81275830-03 Terms of Reference

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Terms of reference (ToRs) for the

procurement of services below the EU


Project number/
cost centre:
Develop of 3 digital self-learning courses for the target group of
TVET teachers, students and in-company trainers in Vietnam 17.2058.0-001.00

0. List of abbreviations .................................................................................................. 2

1. Context........................................................................................................................ 3

2. Tasks to be performed by the contractor ................................................................. 4

3. Concept......................................................................................................................15
Technical-methodological concept ..............................................................................15
Other specific requirements.........................................................................................15
Project management of the contractor .........................................................................15

4. Personnel concept ....................................................................................................16

Team leader ................................................................................................................16
Short-term expert pool with minimum 2, maximum 7 members ...................................17

5. Costing requirements ...............................................................................................17

Assignment of personnel .............................................................................................17
Travel ..........................................................................................................................17
Flexible remuneration item ..........................................................................................18

6. Inputs of GIZ or other actors ....................................................................................18

7. Requirements on the format of the bid ....................................................................18

8. Annexes .....................................................................................................................18

Form 41-14-1-en 1
0. List of abbreviations

AVB General Terms and Conditions of Contract (AVB) for supplying services
and work 2020

BMZ Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

CV Curriculum Vitae

DVET Directorate of Vocational Education and Training

DX Digital transformation

GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

LMS Learning Management System

MoLISA Ministry of Labour, Invalides and Social Affairs

PwD People with Disabilities

ToRs Terms of reference

TVET Technical Vocational Education and Training

VCMI Vocational College of Machinery and Irrigation

WBT Web Based Training

1. Context

General background
The joint Vietnamese-German technical cooperation Programme Reform of Technical
Vocational Education and Training in Viet Nam (TVET Programme) is financed by the
German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) with counterpart
funds from the Vietnamese Government. The implementing agencies are GIZ and the
Directorate of Vocational Education and Training (DVET) under the Ministry of Labour,
Invalides and Social Affairs (MoLISA). The TVET Programme aims to better align TVET in
Viet Nam to the changing world of work. It consists of three outputs:
• Output 1: State actors, TVET staff, TVET institutes and the business sector are
• Output 2: The regulatory framework of TVET is aligned to the requirements of the
changing world of work,
• Output 3: The concept of High-Quality TVET institutes is successfully implemented in
selected TVET institutes.
The ultimate goal of the TVET Programme is to improve the supply of demand-orientated
qualified workforce of TVET in Vietnam.
Output distribution of the assignment: 40/30/30.

Background of the activity

Digital transformation (DX) has become an inevitable trend. It triggers a holistic impact, and
brings in new business model, products and services to any organization. In Vietnam, the
government has developed a regulatory framework to guide the implementation of DX. Among
legal documents, the Decision No. 749/QD-TTg dated June 3, 2020 and the Directive No.
24/CT-TTg dated May 28, 2020 issued by the Prime Minister are crucial. In the TVET sector,
DX may compel a new way of management and administration as well as learning and teaching
practices. In addition, due to the changing world of work increased autonomy and
competitiveness in education, and the COVID-19 pandemic, TVET colleges need to initiate DX
to develop a more adaptive, flexible, open, and responsive training system to rapidly cope with
external factors.
DX is also one of the key focuses of the TVET Programme with regard to 6 specific
components as below:
• Education and training contents
• Teaching and learning methods
• Digital teachers and students
• Digital administration and management
• Regulatory framework
• Digital infrastructure, platform and courseware

One target of the programme is to develop and disseminate 3 cross-occupational, inclusive

further training courses via a platform run by the Programme´s partner ministry. The following
03 training courses are considered to be further developed as self-paced e-learning courses:
one training course on environmental protection, resource and energy efficiency (green

course), one training course on inclusive curricula adaption and one on in-company trainer
The three training courses should be offered as self-paced courses and uploaded as an
Open Educational Resource (OER) on the moodle based e-learning platform Atingi.

