Class 10 Important Term 1 MCQ Questions IT 402

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Important Term 1 MCQ questions IT 402 Class 10 –

Communication Skills
1. The abilities to communicate properly are:
 read
 write
 speak
 all of these
2. Speaking more than one language is one of the best skills for a professional.
 True
 False
3. The language which has been exposed since birth is known as ___________
 Jargon
 Dialect
 Mother Tongue
 Vernacular
4. The origin of the word communication is ____________
 Communicate
 Communicare
 Compute
 Computer
5. The exchange of message in communication is known as _____________
 Listening
 Message
 Transmitting
 Feedback
6. To understand the message properly the receiver need to ____________ the message
 transmit
 throw
 listen
 ignore
7. The final stage of communication cycle is ___________ where receiver converys
their understanding.
 transmitting
 feedback
 message
 listening
8. Which of the following type conversation takes place between two individuals and
one to one conversation formal or informal communication?
 interpesonal communication
 written communication
 small group communication
 public communication
9. The written communcation such as notices, circulars, reports, SMS, mannuals etc.
considered which of the following type of communication?
 Non verbal
 Verbal
 Visual
 None of these
10. “Two persons talking over a phone” – is an example of which of the following
 interpesonal communication
 written communication
 small group communication
 public communication
11. Which of the following is an exmple of small group communication?
 Two friends discussing about their projet work.
 Written letter to employees for a notice
 Press Conference or board meetings
 Public Speech
12. Which of the following is one of the advantages of verbal communication?
 Sometimes meanings can be confusing
 difficult to understand the message if proper words are not used
 depends on written or spoken words
 Enables keep changing the interaction
13. Which of the following is one of important points to focus to enhance and master
verbal communication skills?
 Getting nervous while speaking in front of the audience
 Fear of facing camera
 Stage Fear
 Maintaining eye contact and be attentive
14. Which of the following types of words should not used for verbal communiation?
 Simple
 Technical
 Easy
 Local Language
15. __________ communication is the way to express or exchange information or
message without using any spokenor written word?
 Verbal
 Visual
 Non Verbal
 All of theese
16. “Pointing your fingure to someone” is considered as __________
 Gestures
 Expressions
 Body Language
 Para Language
17. __________ can be presented by face
 Gestures
 Expressions
 Body Language
 Para Language
18. Audience reaction is important in non verbal communication because
 It allows to disucss more
 It allows to help the audience to get feedback
 It helps to adjust the interaction accordingly
 It makes communication more effective
19. Keeping shoulders straight right and body relaxed is an example of:
 Facial Expressions
 Posture
 Gesture
 Eye contact
20. Gesture refers to
 inclusion of body movements to express an idea or thought
 Showing different feelings
 Physical distance between two people
 Shows we are paying attention
21. _________ includes the tone, speed and volume of voice.
 Eye Contact
 Body Language
 Para Language
 Gestures
22. Which of the following type of communication do not require any particular language
to understand the message?
 Verbal
 Non Verbal
 Visual
 None of these
23. If a person is sitting upright (straight) shows
 Pride
 Priffessionalism
 Confidence
 Humility
24. Which of the following are an examples of positive feedback?
 Excellent, your work has improved.
 I noticed your dedication towards the project.
 You are always doing it the wrong way.
 All of the above
25. Which of these are examples of negative feedback?
 I hate to tell you this but your drawing skills are poor.
 You can surely improve your drawing.
 This is a good drawing but you can do better.
 None of the above
26. Which of the following is not a communication barrier?
 Linguage
 Culture
 Physical
 Habits
27. Mr. Anmol is working with a presentation where he is trying to give one for using
exact words and facts. Which of the following word is best fit for the same?
 Clear
 Concise
 Concrete
 Correct
28. Not being able to understand or see gestures, posture and general body language that
make communication less effective is known as ________ barrier.
 Physical
 Linguistic
 Cultural
 Interpersonal
29. Ms. Mohini is presenting a persentation for a new launch of product. She is
delevering her lecture but due to lack of confidence she could not deliver in the way it
should be. Which type of barrier it is?
 Physical
 Linguistic
 Cultural
 Interpersonal
30. Mr. Rakesh is working in a IT company. He wanted to implement a new strategy for
his new project but his team leader couldn’t find time to discuss with him and
company policy won’t allow Mr. Rakesh to call him without appintment. Which type
of barrier it is?
 Physical
 Interpersonal
 Cultural
 Organizational
31. Mr. C.Ayyappan is trying to convey his message to his colleuges. But his tone of
speaking is different as most of his colleuges are from Norh India and He is from
South India. This type of barrier is known as _____________.
 Physical
 Interpersonal
 Cultural
 Organizational
32. Which of the following is/are best solution to overcome communication barriers?
 Use visuals
 Take help of translator
 Always be respectful in other’s opinion
 All of the above
33. Which of the following is not a commonication barrier?
 Physical
 Financial
 Cultural
 Organizational
34. Which of these are ways to overcome communication barriers?
 Respecting each other’s differences
 Using a simple language
 Not communicating at all
 Using your own language for comfort
35. Which of the following sentence is capitalised correctly?
 I and mansi went to Ahmedabad.
 My native home is near to surta.
 Ahmedabad is a one of the biggest cities of Gujarat.
 Kolakata is the capital of west bengal.
36. Identify the noun(s): Seema went to Mount Abu for picnic.
 Seema and Mount Abu
 Seema and Picnic
 Munt Abu and Picnic
 Went
37. Idenfity the Pronoun(s): Priya is beautiful girl. She has great collection of art work.
 has
 she
 of
 beautiful
38. Which of the following sentence is punctuated correctly?
 Yashvi is class 10s student.
 Yashvi is class 10’s student.
 Yashvi is class 10,s student.
 Yashvi is class 10’s student!
39. Sunita is reading a book. – Identify the verb.
 Sunita
 is
 read
 book
40. Vishruti quickly turns back. – Identify the adverb.
 Vishruti
 quickly
 turn
 back
41. The word which describes the when the action is performed is known as ________
 verb
 noun
 adverb
 adjective
42. Which of the following is used before nouns in senences?
 pronouns
 articles
 verb
 adverbs
43. Which one of the following is prepositions?
 Wow
 the
 because
 under
44. ______________ expresses the strong emptions.
 articles
 verbs
 inerjections
 prepositions
45. The sentences provides information or states fact which type of sentences?
 Declarative Setences
 Interrogetive Senteces
 Exlamatory Sentences
 Imperative Sentences
46. Mrs. Rashmi is confused about how to ends exclamatroy sentences. Suggest her a
symbol to end a sentence:
 .
 !
 ?
 . or !
47. The symbol ? ends which of the following type of sentence?
 Declarative Setences
 Interrogetive Senteces
 Exlamatory Sentences
 Imperative Sentences
48. Which of the following sentence is in passive voice?
 A game was won by them.
 Raman has repaired the car.
 He is reading a novel.
 Mr. Vimal is typing a paper.
49. Which of the following sentence is in active voice?
 The match won by England.
 The TV was repaired by the engineer.
 Dipti is playing chess.
 The solution was written by Ankit.
50. Which of the following is direct object in : ‘Mr. Animesh will sing a song in the
 Mr. Animesh
 song
 competition . sing
Important Term 1 MCQ questions IT 402 Class 10 – Self
Management Skills
In this section of Term 1 MCQ questions, IT 402 Class 10 I will be going to discuss Term 1
MCQ questions IT 402 Class 10 for Unit 2 Self Management Skills of class 10. CBSE IT
402 is having Unit 2 Self Management Skills in Part A Employability Skills. So let’s Start!
1. Self-Management skills refers to
 always keep busy to oneself
 live life with positive attitude
 controls the anger
 motivating oneself and setting goals
2. Ms. Hiral started a career as fresher in IT Company. She wants to perform well at
work and life in general. Which of the following skills shee need to improve?
 Discipline
 Timeliness
 professionalism
 All of the above
3. Mr. Bhupesh done a project very well. Now he is collecting feedback, insights of his
work-specific proficiencies. This is called:
 Self-Awareness
 Responsibility
 Time-Management
 Adaptability
4. Ms. Neha was appointed as a head girl of school. Now needs to prepare a team for
different houses. But she couldn’t prepare it on time and she reported to the CCA in
charge of the school to improve her skills. Here Ms. Neha shown
 Self-Awareness
 Responsibility
 Time-Management
 Adaptability
5. Smit has prepared a time table to achieve his goal. This skills is known as
 Self-Awareness
 Responsibility
 Time-Management
 Adaptability
6. Mr. Chirag is very adaptable. It means that he is
 prioritising his things to do effectively
 taking responsibility
 stick with best practices and ready for new changes
 thinking about daily interactions
7. If someone is worried that he or she will not perform well in exam or career, feel
pressurised and have a fear of failure in life. This situations give birth to
 stress
 fear
 fever
 negative emotions
8. Stress leads to
 happiness
 positive thinking
 firmness
 mental troubles
9. The demands to threats which causes emotional or mental or physical as well as social
reactions are known as
 stressors
 positive thoughts
 attitude
 behaviour
10. Term 1 exam is approaching near by. Mr. Rehan is feeling unprepared. This situation
 confidence
 stress
 positiveness
 strong beliefs
11. Check the following statements:
 Statement A:Stress can motivate you to finish the assignment on time
 Statement B:Stress can be helpful in many instances
 Statement A is correct
 Statement B is correct
 Statement A and Statement B – Both are correct
 Statement A and Statement B – Both are incorrect
12. Which of the following are consequences of stress?
 limit ability to function well
 harm emotional and physical health
 causes something dangers if excess
 all of these
13. The ABC of stress management refer to
 Adversity, beliefs, Consequences
 Accelerator, Break, Clutch
 Action, Behaviour, Confidence
 Attitude, Boldness, Creativity
14. Which of the following is one of signs of stress
 tiredness
 headache
 feeling low
 all of these
15. Arrange the steps of stress management in proper order
 (A) Be aware you have stress
 (B) Identify the causes
 (C) Apply stress management techniques
 (D) Feel Relaxed
 (D),(C),(B),(A)
 (A),(B),(C),(D)
 (A),(C),(D),(B)
 (B),(A),(C),(D)
16. Which of the following activity does not reduce the stress?
 Time Management
 Physical Exercise
 Feeling Worried
 Healthy Diet
17. Which of the following stress management technique will help to become more
 Time Management
 Physical Exercise
 Positivity
 Healthy Diet
18. Priyank is doing his work very efficiently. He is following a stress management
technique which help him to give the strength. Which of the of the technique he is
 Time Management
 Physical Exercise
 Positivity
 Healthy Diet
19. Mahek got less marks in Maths. Instead of feeling worried she has started thinking to
improve next time where she did mistakes. Here which technique she has followed?
 Time Management
 Physical Exercise
 Positivity
 Healthy Diet
20. Becoming self-aware, self-monitoring and self correcting refers to
 work independently
 emotional intelligence
 self confident
 positive thinking
21. Applying emotions to tasks like thinking and problem solving is known as
 emotional awareness
 harnessing emotions
 managing emotions
 controlling emotions
22. Managing emotions refers to
 identify and name one’s own emotions
 apply emotions to tasks like thinking and problem solving
 regulate one’s emotions when necessary and help others to do the same
 knowing what to do
23. Ravi and his best friend, Shiv, have been practising for the annual school dance
competition. They are both performing solo. On the day of the competition, Shiv won.
Ravi felt extremely sad and dejected. He shouted at Shiv unnecessarily, cried and also
did not talk to his parents for 3–4 hours. In this case
 Ravi is stressed
 Ravi did not managed his emotional intelligence
 Ravi has done the perfect job
 Ravi is working independently here
24. Which of the following is/are important steps to manage emotional intelligence?
 Understanding of emotions
 Rationalise
 Practise
 All of the above
25. Converting weakness into strength and strength into an exceptional talent is known as
 self-awareness
 self-confidence
 self-reliance
 self-regulation
26. Strength and weakness analysis starts with
 knowing others
 understanding feelings of others
