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Description B

CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80.. en

1. General instructions 2
2. Type references 2
3. Function 2
4. Camera controls 5
5. Assembly 6
5.1 Determining scanning direction 6
5.2 Determining camera measuring range and distance
between camera and web 6
5.3 Determining the light transmitter size and distance M
between the light transmitter and camera 7
5.4 Camera assembly 8
5.5 Light transmitter assembly 8
5.6 Determining the background 9
5.7 Determining the background 9
6. Installation 10
7. Commissioning 10
7.1 Position camera 10
7.2 Check wiring 11
7.3 Check supply voltage 11
7.4 Set camera CAN address 11
7.5 Position the web edge in the camera visual range 12
7.6 Set the camera aperture and focusing 12
7.8 Camera configuration 14
7.8 Camera calibration 18
7.9 Width measuring function calibration 21
7.10 Perform application-dependent settings 21
8. Operation 23
8.1 Specify set position value for web guiding 23
9. Camera start-up response 25
10. Paramter list (Excerpt) 25
11. Error messages 27
13. Technical data 28
12. Maintenance 28

CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

This description applies for all CCD array cameras in the OL 80.. se-
1. General ries. It explains the standard operation for width measuring and web
instructions guiding with one or two cameras on a moving web.
1.1 Description Keep the description in a safe place, accessible to personnel at all
The description is part of the package supplied and should be read
carefully prior to assembly, operation and maintenance work .

1.2 Explanation of symbols ➜ = jobs to be performed

= important information and instructions

1.3 Operation The CCD array camera Opto Line OL 80.. should only be operated
by qualified personnel or suitably instructed persons.

CCD array cameras in the OL 80.. series are only differientated by

2. Type references their various lenses (measuring ranges). The function of the cameras
is identical. The first two digits of the type reference indicate the ca-
mera resolution (80 = 8192), the third and fourth digits, the lens focal
Example: OL 8028
focal length 28 mm

3. Function
3.1 Purpose The CCD array camera Opto Line OL 80.. was developed for con-
tact-free position measuring. It detects the position of contrasts (ed-
ges, lines, flutes or grooves) on a moving web. The measuring result
can be used for width measuring, web guiding, following up actua-
tors or tools such as cutters etc..
In this description the camera and standard operation for width
measuring and web guiding with one or two cameras is explained.
Specialised applications designed by E+L are described separately
in the system specifications or operating instructions.

3.2 Design A width measuring system consists of:

- one or several cameras
- a set of cables
- one or two light transmitters
- a DO 002. remote display
A web guiding system consists of:
- one or several cameras
- a set of cables
- one or two light transmitters
- an E+L controller with command station

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CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

3.3 Operating principle Two different scanning methods are used to detect contrasts, front-
lighting and backlighting. The method applied depends on the indivi-
dual job.

Frontlighting Backlighting

Scanning methodes
With the frontlighting method the light transmitter and camera are
on the same side, either above or below the object. The camera cat-
ches the light reflected by the object from the light transmitter. When
frontlighting is used, outer edges and lines, flutes or grooves can all
be detected.
With the backlighting method the light transmitter is positioned be-
hind the object to be scanned, as seen from the scanned object. In
the case of non-transparent materials, only the outer edges are de-
The following applies for both methods:
Whether one or two cameras are used to establish the position de-
pends on the resolution and web width required (see block diagram).
What is important is that when width measuring or web guiding with
one camera, both web edges are always in the camera visual range.
When width measuring or web guiding with two cameras, one web
edge each must be in the camera visual range.
The centrepiece of the camera is a charge coupled device with 2048
pixels. The individual pixels convert the light shed into signal volta-
ges. Contrast changes in the camera measuring range such as a
web or printed line on a web cause a change in the voltage. The
camera can detect up to 30 contrast changes in its measuring range,
regardless of whether these are caused by one or several webs. See
fig. on the bottom of page 4.

*CCD = Charge-Coupled-Device

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CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

A maximum of 8 measuring values can be output on the basis of the

positions recorded. A measuring value value is a contrast position
(e.g. the web edge position) or the center between two contrasts
(e.g. the the web or line center position).
A built-in light controller makes the camera practically impervious to
soiling caused by dust and environmental factors such as steam or
ambient light fluctuations.
All data to the camera (camera settings, measured value selection)
and from the camera (measured value position, error messages, sta-
tus information) are transferred via a CAN interface. The CAN con-
troller is built into the camera. The in-house E+L protocol is used on
the CAN bus. Coupling to other buses or unit interfaces is esta-
blished via special interface modules that can be attached to the
CAN bus. Two keys and a 16-bit LED display are available for basic
operating functions, setting the CAN address, focusing the camera
and displaying the measured value position. Further settings are per-
formed via an E+L command station DO.. or RT.. .


Light transmitter

CCD camera
visual range
Edge Printed line (dark)

Web (light)


Scan on oscilloscope

1 23
1 Edge
2/3 Line

Pixel 1 2048 -------> Scanning direction

Frontlighing principle

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CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

LED display
4. Camera controls In normal mode, the LED display indicates the position of the measu-
red value (e.g. the web center) in the camera measuring range. In
the event of malfunctions, it indicates various errors, see error mes-
sages section.
The LED on the arrow indicates when the camera is ready for opera-
tion. When connected to the power, it lights up red until camera initia-
lisation is complete. When the camera is ready for operation it lights
up green.
GRP key
Use the GRP key to set the group number and focus the camera,
see the "Setting the camera CAN address" and "Focusing the came-
ra" sections.
DEV key
Use the DEV key to set the camera device number, see "Setting the
camera CAN address" section.
Camera controls
The DEV key is also used to set which measured value is to be indi-
cated on the LED display. Press and hold down the DEV key. The
address of the measured value currently being displayed is indicated.
The addresses of all configured measured values are displayed in
sequence at 5 second intervals. Release the key once the address of
the required measured value appears.