2. Tasks to be performed by the contractor

The aim of the services to be awarded is to develop three digital self-learning courses for the
target group of TVET teachers, students and in-company trainers in Vietnam which can be
used throughout the country. The courses are to be developed based on existing face-to-face
training courses.

This implies replacing in-presence hours of both, the learners and instructors, in favour of self-
paced asynchronous learning. This is to be achieved through instructional re-design of course
content based on e-learning principles as well as digitization of existing content and creation
of learning videos, graphics, animations and interactive HTML5 content (e.g. games, quizzes,

The TVET Programme will contract Vietnamese experts/trainers who have been involved in
the development of the course content/curriculum and have conducted the trainings in a face-
to-face/presence format. They will be responsible for giving content input, quality assurance of
topic content, translation and the quality assurance of the translation. A close cooperation with
the Vietnamese experts is therefore crucial and has to be coordinated by the contractor.

The consultant will be responsible for the following:

• Steering and coordination of the entire development and implementation process, technical
design and implementation of three self-paced e-learning courses
• Coordination with Vietnamese experts and the TVET Programme team
• Instructional design for eLearning courses based on existing content and input from
Vietnamese subject matter experts
• Creation of interactive digital learning materials and media content
• Designing and developing a functional prototype of the e-learning courses for review and
• Completing the development of the three self-paced and interactive e-learning courses
• Uploading the learning courses into the Atingi e-learning platform (atingi.org)

Specifically, the service provider is expected to perform the following tasks:

Project Management:

(Please note: All workshops etc. take place online!)

• Preparing and running a kick-off workshop with the TVET Programme and the Vietnamese
experts to launch the development process of the e-learning courses. The preparation of
the workshop structure and the list of participants is to be realized in cooperation with GIZ.

• Facilitate and participate in meetings and workshops needed to define course objectives,
identify learner needs and adapt content
• Develop a project plan to guide the project to completion
• Respond to any feedback and comments from the TVET Programme, Vietnamese experts,
and other stakeholders in a timely manner and provide well-structured feedback, and
continuously update the project team on the progress of the assignment
• Collaborate with Vietnamese experts on e-learning course development

Content Design and Development:

• Collaborate closely with Vietnamese experts and the TVET Programme team to
understand and evaluate existing content and future needs, to assemble topics and
contents and develop the structure and key functions of the e-learning courses
• Plan out the instructional approach of each course, including learner knowledge
assessments based on learning objectives; then revising by integrating feedback from the
TVET Programme and Vietnamese experts
• Creating a detailed storyboard for the course, then revising by integrating feedback from
TVET Programme and Vietnamese experts
• Develop the courses, then revise by integrating feedback from the client
• Developing the e-learning courses with interactive and multimedia elements (e.g. H5P),
including but not limited to videos (with audio and subtitles) and animated graphics, and
gamification elements, while assuring that the developed materials are compatible with the
Atingi LMS
• Integrate developed content into existing Atingi LMS and finalize courses to go live

Requirements for the courses:

The e-learning courses are intended to be offered in the form of a virtual self-learning course
to as many participants of the target group as possible.

The courses meet the following requirements:

• Self-paced learning
• The courses should be structured in courses, which are divided into smaller learning units,
so that participants can stop between sessions and take up the training again later on.
Learning units should also be tracked and marked as completed, so the learners can avoid
repeating content
• Learner-centred
• Intermediate or higher level of interactivity, including adaptive feedback and scoring
• Medium degree of identification
• High practical relevance (examples need to be relevant to local TVET teachers, in-
company trainers and in case of the Green module also trainees)
• Intuitive use
• Positive user experience
• Courses include assessment tools to assess and document learning progress and
successful completion of the courses