 identifying others fault and weaknesses
 knowing yourself
27. The likes, dislikes, beliefs, values and background considered as
 knowing oneself
 knowing others
 knowing the peers
 knowing relatives
28. Looking outside characteristics is known as
 understanding who you are
 understanding what others are
 understanding weaknesses
 understanding strengths
29. Understanding to what I am good at is known as
 strength
 weakness
 emotional intelligence
 artificial intelligence
30. Paresh did not like to lose any game or sports. This is his
 strength
 weakness
 emotional intelligence
 positive feelings
31. Which of the following technique can be used to identify the strengths?
 Think anything that you are always successful at
 Making note of things which you find difficult to do
 Accept weakness without feeling low
 Look at the feedback received from others
32. Which of the following technique can be used to identify the weakness?
 Think about what others like in you
 Think anything what you are always successful at
 Take out time and think what you do well
 Be open to feedback regarding your weaknesses
33. The force within us that leads to do things is known as
 self-awareness
 self-motivation
 self-reliance
 self-confidence
34. Rekha gets up at 5 am and goes for her dance classes. Then she comes home and
finishes her hoemwork before going to school. She does this all by herself. No one
tells her to do it. Here Rekha is
 Self confident
 Self motivated
 Self aware
 Self reliable
35. Which of the following can be considered as internal motivation?
 love
 reward
 appreciations
 recognition
36. Which of the following can be considered as external motivation?
 reward
 appreciations
 recognition
 all of the above
37. Which one of the following is one of the qualities of self-motivated people?
 they are always worried
 they are always confused
 they don’t know what to do
 they are focused
38. Arrange the steps for building self-motivation in proper order:
 (A) Set and focus on goals
 (B) Stay loyal to goals
 (C) develop plan to achieve the goal
 (D) find out the strengths
 (A) -> (B) -> (C) -> D
 (D) -> (C) -> (B) -> (A)
 (D) -> (A) -> (C) -> (B)
 (B) -> (A) -> (D) – (C)
39. What makes you complete work or studies without others cheering you?
 Self-confidence
 Communication
 Self-motivation
 Self-esteem
40. Which of the following are types of motivation?
 (a) Internal
 (b) Intermediate
 (c) External
 (d) Extensive
 (a) and (c)
 (a) and (b)
 (b) and (c)
 (c) and (d)
41. The process of ______________ in your life helps you decide on how to live your
life, where you want to be, and how you want to be in the future.
 managing time
 goal setting
 dealing people
 understanding emotions
42. Which of the following refers to a set of dreams with a deadline to get them?
 goals
 strengths
 weakness
 confidence
43. Goals allows to
 separate out what’s important
 focus on the end result
 successful in career and life
 All of the above
44. To achieve goal you can follow
 START Method
 SMART method
 STOP method
 SHOW method
45. In SMART method
1. S refers to – Strong, Solid, Silence, Specific
2. M refers to – Management, Measurable, Manageablge, Maintainable
3. A refers to – Active, Attentive, Achievable, Accurate
4. R refers to – Realistic, Reliable, Relievable, Rational
5. T refers to – Tactful, Tangible, Time Bound, Teachable
46. ______________ is the how you spend the hours of your day well and do all that you
want to do.
 Stress Management
 Work Management
 Time Management
 Event Management
47. Which of the following is a good example of time management?
 Ankit decide to finish his homework immediately after school
 Ankit decide to finish his homework at evening after dinner
 Ankit decide to not do his homework until teacher asks for checking
 Ankit decide to finish his homework done by his younger brother
48. Time management helps an individual in
 complete tasks on time
 not to waste time
 set future goals according to completion of tasks at regular interval
 all of these
49. Organize the time steps of time management in correct order:
 (A) Organize
 (B) Track
 (C) Control
 (D) Pritortise
 (A) -> (B) -> (C) -> (D)
 (A) -> (D) -> (C) -> (B)
 (B) -> (C) -> (D) -> (A)
 (D) -> (A) -> (B) -> (C)
50. Angira made a timetable to study to achieve good score. This is refers to which of the
following time table management steps?
 Organize
 Track
 Control
 Pritortise
51. Making a to do list and assign them specific rank to finish is considered in which of
the following time management steps?
 Organize
 Track
 Control
 Prioritise
52. Mitee is studying from Google Classroom. But after few minutes she is starting chats
on whatsapp with her friends. Here which of the following time management step she
is not following well?
 Organize
 Track
 Control
 Prioritise
53. Which of the following time management steps helps us to analyse that we have used
our time effectively?
 Organize
 Track
 Control
 Prioritise
Basic ICT skills MCQ class 10
1. ICT stands for
 Information and Contact Technology
 Information and Connection Technology
 Information and Communication Technology
 Information and Call Technology
2. All the methods, tools, concepts related to storing, recording and sending digital
information is called _____________
 IT
3. The information can be recorded or stored through
 handwritten on paper
 written using type writer
 soft copy on computer
 all of the above
4. When the information is stored or recorded on electronic devices, refers to
 raw form
 digital form
 paper form
 paper back form
5. Which of the following is considered as ICT device?
 Smart TV
 FM radio
 Tablet
 Multi meter
6. ICT helps everyone to
 stay connected with each other
 run the business smoothly
 share the knowledge on public domain
 all of the above
7. Aryan is confused about hardware and software. Which of the following you suggest
to clear his confusion:
 Any device which tangible and can be touched is hardware and a program
that makes hardware functioning is software
 Any device that is very hard is hardware and any device that is very soft is
 A device used on hard surface is hardware and a device used on soft surface is
 A program is very hard to understand is hardware and a program is very easy to
understand is software
8. Which of the following is a hardware?
 Opera
 Notepad
 Monitor
 Ccleaner
9. Which of the following is a software?
 Printer
 Projector
 Hard Disk
 Ccleaner
10. Read the following statements:
 Statement A: The software and hardware both are required to work upon ICT
 Statement B: All ICT devices are very small in size and can be carried anywhere
 Statement A is True but statement B is False
 Statement B is True but statement A is False
 Both are False
 Both are True
11. Which of the following programs starts as soon as computer gets turned on?
 MS Office
 Text Editor
 Operating System
 Windows Explorer
12. Which of the following in one of the mobile operating system?
 Linux
 Unix
 Mac OS
 iOS
13. Recognize me:When the computer is started, I perform some basic
processes/functions to check all the devices are running properly or not
 Power On Self Test
 Welcome Screen
 Desktop
 Login Screen
14. Enter your username and password, I allow to open your computer to work upon
 Power On Self Test
 Welcome Screen
 Desktop
 Login Screen
15. I am capable to store and display all icons available in PC
 Power On Self Test
 Welcome Screen
 Desktop
 Login Screen
16. What is responsible for performing the POST (Power On Self Test)?
 The User
 Operating System
 Desktop
17. Identify the operating system out of the following:
 Google Chrome
 Adobe Photoshop
 Microsoft Windows
 Adobe Dreamweaver
18. Which of the following item is not present on desktop?
 Folder
 Disk drive
 Icon
 Taskbar
19. The login screen appears after
 Welcome Screen
 Windows Start Screen
 BIOS Screen
20. The ________ function key is used to get help in most programs.
 F12
 F2
 F3
 F1
21. Manisha pressed a key on keyboard that moved the cursor to the begining of a new
line. But she did not know which key has been presses by her. Identify the key
pressed by her:
 Enter
 Shift
 Ctrl
 Windows
22. Rekha wants to move the cursor to the begining of the line to the left side. Select a
key which she should press:
 Left Arrow
 End
 Home
 Page Up
23. Which of the following statement is correct for delete and backspace key?
 Any key can be used to remove the text from center
 Delete erases characters from left side where as Backspace erases characters from
right side
 Delete erases characters from right side where as Backspace erases
characters from left side
 Anyone can overwrite the content selected by use
24. When the mouse is dragged on the file or icon it displays the information about the
file. This process is known as
 Left Click
 Right Click
 Mouse Hover
 Drag and Drop
25. Each file stored in the computer has
 Filename and Extension
 Data and Information
 Particular Size and Location
 All of these
26. The filename and extension are separated by
 . (Period)
 , (Comma)
 _ (Underscore)
 ‘ (Single Quote)
27. A _________ is location or container in which the files can be stored.
 Folder
 Recycle Bin
 Library
 Utility
28. The shortcut key to open run command is :
 ctrl + r
 shift + r
 ctrl + r
 windows + r
29. The shortcut key to copy the file or folder is
 ctrl + c
 window + c
 alt + c
 shift + c
30. The short cut key to open a new file in notepad is
 ctrl + e
 ctrl + n
 ctrl + w
 alt + n
31. Which command is used to reverse the previous work done by the user?
 Redo
 Undo
 Paste
 Cut
32. You should always protect your computer from
 dust and damage
 not to use more that 2 or 3 hours
 not install a software
 not to turn on in the morning or late night
33. To clean the keyboard, you can
 use ashing Powder and Water then wash it
 keep a soft brush to remove crumbs and dust particles
 use wet cloth and wipe on it
 use acid to clean it
34. How to remove the finger marks from the screen?
 wipe the screen with soft cloth
 use wet cloth and wipe it
 keep water and glass near to computer and wash it as and when needed
 use colin or harpik and spray it on the screen
35. Which of the following can be followed to keep the laptop cool?
 Keep snow around the laptop
 Use external Cooling fan
 Keep the laptop inside freezer
 Keep the room cool then start the laptop
36. Running to many programs at a time can cause
 computer can become slow and crush
 damage the hard disk
 geenrate lots of heat
 computer can work efficientely
37. Which of the following is one of the process for daily maintanance ?
 download email attachments in to the folders
 backup your data
 full system virus scan
 update operating system
38. How can an anti-virus protect your device?
 It can protect it from over-heating.
 It can increase its performance.
 It can protect against the virus
 It can backup data.
39. What happens if you leave a device plugged in even after it is charged 100%?
 It can break.
 It can stop functioning.
 It can over-heat.
 Data can get corrupt.
40. Which of the following trap small children into inappropriate relations?
 Online predators
 Worms
 Trojan Horse
 Anti-Virus
41. What type of care should be taken while transacting online?
 Always lock your computer when you are going away
 Give credit card and debit card or UPI information on secured sites
 Save the passwords on cloud
 Use pirated software
42. A hacker can try to misuse your data and information and perform illegeal activity.
This is considered as
 Physical Theft
 Identity theft
 Software Piracy
 Virus
43. Manoj received a call and informed about lottery for winning huge amount. This type
of activity is considered as
 Trojan Horse
 Online Predator
 Internet Scams
 Encryption
44. The virus which replicates themselves and spread all files once they attack on
computer and very difficult to remove them. This virus is known as
 Trojan Horse
 File Virus
 Ransomware
45. A __________ is seems useful software but reacts like a virus and destroying data.
 Trojan Horse
 File Virus
 Ransomware
46. Choose the strong password out of the following:
 12345
 Aprfd@2021!
 hello123
 password
47. Which of the following is one of the security measures that monitor incoming and
outgoing data?
 Firewall
 Windows Login
 Device Manager
 Google Chrome
48. Bit locker is an example of
 Backup and restore
 Firewall
 Encryption
 Ransomware
49. The identity of secure websites are
 Indicates a lock in front of the URL and begins https:
 Asks to login using OTP
 Asks to login using email id and password
 Website requires biometics to login
50. Software piracy refers to
 Stealing software and distributing the unlicensed copies
 Opersource software
 Gain access of a website and perform illegal activity
 Selling software online with a proper license key
MCQs create and apply styles in the document Class 10
[1] Ankit wants to know about the feature of the set of formatting effects applied together in
documentation software. Suggest him by choosing the correct feature of digital
a) Formatting
b) Styles
c) Templates
d) Effects
Ans. b) Styles
[2] The styles cannot be applied to
a) Pages
b) Text
c) Frames
d) Objects
Ans. d) Objects
[3] Styles are ___________ of digital documents.
a) Logical Attributes
b) Margins
c) Indents
d) Text Alignment

