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A. Write C (for count) or N (for noncount)

paper ___ water___ bread___ cheese___

juice___ cookie___ tomato___ lemon___

milk___ pizza___ honey___ carrot___

B. Complete the questions with "How much" or "How many".

1. _____________________butter do we need?

2. _____________________apples are in the bag?

3. _____________________sugar is in this cake?

4. _____________________sandwiches do you want?

5._____________________cola do you drink?

6. _____________________olive oil do we have?

7. _____________________pizzas should we make?

8. _____________________olives are in the bowl?

C.Choose the correct words.

a bottle of a can of a pocket of a bowl of a bag of a box of a carton of

a cup of a pound/kilo of a bar of a slice of a glass of a piece of

___________________water ___________________water ___________________cookies

___________________olive oil ___________________lemonade ___________________honey jam

___________________sugar ___________________flour ___________________meat

___________________milk ___________________juice ___________________cheese

___________________eggs ___________________coffee ___________________potatoes

___________________tea ___________________chocolate ___________________tomato

___________________soup ___________________milk ___________________bread

___________________ cola ___________________juice ___________________cheese

___________________cola ___________________tomatoes ___________________cake

___________________soup ___________________soup ___________________pizza

___________________cereal ___________________chocolates ___________________cheese

D.Choose the correct words to complete the conversation.

Karima: Let's make a cake for Grandma and Grandpa

Tarik: That's a good idea. What do we need?

Karima: We need a _____________ of eggs, and some butter.

Tarik: OK. Dow we need a _________________of flour?

Karima: No. We've got some milk in the fridge. But we need some coffee.

Tarik: Why? Are we making a coffee cake?

Karima: No. But Grandma always drinks a ________________cup of coffee when she eats a _____________

of cake

1. a. carton b. jar c.bottle

2. a.bag c.jar

3. a.jar c.can

4. a.pound c.cartoon

5. a.bag b.bottle c.cup

6. a.piece b.bowl

E.Circle the correct words.

Hana: Are you interested of/in eating healthily, Kamil?

Kamil: Of course. I think it's silly about /of people to eat lots of junk food.

Hana: Me too. I'm worried about/with the amount of junk food people eat. Junk food is full for/of fat and


Kamil: I know. I'm angry about/with the number of chemicals that food companies put in their products. It's

very bad on/of them to use a lot of chemicals.

Hana: I know. I'm not happy in/about that, either. We have to read food labels very carefully these days.

Kamil: We do. But I'm excited about/of the food for our party!
F. Correct the mistakes. Write the correct sentences.

1. It was nice with Grandma to make us a cake


2. I'm disappointed of these cookies. They're not very nice.


3. My brother isn't interested about cooking.


4. We're surprised of how much sugar there is in fruit juice.


5. Italy is famous about its pizza and pasta.


6. The children are excited with going to a restaurant for dinner.


G. Write sentences

I'm good at the amount of junk food children eat.

I'm disappointed in the cake I made today. It's great!

I'm interested about how cheap fruit is at this market.

I'm worried with making pizza

I'm surprised by the cake I made yesterday. It's too dry.

I'm happy trying food from different countries.






H. Circle the correct words.

1. How much/many bread do we have?

2. How much/many sandwiches should we make?

3. How much/many cookies are in the box?

4. How much / many cheese is on this pizza?

5. How much/many chocolate do you eat?

6. How much/many cakes did you buy?

I. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

of with of about at about

1. I'm sorry ____________making a mess in the kitchen.

2. My sister is very good____________making pizza.

3.I was happy ____________the soup I made. It was delicious.

4.It was silly_____________me to forget to buy milk.

5.I'm not sure _____________this recipe. I think it might be wrong.

6.Ice cream and candy are full__________________sugar.

J. Complete the text with the words in the box. There are two extra words.

happy carton carton slice bar bag confused cup excited

Last Saturday, Karima and Tarik made a cake. They wanted to surprise their grandma and grandpa. They made a list
of the things they needed. There was a ____________ of flour in the cupboard, and there was a _________of milk in
the fridge. Karima and Tarik went to the supermarket. They were very _____________about their plan. They bought
a _____________of eggs, some butter, and a big ___________________________of chocolate. They also bought
some coffee. When they were back at home, they read the recipe carefully and they made a big chocolate cake.
Karima and Tarik were very _______________ with their cake. Grandma and Grandpa loved the cake too. Then
Karima made each of her grandparents a _____________of coffee. Grandma and Grandpa were very happy!!
K. Correct the mistakes. Write the correct instructions.

1. Bring garden furniture out of the house.


2. Put boards under your windows.


3. Listen to CDs during a hurricane.


4. Go to a lower place of your home is in a low area.

Prepositions – Time

English Usage Example

on days of the week on Monday

in months / seasons in August / in winter

time of day in the morning

year in 2006

after a certain period of time (when?) in an hour

at for night at night

for weekend at the weekend

a certain point of time (when?) at half past nine

since from a certain point of time (past till now) since 1980

for over a certain period of time (past till now) for 2 years

ago a certain time in the past 2 years ago

before earlier than a certain point of time before 2004

to telling the time ten to six (5:50)

past telling the time ten past six (6:10)

to / till / until marking the beginning and end of a period of time from Monday to/till Friday

till / until in the sense of how long something is going to last He is on holiday until Friday.

by in the sense of at the latest I will be back by 6 o’clock.

up to a certain time By 11 o'clock, I had read five pages.