• Provide e-learning tracking methodologies such as personal learning dashbord and and
reporting dashboard
• Suitable for different devices such as computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones:
responsive design
• The courses should be available in English and Vietnamese, videos should have audio and
subtitles/captions in both languages
• The courses should be easily accessible, meeting AA criteria of the Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 (w3.org)
• The visual language should be in line with programme regulations
• The courses will be completed through an assessment/test and result in a certificate of
successful participation
• In addition to the contents of the courses, the following components are to be created in
cooperation with the Vietnamese experts and integrated into the course:
o a glossary of the most important technical terms
o Background materials that can be used for in-depth work on the topic (e.g. the
existing manuals)

The courses are to be technically designed in a way which allows learners to choose
between the language options English and Vietnamese. The courses are first to be
developed in English. After the content is approved by the TVET Programme team, GIZ will
provide the Vietnamese translation. The e-learning courses should be adjusted by the
contractor and made available in Vietnamese language as well.

In terms of multimedia, the Contractor shall ensure consultation and use of adequate design
and interactive elements for each learning page of the WBTs. This is a course with a medium
or above level of interactivity and multimedia. The development of (interactive) graphics,
learning avatars, etc. is explicitly desired. The media mix must be diverse and didactically
meaningful. Necessary freely licensed graphics or images are to be acquired or designed by
the contractor (OER).

All media and graphic elements (e.g. photos, graphics, videos) used in the WBT, unless
otherwise commissioned by GIZ, must be provided with a Creative Commons (CC) license,
preferably public domain (CC0), attribution alone (naming the author, CC-BY) or attribution
and share alike (naming the author and sharing under the same license, CC-BY-SA). The
rights to case studies and other materials used for WBT creation must be available or also
under a CC license. The courses or the WBT in its entirety as well as all other learning
materials shall - unless otherwise agreed - be made available as OER on the learning
platform atingi under the following CC license: attribution and non-commercial (attribution of
the author + reuse for non-commercial purposes, CC-BY-NC).

Authoring Tool:
It is recommended to create the WBTs with Articulate Rise 360, Articulate Storyline or Adobe
Captivate. The Contractor shall justify his/her choice and coordinate it with the TVET
Programme staff. The project/resource files are part of the delivery along with the SCORM

packages. The use of other authoring tools requires consultation with and agreement of the
GIZ project team.

Technical Standards:
The Contractor shall ensure that the WBTs are developed as standard compliance, e.g.
SCORM or API (reference models) in up-to date web standards (e.g. html 5) and without
additional required plugins (such as Adobe Flash Player). The courses must be importable
into a standard platform or learning management system (LMS) and run there without errors.
The Content creation process must include minimum two (2) focus group tests, to assess the
content´s usability and meaningfulness, and to ensure that all set performance goals/learning
objectives are met. After completion, final feedback loop and acceptance by the client, the
WBTs will be uploaded to the learning platform atingi by the contractor and additionally
transferred to GIZ. The Contractor shall examine the possibility of offering the learning units
both online and offline. Participants should be able to work offline on as much content as
possible so that it is also possible to conduct the courses without a stable Internet connection
if necessary.

Updating the courses:

The provider should develop the digital content so that the content can be updated at a later
date by the TVET Programme. On final approval, provider will hand over/ make available all
files, graphics, source code, version handling tickets, to ensure that the TVET Programme
staff has all necessary programming data available in case updates are required after the
Agreement determination.
Data security and upholding data privacy regulations:
If personal data are gathered and processed in the course creation process, the process
must comply with the legal requirements for data protection, including the EU GDPR
(DSGVO). The principles of data protection, such as purpose limitation, data economy and
avoidance, transparency, and necessity must be taken into account. The requirements of
data protection law, such as the obligation to provide proof, to retain, and to delete data,
must be fulfilled. Furthermore, the Contractor shall ensure compliance with the GDPR
(DSGVO) and/or local formalities and shall include the necessary information in a protocol on
processing activities. Company internal data and documents should be stored and processed
in a secure environment that prevents unauthorized access.