Ans. a) Logical Attributes

[4] Styles helps to

a) improve consistency in the document
b) makes formatting changes easy
c) set formatting rules for specific contents
d) all of the above
Ans. d) all of these
[5] Manisha is searching header and Footers, page margins etc. in styles. Help her to choose
the correct type of style out of the following:
a) Character Style
b) Page Style
c) Paragraph Style
d) Cell Style
Ans. b) Page Style
[6] The character style includes
a) alignment, tab stops, line spacing and borders
b) font size, bold, italics, underline etc.
c) wrapping types, border, background and columns
d) line, area, transparency and other attributes
Ans. b) font size, bold, italics, underline etc
[7] Lalitesh is working on a digital document. She wants to access the styles and formatting
option from the menu. Select the appropriate option for her:
a) File -> Styles and Formatting
b) Edit -> Styles and Formatting
c) Insert -> Styles and Formatting
d) Format -> Styles and Formatting
Ans. d) Format -> Styles and Formatting
[8] Which of the following method is useful when the user needs to format many paragraphs,
cells or other items with the same style?
a) Fill format mode
b) Create styles from a selection
c) Drag and Drop method
d) Load Style
Ans. a) fill format mode
[9] While Fill format mode is active, the user should be very careful to do accidentally
_____________ to avoid undo an action on applied styles.
a) to press enter
b) left click
c) right-click
d) double click
Ans. c) right-click
[10] Hitesh is working on styles in documentation software. He used the option New Style
from the selection. But he is actually confused about what he has done and what changes
happened in the document he is working on. Select the appropriate option:
a) Create New Style by copying an existing manual format
b) Create New Style as per the user’s choice
c) Create a new Style from another document
d) Create a new style from current document formatting
Ans. a) Create New Style by copying an existing manual format
[11] When you create a new style from selection, it will
a) be saved in the template
b) be not saved in the template
c) be overwrite selected style in the template
d) all of the above
Ans. b) be not saved in template
[12] Identify the option: If the paragraph styles are active, the paragraph style will be
applied. If the character styles are active, character styles will be applied.
a) Create a new style from a selection
b) fill format mode
c) Drag and Drop Styles
d) Load Style

Ans. c) Drag and Drop Styles

[13] Priya wants to update modify the new style she created recently. Help her by selecting
appropriate option(s) to do her work:
a) Alter styles from format menu directly
b) load style from a template or another document
c) New style from the selection
d) fill format mode

Ans. b) load style from a template or another document

[14] Which of the following style includes the line, area, shadow, transparency, font,
connectors, dimensioning, and other attributes.
a) Frame Styles
b) Numbering Styles
c) Graphic Styles
d) Cell Styles

Ans. c) Graphic Styles

[15] Which style includes fonts, indents, spacing, alignment, and tabs formatting?
a) Frame Styles
b) Presentation Styles
c) Graphic Styles
d) Cell Styles

Ans. b) font size, bold, italics, underline etc

[16] The cell styles include
a) font, alignment, border, background, number format and cell protection
b) formatting options for graphic and text, borders, wrapping text, borders, backgrounds and
c) alignment, numbering or bullets, fonts for numbers and bullets
d) line, area, shadowing, transparency, font, characters etc.

