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rk SCH Ue ee Wl PURE MATHEMATICS 4 STUDENT BOOK PDF COMPILED BY SAAD PEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL A LEVEL eS Student Book ‘atshes by Posen Edation Line, 80 Star, Landon, WO2R ORL. wwipersongboaechoolcom ‘Copies ool speciteabon ora Pearson qualifications ay be found on the ‘webate: hipe//quatteatons “ext © Poaroon Eavoaton Lites 2019 ted ay Lit Sauce “ype! by Tach StL, Gateshead UK (rial uations © Pasron Edveaton Linea 2019 ‘mista by © Tect-Se Li, Gateead, UK ‘Cover design by © Pearson Eaucatin iid 2079, “horas o Geog Atwood, Jack Baraleunh, an Betis, Lee Cope, ‘Charlee Gamat Cox. Kath Ga Carel Galsbeg, lst Macpheoon ‘ne Meter, Loe Midi, Bronwen Moran, Su Nehasen Dione Olver, {aurene Ptemsn Joe Pera, Ket Pledge, Cong San, Joo Skakouk, Hay Smith, Geof Sty, Robert War-Penny an Dave Win tobe Wert a5 he autors ofthe wer havo boon astotd by hem in accordance wit he ‘Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, Fret pines 2019 10987654921 ‘rsh Library Cataloguing n Pubcon Data ‘Nostlogie recor forte book aval fom th teh Ubrary Copyright noice ‘Alinghi reserve. No pa ofthis may be eeroduce in ay orm or by any means fecusng photocopying or string Kin any maclum by etcronlc means and ‘thoher ona tansy or edrtaly to some oer ce fhe axohonton ‘uitrout he ween permsson ofthe copa une, except in accordance wih the pons of he Copyright. Design and Pater Act 088 ot under the ars ‘fa toorcoseued my the Copyrant Loaner Agere, amar on 06 Fer {apa London, ECAR TEN (uiula.coul. 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Endorsmant of arovoure dees mean that he resource i rogue to schave ths Pearson quailtin, pox dows rea that Is tre ery eutabe matora avaible to support the qualcaton and ary rsource 1s produced by te awarding body shal icudo tha and ther approprate COL COURSE STRUCTURE ABOUT THIS BOOK vi QUALIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW viii EXTRA ONLINE CONTENT x 1 PROOF 1 2 PARTIAL FRACTIONS 6 3 COORDINATE GEOMETRY IN THE (x, y) PLANE 16 4 BINOMIAL EXPANSION 30 REVIEW EXERCISE 1 46 5 DIFFERENTIATION 50 6 INTEGRATION 66 7 VECTORS 97 REVIEW EXERCISE 2 148 EXAM PRACTICE 153 GLOSSARY 155 ANSWERS 159 INDEX 179 aca CHAPTER 1 PROOF 1 CHAPTER 4 BINOMIAL 4.4 PROOF BY CONTRADICTION 2 EXPANSION 30 CHAPTER REVIEW 1 5 4.1 EXPANDING (1+ x)" 31 4.2 EXPANDING (a + 6x)" 36 CHAPTER 2 PARTIAL 4.3 USING PARTIAL FRACTIONS 40 FRACTIONS 6 CHAPTER REVIEW 4 43 2.1 PARTIAL FRACTIONS 7 2.2 REPEATED FACTORS 10 REVIEW EXERCISE 1 4G 2.3 IMPROPER FRACTIONS 12 GARTER RENE 2 ‘4 CHAPTER 5 DIFFERENTIATION 50 5.1 PARAMETRIC DIFFERENTIATION 51 CHAPTER 3 COORDINATE 5.2 IMPLICIT DIFFERENTIATION 54 GEOMETRY IN THE (.x, y) 5.3 RATES OF CHANGE 57 PLANE 16 CHAPTER REVIEWS 61 3.1 PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS 7 3.2 USING TRIGONOMETRIC CHAPTER GINTEGRATION 66 IDENTITIES 21 6.1 FINDING THE AREA UNDER A CURVE 3.3 CURVE SKETCHING 25 DEFINED PARAMETRICALLY 67 CHAPTER REVIEW 3 28 6.2 VOLUMES OF REVOLUTION AROUND THE x-AXIS 68 6.3 INTEGRATION BY SUBSTITUTION 74 6.4 INTEGRATION BY PARTS 78 6.5 PARTIAL FRACTIONS 81 6.6 SOLVING DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 84 6.7 MODELLING WITH DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 88 CHAPTER REVIEW 6 92 CUTS at CHAPTER 7 VECTORS 97 REVIEW EXERCISE 2 148 7.1 VECTORS 98 7.2 REPRESENTING VECTORS 102 73 MAGNITUDE AND DIRECTION 15 _EXAM PRACTICE 158 7.4. VECTORS IN 3D 109 7.5 SOLVING GEOMETRIC PROBLEMS GLOSSARY 155 IN TWO DIMENSIONS 114 7.6 SOLVING GEOMETRIC PROBLEMS ANSWERS 159 IN THREE DIMENSIONS 17 7.7. POSITION VECTORS 121 7.8. 