to take everything out of your closet and rawers, andl then put all the items back again, MAKE A CHART Before you beyin to sort and count your Clothes, create a wardrobe chart. Working with hart will help you to make better use of what You already own, It will also help you to deter. DEVELOPING A WARDROBE PLAN 115, Scanned with CamScanner Dressy } Remain | Repair = Slacks Shins =a} Jackets | skins Jackets Accessories: mine if you have too many of one type of ‘clothes and not enough of another. In addition, chart will show you what you need, so that you can plan your clothing purchases. “Across the top of your chart, write down all of your different activities. Include school, sports, clubs, jobs, and social activities. Also write cat- egories on the condition of the garments, for ex- ample, “Remain” (clothes OK);* Repair,’ or “Revise” On the left-hand side of the chart, list all the different types of items that are in your wardrobe. These may be pants, shirts or blouses, skirts, sweaters, jackets, dresses, coats, and accessories. SORT CLOTHING INTO CATEGORIES a need to sort all of your clothing into four iferent piles, or categories, before you record : mete! Your clothes on your wardrobe chart. If com es like most people, your wardrobe will eo otis that you wear frequently, plus t you seldom or never wear. It is im- Portant to inch i n- de th inven- : hese clothes in your inves 16 u NIT THREE: YOU AND YOUR WARDROBE ‘The four categories are: |. clothes that will remain in your wardrobe, .. clothes that need repair before you can wear them, 3. clothes that you need to vevise because you seldom wear them, |. clothes that you need to retive because you can no longer wear them. - rome - Clothes That Remain “These are the clothes that you like and wear often. Organize them by type. For example, put all the pants together, and all the shirts or blouses together. Then you can see how many you have of each type and what colors they are. Record each item on your wardrobe chart. Next, check off all the activities that each item is suitable for. Because many clothes can be worn for more than one type of activity, you may check off several activities for each item. For example, your jeans may be worn for school, parties, sports events, or just getting to- gether with friends. Your dressy blouse or good shirt is suitable for dances and special oc casions. Scanned with CamScanner Ask yoursel n1 like and enjoy wearing clothes in this category. Does it have some: ng to do with the style, the fabric, the calor, he type of care that they require? Your an will give you guidelines for making fu e purchases. swe Clothes That Need Repair These are the clothes that you could wear if oniy a button was sewn back on, the rip in the seam was mended, the hem was repaired, or the hole was patched. As soon as possible, set aside time to repair these clothes. You might do it while watching television, listening to music, or talking on the yivap should I_do? Retain? Repair? Revise? | phone. Chapter 18 shows you how to make sim- Retire? ple repairs. Then you can add these clothes to your repair list on your chart. Some repairs require extra time and your purchases to a few basic colors so that you ceativity. Perhaps a garment has a stubborn can be sure that everything will coordinate. stain that cannot be removed. Or the fabric Does the garment not fit well? Isituncom- ripped when it caught on a nail. These clothes _fortable to wear? If so, you might be able to may need some redesigning to make them make a simple alteration to improve its fit. Do wearable again. Move these items to your revise you simply not like it anymore? Perhaps a pile. change of style, quality, color, or trim could up- Sometimes a garment cannot be repaired date it or give it a new look. In Chapter 12, without a major investment in time and money. _ many redesigning ideas will be discussed, If so, you will have to decide whether to repair Sometimes a garment is simply a mistake. It it or move it to your retire pile. may not fit in with your tastes, your wardrobe, or your lifestyle. In that case, the best thing to ; do is to make a mental note as to why it does Clothes to be Revised not suit you. Then you can avoid making the “These are the clothes that youséldom wear, same mistake again, Put it in your retire pile. Look carefully at the clothes in this group. Think about why you do not wear each particuy Clothes to be Retired lar garment. Does the garment not go with other clothes in This category includes the clothes that you ! your wardrobe? Perhaps you could try a new have outgrown or that have worn out. You may olor or fabric combination. Or you could try have added some that cannot be revised or wearing it in a new way. redesigned, or some that are simply mistakes. Later in this chapter, you will learn how to Ifthe clothing is still wearable, pass it along mix and match your wardrobe to create differ- to relatives, neighbors, or a charity. In Chapter ent outfits. In the future, you may need to limit 13, you will learn various ways that garments DEVELOPING A WARDROBE PLAN 117 Scanned with CamScanner This plaid shirt can be worn casual appearance. Gan be recycled to other people and for other uses. If the garment is no lon, ic may still be in good condition You can Fete it into projects or household uses, may have a garment that you cannot You cannot bear to