Prepositions – Place (Position and Direction)

English Usage Example

in room, building, street, town, country in the kitchen, in London

book, paper etc. in the book

car, taxi in the car, in a taxi

picture, world in the picture, in the world

at meaning next to, by an object at the door, at the station

for table at the table

for events at a concert, at the party

place where you are to do something typical (watch a film, at the cinema, at school, at work
study, work)

on attached the picture on the wall

for a place with a river London lies on the Thames.

being on a surface on the table

for a certain side (left, right) on the left

for a floor in a house on the first floor

for public transport on the bus, on a plane

for television, radio on TV, on the radio

by, next to, left or right of somebody or something Jane is standing by / next to / beside the
beside car.

under on the ground, lower than (or covered by) something else the bag is under the table

below  lower than something else but above ground the fish are below the surface

over  covered by something else put a jacket over your shirt

 meaning more than over 16 years of age

 getting to the other side (also across) walk over the bridge

 overcoming an obstacle climb over the wall

above  higher than something else, but not directly over it a path above the lake

across  getting to the other side (also over) walk across the bridge

 getting to the other side swim across the lake

through  something with limits on top, bottom and the sides drive through the tunnel

to  movement to person or building go to the cinema

 movement to a place or country go to London / Ireland

 for bed go to bed
English Usage Example

into enter a room / a building go into the kitchen / the house

towards movement in the direction of something (but not directly to it) go 5 steps towards the house

onto movement to the top of something jump onto the table

from in the sense of where from a flower from the garden

Other important Prepositions

English Usage Example

from who gave it a present from Jane

of  who/what does it belong to a page of the book

 what does it show the picture of a palace

by  who made it a book by Mark Twain

on  walking or riding on horseback on foot, on horseback

 entering a public transport vehicle get on the bus

in  entering a car  / Taxi get in the car

off  leaving a public transport vehicle get off the train

out of leaving a car  / Taxi get out of the taxi

by  rise or fall of something prices have risen by 10 percent

 travelling (other than walking or horseriding) by car, by bus

at  for age she learned Russian at 45

about for topics, meaning what about we were talking about you

A. Write the words in the correct order.

1.The moment./training /We're/at

________________________________________________________________________ the gym/every Monday./go /I


3. last year./joined/She/a climbing group


4. doing/at five o'clock./was/I/my homework


5. him?/ you saw/ he running / when/ was


B. Complete the questions. Use the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses.

1.________________________(you/ride) your bike at three o'clock yesterday?

2.________________________(he/go) to the gym last Friday?

3.________________________(she/run) every morning?

4.________________________(they/climb) a mountain when they found the cave?

5.________________________(it/start) to snow when you were skiing down the mountain?

6.________________________(he/buy) this climbing equipment yesterday?

7.________________________(you/ski) in the mountains every winter?

8.________________________(they/pack) for their trip at the moment?

C. Circle the correct words.

Jae: Do you want to / Did you need to go on the school trip to the zoo tomorrow, Ji-Min?

Ji-Min: Yes, I do! I can't wait! Do we need to / Did we have to take sandwiches with us?

Jae: No, we don't. We're going to have lunch in the cafeteria. We want to / have to take some money with us.

Ji-Min: OK. I wanted to / want to take my camera, too. I want to / have to take lots of photos of the animals.

Jae: You don't want to / need to take your camera. You can buy postcards with pictures of all the animals.

Ji-Min: That's true. But I like taking photos. Do we need to / Do we want to bring warm clothes on the trip?

Jae: No, we don't. It's going to be sunny tomorrow. When I went to the zoo two months ago, it was very cold !

I have to / had to wear my dad's jacket! I wanted to / want to stay in the cafeteria all day to keep warm!

I'm glad we're going to the zoo in the summer this time!

D. Complete the sentences with the words or phrases in the box.

Don't eat Play Wear Don't wear Eat Don't play

1.It's cold today. _____________________your coat.

2.These cakes are for the party. _______________them.

3. Your shoes are dirty. ______________________them in the house.

4. The baby is asleep.______________________loud music, please.

5. Salad is good for you____________________ it, please.

6. I love that song. _____________________it again.

E. Circle the correct words.

1. We went/were going on a skiing vacation last year.

2. My brother rides/is riding his bike at the moment.

3. Are you training/ Do you train every day?

4. We were playing/ played soccer when it started to rain.

5. I exercised / exercise at the gym three days ago.

6. Are they running / Do they run in the park now?

7.Did you climb / Were you climbing a mountain when you hurt your arm?

8. She was buying / bought some new climbing equipment last week.

F. Complete the text with the phrases in the below.

don't want to had to don't need to need to

wanted to have to want to didn't need to

Last year, my family and I went to the beach on our vacations. We _____________relax in the Sun. We __________
wear sun lotion every day. We ____________________take warm clothes because the weather was very hot.

This year, my family and I are going to mountains on our vacation. We__________________ relax in the Sun this
year. We ________________ski in the snow. We _____________________take shorts and T-shorts this year ! We
_____________________ take lots of warm clothes. We___________________have some skiing lessons before we
go. I can't wait!

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