30 COORDINATES 123 INDEX 179 7.9. EQUATION OF A LINE IN THREE DIMENSIONS 125 7.10 POINTS OF INTERSECTION 131 7.11 SCALAR PRODUCT 133 CHAPTER REVIEW 7 140 PCS 4 ABOUT THIS BOOK The following three themes have been fully integrated throughout the Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level in Mathematics series, so they can be applied alongside your learning, 1, Mathematical argument, language and proof + Rigorous and consistent approach throughout. + Notation boxes explain key mathematical language and symbols 2. Mathematical problem-solving, ‘The Mathematical Problem-Solving Cycle + Hundreds of problem-solving questions, fully integrated cr specify the problem } into the main exercises + Problem-solving boxes provide tips and strategies interpret ests auediteiean + Challenge questions provide extra stretch 3. Transferable skills ‘epresnt information + Transferable skills are embedded throughout this book, in the exercises and in some examples + These skills are signposted to show students which skills they are using and developing Finding your way around the book Each chapter starts with lst of Learn objectives The Prier rowledge check helps make sure you are ready to start the chapter Glossary terms wil be dentited by bald lu text on ta first appearance Each chante is mapped othe specticalon content for easy reverence “The eal world applications of ‘tho maths you are about lear ae highlighted atthe stat of the chapter CUCL Bracice questions ate carey graded to increase a sfeaty ‘nd gradual borg youup to exam ‘ance ‘anefoabe eels are signposted were they natural oceur inthe exercises and examples races we packed with exam-eyio {Questions to ensure you S10 ready Torte eras Sarpy wored ) Each scion bps Probiensaling boxes fexamples focus on with an explanation (gue yous cnance de hints, tips and Key typos ot questions | andkeylearing prints | tackesomemore | fratepe, ana Weten Examstyle questions |) youllneed'to tackle itfeutquestons | our oaxes hghignt froas where students are flagged with © ten lose marks in Problem-solving {Each chapter ends with a Chapter review ‘their exams questions are flagged and 2 Summary of ay paints with @ itor every few chapters, a Review exercise Felps you consolte your teaming with == ots of exam-sive questions Exam practice Further Mathematics International Advanced Level Pure Mathematics 4 Review exercise 1 ‘ful practice paper atthe back of| ‘ie book hips you prepare forthe real thing vili QUALIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW QUALIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW Qualification and content overview Pure Mathematics 4 (P4) is a compulsory unit in the following qualifications: International Advanced Level in Mathematics International Advanced Level in Pure Mathematics Assessment overview The following table gives an overview of the assessment for this unit. We recommend that you study this information closely to help ensure that you are fully prepared for this course and know exactly what to expect in the assessment, aC oo or PéPureMathematis —|16F%6of'AL | 75 | Ahour30mins_ | January, june and October Paper code WMAY4/01 Fist assessment ne 2020 IAL: International Advanced A Level. Assessment objectives and weightings ier Recall selec and use ther krowledge of mathematical facts concepis and techniques na 201 | variety of contexts 20% Construct rigorous mathematical arguments and proofs through use of prec statements, ‘nop. | !osical deduction and inference and by the manipulation of mathematica expressions, Pom including the construction of extended argument for handling substantial problems presented