Ans. a) font, alignment, border, background, number fromat and cell protection
[17] Which of the following option is not available under Create new style from the selection
button from the Styles and Formatting dialogue box?
a) New Style from the selection
b) copy style
c) update style
d) load style

Ans. b) copy style

[18] Which of the following style button is not present in the styles and formatting dialog
a) Presentation Styles
b) Frame Styles
c) Page Styles
d) List Styles

Ans. a) Presentation Styles

[19] In the following screenshot which style button is selected?

a) Paragraph Styles
b) Page Styles
c) Character Styles
d) Frame Styles

Ans. a) Paragraph Styles

[20] Identify the icon for frame style in the above question screenshot, select the appropriate
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

Ans. c) 3
Important MCQs inserting images in digital document for
class 10
[1] Mr. Atul is an IT teacher. He is taking viva of a student of class 10. His student Rahul is
standing in front of him. He has asked which of these is not a supported way to insert a
picture in the digital document? Select the appropriate option for him:
a) From File
b) From the internet
c) From Mobile Gallery
d) From Office Gallery
Ans. c) From Mobile Gallery
[2] How to generate a link in the document for the image instead of embedding it?
a) It’s not possible
b) Press enter key after inserting the image
c) Right-click on the image in the folder and select insert -> Hyperlink
d) Hold down the Control + Shift keys while dragging the image

Ans. d) Hold down the control + shift while dragging the image
[3] Bhavik has taken photos from his mobile phone. He has copied the photos from his
mobile to his laptop. Now he is going to prepare a report of that even including photos. How
he can insert the picture into his laptop?
a) Insert –> Picture –> From File
b) Insert –> Insert Photos
c) Insert –> Insert Picture
d) Insert –> Insert Image
Ans. a) Insert –> Picture –> From File
[4] Can the user link an image using the insert picture dialog box?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe
Ans. a) Yes
[5] You can insert a picture from the clipboard using which of these steps?
a) Insert from another document
b) Copy and Paste
c) Cut and Paste
d) Option b) and c)
Ans. d) Option b) and c)
6) Which of the following option is used to insert pictures from the scanner?
a) Insert -> Scanner -> Scan
b) Insert -> Picture -> Scanner -> Scan
c) Insert -> Picture -> Scan -> Select Source
Ans. c) Insert -> Picture -> Scan -> Select Source
[7] The ___________ provides a convenient way to group reusable objects such as graphics,
and sounds that can be inserted into the document.
a) Clipboard
b) Gallery
c) Documents
d) Library
Ans. b) Gallery
[8] The Gallary option is available under
a) Insert Menu
b) Format Menu
c) Tools Menu
d) Edit Menu
Ans. c) Tools Menu
[9] When the picture inserted in the document, ______________ toolbar appears.
a) standard
b) formatting
c) gallery
d) picture
Ans. d) picture
[10] To activate the picture toolbar permanently, click on
a) View -> Toolbars -> Picture
b) Tools -> Toolbar -> Picture
c) Format -> Toolbar -> Picture
d) Insert -> Toolbar -> Picture

Ans. a) View -> Toolbars -> Picture

[11] To cut off the part of the image is known as
a) cut off
b) cropping
c) trimming
d) wrapping

Ans. b) cropping
[12] Dinesh wants to crop the image but that doesn’t change the scale of the image. Which of
the following option is useful for him?
a) Keep Scale
b) Cropt to scale
c) Limit scale
d) Keep the original

Ans. a) Keep Scale

[13] Mahesh is working on digital documentation. He doesn’t know about the features of OO
writer. Just help him to know the supported features of OO writer. Which of the following
feature is not supported directly in OO writer?
a) Insert Image
b) Cropping Image
c) Rotating Image
d) Text wrapping

Ans. c) Rotating Image

[14] Trusha is a Maths teacher in the primary section. She is working in OO writer. She
wanted to enable the drawing toolbar to insert shapes for her question paper questions. Help
her by selecting an appropriate option for the same:
a) Insert -> Toolbar -> Drawing
b) Format -> Toolbar -> Drawing
c) Edit -> Toolbar -> Drawing
d) View -> Toolbar -> Drawing

Ans. d) View -> Toolbar -> Drawing

[15] All defaults will be applied to all the drawing objects but won’t be applied to
a) Bullets and Numbers
b) Text Objects
c) Tables
d) All of the above

Ans. d) All of the above

[16] Which of the following are correct steps to resize the image or object in OO Writer?
a) Select Image or object -> Click on one of the eight handles -> Drag it according to need
b) Select Image or object -> Press Ctrl + + to desired size
c) Select Image or object -> Press Ctrl + > to up to desired size
d) Selecet Image or object -> Click on the + symbol -> Drag as size required

Ans. a) Select Image or object -> Click on one of the eight handles -> Drag it accordig to
[17] Anil wants to maintain the proportion of images while scaled resizing. Which of the
following option is useful for the same?
a) Rotation
b) Keep Ratio
c) Slant & Corner Radius
d) Angle

Ans. b) Keep Ratio

[18] Which of the following option is used to combined more than one object in a single
a) Merge
b) Group
c) Combine
d) Collision

Ans. b) Group
[19] To ungroup the grouped objects follow these steps:
a) Format -> Group -> Ungroup
b) Format -> Group -> Group
c) Fromat -> Group -> Divide
d) Format -> Group -> Degroup

Ans. a) Format -> Group -> Ungroup

[20] Ridima is confused in arrangement and alignment features with respect to positioning
the graphics. The following statements are given to clear her doubts. Select which one is
A -> Alignment: The vertical or horizontal placement of a graphic in relation to the chosen
anchor point.
B -> Arrangement: The placement of a graphic on an imaginary vertical axis and how the
image is stacked upon each other or relative to the text.
a) A is correct but B is not correct
b) B is correct but A is not correct
c) Both of them are correct
d) None of them is correct

Ans. c) Both of them are correct

[21] Anchoring refers to
a) relation of graphics to the surrounding text
b) the vertical or horizontal placement of a graphic in relation to the chosen point
c) reference point for the graphics
d) the placement of graphic on the imaginary vertical axis
[22] Which of the following way is not correct to change the settings of graphics in the
a) From Format Menu
b) By right click on the graphic
c) From pciture dialog box
d) From formatting toolbar
Ans. d) from formatting toolbar
[23] Which of the following alignment is not supported by the graphics?
a) left
b) right
c) justify
d) around
Ans. d) around
[24] Zuber wants to display the graphics behind the text like a watermark. Which of the
following wrap option he can use?
a) wrap off
b) in background
c) behind the text
d) wrap through
Ans. b) in background
[25] When Mitesh is selecting a drawing object in a document, he is noticing one toolbar is
activated by itself. Suggest the name of this toolbar.
a) drawing object properties
b) graphics properties
c) shape properties
d) picture properties
Ans. a) drawing object properties
[26] __________ option allows to control the arrangement of text and graphic objects in the
a) Arrangement
b) Alignment
c) Wrapping
d) Anchoring
Ans. c) wrapping
[27] Aman is creating a report in OO writer. He wants to use stylish text for the headings.
Which of the following is option is useful for the same?
a) Clipart Gallery
b) Fontwork Gallery
c) Textart Gallery
d) Stylishfont Gallery
Ans. b) Fontwork Gallery
[28] The fontwork gallery is available in
a) Standard Toolbar
b) Formatting Toolbar
c) Drawing Toolbar
d) Picture Toolbar
Ans. c) Drawing Toolbar
[29] A ___________ is particularly used when creating a watermark or when wrapping the
image in the background in a document.
a) Transparency
b) Fill
c) Filters
d) Crop
Ans. a) Transparency
[30] Which of the following is not a vertical alignment option under the Format ->
Alignment Menu?
a) Top
b) Bottom
c) Center
d) Middle
Ans. d) Middle
Create and Use Template – Important Term 1 MCQs
Class 10 IT 402
[1] Which of the following is a model document that can be used to create another
a) Style
b) Template
c) Table of content
d) Sample
Ans. b) Template
[2] If you do not specify the template for your document then it will load
a) General Document Template
b) Simple Document Template
c) Default Document Template
d) Custom Document Template
Ans. c) Default Document Template
[3] If the default template is not specified then which of the following template will be
a) A template created by admin
b) A template created by the user
c) A template created by student
d) A template created when Office is installed
Ans. d) A template created when office is installed
[4] Open Office Writer provides ________ ways to create a template.
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
Ans. a) 2
[5] Which of the following is the way to create a template in OO Writer?
a) from scratch
b) using the wizard
c) from document
d) b) and c)
Ans. d) b) and c)
[6] Vishva is searching for an option to save the document as a template. Help her by
selecting the appropriate option for the same:
a) File – Save as – Templates
b) File – Templates – Save
c) File – Save – Templates
d) File – Open – Templates
Ans. b) File – Template – Save
[7] You must need to specify or write the template name while saving your template.
a) Yes, the OO writer provides an option to write a new name for the template
b) No, OO writer will assign a new template name by default
c) OO writer has a list of names for the user’s template
d) OO writer is operated by AI so it will generate a new name by itself
Ans. a) Yes, OO writer provides an option to write a new name for the template
[8] Kiran is creating a template for the first time in OO writer. She is a little bit confused
about the categories provided by the software. Which of the following is not a category
present in the dialog box?
a) My templates
b) Presentation backgrounds
c) presentations
d) Files
Ans. d) Files
[9] The wizard provides an option to create templates based on
a) Letters
b) Faxes
c) Agendas
d) All of the above
Ans. d) All of the above
[10] Kunj is searching for an option to create a template using the wizard. This option is
present in which of the following menu?
a) Insert
b) Edit
c) File
d) Tools
Ans. c) File
[11] OO writer does not provide an option to set the default template created by user for
every new document.
a) True
b) False
c) Not Sure
d) May Be