Other settings by the E+L Setup Editor.

The setup editor is a software tool for calibrating and confi-
guring E+L CAN modules such as camera OL 80.. . In setup
mode parameters can be displayed and some changed as
well. Setup mode is accessed via a command station DO ....
or operator panel RT .... . See description "CAN-Bus, seriel
bus und setup editor".
If the cameras are used only for width measuring, i.e. the
system only has a remote display DO 002. (no E+L controller
DC..), the device number of the remote display must always
be 5 (device 5). Only then can the setup editor be started.

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CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

Please observe the locally applicable and professional safety

5. Assembly and accident prevention regulations.

Assembly procedure:
5.1 Determine scanning procedure
5.2 Determine camera measuring range and distance between
camera and web
5.3 Determine the size of the light transmitter and the maximum
distance between the light transmitter and camera
5.4 Assemble camera
5.5 Assemble light transmitter
5.6 Determine background, mount black screen as required
5.7 Mount support roller as required

5.1 Determining scanning Select frontlighting to scan lines or transparent webs, edges on opa-
direction que webs should be scanned using backlighting. In border cases, the
suitable scanning process should be selected by trial and error.
5.2 Determining camera mea-
suring range and distance
between camera and web The distance K between the camera and web influences the camera
measuring range:
- the shorter the distance, the smaller the measuring range
K - the smaller the measuring range, the more precise the measure-
ment (resolution)
The following diagram will help you determine the distance between
Web the camera and web for assembly purposes.
The dimensions in the diagram are approximate.
Distance between camera and web

Measuring range
in cms

OL 8024

OL 8028

OL 8050

Distance between camera and

web K in cms

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CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

5.2.1 Systems with one camera:

* Depending on the application, a safety
measuring range = max. web width + max. web movement ** + safety *
clearance of 50-100 mm must be
allowed for in each case.
5.2.2 Systems with two cameras:
** On applications with an actuating
element, e.g. pivoting frame, the stroke max. web width - min. web width + max. web movement ** + safety *
measuring range = __________________________
must be taken into account with regard 2
to web movement.

The web must never lie outside the camera measuring range.

5.3 Determining the light The E+L light transmitter is available with one fluorescent tube and
transmitter size and with two fluorescent tubes (FS 16.2). If sufficient space is available,
distance M between the light transmitter should always be used with two fluorescent tubes.
the light transmitter When selecting the light transmitter, please observe the following crite-
and camera ria:
- distance K between the camera and web
- distance L between the light transmitter and web
- the light transmitter operational range

CCD camera

CCD camera
visual range


Light transmitter

Operational range
100 mm ... ... not usable

Measuring range
Distances: camera-Light transmitter-Web
Distance K between the camera and web is determined by the
measuring range. Distance L between the light transmitter and web
determines the scanning process.
When using frontlighting the distance between the light transmitter
and the web should be as short as possible to capture the maximum
amount of light. The following applies for backlighting; the shorter
the distance between the light transmitter and the web, the greater
the danger of dirt being sharply depicted on the light transmitter,
causing incorrect measurements. We recommend a minimum dis-
tance of 100 mm.
The camera visual range must always be located in the light
transmitter operational range. On E+L light transmitters, the
outer 100 mm are not usable for the cameras.

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CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

The following table lists the maximum distance of standard E+L

transmitters to the camera.

Light transmitter length Light transmitter Maximum mounting distance camera - light transmitter M
FS 16.1 FS 16.22 operational range OL 8024 OL 8028 OL 8050

665 mm 685 mm 450 mm 400 mm 460 mm 830 mm

1275 mm 1295 mm 1050 mm 900 mm 1050 mm 1880 mm
1575 mm 1595 mm 1350 mm 1150 mm 1340 mm 2400 mm

The longer the light transmitter, the greater the gap will be. The maxi-
mum mounting distance can be calculated as follows:

M = Max. mounting dist. camera - light transmitter M in mms

f (a + b) a = Light transmitter operational range in mms
M= b b = CCD element length = 28,67 mm
f = Lens focal length (24, 28 or 50 mm)

5.4 Camera assembly If the camera looks down on the web from above, it should be moun-
ted so that the arrow on the camera operating controls points in the
direction of web travel. If the camera looks up to the web from below,
the arrow should point in the opposite direction to that of web travel.
On camera systems designed by E+L,the module reference must
also be checked (e.g B 2). The block diagram specifies exactly which
camera should be mounted on which side of the web, seen from the
direction of web travel.
Two different E+L supports are available for mounting the camera,
see attached drawing.
We recommend you pin the supports once the camera has
been positioned (7.1 commissioning).

5.5 Light transmitter assembly How the light transmitter is mounted depends on the scanning pro-
cess implemented.

1. 2. 3.

Vertical web travel Horizontal web travel

Light transmitter assembly with
backlighting principle

When using backlighting we recommend the three mounting vari-

ants above to avoid soiling.

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CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..


Light transmitter assembly with Background Background

frontlighting principle

When using frontlighting the following should be observed:

- when scanning the edges of transparent webs, mount the light
transmitter so that the mirror surface reflects the light sent from
the transmitter into the camera (see illustration above left).
- when detecting lines and colour contrasts on transparent and opa-
que webs, mount the light transmitter so that a diffuse reflection is
produced. Surface glare is avoided and a clear image is produced
(see illustration above right).
When frontlighting, please ensure that the light transmitter is
not in the camera visual range.

5.6 Determining the back- A uniform contrast-free dark background is required for front-
ground lighting. You may have to mount a matt black panel behind the web,
in the camera visual range. This optimum contrast to the web gua-
rantees efficient web edge scanning, influences from external light
sources are avoided.

