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Saturday, November 9, 2019

Chapter 13: Viruses

13.1 General Structures

- Contain either DNA, RNA

- Protein coat (lipids, carbohydrates, protein)

- Needs host and can transfer DNA

- Can only infect one host cell type

- Helical

- Polyhedral

- Envoloped viruses

- Complex viruses

• Capsid

• Sheath

• baseplate

• Tail ber

- Can be detained by serological tests such antibodies



- One step growth curve which reaches acute infection before eclipse period

- Family names end in -viridae

- Genus names end in -virus

- Subspecies are designated by a number

Lytic Cell Cycle

1. Attachment: attaches by tail bers

Saturday, November 9, 2019
2. Penetration: tail sheath contracts to force tail core and DNA into cell

3. Biosynthesis: production of phage DNA and proteins

4. Maturation: assembly of phage articles

5. Release: phage lysozyme breaks cell wall

Lysogenic Cycle:

1. DNA integrates within bacterial chromosome

2. Lysogenic bacterium reproduces normally

3. Prophage may excise from the bacterial chromosome

*can transfer other genes through specialized transduction*

DNA virus

1. Attachment: virion attaches to host cell

2. Entry and Uncoating: virion enters cell and DNA is uncoated through endocytosis

3. Portion of viral DNA is transcribed producing mRNA

4. Biosynthesis: Viral DNA is replicated and some viral proteins

5. Late Translation: capsid proteins are made

6. Maturation: virions are created

7. Release: virions are releas e

RNA virus

1. Attachment

2. Entry and uncoating

3. RNA replication by viral RNA dependent RNA polymerase

4. Translation of viral proteins

5. Maturation and release

Double Stranded RNA virus

1. Attachment

2. Entry and uncoating

Saturday, November 9, 2019
3. RNA replication by viral RNA dependent RNA polymerase:

Retro RNA virus

1. Enters by fusion

2. Uncoating releases the two viral RNA strands and enzymes

3. Reverse transcriptase copies viral RNA to produce DNA

4. DNA is transported and integrates itself into host DNA

5. Transcription of provirus

6. Viral proteins are processed by viral protease

7. Mature retrovirus leaves the host cell

Budding: release of an enveloped virus

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