Ans. b) False
[12] Sonu wants to access the template for her new document. Which of the following option
will be helpful for her?
a) File – Save – Template
b) File – New – Template from wizard
c) File – New – Templates and documents
d) File – Open – Template
Ans. c) File – New – Templates and Documents
[13] Nishant is trying to set the template created by him as default for his new document. But
forget the option. Select the appropriate option for him:
a) File – Templates – Open
b) File – Templates – Organize
c) File – Templates – Save as default template
d) File – Templates – Create new from existing
Ans. b) File – Templates – Organize
[14] Which of the following icon is not present in the Templates and Documents dialog box?
a) Template Gallery
b) New Document
c) Templates
d) Samples
Ans. a) Template Gallery
[15] To update a document, open the template saved file, make changes into it and
a) Click on File – Template – Update Template
b) File – Save as
c) File – Template – Modify the Template
d) File – Template – Save
Ans. b) File – Save As
Create and Customize table of content – Term 1 MCQ
questions IT 402 Class 10
[1] Before creating a table of contents user need to make sure
a) The document must contain images
b) The document must contain tables
c) The document must contain headings
d) The document must contain bullets and numbering
Ans. c) The document must contain headings
[2] The Heading 1 can be used for
a) Chapter Title
b) Chapter main points
c) Chapter Subheadings
d) Chapter Summary Key Points
Ans. a) Chapter Title
[3] Charmi is writing a book. She needs to add a table of content to her book. She wrote
subheadings for her book in the document. Now she wants to apply the styles for the same.
Which style is useful for her?
a) Bullets and Numbers
b) Captions
c) Headings
d) Frame
Ans. c) Headings
[4] The default settings of digital documentation software provide how many levels of
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Ans. c) 3
[5] Arth has completed his contents and applied headings in the documents accordingly. Now
he wants to create a table of content in the document. Which of the following option will
help him?
a) Insert – Contents – Table of contents
b) Table – Insert Table of Contents
c) Insert – Table of content
d) Insert – Indexes and Tables – Indexes and Tables
[6] Which of the following tab is not present in the Insert Index/Table dialog box?
a) Index/Table
b) Entries
c) Customize Table of Contents
d) Columns

Ans. c) Customize Table of Contents

[7] Karthik wants to set table’s attributes in the table of contents. Which of the following tab
of Insert Index/Table is helpful for him?
a) Entries
b) Columns
c) Index/Table
d) Styles
Ans. b) Page Style
[8] Read the following statements and chose the correct option:
Statement A: If the user likes to have a title of the table of contents to have a title, enter it in
the title field.
Statement B: The protected against manual changes box protect table contents from
accidental deletion of the file.
a) Statement A is correct but Statement B is not correct.
b) Statement B is correct but Statement A is not Correct.
c) Both are correct.
d) Both are incorrect.
Ans. a) Statement A is correct but statement B is not correct
[9] A: By default, OOwriter evaluates 10 levels of headings for the
B: To change the level to be evaluated enter the desired number in the evaluate up to the
level spin box.
a) A is correct but B is incorrect
b) B is correct but A is incorrect
c) Both are correct
d) Both are incorrect
Ans. c) Both are correct
[10] To switch between columns in the entry-level use ______ buttons
a) |>> <<|
b) >> <<
c) << >>
d) <>
Ans. c) << >>
[11] The entries tab allows
a) Apply Styles
b) Format the entries
c) Change the columns
d) All of the above
[12] The E# represent the
a) Chapter number
b) Entry Text
c) Content Level
d) Entry Level
[12] Naved wants to set a background image to a table of content. Which of the following
option as a drop-down list is useful for him:
a) Color
b) Graphic
c) Image
d) Picture
Ans. b) Graphic
[13] Chintu wants to set the background of the table of content to a specific location. Suggest
the best option to finish his job:
a) Area
b) Tile
c) Position
d) Location
Ans. c) Position
[14] Sunaina wants to repeat the background image in the table of contents. Which of the
following option allows her to do the work:
a) tile
b) repeat
c) area
d) stretch
Ans. a) tile
[15] Arrange the steps to edit the table of contents
A) Right Click
B) Click anywhere in the table of contents
C) The insert Index/Table dialog box opens
D) Edit and save the desired changes from the dialog box and click on ok
a) A – B – C – D
b) B – A – D – C
c) D – C – A – B
d) B – A – C – D
Implement Mail Merge – Term 1 MCQ questions IT 402
Class 10
[1] Manish is going to celebrate his birthday in the next 15 days. He wants to invite his
friends on his birthday. He wants to use the OO writer feature that supports allow the written
document is going to be sent to a bunch of people and they may feel like that it is typed
personally. Which of the following feature is that?
a) templates
b) table of contents
c) mail merge
d) styles and formatting
Ans. c) mail merge
[2] The _____________ is a quick way to make a list of people’s mailing addresses and
generate labels or envelops for a different person on each label or envelop.
a) mail merge
b) letters and envelope
c) label database
d) envelop database
Ans. a) mail merge
[3] Arti is a teacher in the school. She wants to use mail merge to send a notice to her
students about the term 1 exam. Select the ways to create a notice she can use for the same:
a) Use any related template
b) a new writer document
c) e-mail
d) all of the above
Ans. d) all of the above
[4] Zeel created a letter for the mail merge process. She left space on top for the addresses.
This space refers to
a) header block
b) address block
c) to block
d) top block
Ans. b) address block
[5] Each and every part of the address block is known as
a) row
b) column
c) field
d) label
Ans. d) label
[6] The __________ is a middle-man file is being created in the mail merge process.
a) letter
b) template
c) address block
d) data source
Ans. d) data source
[7] Abhishek is a newcomer. He doesn’t know from where the data source can be created for
mail merge process. Select the appropriate option for him:
a) spreadsheet
b) oo base
c) JDBC database
d) all of the above
Ans. d) all of the above
[8] Henil is learning Open Office tools. He is not aware of the OO base or any other database
tool but he has some good command over OO calc. Which of the following data source he
can use for his mail merge?
a) spreadsheet or csv
b) DBase
c) Oracle
d) ADO
Ans. a) spreadsheet or csv
[9] Mail merge can also merge the address fields from text files. But in this case how the text
file should be created?
a) text file should contain only letters
b) text file should contain address fields with a proper separator for each field
c) text file should contain records saved in another database
d) text file should contain original content of the letter
Ans. b) text file should contain address fields with a proper separator
[10] Which of the following common separators are used to link text file data?
a) space
b) Pipe symbol (|)
c) tab and comma
d) dot
Ans. c) tab and comma
[11] Mansi is trying to edit a saved file of mailing labels. But she ended up with similar data.
Who could be the reason?
a) she clicked yes to update links
b) She clicks on the master label changes data option
c) she clicked no when prompted to update links
d) She did nothing on the prompt message
Ans. a) she clicked on yes to update links
[12] To prepare mailing labels for printing which of the following command is used?
a) File – Save – Labels
b) File – New – Labels
c) File – Templates – Labels
d) File – Open – Labels
[13] While preparing labels for printing you must ensure ____________ should be selected
from options tab.
a) Distribute – Entire Page
b) Distribute – Single Page
c) Synchronize contents
d) New Document
[13] Which of the following tab is not present on the Labels dialog box?
a) Labels
b) Format
c) Options
d) Save
Ans. d) Save
[14] Which of the following options are available under the labels tab in the Labels dialog
a) Label Text
b) Brand
c) Type
d) all of these
Ans. d) all of these
[15] Hitesh prepared labels in OO writer. Now he wants to print them to a file. Which of the
following option is correct for him?
a) File – Labels
b) File – Print – Lable to File
c) Tools – Mail Merge – File
d) File – Print – Mail Merge – File

