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Create Your Own … Political Party Name:

Individually, create your ideal political party using your own beliefs about things like the size
and scope of government, international relations/foreign policy, and social/environmental/fiscal

When complete, you should be in a place where you could explain to someone else quickly the
core beliefs and basic platform of your party.

All boxes must be filled in, but you do not have to do them in order.
All work must be your own. You may not use any pre-existing names or images, nor may you
work with anyone else in the class on this.

BEFORE you start, fill in the assessment below.

Answering these questions honestly will help guide your party platform.

Rank each of the following in order of importance to you in terms of what the main focus of the
federal government should be. #1 = most important, #10 = least important

Rank # Focus Rank Focus

5 National Defense 7 Social policy
6 Foreign Policy 9 Devolution
2 Job creation 4 Environmental Issues
1 Universal Healthcare 8 Trade Policy
3 Education 10 Updating Infrastructure

Rank each of the following in order of importance to you in terms of HOW the federal
government spends its money. #1 = most important, #10 = least important

Rank # Expenditure Rank Expenditure

7 National Defense 10 Infrastructure
3 Social Security 4 Environmental issues
6 Medicaid 9 Business development
2 Education 1 Healthcare programs
5 Foreign Aid 8 Veterans Affairs

Rank each of the following in order of importance to you in terms of who/what should be the
recipient of tax breaks from the federal government. #1 = most, #10 = least

Rank # Recipient Rank Recipient

4 Corporations (large) 2 Middle-income individuals
3 Small businesses 1 Low-income individuals
5 Wealthy individuals Other (specify):
Answer the following as best you can. Use a separate sheet of paper if necessary.

The Constitution
Question: Do you believe that it is up to government officials in the 3 branches of government
to interpret the Constitution according to current needs of the country or to the
intent of the founders/spirit of the document? Explain.

I do believe that the 3 branches should

Question: Do you believe that there are parts of the Constitution that need to be changed? If
so, which parts (be specific: Article/Section/Clause or Amendment #)? Explain.

The constitution is fine the way it is.

Question: Would you describe yourself more as a Centralist or Decentralist? Explain.


Question: For each of the following, write Federal, State, or Local for which level of
government should be MOST responsible for each.

Issue F/S/L Issue F/S/L

Social policy Federal Job Creation Federal
Education State Environmental Federal
Gun rights State Entitlements State
Elections Federal Infrastructure State

Question: Currently, marijuana is illegal by federal law. Some states have passed laws
legalizing marijuana either in medicinal or recreational use. Attorney General Jeff
Sessions recently announced that the Justice Department will begin enforcing the
federal policy. What are your thoughts on this?

I think they should although, marijuana is needed for some medicine to cure

Question: Abortion was made legal by Roe v. Wade (1973), but some states have enacted
stricter laws with respect to abortion (for instance, making it illegal after a certain
number of weeks). What are your thoughts on this?
Woman don’t know when they are pregnant until they feel symptoms so, it just
wouldn’t make sense if they made it illegal after a certain number of weeks if they
don’t know they are pregnant. They should increase the number for them to figure
out their decision.

Create your Own Name:

Political Party Name:

Seize the Future

Slogan: Icon:

Together there will be hope The world with a ribbon tied around it

Platform Focus Areas

The following three areas should be the top 3 priorities of your party. Choose from any of your
highest-ranked issues from the previous two pages. State what the issue is, your stance on that
issue, and a brief explanation of both your stance and why you’ve ranked it where you have.

Platform Focus Area #1: Universal Healthcare

There are people out there who are injured but can’t get help. We need to get them the help they
need and get our neighbors the strength they need. So many individuals stay home thinking
they don’t need help, or they can’t get that help. That’s where the healthcare steps out and get
them healthy again. Even though the bills come in with big numbers, your health comes first.
I’ve ranked this first as I want to help those who need the care. Give them the medicine to keep
Platform Focus Area #2: Job Creation
Not everyone is rich, not everyone can afford expensive clothes or food. We need to create jobs to
help them feed their families. Those who waste money on things they don’t need should be
offering those in need of money jobs. Those who use the money on needs. They need money to
pay bills, to pay the rent, and loans. I’ve ranked this as my second because, there are people
who need jobs for their needs.
Platform Focus Area #3: Education
Everyone should get the education they need so they can get good paying jobs. Get them the
education they need for their bright future. Everyone is equal individually so; everyone should
get the same thing. The schools should teach the students things that you use in the real world
and not things that you don’t. I ranked this as third because I think everyone should get the
same education no matter what race, color, or religion they are.
Your Final Pitch: Why Should People Join You?
I’ll Make sure everyone gets the equality they need and help them stay healthy through it.

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