5.7 Determining the back- It must be guaranteed that the web does not form folds or creases
ground and that the edges do not turn up as otherwise the light is reflected at
a different angle by the web and no longer captured by the camera.
A support roller can be mounted if necessary.
With front-lightning, the support roller should be mounted outside the
camera measuring range, either before or after the camera. See illu-
stration on left.


Support roller

Example: frontlighting
Support roller mounted after the camera

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CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

➜ Run electrical leads according to the attached wiring diagram and

6. Installation EMC instructions.
➜ Protect and run CAN bus lines away from noisy or heavy current-
carrying leads.
Ensure that:
insulation is not damaged and the leads properly secured
and protected.
the total length of the CAN bus line is limited to 200 m and
may not exceed this.
a terminating resistor connector is attached to both ends of
the CAN bus line. 3-pole plugs are used as CAN bus connec-
when using your own light transmitters, that they feature an
electronic ballast (min. 5 kHz).

7. Commissioning 7.1 Position camera
7.2 Check wiring
7.3 Check supply voltage
7.4 Set/check camera CAN address
7.5 Position web edge in the camera visual range
7.6 Set camera aperture and focusing
A. aperture
B. focusing
7.7 Configure camera
7.8 Calibrate camera
7.9 Calibrate width measurement
7.10 Perform application-dependent settings

7.1 Position camera

Example: Backlighting

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CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

➜ Set the camera visual range (CCD array) at a 90° angle to the
web surface and web center. Ensure when measuring with two
cameras, that both are set at the same distance A from the web.
➜ For frontlighting, align the camera and light transmitter with one
another (see illustration on top of page 9).

7.2 Check wiring Check wiring ➜ See wiring diagram.

7.3 Check supply voltage ➜ See wiring diagram.

7.4 Set camera CAN address The camera has a CAN address by which it can be reached via the
bus. The CAN address consists of a group and device number.The
(Group) number refers to which control loop the device belongs, the
(Device) number to the specific device in the control loop .
On systems designed by E+L the CAN address is works set.
The CAN address is specified on the typeplate along with the
module reference and is listed in the system block diagram.
If cameras are supplied individually, as a component of systems not
designed by E+L, you must set the CAN address. To do so, see the
"CAN bus, serial bus and setup editor" description. In this case, ca-
meras are supplied with CAN address 0.1.
The camera device numbers are fixed, see table below. The
device numbers specify the mounting location (to the right or
left in the direction of web travel) and thus the camera edge
scanning direction.

Device number Sensor in direction of web travel

1 - camera on right
- only one camera over web center
2 - camera on left
3 - second camera on right (for special applications)
4 - second camera on left (for special applications)

Enter CAN address:

Group number Device number
➜ Press and hold down the GRP and DEV keys on the camera ope-
rating panel at the same time. After approx. 10 seconds, the set
CAN address will flash on the LED display (see fig. opposite). Af-
ter a further 20 secs, the camera will switch to the mode for set-
ting the CAN address. The flashing becomes a permanent light.
➜ Let go the GRP and DEV keys.
➜ Set the group number with the GRP (0-7) key and the device
number with the DEV (0-4) key.
Example CAN address 01:
Camera on right or only one camera
over the web center
Terminating address entry:
Address entering is terminated after approx. 20 secs. if no key has
been pressed within this period. A reset is automatically performed
once this time has elapsed and the new CAN address adopted.

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CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

7.5 Position the web edge in ➜ Position the web edge in the camera measuring range. The web
the camera visual range must lie on the same level as it will subsequently run through the
machine. Height fluctuations distort the measuring result.

7.6 Set the camera aperture ➜ Screw off the protective cylinder on the lens.
and focusing The aperture on OL 80 cameras is focused like a normal camera
by adjusting the front ring, the aperture on the right behind. See
Aperture fig. opposite.
If the lens is secured against twisting by an O-ring, the latter
Focusing should be moved to the side during setting procedure.

7.6.1 Setting the aperture

➜ Turn the ring for setting the aperture to the left stop.
O-ring ➜ Turn the ring in approx. 5 sec. intervals slowly from left to right.
Watch the LED display on the camera operating controls while
doing so. If the camera is inadequately exposed, every second
LED flashes. If the camera is over-exposed, every second LED
lights up, see fig top left.
Camera is under/over-exposed, The aperture has been correctly set when the two outer LEDs only
every second LED goes on
(0 und 8) flash or the position of the web edge in the camera visu-
al range is shown in the LED display, see fig. opposite. The latter
will be the case if, by accident, the camera is also correctly focu-
Camera is focused correctly,
LED 0 and 8 flash If there are several aperture settings to choose from, always
select the middle setting.
➜ If the camera cannot be focused, you must reposition the camera
and light transmitter, see 7.1. The camera may be receiving too
Camera is focused correctly, much or too little light.
the LED display shows the
position of the web edge The camera must be precision set for difficult (poor) con-
in the camera visual range. trasts via parameter 27. To do so, proceed as follows:
Example: the web edge is positioned in
the center of the camera visual range ➜ call up setup editor.
➜ enter the camera device number in parameter 0.
Set the camera aperture and focusing ➜ enter the camera group number in parameter 1.
➜ call up parameter 26 (data rate), note value in parameter 26.
➜ call up parameter 27, value in parameter indicates set aperture
exposure time.
➜ set camera aperture so that the exposure time is between the
minimum exposure time (0.9 ms) and the value of parameter 26
(default value 5,0 msec.).
➜ wait approx. 1 minute after setting until setup mode is terminated.