Phases of the assignment

The development process of the e-learning courses - and thus the assignment - consists of
the following phases which build on each other and are closely interlinked:

1) Analysis and outline

In this phase, the contractor and Vietnamese experts meet with the TVET Programme team
to agree on the basic scope of the courses, the target groups and review the existing training
documents and other existing e-learning courses and materials.

Based on the results of the analysis, the Vietnamese experts formulate the learning
objectives at course level and for the individual learning units. The contractor then develops
the didactic design (instructional design), identifies suitable learning formats and determines
the evaluation strategy. In order to make the learning process as varied and motivating as

possible, different interactive, multimedia and audio-visual elements should be used and
combined in a didactically meaningful way. Furthermore, the contractor advises on and
implements industry best practices in the e-learning course development. The contractor
suggests and clarifies technical solutions and instructional design approaches such as
knowledge assessments and delivery methods. The contractor familiarizes her-/himself with
the needs and requirements of Atingi.

With this information, the contractor prepares an instructional design document for each e-
learning course. The document should include:
o Definition of targeted learners
o Learning objectives at course, module and learning unit level
o Main sub-contents, based on selected chapters and contents of existing
manuals and materials
o Instructional design/Modes of content presentation (video, text, infographic,
visuals, interactive elements, gamification elements…)
o Number and mode of exercises and tasks the participants have to fulfil
o Mode of test/examination of knowledge
The outlines should then be checked again by national experts to ensure that the content is
in line with the formulated objective and that it is relevant for the target group. The contractor
will then send the outlines to the programme for comments and will revise and finalise them
based on the comments.

2) Script and storyboard creation

Based on the instructional design documents, the scripts and storyboards are created by the
contractor. The Vietnamese experts and TVET Programme personnel should perform a
quality check and the contractor will revise the scripts and storyboards accordingly.

For each course, an introductory unit is to be created which gives participants an introduction
to the course and guidance on how to use it.

Participants will work on the three courses independently. Therefore, the courses have to
allow for self-paced learning, and it requires that the modules of each course can be worked
on independently of each other. The following structure should be used as a basis for each

- Introduction to the topic

- 3-4 learning modules per course
- Summary if applicable
- Performance evaluation/self-assessment

The introduction to the topic should spark interest and motivate learning. This could be
achieved by means of a concrete problem in a real context. All course introductions can also
be embedded in a frame story (storytelling) which runs like a thread through the entire course
and ensures high motivation. Gamification elements such as receiving points or having
“lives” could also improve interest and motivation. Another good practice would be to have
decision making questions in the middle of videos to increase the attention of participants
and the level of interactivity.

With the script, the contractor produces the storyboards for the 3 e-learning courses to show
interaction of text, graphics and video elements.

Diverse representation. The content should:

• Reflect a broad diversity in learning contents, activities and assessments

• Avoid the use of stereotypes
• Offer activities that encourage learners to connect the learning contents to their own
and others’ sociocultural backgrounds
• Demonstrate that different ideas and perspectives are valued
• Gender aspects have to be taken into account in the development process especially,
i.e. there should be balanced relationship between male and female characters
mentioned throughout the courses.

After the storyboards are finalised in English, they will be translated and checked by
Vietnamese experts and the TVET Programme team.

3) Production
The courses will be developed on the basis of the scripts and storyboards in English (videos
synchronized and captioned) and programmed. Then the courses will be tested and, if
necessary, adapted. Any changes will be made in the Vietnamese scripts/storyboards
accordingly. Then the Vietnamese version will be finalised. The Vietnamese experts are
responsible for ensuring the equivalence and quality of Vietnamese language version.

4) Post-production

The courses are to be integrated into atingi and stored on a separate data storage. The draft
version of the courses should then be tested by the contractor, Vietnamese experts, DVET
and teachers and trainees from partner TVET institutes. Then a review meeting with the
TVET Programme team will be organised. The contractor revises the e-learning courses

The contractor in discussion with the Vietnamese experts prepares a report in English on the
development of the e-learning courses and give recommendations for the usage and further
development of the courses.