give it away. It been a gift from someone special, In {28h or dry clean and store it out of Keep the space in your closet or OF clothes that are an active part of obe. ake a look at your wardrobe chart. You ld have the Most check marks under the ivities that you participate in THREE: YOU AND YOUR WARDROBE ‘Most often. If there ate any “holes in your chart, you need to tethink how you wear ‘Sar- ments that you already own, or you could plan to buy or sew new garments, USE EVERYTHING THAT YOU OWN The easiest way to expand your wardrobe is to think of ways to use all of your clothes Tis also the most economical, or inexpensive, method because it does not cost you ‘any money. Try New Combinations Perhaps you are in the habit of always wear- the same sweater with the same pair of Pants. Now you have a chance to try out new combinations. Take a look at the coordinated Outfits that you already own. Separate them into individual Pieces, such as pants, skirts, shirts, sweaters, and jackets. Now see if the Pieces from one outfit will mix and match with the pieces from another outfit. inj Scanned with CamScanner Fashion Focus Planning Your Wardrobe: Mix and Match The mix-and-match wardrobe is the most economical way to get the greatest mileage out of your wardrobe dollars. It’s also the best way to guarantee that most of your clothing will work together. Start with a basic plan: Male Female 2 pr. slacks 1 pr. pants lpr. jeans 1 blazer 1 blazer 1 skirt 1 shirt 2 blouses 1 polo shirt 1 sweater 1 turtle neck 1 pr. shorts 1 vest How many different outfits can you put to- gether from each of these wardrobes? DEVELOPING A WARDROBE PLAN 119 Scanned with CamScanner Experiment with new color mixes. Some sea- sons unusual color combinations, such as tur- Gquoise and orange, oF purple and red, are very fashionable. Perhaps you always wear your beige sweater with your tweed slacks. Try com- dining the slacks with another color, such as bright blue or red. Experiment with new fabric combinations. ‘The jacket from your corduroy suit can be worn swith a variety of other fabrics. Some seasons, Combining more than one print in an outfit is fashionable. Checks might be worn with siripes, and prints with plaids. However, the patterns and colors must be carefully combined to create an outfit that is pleasing to the eye. In ‘other seasons, they may be out-of-fashion. Try New Uses Perhaps you can think of new ways to wear the clothes that you already own. You might be able to wear your favorite flannel shirt as both a shirt and a shirt jacket. The turtleneck that you always wear with your blue jeans could be worn with your slacks and a sweater for a dressier look. The vest that you usually wear under a jacket might be worn over a dress or top. A sun dress might double as a jumper. A change of ‘accessories might transform an outfit from ca- Sual to dressy. ‘Try belting a large, loose-fitting jacket to cre- ate a slimmer look. Substitute a tie or a scarf for a belt. Tuck pants into boots. La i " ayer tops in a different order. rs DECIDE WHAT YOU NEED Pees oe have explored all the different ways fine i Cehes that you already own, itis cor look at what you need to add to 129 UNIT THREE: YOU AND YOUR WARDROBE Needs versus Wants Wardrobe planning involves both needs and wants. In Chapter 1, you learned about needs. A “want” is a desire for something that gives you satisfaction. Emotional needs often create wants. You may want a special item because wearing it will make you feel attractive, confident, slimmer, taller, or shorter. You may want it because it will help you to fit in with the crowd or stand out from everyone else. The item may be a status symbol for you, making you feel important. Or it may create an image that you would like others to see. Prioritize You should prioritize, or zak, the clothes that you need. If you have outgrown or worn out a major item, such as a coat or a pair of boots, you will need to replace it. You may need certain clothes for a part-time job or new activi- ties. Your wardrobe chart can help you identify the clothes that you need in your wardrobe. ‘Then you can consider the clothes that you would like to add to your wardrobe. Perhaps one new garment could enable you to coor- dinate several other outfits. For example, anew shirt could go with several skirts or pants, 2s well as your jacket. It could also be combined with two of your sweaters. Look for clothes that are versatile, or able fo be worn or combined in @ variety of ways. ‘Your wardrobe plan can also include some items that you want because they are fun, excit- ing, up-to-date, or will help you to express the real you. However, it is important that you spend your resources to first meet your needs. j ‘Then you can add the extra “wants,” if you so | desire. The best addition to your wardrobe is a garment that will help to satisfy both your needs and your wants. d Scanned with CamScanner EVALUATE YOUR ALTERNATIVES Most people would love to be able to have all the clothes that they need and want. However, most of us have limited resources. We may not have enough money to buy everything we want. There are many different ways to go about adding items to your wardrobe. * You might purchase some of the things that you need. * You might sew some new garments, or rede- sign older garments that you already own. * You might share clothes with a relative or a