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Oral Surgery

Muscles of Mastication

Masseter muscle Temporalis muscle Lateral pterygoid ms. Medial pterygoid ms.
superficial head: 1. floor of temporal fossa. Upper head : superficial head :
lower border of ant. 2/3 of 2. deep surface of temporal infra-temporal surface of grater max. tuberosity.
origin zygomatic arch. fascia. wing of sphenoid. Deep head :
Deep head Lower head : deep surface of lat. pterygoid
inner surface of post. lat. surface of lat. pterygoid plate. plate & pterygoid fossa..
1/3 of zygomatic arch.
insertion Fibers inserted into Lat. surface 1. ant. border and medial surface Fibers inserted into Fibers inserted into med. surface of
of ramus of mand. of coronoid process. 1. articular disk. angle of mand.
2. ant. border of ramus of mand. 2. pterygoid fovea.
3. neck of the mand.
Nerve Masseteric of ant. division of Deep temporal of ant. division of Lateral pterygoid branch of ant. medial pterygoid branch of trunk of
supply mand n. mand n. division of mand n.. mand. n.
Whole ms. : Whole ms. : Ms of both sides Ms of both sides
Elevate the mand. Elevate the mand. 1. acting together 1. acting together
action Deep head : Post fibers : protrude and depress the mand. protrude and elevate the mand.
Retract the mand. Retract the mand. 2. acting alternatively 2. acting alternatively
superficial head : Side to side. Side to side.
Protrude the mand. Ms of 1 side act alone Ms of 1 side act alone
1. pull mand. to opposite side. 1. pull mand. to opposite side.
2. protrude and depress the mand. 2. protrude and elevate the mand.
Oral Surgery
Maxillary artery
Origin : largest terminal branch of external carotid artery , arised in parotid gland behind TMJ.
1st part of Maxillary artery 2nd part of Maxillary artery 3rd part of Maxillary artery
runs horizontally medial to neck of mand. runs upward and forward. Leaves the infra-temporal fossa to enters the
runs along the lower border of the lateral runs either superficial or deep to the pterygopalatine fossa by passing between the two head of
pterygoid muscle. lower head of the lat. pterygoid. lateral pterygoid muscle.
1. Deep auricular artery 1. Masseteric artery 1. Posterior superior alveolar artery
ascends in parotid behind T.M.J. supplies the masseter through mand. notch. runs on back of max. to enters alveolar canals.
2. Ant. tympanic artery. 2. Deep temporal arteries 2. Greater palatine artery
enters tympanic cavity through petro-tympanic f. supply the temporalis muscle. descends through greater palatine canal.
3. middle meningeal artery 3. Lat. pterygoid branches. emerges on hard palate through greater palatine f.
ascends deep to lat. ptrygoid ms. bn 2 roots of supplies the lat. ptrygoid ms. runs in a curved groove near alveolar ridge to incisive canal.
auriculo-temporal n. 4. Med. pterygoid branches. ascends in incisive canal to end at ant. inf. Angle of nasal
enters middle cranial fossa through f. supplies the medial ptrygoid ms. septum.
spinosum. 5. Buccal artery Branches : 2 or 3 lesser palatine arteries.
runs forward & laterally on floor of middle supplies the buccinator ms. 3. Sphenopalatine artery
cranial fossa. reaches the nose through sphenopalatine fo.
it ends by dividing into ant. & post. branch crosses the roof of nose to reach nasal septum.

4. Accessory meningeal artery: runs downward forward on the nasal septum to end at the ant.
runs upward to enter skull through f. ovale. inf. angle by anastomosing with the greater palatine a.
5. Inferior alveolar artery 4. Pharyngeal branch
runs downwards on inner surf. of mand. , runs backward through the palatovaginal canal
behind inf. alveolar n. 5. Artery of pterygoid canal
enters mand. F. & runs in mand. canal. runs backward through the pterygoid canal.
ends by dividing into 2 branches (mental & 6. infra-orbital artery
incisive). enters the orbit through infra-orbital fissure .
Branches: runs on infra-orbital groove then infra orbital canal to emerge on
a. mylohoid a. face through infra-orbital f.
b. Mental branch Branches (in infraorbital canal.....)
c. Incisor branch a) orbital. b) middle sup. alveolar. c) ant. sup. Alveolar.
Oral Surgery

Source: Dr Ahmed Elnashar paper

‫ن‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ن‬

‫أول فـ أعرفوهم ي‬
‫ مهمي وممكن نتسأل فيهم بالرغم من من إنهم متشحوش ع أساس إننا درسناهم يف ي‬Max. artery ‫ والـ‬muscles of mastication ‫األستيولوج والـ‬‫ي‬ ‫الدكاترة قالوا إن‬
sphenopalatine ganglion related anatomically to max. nerve but functionally to facial nerve ‫ناخد بالنا إن‬
‫ن‬ ‫ن‬
‫ ده‬fracture ‫الل فيها الـ‬
‫إل الناحيه ي‬
‫ هيتحرك ي‬mandible ‫ فالـ‬mandible ‫ يف الـ‬side ‫ يف أي‬fracture ‫لو حصل‬
‫المحاضة‬ ‫ن يف تعديل ن يف‬
‫ هما ي‬tensor veli and tensor tympani ‫ يف نفس الصفحة العضالت متبدله‬5 ‫ ورقم‬infraorbital nerve ‫هيبق‬ ‫ي‬ infratemporal nerve ‫ اول سطر خالص بدل‬7 ‫▪ صفحة‬
supplied by medial pterygoid nerve
join nervous intermedius branch of facial to pass ‫ه‬‫ ي‬from facial nerve ‫ مش‬ganglion ‫ بتاعه الـ‬para-sympathetic fibers ‫ اخر حاجه خالص الـ‬13 ‫▪ صفحة‬
through geniculate ganglion and form greater petrosal nerve
middle sup. alv. and ant sup. alv. ‫ الكالم المكتوب ده تبع الـ‬carries ‫ أول ن يف خانة‬inf.alv. ‫ ن يف الـ‬19 ‫▪ صفحة‬

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