Certain milestones, as laid out in the table below, are to be achieved by certain dates during
the contract term, and at particular locations:

Milestone Deadline/place/person responsible

Finalised instructional design for three 15.01.2022
courses are available
Quality checked scripts and storyboards are 31.03.2022
available in both languages
The prototype is available 15.05.2022
The prototype is revised 15.06.2022
The courses in final form is integrated in 31.07.2022
The report is available 15.08.2022

Period of assignment
The assignment is expected to run from 22 November 2021 to 30 August 2022, though the
time schedule given below is tentative. According to internal regulations, we have to indicate
a contract period of 12 months, but we ask to provide the service by 30 August 2022 at the
latest and to invoice promptly.

The expected number of working days is always “up to” (the service provider is expected to
keep a time sheet).

40 expert days are assigned to the team leader for overall management, coordination and
backstopping of the implementation of the project.

What When Number of

Work package 1: Analysis and outline
Kick-off workshop November 2021 2
Lead in organization, documentation etc.
November 2021 6
Review materials

Create a project timeline December 2021 1

Create and revise instructional design documents of the three December 2021 5

Expected deliverables for work package 1

1. Review of training materials finalized
2. Solidified project timeline is available
3. Finalised instructional design documents for 3 e-learning courses

What When/Where Number of

Work package 2: Script and storyboard creation 80

- Create the scripts for the courses. Each course January – March 70
includes: 2022
1. Introduction
2. 3-4 modules
3. Summary
4. Evaluation
- Create the storyboards in line with the scripts for three
Quality check and revision of storyboard March 2022 10

Expected deliverable for work package 2

1. Finalised scripts for 3 e-learning courses
2. Finalised storyboards for 3 e-learning courses

What When/Where Number of
Work package 3: Production 155

- Develop key functions of e-learning system to respond to

digital contents and concept;
- Produce digital learning materials, video with audio, graphics,
and animations to embed in the platform and coordinate with
programme team and TVET experts in order to produce other
multimedia as mentioned above;
April – July 2022 155
- Integrate video with audio, graphics, animations and any other
digital resources with the platform;
- Ensure that all developed digital learning materials are
compatible and function well with the platform;
- Provide beta version of e-learning courses to the programme
team and TVET experts for review, revision, remediation and
Expected deliverable for work package 4
1. Beta version of eLearning courses with the finalized structure, the key functions, and the digital
learning materials and other multimedia.

What When/Where Number of

Work package 5: Post-Production 11

Integrate e-learning courses into Atingi July 2022 1

- Collect feedback and comments from the experts; July - August 10

- Fix issues and errors as and when these occur; 2022
- Write a final report on e-learning development and further

Expected deliverable for work package 5

1. The final version of the eLearning courses (courses 1-3) and all produced digital learning materials
on Atingi.
2. Final report
Completion of Work Package 1-5

TOTAL NUMBER OF DAYS (UP TO) for work package 1-5 260 days

Content of the courses

Course 1: “Environmental protection, energy and resource efficiency”

In 2017-2018, with the support from an internal consultant engaged by the TVET
Programme, teachers from the Vocational College of Machinery and Irrigation (VCMI)
created a 36-hour training course titled “Environmental protection, energy and resource
efficiency”. The course aims to provide VET students with cross-occupational ‘green’ skills,

and can be taught in full, or in parts depending on the needs of different training
Between 2018-2020 the course was introduced to about 35 VET institutes nationwide. In
2020, the programme “Reform of TVET in Vietnam” worked with DVET to revise the course
with the aim to have DVET’s endorsement for large-scale dissemination.