in unstructured form Recall select and use their knowledge of standard mathematical model to represent fo3_| stations in the real work recognise and understand given representations involving oo standard models; present and interpret results from such models in terms ofthe orginal situation, including discussion of the assumptions made and refinement of such models. ‘Comprehend translations of common realistic contexts into mathematics; use the results of. ‘804 | calculations to make predictions, or comment on the context; and, where appropriate, read 5% pages 10-11 . . . Y . oe Convert an improper fraction into partial fraction form} en ae “pagesi2-D 6 ee ae ae oe ae sa eeseee eee > eeeese sees eeeeee sees eee eees sees eeeesee ae eeeeeee ese eeeseeee ee eeeee sae eeeseeee Fully factorise ee eeeee see eeeeeese a 45x +6 seeeees eee eeseeaee b e—5x-14 «Pureisectionis SSS SSCS SS SSS eSeee as simplify eee 490418 xt- x30 =x? + 3x4 18 You can use partial fractions to simplify expressions and break them into smaller parts. This is very useful for analysing linear differential systems, such as resonant circuits in electrical systems, INK aun an rE «Pure? Section 1.1 | Use the factor theorem to determine the factors of: a P43x2—x-3 b e324 Pure2 Section 1.3 a Cy raid @ Partial fractions = Asingle fraction with two separate fractions with linear denominators. This is called splitting it into partial fractions. (7 A and Bare constants to be found, 5 4B 5 LA BL (+ D@—4) x47 x—d — Theexpressionis Partial fractions are used ; 11 rewritten as the sum of Tee iol ‘The denominator contains two ‘wo partial fractions. integration linear factors: (x + 1) and (x = 4) ‘There are two methods to find the constants A and B: by substitution and by equating coefficients. GEE) BED worn 6: Split into partial fractions by a substitution b equating coefficients. —bxa2 @-3e+D G2 _ 4, 8 a Ea Abs 114 Box = 3) = 3+ Gx = 2 = Ale +1) + Bye Gx(--2 ) | ex-2 4 &-Su+0x- 3 ett ex-2 A,B aa ed x-a*x+T Aly + 1) Bix - 3) (= 3+ 7 aiid Umar] = The method of partial fractions can alsobe (RNa used when there are more than two distinct linear factors in the denominator. 1 (v= 2)(x + 6) +3) A,B iC canbe spit into 45 +2 + The constants 4, B and C can again be found either by substitution or by equating coefficients. For example, the expression EG 2) ELE rou scurms 684se-2 A, B Given that = Qn+ = x + find the values of the constants 4, Band C. 2xel Gx? + 5x- = Aye - Nex +1) 64+5-2=0+Bx1x340 9-38 B=3 Let x=0) OF0-2=4 x K14040 a4 a Gxt 4 5x-2 _2 So xie= Mere) =x * SoA= and C emai atte Cease 1 Express as partial fractions a x=? Deel eat @=2E+D) G+ D+) rie 4) aga 46 EID First ractorise the denominator. e+ DG x T-3x 8-x 2v-14 —3x-4 8 yay 24 3x-15 =2x-5 ji A.B © 2 Show that can be written in the form 7“ +5 where A and Bare Grne-9 dex * 2-5 constants to be found. GB marks) ©® 3 Theexpression can be written in partial fractions as —— 4 __ (x~ A(x + 8) Find the values of the constants 4 and B. Given that h(x) can be expressed in the form SS «find the values of vel A, Band (4 marks) @® § Given that, for x <-1 2.4. where D, Band Fare 7 *NQxv + DGx-2)~ x * Be 3-2 7 constants, Find the values of D, Band F. (marks) 6 Express as partial fractions a 28 = 120-26 =10x2- 842 ¢ aS = 19-32 (+ DO=DO+5) ax + Gx = 2) Gr e+ DE=5) @® 7 Express as partial fractions 2 zea bt, ID feat droit Sy? - 15x-8 BOAO Express asa sum of fractions with linear denominators. ator GCG @® Repeated factors * A single fraction with a repeated linear factor in the denominator can be spl separate fractions. In this case, there is a special method for dealing with the repeated linear