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CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

7.6.2 Focusing the camera On the camera
➜ Press the GRP key on the camera control field until LED 0 and 1
above the GRP key light up alternately (approx. 10 seconds).
1234567 These two LED's indicate that the set focusing mode is activated.
E+L 1234567
1234567 Additionally, further LEDs may also light up.
➜ Turn the ring or lens to set the focusing depth until as many LEDs
CAN bus Video-
as possible light up. The LEDs indicate the focusing depth set.
➜ Terminate set focusing mode. To do so, hold down the GRP key
X11 until LED 0 and 1 no longer light up alternately (approx. 10 se-
conds). With an oscilloscope
X5 X4
In difficult (poor) alternations in contrast, the focusing depth
may be set with the help of an oscilloscope.
➜ Switch the oscilloscope via E+L adapter EK 4030 (mat. no.
220651) into the CAN bus line above the GRP key.
The web edge may be detected, depending on the scanning me-
PC thod and direction, as an ascending or descending flank on the
with E+L
oscilloscope, see illustration below.
E+L With the E+L CANMON program
serial interface
DI 3... ➜ See CANMON description Retaining settings
CAN bus
➜ Turn the ring or lens for setting the focusing depth until the ascen-
Focusing the camera ding or descending flank is depicted by as few pixels as possible,
see illustration below.
➜ Retain the settings with an O-ring or enclosed adhesive plate
(mat. no. 231411).

Adhesive plate

Sharply defined edge Unclear edge Sharply defined Unclear edge


Camera visual range Camera visual range

2.25 ms 2.25 ms

Function diagram: ascending flank Schematic sketch: descending flank

Oscilloscope, focusing the camera

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CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

7.8 Camera configuration A camera may be regarded as eight sensors in an enclosure.

When configuring the camera, a CAN address must be assigned and
properties defined for each sensor that is to output a measured va-
lue. Properties include the sensor measuring range (parameter
10/11), operating mode (parameter 6/7/8) and emergency guiding
(parameter 9).

Direction of web travel

CAN address 0.1

Left edge = value 2 Right edge = value 1

CAN address 0.2 CAN address 0.1
(web guider, sensor on left) (Web guider, sensor on right )
Mode 1 in parameter .6 Mode 1 in parameter 6
Contrasting edge 1 in parameter 7 Contrasting edge 1 in parameter 7

Left line = value 4 Right line = value 3

CAN address 1.2 CAN address 1.1
(Width measuring, left sensor) (Width measuring, right sensor)
Mode 2 in parameter 6 Mode 2 in parameter 6
Constrasting edge 2 in parameter 7 Contrasting edge 2 in parameter 7
Constrasting edge 3 in parameter 8 Contrasting edge 3 in parameter 8
123 3 2 1 Contrasting edge numbers
-----> <----- Counting direction

-------------------------------------> physical camera scanning direction

Example:camera configuration
A camera is used on an E+L web guider with pivoting frame. The
web is to be guided by the right web edge, left web edge and web
cente. In addition, the distance between two lines printed on the web
is to be measured.
In this case, the camera must supply 4 values. The positions of the
left and right web edges on the web guider and the positions of the
two line centers on the width measuring device.
The CAN address group number indicates to which control loop the
sensor belongs, the device number indicates the relevant sensor in
the control loop (right or left sensor).
The CAN address of the first sensor is the camera address. The
CAN addresses of the 7 other sensors are set in parameters 47 to 53
The measuring range of each sensor may be set individually. It may
correspond to the entire camera scanning range (2048 pixels) or only
a part of it. The measuring range is set in parameters 10 and 11.

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CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

The following rules should thereby be observed:

- Camera pixels are used as the unit of measurement (max. 2048).
The values are always in reference to the physical camera scan-
ning direction.
- If the values in parameters 10 and 11 exceed the physical length
Web plane of the camera scanning range (start + length > 2048), the measu-
ring range setting is not effective, i.e. the entire measuring range
is used.
limited measuring - A separate measuring range may be set for each sensor.
range - If a 0 is set in both parameters for sensors 2 to 7, the measuring
200 1848 range of these sensors will be limited to that set for sensor 1.
- The measuring range setting is also effective during the calibrati-
on process. The camera is calibrated to the measuring range set
total measuring range in sensor 1.
0 2048 - Default setting for sensor 1:
Parameter 10 = 0, Parameter 11= 2048
Array camera measuring range
set measuring range (mm) = Value of parameter 22 x value of parameter 11

The sensor operating mode (parameter 6) determines whether the

sensor should output the position of a contrasting edge (operating
mode 1) or the center between two contrasting edges (operating
mode 2). Once the operating mode is set, the contrasting edges in
the camera scanning range from which the position is to be output
must be specified (parameter 7/8).
Emergency guiding (parameter 9) is intended for web guiding or fol-
low-up systems. For each sensor that outputs a measured value on a
web guiding or follow-up system, the CAN address of another sensor
may be specified (parameter 9), that will operate in emergencies in
the event of the loss of the guiding criterion.
Web travel should be controlled according to a printed line. If the line
is missing due to a printing error, web travel is to be controlled accor-
ding to the web edge. In this case, t wo sensors should be configu-
red. Sensor 1 specifies the line position, sensor 2 the edge position.
In parameter 9 of sensor 1 is address of sensor 2 should be speci-
Cameras supplied separately and not as part of a system de-
signed by E+L as configured to output one measured value:
the position of the right web edge under address 0.1.