The course has 36 hours of training, of which there are 24 hours of practice (67%), 10 hours
of theory (28%), and 02 hours of testing/examination (6%). The four lessons include:
- Lesson 1: Resource and energy efficiency
- Lesson 2: Waste management
- Lesson 3: Handling of hazardous substances
- Lesson 4: Project work to integrate vocational and green skills
Lessons 1-3 are parts of the original course created by VCMI. Lesson 4 was added as part of
the revision process. The learning content of 12 hours (theory and practice) should be
converted to 6 hours of e-learning training module.

The overall structure of the course is as follows:

Total Theory Practice Test

1 Lesson 1: Resource and energy efficiency 10 4 5,5 0,5

2 Lesson 2: Waste management 8 3 4,5 0,5

3 Lesson 3: Handling of hazardous substances 8 3 5 -

4 Lesson 4: Project work 9 9

5 End-of-course test 1 - - 1

Course 2: “Inclusion in TVET”

1. Objective
Within the framework of the Programme Reform of TVET in Vietnam, the inclusion of people
with disabilities (PwD) in TVET is being promoted. In order to support people with disabilities
to take part in formal TVET, the TVET teachers need improved skills and knowledge for
adapting curricula, lessons and assessments to diverse needs. The objective of the activity is

to create an easily accessible self-paced e-learning course to equip teachers with the
necessary knowledge. After the training, the teachers will
• understand the concept of disability and inclusion as well as the advantages of
inclusive training,
• have knowledge about differentiating and adapting curricula, lesson plans, different
content, as well as teaching and examination methods to needs of diverse learners
(including learners with disabilities and different disability types),
• have enhanced their soft skills in working with disadvantaged trainees.

The consultancy firm will develop and design a self-paced e-learning course on “Inclusive
Training: Adapting Curricula, Lesson Plans and Examination”. The course will be created
based on an existing training course for curricula adaption and a toolkit on digital

The self-paced e-learning course should include the following contents:

Content Approximate duration

1. Key inclusive TVET concepts and values,
1 hour
international best practices
2. Inclusive training methodology
2 hours
3. How to adapt curricula, lesson plans and
2 hours
4. Creating inclusive digital content and e-learning
1 hour

The course will last for approximately 6 hours, including videos, reading and exercises. The
course focuses on content 3 and 4. The content 1-3 are based on the course on inclusive
curricula adaption. Content 4 is based on the digital accessibility toolkit. The materials are
available in both in English and Vietnamese, mostly in PPT, Word and PDF format.

The target group are TVET teachers. Most of them might not have any previous experience
with inclusive training design and curricula and training adaption. As the topic is not a
mandatory further training for them, it is of utmost importance to design the course in a way
that makes it fun and attractive to the target group. Examples and cases provide need to be
highly relevant to the reality of their training experience.

The consultancy firm is expected to work together closely with Vietnamese experts to create
a highly relevant and engaging course.

Course 3: “In-company trainer training” for in-company training instructors

Course objectives

Upon the completion of the on-line self-pace training course, participants will be able to:
• Describe in-company training process;
• Carry out work place analysis for job positions;
• Identify employees’ knowledge and occupational skill gaps as well as their training
• Prepare training profile;
• Conduct in-company training, including training lesson plan preparation, training
preparation, training delivery and assessment of learning outcomes.
• Be aware of the issues related to occupational safety, environmental protection,
gender equality and equal access in a working environment in order to effectively
integrate them into a training process.

The consultancy firm will develop self-pace learning course based on the training programme
approved by DVET. Training materials developed for previous offline training courses
including (presentations, case studies and group exercises) will be used as reference during
the development of online self-pace learning course to ensure it linked to the specific context
of in-company training instructor in Vietnam.

The self-pace learning course should be adaptable to ensure that videos and other training
materials can be integrated by administrators after launching.