friend, * You might also explore trading clothes or renting them: Buying Buying offers you the advantage of trying on a finished garment to see if it is right for you. This girl is purchasing a blouse. Other ways of adding items to your wardrobe are by sewing them, sharing or trading, or by renting. ‘You can evaluate the style, quality, and fit be- fore you make your final decision. Buying can be a fast and easy alternative. However, itis the most expensive alternative in terms of money. To help your money go farther, you can de- velop good shopping skills. These can also help you to save time when shopping. Unit 5 dis- cusses shopping guidelines that will help you in your wardrobe planning. Sewing ‘Sewing offers many advantages in following your wardrobe plan. It usually saves you money. Sometimes you can sew a garment for one-third the cost of buying it, Sewing gives you the opportunity to express yourself. You can be creative and sew clothes in the color, size, and style that you want. You can make accessories to match. And you can cus- tomize your clothes to fit you perfectly. # DEVELOPING A WARDROBE PLAN 121 Scanned with CamScanner ‘There is a feeling of pride and accomplish- ‘ment in wearing something special that you made yourself. In Chapter 23, you will learn more about sewing selections. ‘You can also use your sewing skills to rede- sign a garment that you seldom or no longer wear. However, sewing takes time and a certain amount of skill. Sharing and Trading “These are two good ways to stretch your wardrobe. You might consider sharing or trad- ing clothes with a family member or friend. In- stead of investing im a new outfit for a special ‘occasion, sharing is a good alternative. Trading clothes with another person gives both of your wardrobes a new addition at no cost to either of you. By sharing and trading, you can recycle clothes for new uses by others. Renting Renting clothing is an option that has tradi- tionally been used for formal occasions. Caps and gowns are rented for graduation. Tuxedos can be rented for school dances, weddings, and other special events. In some large cities, there are shops that rent formal clothing for females as well as for males. Uniforms and costumes can also be rented. KNOW YOURSELF ‘The more that you know about yourself, the ‘asier it is to plana wardrobe that you will en- Joy wearing. In Unit 1, you learned how cloth- ing choices are influenced by your lifestyle, Personality, values, family, friends, and other ‘Sroups, Your personality and values are expressed through your Preference for certain styles, ‘lors, and fabrics. What you do and where you UNIT THREE: YOU AND YOUR WARDROBE Formal wear, especially for men, is usually rented from formal wear outlets. live influence the variety of clothes that you need in your wardrobe. Special activities, in- terests, and occasions determine your need for special types of clothes. Even the roles and responsibilities that you have within your family and other groups in- fluence your wardrobe. And for some people, peer group pressure and advertising are a ma- jor influence. Finally, your physical characteristics affect the way that you look in clothes. In the next chapters, you will learn how to use color and de- sign. to select the clothes that are the most flat- tering to you. Every time that you consider adding a new item to your wardrobe, you should ask yourself the following questions: * DoT really need it? © Does it go with other items in my wardrobe? * Can I wear it for more than one type of oc- casion? * Can I change the look by changing the acces- sories? * Are the color, style, and texture flattering to my personal coloring and body shape? ‘Your wardrobe plan is your road map for choosing the best clothing for you. Scanned with CamScanner Body Shapes tied Here is some information that will help you to pinpoint your body shape. Then in the next chapters, you will find out how to play up your best features. Height. Are you tall, short, or some- where in-between? Have you reached your full height or are you still growing? How is your posture? Poor posture does not make you look shorter—but it does make your clothes look like they do not fit properly. * Frame. Your body's frame is the skele- tal structure of your bones. It may be small, medium, or large. The size of your frame influences how you appear to ‘others. Two people of the same height and weight may look very different. A person with a larger bone structure will appear bigger than a person with a small frame. © Shape. Bodies come in many different shapes. Some of the most common are the triangle shape, which has narrow shoulders and wide hips; the inverted tri- angle, which has wide shoulders and small hips; and the rectangle, which has shoulders, waistline, and hips that are approximately the same size. The hour- glass shape has a small waist with chest and hips that are approximately equal in * Proportion. Proportion represents the relationship of the parts of the body to ‘one another and to the whole body. Some people have arms and legs that are ~ Jong, while others have ones that are av- erage in length. Two people who aré the same height can have very different body proportions. One may have a long torso and short legs, while the other may have a short torso and long legs. , Scanned with CamScanner

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