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CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

7.7.1 Configuring the first measured value:

A CAN address should be set for each measured value to be
output. The CAN address of the first measured value is usually
the address specified on the module reference on the camera
or in the block diagram.
The following examples all refer to the illustration on page 14. Setting the CAN address
➜ Call up the setup editor.
➜ Enter the camera device number in parameter 0.
1 for measured value 1 (right sensor)
➜ Enter the camera group number in parameter 1.
0 for measured value 1 Determining the operating mode
➜ Set the camera operating mode in parameter 6:
"1" = constrasting edge
"2" = center between two contrasting edges.
1 for measured value 1
➜ Enter the contrasting edge number, the position of which is to be
output, in parameter 7. The preceding sign indicates the direction of
<-------- Counting
counting, see fig. opposite:
321 direction The following applies for cameras mounted in the direction of right
contrasting edges web travel:
No pre-sign = direction of counting from outside to inside
-1-2-3 -------> Counting Negative pre-sign = direction of counting from inside to outside.
direction The following applies for cameras mounted in the direction of left
contrasting edges
web travel:
Counting direction, contrasting edges No pre-sign = direction of counting from outside to inside
Example: right camera in direction of Negative pre-sign = direction of counting from inside to outside
web travel
1 for measured value 1
➜ Enter the contrasting edge number in parameter 8 (only if camera
operating mode 2 is set).
No entry for measured value 1 Emergency guiding
➜ If necessary, enter the address of the sensor that is to perform
emergency guiding in parameter 9.
no entry for measured value 1
If the camera is only to output one measured value, it is now
ready for calibration.

7.7.2 Configuring the 2nd measured value: Setting the CAN address
➜ Call up the setup editor.
➜ Enter the camera device number in parameter 0.
1 for measured value 1 (right sensor)
➜ Enter the camera group number in parameter 1.
0 for measured value 1

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CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

➜ Enter the device and group number for the second measured
value in parameter 47 (subaddress).
0.2 in parameter 47 for measured value 2 (left sensor)
➜ Enter a 1 in parameter 3 (reset), then change parameters to initia-
te the reset. Determining the operating mode
➜ Enter the device number for the second measured value in para-
meter 0.
2 for measured value 2
➜ Enter the group number for the second measured value in para-
meter 1.
0 for measured value 2
➜ Set the operating mode for the second measured value in para-
meter 6
"1" = contrasting edge
"2" = center between two contrasting edges
1 for measured value 2
➜ Enter the contrasting edge number by which measuring or guiding
is to be performed in parameter 7. The preceding sign indicates
the direction of counting:
The following applies for cameras mounted in the direction of
right web travel:
No pre-sign - direction of counting from outside to inside.
Negative pre-sign - direction of counting from inside to outside.
The following applies for cameras mounted in the direction of left
web travel:
No pre-sign - direction of counting from outside to inside.
Negative pre-sign - direction of counting from inside to outside.
1 for measured value 2
➜ Enter the second contrasting edge number in parameter 8 (only if
camera operating mode 2 is set).
No entry for measured value 2 Emergency guiding
➜ If necessary enter the sensor address that is to perform emergen-
cy guiding in parameter 9.
no entry for measured value 2
If the camera is only to output one measured value it is now
ready for operation.

7.7.3 Configuring the 3rd to 16th measured values:

Proceed as for configuring the 2nd measured value for all
further measured values that are to be output .
First enter the camera CAN address, then set one subaddress
(parameters 48 to 53) and initiate a reset. Finally, set the ope-
rating mode of the new measured value.

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CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

7.7.4 Deactivating the output of measured values:

➜ Call up setup editor
➜ Enter the camera device number in parameter 0.
1 for the camera
➜ Enter the camera group number in parameter 1.
0 for the camera
➜ Set the subaddress (parameters 47 to 53) of the measured value
that is to be deactivated to 00.
0.0 in parameter 47 for the second measured value
➜ Enter a 1 (reset) in parameter 3, then change parameters to initia-
te the reset.

7.8 Camera calibration To achieve a uniform reference variable for control or measuring
system signals, all sensors and actuators must be calibrated in rela-
tion to this uniform reference variable.
There are two different calibration procedures for the camera,
standard calibration and template calibration. The latter is inten-
ded for cameras implemented in lamination processes.

7.8.1 Standard calibration

For camera calibration a template is required that is inserted in the
camera measuring range instead of the web. See illustration opposi-
The template must lie within the measuring range set in the
first measuring value (see camera configuration). It must be
positioned on the same plane as the web will run subse-
quently. It should cover as large an area of the measuring
th range as possible, approx. 2/3 of the web width.
b wid
we The camera resolution can be calculated from the width of the tem-
2/3 plate and the distance measured:

Resolution per pixel = template width

covered pixels
Standard calibration
➜ Position the template in the camera visual range.
➜ Call up setup editor, see setup editor section.
➜ Enter camera device number in Parameter 0.
➜ Enter camera group number in Parameter 1.
➜ Check parameter 17. To ensure that the camera is properly cali-
brated, make sure that the correct lens size is selected:
1 = 24 mm (OL 8024)
2 = 28 mm (OL 8028)
3 = 50 mm (OL 8050)
➜ Enter the template width in Parameter 18.

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CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

➜ Enter a 6 (standard calibration) in parameter 3 then change para-

meters to initiate the calibration routine. During calibration, both
halves of the LED bar on the array camera will flash alternately
(approx. 5 secs). During calibration two red LEDs on the sensor
key will light up on E+L command device DO 10.. .
- If calibration is not successful, every second LED will flash on the
camera LED bar. In addition, an error message will be displayed
in parameter 5.
- If calibration is successful, a reset will be initiated automatically.
Then the LED bar on the array camera indicates the position of
the web in the measuring range. The two red LEDs on the sensor
key of E+L command device DO 10.. go out.
➜ Check parameter 5 additionally.
..5. errorcode error code:
Units indicate exposure errors
..0 = optimum exposure
..1 = soiled
..2 = under-exposed
..3 = over-exposed
Tens indicate camera operating status
.1. = emergency guiding
.2. = no result
.3. = Calibration ok
.4. = calibration error: no edge
.5. = calibration error: only one edge
Hundreds indicate camera calibrating status
1.. = not calibrated

➜ If calibration is not successful, (error code .4. or .5.), clear the er-
ror and repeat calibration.
➜ If calibration is successful (error code .3., calibration ok), select
parameter 22. Parameter 22 indicates the entire camera measu-
ring range (2048 Pixel) in milimeters.
The limited measuring range (step 7.7) may be determined accor-
ding to the following equation.

set measuring range (mm) = Value of parameter 22 x value of parameter 11


➜ Quit setup mode. Enter a 1 in parameter 3, then change parame-

ters. After 2 seconds, setup mode is quit.