factor. Aand Band Care |r ce mel 249 7 a constants to be found. Wo Shee ap eS 343 GHP The denominator contains three linear Factors: (¥~ 5), (x-+3) and (x43). (e+3)is a repeated linear factor. ‘The expression is rewritten asthe sum of three partial fractions, Notice that (= 5), (+3) and (x +3)? SST?) ED ees are the deno nator, 2 Show that SPT TF cam be writen in the form 4 +B + 3S where A, Band © are constants to be found, Let thet iavt5_ 4 es w+ Dex+0 4” wa” Geet Alv + 12x + th + Bx +1) + Oe +t (42x40) Hence 1x? + 14x 45 Ae + 2x +1) + BEx + 1) + Coe #1 (1) let x= 1 1-445 24x04 Bx-14C0x0 we WHE 4 Ne AS Monee Wy 1(ex + 1 on ee > ETEED check your answer using the oo we Beet SoA= 2 and C= 3. ——1 a Cy raid EID romero x4 © | y= Stove ALB, Given that f(x) can be expressed in the form “E+ 4 + > find the values of A, Band C. = (4 marks) ewe alr © 2 w= eyes tet! D E E Find the values of the constants D, Band Fsuch that 0x) =24 +p (4marks) © 8 Given that, for v <0, eae =f , where PQ and Rare constants, find the values of P, Qand R. (4 marks) © 4 Show that 52 wo are constants to be found. (4 marks) 2x © 5 w= wept Find the values of the constants A and B such that p(w (4 marks) loxt-l0x+17__ A, BOL © 6 ost —3P dest x3 wets Find the values of the constants 4, Band C. (marks) 39x? + 2v4 59 A, 8B © © 7 Show thar PAPE can be writen in the form 45 9B where 4, B and Care constants to be found. (4 marks) ® 8 Express as partial fractions: y+ a+ 1Ox-+ 25 Peary Gy @® Improper fractions = An improper fraction is one tha tor is equal to or greater than the power of the numerator. An improper fraction can be split into partial fractions. Some fractions can be given as 717 sy. Since the top and bottom ae bath quadrats inthis case, dividing one by the other should produce a constant, so the form would be A + a < is split into partial fractions. Then, by first noting the itis similar if the expression — sey difference in powers between numerator and denominator, this can be written in the form Ax+ B+ 4 xe Express 4 as partial fractions. - : 2 etree +B is is because a cubic over a quadratic produces a linear function. Express as partial fractions. —_— @-De-2) 3x? Ax+ B+ = tx zi 2) a Cy raid (Ax + Bix = AY = 2) + Cle = 2) + Dex = 1) x= a= 2) _ Gx + Bhs - Whe 2)+ Cx 2)+ Dix) - (We 2) Bx* = (Bx + Blox ~ Dlx 2)+ Cl - 2) + Dor- 1) 3 x= (3x14 Bl ~ 1 ~ 2) + CU ~ 2)4 DO ~1 Bx O+ BNO ~ 110 - 2) - 30 - 2) + 2410 - 0p. O=2B+6-24 B 1 Express as partial fractions antl p ins etl az x2 Ne1 x43 2 Show that S—3yeq-y aM be written in the form A + Ty + where 4, Band Care ‘constants to be found. i At + Be i —e_, 3. Given that iy canbe expressed in the form 2+ 57°) + 3e.5p fin the values of A, Band C. 4 Express as partial fractions ‘* 1 b 234-2 é i- eed x(e+ 3) @x-Da=D 7 x i Cc 5 Given that WrDE-D $221) can be expressed in the form Ax + B+ 540 5-1" find the values of A, B, Cand D. 6 Express as partial fractions dex xr 3) » Gs DED <5y cam be expressed inthe form A + —B— 4 ——C— find the values of A, Band C. 7 Given that (ys vel” @+? 8 Express as partial fractions x41 ato «2 w= 2) (re me ali Gy Challenge Express 728558 pari fractions, Ce (2) 4 1 Given that G5 yy¢q-Tay + find the values of 4 and B. 2. Express as partial fractions a ee 5 wee) @= nes) x 4, Bic 3 Show that Gy NGS yGee gS cam bewrten inform 45 +B + Ss giving the values of 4,B and C: 4 Express as partial fractions ax47x=2 p aI 2 xo + De) (= 4)e- 3) Gre + GD 5 By frst using the factor theorem to simplify the denominator, write partial fractions. 