MCQs Analysing Data using Scenarios and Goal Seek

[1] Divya wants to prepare a master sheet with a combination of data from another 3
worksheets. Which of the following feature is useful for her?
a) Data Table
b) Data Consolidate
c) Link worksheets
d) Cell Referencing
Ans. b) Data Consolidate
[2] The consolidate option is available under __________ menu.
a) File
b) Insert
c) Tools
d) Data
Ans. d) Data
[3] The difference between Consolidation ranges and Source data ranges are
A: Consolidation ranges are selected from source ranges only
B: Source data ranges are actual ranges from the data worksheet
a) A is correct and B is not correct
b) B is correct and A is not correct
c) A and B both are correct
d) A and B both are incorrect
Ans. c) A and B both are correct
[4] Which of the following is not the correct statement for the source data range?
a) Source Data ranges can be defined with some name ranges
b) Source Data ranges can be selected without defined any range name
c) Source Data ranges can be any group of cells
d) Source data ranges must be absolute references
Ans. d) Source data ranges must be absolute references
[5] The copy results to option are
a) the cell references where the result is going to be displayed
b) the absolute cell references
c) the relative cell references
d) the cell references to be used for formula
Ans. a) the cell references where the result is going to be displayed
[6] Which of the following function is set as by default in data consolidation?
a) count
b) sum
c) max
d) min
Ans. b) sum
[7] Shaan is working on a spreadsheet and he performed the operation data consolidation.
But he wanted to generate the results in the target instead of the actual results. Select the
appropriate option he can choose?
a) Copy to
b) Consolidation Ranges
c) Link to source data
d) Function
Ans. c) Link to source data
[8] The data can be consolidated by
a) by row labels and Column Labels
b) by row number and column name
c) by values
d) by link
Ans. a) by row labels and column labels
[9] Gayatri is working in OO calc. She is searching for the option to define a range. Help her
to search the option by selecting one of the correct options?
a) Insert – Define Range
b) Tools – Define Range
c) Format – Define Range
d) Data – Define Range
Ans. d) Data – Define Range
[10] Read the following statements:
A: Data from consolidation ranges and target ranges are saved when you save the worksheet.
B: The data will be available when you reopen the worksheet.
a) Only A is correct
b) Only B is correct
c) A and B are incorrect
d) A and B are correct
Ans. d) A and B are correct
[11] The __________ can be used to select arrays, and then choose a statistical function to
apply them.
a) consolidation
b) subtotal
c) goal Seek
d) scenario
Ans. b) subtotal
[12] Kapil is unable to find the subtotal option. Suggest an option to select the menu under
which Subtotal is available:
a) Tools
b) File
c) Insert
d) Data
Ans. d) Data
[13] __, totals/add data arranged in an array—that is, a group of cells with labels for columns
and/or rows Which step one must follow before using the Subtotal option?
a) consolidate
b) rename data
c) filter data
d) subtotal
Ans. d) subtotal
[14] The sort option is available on _____________ tab in subtotal group.
a) 1st Group
b) Options
c) Group by
d) Use function
Ans. b) Options
[15] To activate custom sort which of the following option is correct in oo calc?
a) Tools -> Options -> General -> Sort Lists
b) Tools -> Options -> Calc -> Sort Lists
c) Tools -> Options -> Calc -> Sorting
d) Tools -> Options -> Calc -> Sort Value
Ans. b) Tools -> Options -> Calc -> Sort Lists
[16] Which of the following tool is used to test the what-if questions?
a) goal seek
b) scenarios
c) subtotal
d) Consolidate data
Ans.b) scenarios
[17] Each scenario in a spreadsheet
a) have a name
b) can be edited
c) can be formatted separately
d) all of the above
Ans. d) all of the above
[18] Which of the following statement is correct with respect to scenarios print?
a) prints everything
b) prints all named scenarios
c) prints only current active scenario
d) prints only formulas
Ans. c) prints only current active scenario
[19] A _____________ is a saved set of cell values for calculation.
a) scenario
b) goal seek
c) consolidation
d) format
Ans. a) scenario
[20] Minesh wants to switch the scenarios frequently. Which of the following options are
helpful for him?
a) Scrollbars
b) Ruler bars
c) Navigator and drop-down list
d) Navigation bar
Ans. c) Navigator and drop-down list
[21] Read the following statements and select the correct option:
A: The values changed by scenario are updated when the scenario is opened.
B: The values changed only if the formula contains the set of values with positive numbers.
a) Only A is correct
b) Only B is correct
c) A and B both are correct
d) A and B both are incorrect
Ans. a) Only A is correct
[22] The scenarios option is available under ______ menu.
a) data
b) tools
c) edit
d) insert
Ans. b) tools
[23] Which of the following is correct by default name for the scenarios under the scenario
dialog box from Sheet1?
a) scenarioname_1
b) scenario_1
c) scenario_name_1
Ans. d) Sheet1_Name_Scenario_1
[24] The scenario name is displayed on
a) Sheet tab
b) Name box
c) Navigator and Title bar of scenario
d) Top of the row
Ans. c) Navigator and Title bar of scenario
[25] How many scenarios can be created on any range of given cells?
a) 10
b) Several
c) Unlimited
d) 30
Ans. b) Several
[26] Akshat wants to predict his result from the given set of data from recently exam results.
Which option is useful for him?
a) Scenario
b) Multiple operations
c) Solver
d) Goal Seek

Ans. d) Goal Seek

[27] Amish is a sales manager. He is trying to predict the total sales of all salesmen. He
wants to know the options of the goal seek dialog box. Which of the following option is not
present in the goal seek dialog box?
a) Formula Cell
b) Target Value
c) Target Cell reference
d) Variable Cell

Ans. c) Target Cell reference

[28] Mina is trying to understand formula cells and variable cells. Select the appropriate
option from the following for variable cell:
a) Variable cell is a reference of the cell which contains a formula
b) Variable cell is a reference of the cell which contains the target value
c) Variable cell is a reference of the cell which contains a value going to be change
d) Variable cell is a reference of the cell which contains a target value variable

Ans. c) Varibale cell is a reference of the cell which contains a value going to be change
[29] The ____________ is a cell address that contains the formula.
a) formula cell
b) varibale cell
c) reference cell
d) power cell

Ans. a) Formula cell

[30] The difference between goal seek and solver is
a) solver can display the target based result faster than goal seek
b) solver can be operated on multiple variables
c) solver can represent the target value for an unlimited period of time
d) solver is only used for large organizations
Ans. b) solver can be operated on multiple values
[31] Solver is designed to
a) minimize the issue of goal seek
b) maximize the capabilities of goal seek
c) minimize the target value
d) minimize or maximize the result value according to the target value set by user
Ans. d) minimize or maximize the result value according to the target value set by user
[32] The value can be set to
a) Greater than
b) Less than
c) Equals
d) Any of the above
Ans. d) Any of the above
[33] If the value is set to equal to the current entry then
a) the argument remains unchanged
b) the argument always changed
c) the argument will be deleted
d) the argument can be ignored
Ans. a) The argument remains unchanged
[34] for changing the argument user has to define
a) target value and variable cell
b) possible value and limiting conditions
c) maximum and minimum value
d) range and target value
[35] Nilesh has set the constraint and target values on multiple cells. Now he needs to click
on _____________ button.
a) Cancel
b) OK
c) Solve
d) Options
[36] Preksha wants to see the maximum and minimum profits for the new product launched
recently by her company. She wants to see the profits for multiple targets. Which of the
following option is useful her
a) goal seek
b) scenarios
c) consolidation
d) solver
Ans. d) solver
[37] Chintan wants to limit the conditions in the solver dialog box. Which of the options can
be helpful for him?
a) The options and solver button
b) The cell reference and maximum
c) The operator and value fields
d) All of these
Ans. c) The opertor and value fields
[38] The result of the solver is displayed in
a) Respective cells
b) In a separate window
c) In a separate dialog box
d) In new worksheet
Ans. a) Respective cells
[39] Which of the following buttons allows to save the result of the solver?
a) Keep Result
b) Save Result
c) Store Result
d) Copy Result
Ans. a) Keep Result
MCQs Link data and spreadsheet
[1] Linking helps in
a) connecting data from different sources
b) keep data organized between multiple sheets
c) make calculations across multiple worksheets
d) All of these

Ans. d) All of these

[2] Ankit is setting up multiple sheets for linking. But he is not identifying the sheets. Help
him which component help to identify the worksheets?
a) Title Bar
b) Name Box
c) Sheet tab
d) Formula bar

Ans. c) Formula bar

[3] By default, OO writer opens ________ number of worksheets.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