B page 19
CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

7.8.2 Template calibration

Template calibration is designed for camera implementation in lamin-
cation processes. With template calibration, the resolution of two ca-
meras (as with standard calibration) and the distance of the cameras
to one another may be simultaneously calibrated.
Calibration template, E+L mat. no. 226896 consists of a metal strip
with two slots. For calibration purposes the center of the template
must be aligned according to a freely selected reference point, e.g.
o int
the machine center. One slot each must be located in the measuring
tanc e po range of each camera.
Dis ren
th refe ➜ Align template.
➜ Call up the setup editor.

Template calibration with E+L template

➜ Calibrate the first camera as follows:
( 226896) ➜ Enter the camera device number in parameter 0.
➜ Enter the camera group number in parameter 1.
➜ Check parameter 17. To assure that the camera may be correctly
calibrated, it is important that the right lens focal distance is set:
1 = 24 mm (OL 8024)
2 = 28 mm (OL 8028)
3 = 50 mm (OL 8050)
➜ Enter the length of the calibrating template slot in parameter 18.
➜ Enter the distance of the slot (inner edge) to the reference point,
e.g. machine center in parameter 19.
➜ Calibration: enter a 7 in parameter 3 for this purpose, then change
parameter to initiate the calibration routine. During calibration, the
two halves of the LED bar on the CCD camera flash alternately
(approx. 5 secs). During calibration, the two red LEDs on the sen-
sor key of E+L command device DO 10.. light up.
- If calibration is not successful, every second LED on the camera
LED bar flashes. In addition, an error message is displayed in pa-
rameter 5.
- If calibration is successful, a reset is initiated automatically. Then
the LED bar on the array camera indicates the position of the web
in the measuring range. The two red LEDs on the sensor key of
E+L command device DO 10.. go out.
During calibration, the distance of the camera to the reference
point is calculated and stored in parameters 23 and 24 as the
"mount position".
➜ Calibrate the second camera as the first.
➜ Wait approx. 1 minute after calibration until setup mode is quit au-
tomatically. The cameras are now ready for operation.

B page 20
CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

7.9 Width measuring function If the web width is measured by two cameras, the distance
calibration between these two must be calibrated once each camera has
been calibrated individually.
Calibration can only be performed on command station
DO 002. .
A template is required to calibrate the width measuring function. It is
inserted in the measuring range of both cameras in place of the web.
See the illustration on left. The template must be on the same level
that the web, subsequently, will run on.
b wid ➜ Insert the template in both camera visual ranges.
2/3 ➜ Call up the setup editor.
➜ Enter the device number of operator panel RT 4051 in para-
meter 0. This operator panel is a part of remote display DO 002.,
the address is specified in the block diagram on systems configu-
red by E+L.
➜ Enter the operator panel RT 4051 group number in parameter 1.
0.0.0 .1.7.
➜ Enter value 2 for width measuring in parameter 6 (center between two contrasting edges).
➜ Measure the width of the template in millimeters. Deduct the value
from the width indicated on remote display DO 002. .
Example: width displayed 150
Calibrate distance of cameras to one measured template width 100
another offset -50
➜ Enter the offset in parameter 9 (e.g. -50).
➜ Value "1" for the web width must be set in parameter 10. If this is
not the case, enter "1".
➜ Enter a 1 (reset) in parameter 3, then change parameters to initia-
te a reset.
The width measuring function is now ready for operation.

7.10 Perform application- 7.10.1 Camera mounting position

dependent settings On a few applications with camera OL 80.., e.g. width measurements
or laminating processes, the camera mounting position is required.
The mounting position is the distance from the camera center to a fi-
xed reference point in a machine, e.g. the machine center.
The mounting position may be transmitted by the camera, an E+L in-
terface DI .. or an E+L module DM .. . If the camera is to send the
mounting position, proceed as follows.
➜ Check the mounting position in parameter 23. With template cali-
bration, the mounting position is calculated during the calibration
process and written in parameter 23. With standard calibration,
the distance must be entered manually in parameter 23.
➜ Enter value 1 in parameter 41 (send mount position).
1 = send mount position
0 = do no send mount position

B page 21
CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

➜ Check the "send mount position" parameters of interface DI.. and

module DM.. if necessary enter value 0 (do not send mounting po-
sition). Only one device in the CAN network may send the moun-
ting position.

7.10.2 Set the type of exposure control

With some applications it may be beneficial if the exposure control is
switched off from time to time or all together. The setting should then
only be changed if satisfactory results cannot be obtained with the
standard setting.
The exposure control operating mode is set in parameter 28.
0 = exposure control active (standard)
1 = exposure control is only active if no web is in the camera measu-
ring range. As soon as the web is located in the camera measu-
ring range, operation is with the most recently established exposu-
re value. This setting should be selected if the light conditions on
the moving web change so much that the exposure control must
be continually readjusted.
2 = exposure control off. The exposure is fixed at a value set in para-
meter 29. This setting may be advantageous when scanning ed-
ges with a poor contrast.