6 Express as partial fractions 3x41 * xe2) Mesto x a2 7 Express as partial fractions i 3 *Gop@ep > BWD 8 Given that 5255 canbe written in the form 45 + determine the values of A and B. B +3 @+eF 9 Express 4s partial fractions. . =3x+2 10. Express as partial fractions op 11 Show that = ‘can be written in the form A + = a giving the values of 4, Band C. 12. Express as partial fractions ‘wens Nea 13 Given that —*— can be written as Ax + B+ —C5 4 —P— find the values of 4,B,C and D. wey x43" (43 a Cy raid eed 1 Asingle fraction with two distinct linear factors in the denominator can be split into two separate fractions with linear denominators. This is called splitting it into partial fractions: ee G@+DG-4 G+)" &-4) 2 The method of partial fractions can also be used when there are more than two distinct linear factors in the denominator: = A B Cc = 2+ +3) (= 2)” (46) * OHI) 3. Asingle fraction with a repeated linear factor in the denominator can be split into two or more separate fractions: B ia +3" (43? ‘4% An improper algebraic fraction is one whose numerator has a degree equal to or larger than the denominator. An improper fraction must be converted to a mixed fraction before you can express it in partial fractions. To convert an improper fraction into a mixed fraction you can use: + algebraic division + or the relationship F(x) = Q(x) x divisor + remainder 3 COORDINATE " GEOMETRY IN THE (x, y) PLANE Pe eed 34 ution 2 trigonometric © Understand and use parametric equations of curves and sketch arametric curves parametric equations d x=142e + Pure3 Sections 42, a 443sintx 3. State the rang: Parametric equations are an alternative , ‘dinate system to Hitec Cartesian equations, € Pure 1 Sections 2.6, 4.2 an be used + Pure2 Section 6.1 © Pure3 Sect ral 4 Acircle has centre (0, 4) and radius 5, Find the s of the points of rtesian equation in intersection of the circle and the line with equation 2y ~.x-10=0 a simpler, and more + Pure 2 Sect accessible, form, Cea Ua Geom ae ai You can write the x- and 3-coo! ates of each point an a curve as functions of a third variable, This variable is called a parameter and is often represented by the letter 1 = A curve can be defined using parametric equations x = p(t) and y = q(t). Each value of the parameter, f, defines a point on the curve with coordinates (p(f), a(t). fest ™ You can convert between parametric equations and Cartesian equations by using substitution to eliminate the parameter. L 2 These are the paramettic equations of the curve. The domain of the parameter tells you the values of / you would need to substitute to find the coordinates of the points on the curve. When 1=2,.=254 25andy=2x2=4 This corresponds to the point (2.5, 4) oe When 1= 05, 25 and y= 20 This corresponds to the point 25, 1) CEEEED A cartesian equation in wo dimensions involves the variables x and y only. You can use the domain and range of the parametric functions to find the domain and range of the resulting Cartesian function. ® For parametric equat * the domain of f(x) ‘A curve has parametric equations =A -3 k where kis a constant to be found. b Write down the range of fix). ED sine CS] nee | ‘curve using technology. oy xein(¢+3), y= 1>-2 erete3 Soet-3=1 ¢* isthe inverse function of In x. Rearrange the equation for x into the form 1= then substitute into the equation for y. Substitute # When t= -2: x int + 3) = Int = As # increases In(t + 3) increases, so the To find the domain for f(x), consider the range of range of the parametric function for x is eae CeO x20 The Cartesian equation is he Cartesian ea __ You need to consider what value.x takes when al eee 1==2 and what happens when «increases. e+e pape aaett The range of fis the range of values y can take b When t 4 14553 within the given range of the parameter. Aa acres y decrees bi ays poste 20 the ge ofthe parmetic You coud alo the range of) by 1 considering ie domain. 