Ans. a) Respective cells

[4] Which of the following option is not correct to insert the new worksheet?
a) Insert – Sheet
b) Right-click on the sheet tab and select Insert Sheet
c) click on empty space at the end of sheets on the sheet tab
d) click on an empty cell in the worksheet at the end
Ans. d) click on empty space at the end of sheets on the sheet tab
[5] Which of the following option is not present in the insert sheet dialog
a) Location
b) Position
c) Sheet
d) From File
Ans. a) Location
[6] There are __________ ways to rename a worksheet.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4 2
[7] Ruma is working in spreadsheet software. She needs to insert a worksheet in her file.
Which of the option is correct to insert the worksheet from the menu?
a) File – Insert Sheet
b) Tools – Insert Sheet
c) Insert – Insert Sheet
d) Data – Insert Sheet
Ans. c) Insert – Insert Sheet
[8] The copy and linking cells are similar.
a) True
b) False
c) Not Sure
d) Maybe
Ans. d) May be
[9] The links are always updated automatically by default in spreadsheet software if
a) the links are generated through keyboard
b) updating, whenever the file is opened option is selected from the Tools – Options
c) the links are generated through mouse
d) the files are in the same folder
Ans. b) updating, whenever the file is opened option is selected from the Tools – Options
[10] A _________ refers to a cell or range of cells on a worksheet and can be used to find the
values or data for calculations.
a) Cell Range
b) Cell Reference
c) Cell Value
d) Cell Name
Ans. b) Cell Reference
[11] Which of the following statement is correct for cell reference with respect to linking
a) data from one or more contiguous cells
b) data available in different areas of cells
c) data present in the other worksheets
d) all of the above
Ans. d) all of the above
[12] There are _________ ways to provide a reference for linking.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Ans. b) 2
[13] Arrange the following steps for linking worksheet using the mouse in proper order:
A) select the cell address you want to use as a reference
B) place the cursor in the formula bar
C) type =
D) move to the worksheet from where you want to take reference
a) a – b – c – d
b) c – d – b – a
c) b – c – d – a
d) d – c – b – a
Ans. a) Respective cells
[14] Which of the link will stop working if the start and target locations change the relative
of each other?
a) Absolute
b) Relative
c) Fixed
d) Static
Ans. b) Relative
[15] The absolute link will stop working if
a) the target is moved
b) if the start and target locations change the relative of each other
c) the target is intact
d) the target is copied
Ans. a) the target is moved
[16] Mrinal is trying to link a file in the spreadsheet. Help her by suggesting the option insert
hyperlink is available under which of the following menu?
a) File
b) Edit
c) View
d) Insert
Ans. d) Insert
[17] Which of the following is not a type of hyperlink?
a) Web
b) FTP
c) Telnet
d) relative
Ans. d) relative
[18] The target refers to
a) the location from where the file is linked
b) the location where the file will be opened
c) the location where the file will be copied
d) the location where the hyperlink is displayed
Ans. b) the location where the file will be opened
[19] Dev is reading the concept of linking to external data. But he is not understanding it.
Choose the correct answer for him:
a) inserting random data from other sources
b) inserting tabular data from other sources
c) inserting multimedia files from other sources
d) inserting structured files like HTML, XML etc.
Ans. b) inserting tabular data from other sources
[20] Link to external data option is available under _____________ menu.
a) File
b) Insert
c) Tools
d) Data
Ans. b) insert
Sharing worksheet data – Term 1 MCQ questions IT 402
Class 10
[1] In most of the offices, people use _____________ where team members can store
common files for everyone to use.
a) Common Drive
b) General Drive
c) Shared Drive
d) Linked Drive
Ans. c)
[2] The shared drive most often sought for which of the following message?
a) “The document [file name] is locked for editing by the user. To open read-only copy of
this document click here!”
b) “The document [file name] is locked you don’t have permission to open this!”
c) “The document [file name] is locked, to unlock click on Tools – Unprotect Document”
d) “The document [file name] is locked, you can unlock it by signing in with your email id!”
Ans. a)
[3] Read the following statements:
A: It is necessary to have multiple people working on the same file at the same time.
B: Sharing can speed up the data entry and makes things easier.
a) Statement A is correct.
b) Statement B is correct.
c) Statement A and Statement B are correct.
d) Statement A and Statement B are incorrect.
Ans. c)
[4] Aditya wants to share the worksheet with his colleagues. Suggest the correct option from
the below given options:
a) Insert – Share Document
b) Format – Share Document
c) Tools – Share Document
d) Data Share Document
Ans. c)
[5] After enabling share document spread provides a message
a) You must turn on the caps lock key
b) You must copy the content of the file
c) You must rename the file
d) You must save the file
Ans. d)
[6] Somanjali wants to unshare the shared document as all users have finished the work and
the file is merged now. But she is a little bit confused about how to unshare the document.
Select the appropriate option for the same:
a) Tool – Share Document
b) Tools – Unshare Document
c) Tools – Turn off Sharing
d) Tools – Close Sharing
Ans. a)
[7] When multiple users are working on the same file, how the conflicts can be managed?
a) It shows the dialog box to keep them
b) It shows the dialog box to save them
c) It shows the dialog box to accept or reject them
d) It shows the dialog box to remove them
Ans. a)
[8] The shared workbooks don’t allow
a) merging cells
b) Conditional Formatting
c) Inserting pictures/graphics
d) All of the above
Ans. d)
[9] Nisha is working on the spreadsheet file. She wants to know the feature which allows
knowing the changes made by others at what time. Which of the following feature is that?
a) Track Data
b) Track Alteration
c) Track Changes
d) Record Changes
Ans. d)
[10] Manohar is working in the spreadsheet. He is searching for a command to track the
record changes from menu. Which menu contains the option for the same?
a) File
b) Edit
c) Insert
d) Data
Ans. b)
[11] If any user has done some changes in a spreadsheet. It is highlighted by
a) Red colour box
b) Blue colour box
c) Yellow colour box
d) Green Colour box
Ans. a)
[12] A deleted row or column is highlighted by
a) a red cross symbol on cells
b) a dash on the selected cells
c) a dotted line under the data
d) heavy coloured bar
Ans. d)
[13] Changes like ______________ are not recorded and marked.
a) Edited a cell
b) Changed text
c) cell formatting
d) Deleted row or column or cell
Ans. c)
[14] Nirmal wants to change the default colour settings of changes made by the user. Which
of the following option is correct for him?
a) Edit – Changes – Color
b) Tools – Options – Calc- Changes
c) Tools – Option – Changes – Color
d) Tools – Changes – Color
Ans. b)
[15] You cannot filter the changes by
a) Date
b) Author
c) Time
d) Range
Ans. c)
[16] Which of the following is not correct about changes data?
a) You can accept all the changes at a time
b) You cannot reject all the changes at a time
c) You can add comments to the changes
d) You can protect the changes through a password
Ans. b)
[17] The ___________ by default contains an explanation of the changes that were made by
the user.
a) Comment
b) Note
c) Header
d) footer
Ans. a)
[18] Merege Document option is available under __________ menu.
a) File
b) Edit
c) Tools
d) Data
Ans. b)
[19] The accept or changes dialog box has which of the following two tabs?
a) Accept or Reject
b) Data, Protection
c) Save, Merge
d) List, Filter
Ans. d)
[20] The original author of the Worksheet can accept or reject changes made by other users.
a) True
b) False
Create and Use macros in spreadsheet – Term 1 MCQ
questions IT 402 Class 10
[1] ______________ is a sequence of commands or keystrokes that are stored and saved for
future use.
a) Goal Seek
b) Macro
c) Formula
d) Cell reference
Ans. b) Macro
[2] Which of the following statement is not correct for macro?
a) Macro language is very flexible
b) It can perform both simple and complex tasks
c) It can repeat the same task over again and again
d) It can run automatically as and when needed
Ans. d)
[3] The macros in the spreadsheet are being created in
a) macro player
b) macro recorder
c) macro storage
d) macro drive
Ans. b) macro recorder
[4] Rutu wants to create a macro in spreadsheet software. But she forgot the command from
menu. Select an appropriate command from the following:
a) Tools -> Macros -> Create Macro
b) Tools -> Macros -> Play Macro
c) Tools -> Macros -> Record Macro
d) Tools -> Macros -> Start Macro
Ans. c) Tools -> Macros -> Record Macro
[5] When all the commands are recorded in macros, you can use ___________________
button to stop the macro recorder.
a) Stop Recording
b) Exit Recording
c) Save Recording
d) Break Recording
Ans. a) Stop Recording
[6] Read the following statement A and B, select the appropriate answer:
Statement A: The new worksheet, by default, does not contain a library.
Statement B: You can create a new library for macro, but it is not necessary.
a) Statement A is correct
b) Statement B is correct
c) Statement A and B are correct
d) Statement A and B are not correct
Ans. c) Statment A and B are correct
[7] If no libraries exist, then the ____________ library is automatically created and used.
a) default
b) automatic
c) built-in
d) standard
Ans. d) standard
[8] By default, the macro New Module dialog box gives a new name to the module is
a) New Module1
b) Module1
c) New Module
d) Module0
Ans. b) Module1
[9] Function names are
a) case sensitive
b) case insensitive
c) editable in the worksheet
d) not repeatable
Ans. b) case insesitive
[10] The security warning dialog box provides which of the following buttons:
a) Enable Macros, Disable Macros, Help
b) Active Macros, Deactive Macros, Exit
c) Run Macros, Stop Macros, Cancel
d) Edit Macros, Save Macros, Exit
Ans. a) Enable Macros, Disable macros, help
[11] Arun got the message – “This document contains macros. Macros may contain viruses.
Execution of is disabled due to the current macro security settings in Tools – Options – – Security. Therefore, some functionality may not be available.” Which of
the following is the cause for this message?
a) The macros are disabled
b) The macros are enabled
c) The macros are created but with errors
d) The macros are not created in the standard library
Ans. a) The macros are disabled
[12] The ___________ is automatically loaded when the document is opened.
a) Spreadsheet Macro Templates
b) Spreadsheet Macro Functions
c) Macro Standard Library
d) Macro Recorder
Ans. c) Macro Standard Library
[13] The arguments passed to macro from Calc are always
a) numeric Values
b) defined ranges
c) values (Numeric or text)
d) existing macros
Ans. a) Numeric Values
[14] Which of the following function refer to a current spreadsheet?
a) ThisComponent.Sheets
b) ThisComponent.LoadSheets()
c) ThisComponent.getSheets()
d) ThisComponent.openSheets()
Ans. c) ThisCompnent.getSheets()
[15] Nayan wants to return a cell at a specific row and column, suggest the function used to
do the same:
a) getCellByReference(row,col)
b) getCellByPostion(row,col)
c) getCellByReference(col,row)
d) getCellByPosition(col,row)
Ans. d) getCellByPosition(col,row)
Unit 3 Database Management Systems (Basic) – Term 1
MCQ questions IT 402 Class 10
[1] A ___________ is an organized collection of data.
a) database
b) record
c) field
d) primary key
Ans. a) database
[2] A database can be visualized as
a) storage media
b) container of information
c) entry point of the computerized work
d) server of the network
Ans. b) container of infromation
[3] Which of the following is not database software?
a) OO base
b) MySQL
c) Oracle
d) MS Publisher
Ans. d) MS Publisher
[4] Ms. Ritu wanted to save data on a single table and for her shop. Which of the following
will be a better option for her to maintain the database?
a) Flat File
b) Relation Database
c) Both a and b
d) Hierarchical
Ans. a) Flat File
[5] Mr. Hemant is working in a multinational company where he needs to save and maintain
his company’s large amount of data and information. Suggest the best suitable option for
a) Flat File
b) Relational Database
c) Hierarchical
d) Both a) and b)
Ans. b) Relational Database
[6] _______________ are dedicated computers that hold the actual databases and run only
DBMS and related software.
a) Database Workstation
b) Database Client
c) Database Servers
d) Database Entry Level Systems
Ans. c) Database Servers
[7] Suman is learning database concepts, But she is confused about the term which makes the
database available to the users through command line or graphical user interface. Select the
appropriate options for the same.
a) Back End
b) Database Server
c) Front End
d) Database Workstation
Ans. c) Front End
[8] The database can be saved into database server which is generally called as
a) Front End
b) Back End
c) Database Workstation
d) Database Programming tool
Ans. a) Front End
[9] Gagan is working on a model that provides database servers to save data and where users
can perform the various commands on the application. which type of data access model he is
working upon?
a) front end
b) back end
c) programming tool
d) Client-Server model
Ans. d) Client-Server model
[10] The duplication of data can be avoided in the database is called __________________
a) Data Redundancy
b) Data Privacy
c) Sharing of data
d) Data Intigrity
[11] Read the statements given below and choose the correct option:
Statement A: In the database, the data can only be shared with authorized users.
Statement B: There are various levels of authorisation of data hence sharing is not possible.
a) Only Statement A is correct
b) Only Statement B is correct
c) Both are correct
d) Both are incorrect
Ans. a) Only Statement A is correct
[12] There should be multiple mismatching copies of data refers to
a) Data Redundancy
b) Data Security
c) Data Integrity
d) Data Consistency
Ans. d) Data Consistency
[13] A ________________ is a collective set of multiple data sets organized by tables,
records and columns.
a) Single Database Management Systems
b) Relational Database Management Systems
c) Flat Database Management Systems
d) Structured Database Management Systems
Ans. b) Relational Database Management Systems
[14] A ________________ is a standard user application that provides an easy programming
interface for database interaction.
a) database repository
b) database access
c) SQL
d) database command-line interface
Ans. c) SQL
[15] __________________ helps to avoid accidental duplication of records caused by user or
computer error.
a) Data Security
b) Sharing
c) Integrity
d) Record Uniqueness
[16] When a primary key is applied to one or more columns then it is known as
a) Foreign Key
b) Composite Primary Key
c) Candidate Key
d) Alternate Key
Ans. b) Composite Primary key
[17] Which of the following key identifies a column or set of columns in one referencing
table that refers to a column or set of columns in another referenced table?
a) Foreign Key
b) Candidate Key
c) Alternate Key
d) Primary Key
Ans. a) Foreign Key
Create and edit tables using wizard and SQL commands
[1] Read the following statements and answer the following:
Statement A: A table has a defined number of columns but can have any number of rows.
Statement B: Each row is identified by its columns name.
a) Statement A is correct
b) Statement B is correct
c) Both are correct
d) Both are incorrect
Ans. a) Statement A is correct
[2] The ______ provides the structure according to which the rows are composed.
a) table
b) tuple
c) record
d) column
[3] Which of the following components represents a single data item in a table?
a) Tuple
b) Field
c) Attribute
d) Column
[4] Yashvi is confused in what are the basic building blocks of the database? Suggest the
appropriate option?
a) Forms
b) Queries
c) Tables
d) Reports
Ans. c) Tables
[5] Priya is searching the ways to create a table in the OO base. Choose the correct option for
a) draw a table, insert a table
b) create a table in design view, use the wizard to create a table
c) create a table from scratch, create table from existing
d) All of these
Ans. b) create a table in design view, use the wizard to create a table
[6] Which of the following option is not present in the table design view?
a) Field Name
b) Field Type
c) Description
d) Remarks
Ans. d) Remarks
[7] The ______________ column in table design view provides an option select required
datatype for the field?
a) Field Name
b) Field Type
c) Field Description
d) Field Remarks
Ans. b) Field Type
[8] The explanatory text about field can be written in the ____________ column in table
design window.
a) Field Name
b) Field Type
c) Field Description
d) Remarks
Ans. c) Field Description
[9] Rahul is working on the last step of creating a table using design view, where he got the
message to assign primary key. He clicks on the Yes button. What will happen in this case?
a) It will add a column ID as primary key
b) It will select the first column as the primary key
c) It will not create any primary key but provides an option to select the column
d) It will open the similar window
Ans. b) It will select the first column as the primary key
[10] Which of the following data type allows to store files like photos, videos or audio files?
a) Longvarchar
b) Boolean
c) Binary
d) Object
Ans. c) Binary
[11] In datasheet view you can save the active record using
a) File -> Save record
b) File -> Save current record
c) File -> Save present record
d) File -> Save active record
Ans. b) File -> Save Current Record
[12] Nainesh wants to know about the term used in the database which identifies the type of
data to store values in the particular field, which of the following is the correct option?
a) Data Types
b) Values
c) Constraints
d) Queries
Ans. a) Data Types
[13] Kalpesh wants to store city names in one of the fields for his table in the database.
Which of the following datatype will be useful for him?
a) Boolean
b) integer
c) varchar
d) binary
[14] Which of the following is not a supported numeric data type by OO base?
a) Numeric Types
b) Alphanumeric Types
c) Float
d) Decimal
Perform operations on table MCQ
[1] Yogesh wants to insert, update and remove the data from the table. Which of the
following view will be useful for him?
a) Table View
b) Edit View
c) Datasheet View
d) Design View
Ans. c) Datasheet View
[2] Which of the following option is correct to edit data into table?
i) Click on edit icon on the toolbar
ii) Double click on a table cell
iii) Right-click on the cell and choose edit
iv) Design view helps to edit data
a) i, ii and iii only
b) i and ii only
c) i, ii and iv
d) All of them
Ans. a) i,ii and iii only
[3] Which of the following option generated automatics field value in a table?
a) Increment Value
b) Automatic Value
c) Auto Value
d) Default Value