7.10.3 Setting the type of contrasting edge evaluation

On some applications, it may be beneficial to change the evaluation
of the contrasting edges. This change should only be made when no
satisfactory results could be achieved with the standard setting. The
evaluation of the contrasting edges is set in parameter 32, the limit
values in parameters 33 and 34.
Evaluation is set as standard according to the flank height. In this
form of evaluation, a change in contrast must correspond to a speci-
fic height in order to be detected as a measured value. See illustrati-
on on page 23, top left.
When evaluating with a grey-scale threshold, a set fixed limit value
must be exceeded given a contrast change to allow the latter to be
detected as a measured value. See example on page 23, top right.
Parameter 32, type of edge evaluation:
0 = edge evaluation according to flank height
1 = edge evaluation with grey scale threshold
Parameter 33, upper limit value:
Parameter 32 = 0: minimum height of a valid positive flank
Parameter 32 = 1: grey scale threshold that must be exceeded by a
valid positive flank
Parameter 34, lower limit value:
Parameter 32 = 0: minimum height of a valid negative flank
Parameter 32 = 1: grey scale threshold below which a valid negative
flank must not drop

B page 22
CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

Grey scale threshold that

must be exceeded by a
Minimum height of valid positive flank
valid positive/
negative flank
Grey scale threshold below
which a valid negative flank
must not drop
Flank height Grey scale threshold

Example: contrasting edge evaluation

8. Operation
8.1 Specify set position value If cameras are implemented on web guiding systems, before guiding
for guiders is begun the set position of the measured values must be specified.
If a measured value deviates from the set position, the guider cor-
rects the position of the web.

Direction of web travel

CAN address 0.1

Left edge = measured value 2 Right edge = measured value 1

CAN address 0.2 CAN address 0.1
(web guider, left sensor) (web guider, right sensor)
set position in parameter 13 set position in parameter 13

Example: specify set position of

measured values
8.1.1 Specify set position value on command device DO 1...
Example 1 , see illustration above:
The web is to be guided by the center. For this purpose the set positi-
ons of measured value 1 and 2 must be stored. On this basis, the gui-
der calculates the set position of the web center.

B page 23
CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

➜ Before guiding, position the web in the measuring range so that

the web center is at the set point.
➜ On E+L command device DO 1... first press the SETUP key and
then the key. The actual position of both web edges is now
stored in parameter 13 as the set position. On this basis, the gui-
der calculates the web center set position. If the web center devia-
tes from the set point, the guider corrects the position of the web.
Example 2 , see illustration at the bottom of page 22:
The web is to be guided by the right web edge. For this purpose, the
set value of measured value 1 must be stored.
➜ Before guiding, the web should be placed in the camera measu-
ring range so that the right web edge is positioned at the set point.
➜ Store the set position of measured value 1 (right web edge). To do
so, first press the SETUP key on E+L command device DO 1...
then the key which you used to select the right sensor on your
command device, or . The right web edge set position is
now s tored in parameter 13. If the right web edge deviates from
the setpopoint, the guider corrects the position of the web.
The stored set position is retained until a new value is stored.

8.1.2 Specify the set position value via the setup editor
The measured value set positon may also be specified via the setup
➜ Before guiding, position the web in the camera measuring range
so that the measured value is located at the set point. See ex-
ample 8.1.1.
➜ Call up the setup editor.
➜ Enter a 4 (define guiding criterion) in parameter 3 of the camera,
then change parameter. The measured value set position is now
stored in parameter 13.
The stored set position is retained until a new value is stored.

8.1.3 Retaining the set position value

On applications in which the set position value always remains con-
stant, the storing of new position values may be inhibited.
➜ Enter a 0 in parameter 42, store set position value (no photo ope-
ration possible).
Neither command device DO1... nor parameter 3 may be used to
store a new set position value.

B page 24
CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

The camera notes all the settings when the voltage is switched off.
9. Camera start-up When the power is switched on again, the configuration previously
response set is used for operation, i.e. the operating modes, the reference po-
sitions determined during web guiding and the messages to be sent
to the CAN bus are retained.

See the excerpt below of the most important camera parameters. All
10. Paramter list camera parameters are described in the attached parameter lists.
Number Name Default Min Max Access Description

..0. edit device 1 1 4 R/W Select device number

See block diagram for device numbers.

..1. edit group 0 0 7 R/W Select group number,

See block diagram for group numbers.

..2. reset settings 0 0 2 R/W Works settings

0 = no function
1 = E+L basic settings
2 = internal value specification (default)

..3. start service 0 0 199 R/W Start a function

0 = no function
1 = reset guider
2 = save parameter
3 = save standard functions
4 = define guiding criterion (photo mode)
6 = standard calibration
7 = template calibration

..6. JobNumber 1 0 3 R/W Camera operating mode:

"0" = no job
"1" = contrasting edge
"2" = center between two contrasting edges
"3" = no function

..7. edge 1 1 -30 30 R/W Contrasting edge 1:

Number of contrast. edge in scan from which the
position is to be output.
The pre-sign indicates the scanning direction:
no pre-sign = normal scanning direction,
from outside to inside, to web center
negative pre-sign = opposite scanning direction
from inside to outside

..8. edge 2 0 -30 30 R/W Contrasting edge 2 (only for camera mode 2)
Number of contrast. edge in scan from which the
position is to be output. The pre-sign indicates the
scanning direction, see parameter 7

..9. emergency guidance 00 00 7F R/W Web guider emergency guiding

0 = no job
Uneven 0 = address of sensor supplying the
emergency guiding criterion

B page 25
CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

.10. meas. range start 0 0 2047 R/W Start of measuring range

The measuring range start and length parameters
determine in which area of the scan valid results
may be sought. If incorrect entries are made in these
two parameters the entire scanning range is used
for measuring (invalid: start + length >= 2048 pixels).
The limited measuring range is also active during

.11. meas. range length 2048 10 2048 R/W Length of measuring range (in pixels)