10 = and 6) function for pisO k where & is a constant to be 8 A diagram shows a curve C with parametric equations yeP-2, 05162 a Find a Cartesian equation of the curve in the form yr =flx), and state the domain of fx). (3 marks) dy b Show that 3 = 0 when + (3 marks) © Hence determine the range of f(x). (2 marks) 9 A curve Chas parametric equations 4-P, teR a Show that the Cartesian equation of C can be written in the form x = (a y\(b-yP where a and h are integers to be determined. (3 marks) b Write down the maximum value of the y-coordinate for any point on this curve, (2 marks) Cea Ua Geom ae CHAPTER 2 Challenge You can use trigonometric identities to convert trigonometric parametric equations into Cartesian form. In this chapter you will always consider angles measured in radians. EE) ED remem Accurve has parametric equations x=sin(+2, y=cost-3, 1€R. a Show that a Cartesian equation of the curve is (x- 2) + (y+ 37=1 b Hence sketch the curve, Etuers 0 If you can write expressions for sin ¢ and cosin terms of rand y then you can use the identity 1 to eliminate the parameter, t. ‘€ Pure2 Section 6.3 yd @ Substitute () and (2) into (r= 2P +p 43 =1 by Pee aay Pe aa eee Se EE) BD om A curve is defined by the parametric equations ind, -F 1st x=sing, y a Find a Cartesian equation of the curve in the form vate), -kexsk stating the value of the constant k. b Write down the range of fix). a y=sin2r 2sintcoss 2xcosi 0 ee | arenes sin? costs = 1 ——______| costs 1—sinte =1-¥ cost=\T=x® QQ) Substitute (2) into (): y = 2xv/T A curve C has parametric equations xecotr+2 yacosetr-2, OI a Find a Cartesian equation of this curve in the form y= f(x), > & where k is a constant to be found in exact form. b Write down the range of »), leaving your answer in exact form. 4A curve has parametric equations 1 1 ya2in(rsg), 1> te 2 Find a Cartesian equation of the curve in the form y = f(x), and state the domain and range of f(x). 5 A circle has parametric equations x = 4sin1—3, y= 4eos1+5, 0 1< 27 a Find a Cartesian equation of the circle. b Draw a sketch of the circle. ¢ Find the exact coordinates of the points of intersection of the circle with the y-axis, 6 The curve C has parametric equations 3420 Yee 2 Tar 4 a Show that the curve Cis part of a straight line, (3 marks) b Find the length of this line segment, (2 marks) Cea Ua Geom ae Giak) ®7 A.curve Chas parametric equations , <1 ‘a Find the Cartes Hx) (x) in the given domain of © Sketch the curve in the given domain of ¢. jan equation of Cin the form y b State the domain and range of A curve Chas parametric equations x=2eos!, y=2sint-5, 05150 a Show that the curve C forms part of a circle, b Sketch the curve in the given domain of ¢ Find the length of the curve in the given domain of ‘The curve C has parametric equations -2 a Find a Cartesian equation of C in the form y b Sketch the curve C. eee 1. Acurve can be defined using parametric equations x = p() and y = q(t) Each value of the parameter 1, defines a point on the curve with coordinates (p(i), q(0)) (Gmarks) (3 marks) (2 marks) (3 marks) (G marks) (GB marks) (3 marks) (G marks) 2. You can convert between parametric equations and Cartesian equations by using substitution to eliminate the parameter. 