Ans.c) Auto Value

[4] Naina wants to set date in DD/MM/YYYY format for her field DateOfJoining in table
employee. Suggest the field properties can be used for the same:
a) Auto Value
b) Format Example
c) Set Format
d) Apply Format
Ans. b) Format Example
[5] _______________ is used to maintain accuracy and consistency of data in database.
a) Referential Integrity
b) Referntial Activity
c) Consistent Data Entry
d) Identical Integrity
Ans. a) Referential Integrity
[6] Which of the following is one of the key features of a relationship?
a) Required to enter same data in all tables
b) Don’t allow to enter data more than one table
c) Capable to fetch data from another relation
d) All of the above
Ans. c) Capable to fetch data from another relation
[7] Which of the following is not one of the type of relationships offered by RDBMS?
a) One to One
b) Many to One
c) Many to Many
d) All to all
Ans.d) All to all
[8] There are ____ ways to create relationship in OO base.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Ans. b) 2
[9] The _________ relationship both table must have the primary key.
a) One to One
b) One to many
c) many to Many
d) None
Ans. a) one to one
[10] In ______________ relationship one of the table must have the primary key.
a) one to one
b) One to many
c) many to many
d) none
Ans. b) One to Many
[11] Dilip has created multiple tables without any primary key. He want to use relationship
for his tabels, which of the following type relationship he can use now?
a) one to one
b) one to many
c) many to many
d) none
Ans. c) many to many
[12] Read the following statements and choose the correct answer:
Statement A: Relationship once created cannot be removed.
Statement B: Relationships can be only removed when tables are dropped.
a) Statement A is Correct
b) Statement B is correct
c) Both are correct
d) Both are incorrect
Ans. d) Both are incorrect

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