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October 19, 2021

Mr. Matthew Driscoll

Executive Director, NYSTA
200 Southern Blvd
PO Box 189
Albany, New York 12201

Dear Executive Director Driscoll:

I write in regards to the Beaver Island State Parkway bridge that goes over the I-190 in Grand Island. Specifically, this
bridge has seen significant disrepair, and appears to be in poor condition. The bridge serves as an important connector for
the residents of Grand Island, and needs to be replaced. While I understand that this bridge replacement is on a Capital
Projects list to be let in 2024, I am concerned that a three-year delay in initiating this project is too long, and I request you
advise the Thruway Board of Directors in their December meeting to vote to move up the letting date from 2024, so that
this project may be started and completed faster.

The residents and visitors to Grand Island are heavily dependent on the Thruway to travel across the Town. The main
highway on the island is I-190 and the connection to the mainland on both ends is served by the Grand Island Bridges -
both of which are under the Thruway’s control. Additionally, the majority of bridges that pass over the I-190 in Grand
Island, including the Beaver Island State Parkway Bridge, are subject to Thruway authority. 

The Beaver Island State Parkway bridge serves as a vital arterial for Grand Island residents. Located just beyond the end of
the southern Grand Island Bridges, it is often the path traveled once a driver gets off the first exit on the island. The bridge
connects a vital commercial strip on the East side of the I-190 with an area to the west that includes a significant amount of
Grand Island’s residential homes, as well as a school. Given its significant location, approximately 10,000 vehicles travel
over the bridge on a daily basis, adding to the traditional wear and tear bridges experience naturally.

It has been brought to my attention that the Beaver Island State Parkway bridge is in poor condition. Photos from as far
back as June indicate cracking and falling cement, exposed rebar, chipping paint, and other signs of structural weakening.
This is noticeable both from driving on the I-190 portion, as well as driving over the bridge itself. Given these conditions, I
was happy to hear Thruway has already scheduled a $9 million replacement, due to be let in 2024. However, time is of the
essence, and given the already deteriorated condition of the bridge, I urge you to request the Thruway Board of Directors in
its December meeting to vote to move up the letting date, so that this important work can begin, and end, sooner. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter. If I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to call or email.


Timothy M. Kennedy
New York State Senator, 63rd District

Cc: Joanne M. Mahoney, Chair of Thruway Board of Directors

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