.13. offset 0 -4096 4096 R/W Offset to output measured value (parameter 13)
(contrasting edge set position)

.14. position 0 -32768 32767 R/W Output measured value

(contrasting edge set position)

.17. lens type 2 0 3 R/W Define lens

Lens Linearisation
0 = undefined off
1 = 24 mm on
2 = 28 mm on
3 = 50 mm off

.18. template width 0.0 0.0 3250.0 R/W Width of calibrating template in mm

.19. template offset 0 -3000.0 3000.0 R/W Distance from ref. point to tem. inner edge
(e.g. machine center - template inner edge)

.21. calibration pixels 0 0 32677 R/W Total measuring range in sub pixels

.22. calibration width 0 0 32677 R/W Total measuring range in mm

.28. exp. adjust type 0 0 2 R/W Type of exposure control

0 = exposure control always active
1 = exposure control only active if no web
is in the scanning range
2 = exposure control switched off

.3.2. edge detect function 0 0 1 R/W Type of edge evaluation

0 = edge evaluation by flank height
1 = edge evaluation with grey scale threshold
The limit values are set in parameters 33 and

.3.3. upper threshold +30 -255 255 R/W Upper threshold value for edge evaluation
value The function of parameter 33 depends on the edge
evaluation set in parameter 32.
Parameter 32 = 0: minimum height of a valid,
positive flank (pos. value)
Parameter 32 = 1: grey scale threshold that must be
exceeded by a valid edge (pos. value)

.3.4. lower threshold -30 -255 255 R/W Lower threshold value for edge evaluation
value The function of parameter 34 depends on the edge
evaluation set in parameter 32.
Parameter 32 = 0: minimum height of a valid,
negative flank (neg. value)
Parameter 32 = 1: grey scale threshold below which
a valid edge (pos. value) must not drop

B page 26
CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

Number Name Default Min Max Access Description

.4.1. send mount postion 0 0 1 R/W Send mounting position to CAN bus
1 = yes
0 = no

.4.2. enable photo 1 0 1 R/W Activate photo mode

(Store measured value set position)
0 = photo mode not possible
1 = photo mode permissible

.4.7. subsystem 0 address 00 00 0F R/W CAN address for 2nd measured value
Address consists of group and device numbers
Values: 0.1, 0.2, .03, 0.4 ... 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 variable

: :

.5.3. subsystem 6 address 00 00 0F R/W CAN address for 8th measured value

11. Error messages

11.1 Error messages on the The two outer LEDs are flashing:
LED display on the No web in the measuring range.
camera controls The measuring result on the LED display is flashing:
Guiding criterion is not available, the camera detects the position of
the emergency guiding criterion.
Every second LED is flashing:
Camera is under-exposed.
Every second LED stays on permanently:
Camera is over-exposed.

11.2 Error messages in ..5. errorcode Error code:

parameter 5
Units indicate exposure errors
..0 = optimum exposure
..1 = soiled
..2 = under-exposed
..3 = over-exposed
Tens indicate the camera operating status
.1. = emergency guiding
.2. = no result
.3. = calibration ok
.4. = calibration error: no edge
.5. = calibration error: only one edge
Hundreds indicate the camera calibrating status
1.. = not calibrated

The error messages with a grey background belong to the calibration

process. They only appear during the calibration process. See also
"Camera calibration" section.

B page 27
CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

Error message examples:

30 Standard calibration ok, optimum exposure:
Calibration was successful and can be terminated .
20 calibrated, no result, optimun exposure:
The position of the measured value cannot be established
despite optimum exposure => no contrasting edges available,
e.g. a printed line
122 not calibrated, no result, camera is under-exposed:
The camera was not calibrated or calibration was unsuccessful,
the camera cannot output a position, the camera is under-ex-
posed => calibrate camera

➜ Clean the glass of the camera protective cylinder and the glass
12. Maintenance cover of the light transmitter regularly with ordinary domestic
cleaning agent.
Random soiling of the light transmitter or camera causes incorrect
measurements. As homogenous soiling builds up, the camera and
light transmitter receive less and less light until the camera be-
comes under-exposed.
➜ Replace the fluorescent tubes once a year.
When ordering spares, please specify the length of the fluorescent

13. Technical data Lens 1:2.8 / 24 mm

1:2.8 / 28 mm
1:1.8 / 50 mm
Lens connection M 42 x 1, bayonet
Measuring range depends on lens and
distance to lens
Resolution measuring range / 8192
Scanning rate max. 700 Hz
Pixel frequency 1.33 MHz
Pixel count 2048
Pixel size 14 x 14 µm
Active chip length 2048 x 14 µm = 28.67 mm
Spectral maximum 500 nm
Exposure controller 20 to 700 Hz
Operating frequency 200 Hz
Supply voltage 24 V DC ±15%
Power input 5.5 W

B page 28
CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..

Protection class IP 65
Operating temperature -10 °C to +50 °C
Storage temperature -25 °C to +80 °C
Dimensions LxWxH 90 x 90 x 200 mm
Housing material cast aluminum
Weight 1100g
Wiring diagram

+24 VDC/0.3 A
L+ L- PE
Back-up fuse max. 6 A

On-site shutdown via 3 x 1,5 mm2

See block diagram See block diagram
main machine switch
for wiring for wiring
:1 :2 :3 :1 :2 :3 :4 :5 -X 5 :1 :2 :3 :4 :5
-X 11 -X 4

Video OUT
Video GND
-X 2 :1 :2
+24 V


Power card CN 0201

Camera evaluator card CL 0201

CCD chip control CP 0201

OL 80--

Technical data subject to modification without notice

B page 29
Erhardt + Leimer GmbH
Post box 10 15 40
D-86136 Augsburg
Telephone (08 21) 24 35-0
Telefax (08 21) 24 35-666

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