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University Institute of Engg.

Ancl ·Technology
Sessional-1 ( Sep'2021) MM30
51h ~emester sec I &II (EEE)
Electromagnetic Field Theory

a) Given a vector function F= {, '1- b, 1.) a.x.. + Cb ,i.](.. - :z..)'1, - [b -n-') '¼.
Find the constants b1 ,b2 ,bJ if F is irrotational.

b) G_iven the vector field, E = ( J-+ '{) A.')(..+ C'X. +Lf) a....
Fmd ·</'l , " <r ct

c) Find the laplacian of the following scalar field: V= e-Y~e ~..,,A

,. .. .l.

d) Determine the divergence and cti'rl of the gi~en field F= 3o tl.')(. + ')(..'J- + S"'x.. -:z.. Gl.2-
at ( 1,1, -0.2) and hence state the nature of the field.

e) ForthevectorfieldA= ?(..~A")(..-("'-+J.~
Verify Stoke's theorem by evaluating §A· aJ.1
;I. J..

)°" around the triangular path

shown in figure and j{y xA) ols over the area of the triangle. '1- , h

a) Transform the vector C ::. 1a..p - 9'4 + (...61 A.z.

from cylindrical to spherical coordinates and then evaluate at p = Ci) ½ ') .2)

b) Transform the vector A ( x +~) tl-x.. +-{ d-JC) '1- + z, a.. z.

from Cartesian to cylindrical coordinates.

Q3. 3
a) A sphere of radius 2 cm contains a volume charge density 4 cos 0 C/m • Find the
total charge Q contained in the sphere.
b) Obtain the expression for the volume of a sphere of radius 'a' using the concept

of volume, integral.
Q 4.

a) Whal is lhe polenlial at lhe cenfre ofa squa ,e with side a~ 2m whileeha,ge, 2pe,
-4µc , 6µc and 2µ c are loca ted at its four corners.
b) If .L

V = ..2.x."1 + ~ o z - '1 v , t=-t --,,,,,,,_d_

ct -:>C+1.:i. E, i5 fv a.r
P{_ b ) - .:t-~ le.)

a) If V = 2 Vat x=J mm and V = 0 at x=O and volume charge density 6

f" ::. - /,0 €'.. \M.
Constant throughout the region between x=O to x=J mm ,calculate Vat x=O.Smm
and E x at x=Jmm in free space.

b) Determine the capacitance of a sphere having two dielectric layers which has
dielectric material e = e, from r = a to r = rr and e = eo from r = rr to r = oo.

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