The self-pace learning course will be in 6.5 seating hours including videos, presentations,
case studies, individuals exercises and final examinations. The time allocation for training
contents are specified as following:

Content Approximate duration

1. Identification of training needs 1

2. Development of a training lesson plan 1

3. Preparation for training 1

4. Delivery of training 2
5. Assessment of learning outcomes 1
6. Examination 0.5 hour

3. Concept

In the bid, the bidder is required to show how the objectives defined in Chapter 2 are to be
achieved, if applicable under consideration of further specific method-related requirements
(technical-methodological concept). In addition, the bidder must describe the project
management system for service provision.

Technical-methodological concept

Strategy: The bidder is required to consider the tasks to be performed with reference to the
objectives of the services put out to tender (see Chapter 1) and includes a critical
examination of the tasks with recommendations if applicable (1.1.1 of the assessment grid).

Following this, the bidder presents and justifies the strategy with which it intends to provide
the services for which it is responsible (see Chapter 2):

- concept and format for the e-learning courses, including initial ideas for the
appearance and design of the courses. The bidder includes 2-3 examples (e.g., live
samples or screenshots) from its previous work in the area of course concept and
format, appearance, and design (1.1.2 of the assessment grid)
- didactic and multimedia concept including 2-3 examples (e.g., live samples or
screenshots) from its previous work (1.1.3 of the assessment grid)
- technical implementation concept, considering the requirements (see chapter 2)
(1.1.4 of the assessment grid)

The bidder is required to present the actors relevant for the services for which it is
responsible and describe the cooperation with them (1.2.1 of the assessment grid).

Description of development process: The bidder is required to describe the process steps
that it would take to develop the e-learning courses. The bidder proposes a detailed timeline
for the project (using the timeline shown in these ToRs as a basis) (1.4.1 of the assessment
grid). The bidder describes how to manage the knowledge and information flows needed for
the project (1.4.2 of the assessment grid).

Other specific requirements

- Not applicable -

Project management of the contractor

The bidder is required to explain its approach of coordination with the TVET Programme and
Vietnamese subject matter experts and explain its suggested communication structure (1.6.1
of the assessment grid).

• The contractor is responsible for selecting and steering the team members assigned to
perform the tasks.
• The contractor is responsible for coordinating with Vietnamese topic experts and
integrate their advice and input.

The bidder is required to draw up a personnel assignment plan with explanatory notes that
lists all the experts proposed in the bid; the plan includes information expert days of the
individual members of the team complete with the allocation of work steps as set out in the
schedule and the tasks to be completed (1.6.2 of the assessment grid).

The bidder is required to describe its backstopping concept (1.6.3 of the assessment grid).
The following services are part of the standard backstopping package, which (like ancillary
personnel costs) must be factored into the fee schedules of the staff listed in the bid in
accordance with section 5.4 of the AVB:

• Service-delivery control
• Managing adaptations to changing conditions
• Securing the administrative conclusion of the project

4. Personnel concept

The bidder is required to provide personnel who are suited to filling the positions described,
on the basis of their CVs (see Chapter 7), the range of tasks involved and the required

The below specified qualifications represent the requirements to reach the maximum number
of points.

Team leader

Tasks of the team leader

- Overall responsibility for the services of the contractor (quality and deadlines)
- Oversee production and assure didactical quality of products
- Coordinating and ensuring communication with the TVET Programme, Vietnamese
experts and other involved stakeholders
- Regular exchange and documentation of assignment progress
- Personnel management within the available budget, as well as planning and steering
- Final Report

Qualifications of the team leader

- Education/training (2.1.1): University qualification (German ‘Diplom’/Master) in the field
of IT, media education, pedagogy, or other relevant degree
- Language (2.1.2): Fluent business language skills in English
- General professional experience (2.1.3): 5 years of professional experience in the
digital learning or online training sector
- Specific professional experience (2.1.4): 5 years of professional experience in e-
learning project management, developing project management plans for e-learning
courses, managing project teams for developing e-learning (including personnel,
budget and time instructional design); 5 years of experience in instructional design; 5
years of experience in the development of e-learning courses in the field of technical
vocational education and training
- Leadership/management experience (2.1.5): 5 years of management/leadership
experience as project team leader or manager in a company
- Regional experience (2.1.6): not applicable
- Development Cooperation (DC) experience (2.1.7): 2 years of experience in DC
- Other (2.1.8): Proven knowledge of data security, cyber security and data privacy
protection measures