3 For parametric equations x = p(t) and» = q(e) with Cartesian equation y = fix) + the domain of f(x) is the range of p(s) + the range of f(x) is the range of q(t) FE) N } arate SCS eee iene ' the coefficient of 17 is 24. a Find the possible values of a. b Find the corresponding coefficient of the x} term. cm aie} EUS) @® 7 Show that if «is smal, the expression a CED is sma means we can assume I-x the expansion i valid for the x values being. considered because high powers become insignificant compared to the first few terms. isaproximated by +24 6 4 @w-Le-Te a Find the series expansion of h(x), in ascending powers of x, up to and including the x? term, Simplify each term, (marks) b Find the percentage error made in using the series expansion in part a to estimate the value of (0.01). Give your answer to 2 significant figures, (3 marks) ¢ Explain why it is not valid to use the expansion to find (0.5). (mark) 9 a Find the binomial expansion of (1 — 3x)! in ascending powers of x up to and including the x° term, simplifying each term. (4marks) 997 1 ‘ b Show that, when x = 99. the exact value of (1 = 3x)? is “99g (marks) © Substitute x= 7 into the binomial expansion in part a and hence obtain an approximation to \97. Give your answer to 5 decimal places. (marks) Challenge nead= (143) “isla 1 Find the binomial expansion of h() in ascending powers of « upto, GD pestece win and including the x? term, simplifying each term, 10 10 € Use the expansion in part ato find an approximate value of 110. Write your answer to 2 decimal places. b Show that, when x=9, the exact value of h(x) Is @ expan The binomial expansion of (1 + x)" can be used to expand (a + hx)" for any constants a and b. g (a + bx)" You need to take a factor of « out of the expression: 4)" Make sure you multiply a by every term in the expansion of | ( +h) BINOMIAL EXPANSION Cais + The expansion of a + bx), where mis negative ora fraction, is valid for [2s] <1 oF |x| < AI EO ©) LED sorrvercamne Find the fist four terms in the binomial expansion of a FFX b Gy a State the range of values of » for which each of these expansions is valid. =the) [— wiewcatert oo . ee =2(1 +3) welt 5 is +adaat~) A intestine Btn eat ot = |sl<4 aigeas! er Ed Ce ate} ES Uo) 3 (-2y-2 ~ 0(3*)” wf ocagy 2S ——_— cus ©® 1 Foreach of the following: i find the binomial expansion up to and including the x° term fi state the range of values of x for which the expansion is valid, 02x bh “eee a Ore ED vite pare e 15 cee ila n 2te Wax 342x Baex wee Vi=x CUE) Cais ®2 ®3 f= (+40), p< 3 Find the binomial expansion of f(x) in ascending powers of x, up to and including the term in.x°, Give each coefficient as a simplified fraction, (S marks) m(a) hi<4 a Find the series expansion of m(x), in ascending powers of x, up to and including the x? term. Simplify each term. (4marks) v5 3 (2 marks) b Show that, when x= J, the exact value of m(x) is € Use your answer to part a to find an approximate value for 35, and calculate the percentage error in your approximation. (4marks) ‘The first three terms in the binomial expansion of | geteaty a+b oP tage os a Find the values of the constants a and b. b Find the coefficient of the x? term in the expansion, ny =3 os = x Prove that if xis ullicintly small, f(x) may be approximated by 3 + a Expand _ where |x| <5, in ascending powers of » up to and including the term in x2, W542 giving each coefficient in simplified surd form, 5 (Smarks) b Hence or otherwise, find the first 3 terms in the expansion of 8 a series in ascending powers of x. S428 (4marks a Use the binomial theorem to expand (16 ~ 3x)! |x| < 18 in ascending powers of x, 3 up to and including the term in x°, giving each term as a simplified fraction (4marks) b Use your expansion, with a suitable value of x, to obtain an approximation to {157 Give your answer to 3 decimal places. (marks) 2 1 = Fay Tee

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