Short-term expert pool with minimum 2, maximum 7 members

Tasks of the short-term expert pool

- Development of the e-learning courses considering the requirements and
development phases of chapter 2
- Cooperation with Vietnamese experts

Qualifications of the short-term expert pool

- Education/training (2.6.1): 1 expert with university qualification (German
‘Diplom’/Master) in pedagogy, media education or similar, 1 expert with university
qualification in IT or similar (German ‘Diplom’/Master); 1 expert with university
qualification in graphic design or other design related fields or similar (German
- Language (2.6.2): All experts with very good language skills in English
- General professional experience (2.6.3): all experts with 5 years of experience in the
development of e-learning courses
- Specific professional experience (2.6.4):
2 experts with 5 years of experience in e-learning development in the field of
technical and vocational education and training;
1 expert with 7 years of experience in the instructional design sector;
1 expert with 7 years of professional experience in the development of multimedia
elements for eLearning applications (video, graphics, animations, etc.)
1 expert with 7 years of experience in development of storyboards and content for e-
1 expert with 7 years experience in innovative digital media production, especially
HTML authoring software
- Regional experience (2.6.5): not applicable
- Development Cooperation (DC) experience (2.6.6): 2 experts with at least 2 years of
experience in DC
- Other (2.6.7): not applicable

The bidder must provide a clear overview of all proposed short-term experts and their
individual qualifications.

5. Costing requirements

If restrictions arise due to the measures to combat the Corona virus / Covid-19 (restrictions in
air transport and other travel, restrictions on admission, quarantine measures, etc.) GIZ and
the contractor are obliged to adjust their contractual services to the changed conditions in
good faith, e.g. in terms of period of performance, service content and - if necessary -

Assignment of personnel

Team leader: 40 expert days

Expert pool: Assignment in Germany/country of residence for 260 expert days


No travel is foreseen.

Flexible remuneration item

A flexible remuneration of up to 15.000 EUR is possible. Use of the flexible remuneration

item must be approved in text form by GIZ before the costs in question are incurred.
Settlement will be made against proof.

Please note: The maximum budget provided by GIZ for implementing these activities
amounts to 210.000.- EUR. Bids that exceed this maximum budget will not be

6. Inputs of GIZ or other actors

GIZ and/or other actors are expected to make the following available:

• Training materials and documents on the topics

• Vietnamese experts to collaborate on the creation of courses
• Translation of the courses to Vietnamese
• Access to the Atingi platform

7. Requirements on the format of the bid

The structure of the bid must correspond to the structure of the ToRs. In particular, the
detailed structure of the concept (Chapter 3) is to be organised in accordance with the
positively weighted criteria in the assessment grid (not with zero). It must be legible (font size
11 or larger) and clearly formulated. The bid is drawn up in English.

The complete bid shall not exceed 15 pages (excluding CVs and references which are to be
submitted with the concept).

The CVs of the personnel proposed in accordance with Chapter 4 of the ToRs must be
submitted using the format specified in the terms and conditions for application. The CVs
shall not exceed 4 pages. The CVs must clearly show the position and job the proposed
person held in the reference project and for how long. The CVs can also be submitted in

If one of the maximum page lengths is exceeded, the content appearing after the cut-off point
will not be included in the assessment.

Please calculate your price bid based exactly on the aforementioned costing requirements. In
the contract the contractor has no claim to fully exhaust the days/travel/workshops/ budgets.
The number of days/travel/workshops and the budget amount shall be agreed in the contract
as ‘up to’ amounts. The specifications for pricing are defined in the price schedule.

8. Annexes

Atingi factsheet


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