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Sumabong, Darlene, R.

Date: 10 / 07 / 21
HM – 502

The Importance of Diversity in the Workplace

A. Video 1 Discuss one (1) importance of workplace diversity.

Promote Innovation. Innovation is the realization of new ideas that add value to our clients' businesses
or lives in a modern, straightforward manner. Diversity boosts the possibilities of getting to know your
customers and what they value. It is important in and at the same time, it provides a variety of
perspectives in order to inspire artistic breakthroughs. New ideas that foster creativity can be sparked
by a diversity of ideas and views. Minorities must feel appreciated in order to take advantage of the
benefits of diversity. They must be able to enjoy their differences, feel that their opinions matter, and
bring their ideas to the table. To put it another way, in profitable businesses, innovation and creativity
are valued. Minorities must feel appreciated in order to take advantage of the benefits of diversity. They
must be able to enjoy their differences, feel that their opinions matter, and bring their ideas to the
table. To put it another way, in thriving businesses, creativity and diversity seem to have become trendy.
If you're looking for strategies to boost your company's creativity, fostering a more diverse team is a
great place to start.

B. In your perspective, is it possible for a sound collaboration to occur from diverse set off employees?

Yes, because collaboration among employees is the cornerstone of all successful businesses.
Collaboration builds loyal friendships when employees overcome challenges together. The occasional
bitterness does happen, but for the most part, you can expect the bond between your employees to
tighten the more they work together and based on my perspective, sound collaboration is possible in
diverse set of employees because having this kind of environment emphasizes common interests rather
than differences.

Cross-cultural Communications
C. Video 2. How does Cross-cultural communications address workplace conflicts and diversity barriers?

Cross-cultural training provides the awareness, information, understanding, and skills needed to
effectively engage and work across cultural barriers. This enables them to provide relevant services to
international clients. At the same time, being able to value and consider colleagues from various cultural

D. Why is it beneficial to have cross-cultural communication in the tourism and hospitality workplace?

As travelers and customers have a better understanding of the environment, they expect higher
standards and want more personalized treatment. Organizations can obtain a competitive advantage
over those who do not by improving employee talents to communicate across cultures and comprehend
the characteristics of a broad consumer base. It is stated that having a workforce that reflects the
marketplace is beneficial in anticipating and meeting client requirements and demands. Employees
benefit from learning how to handle issues that arise from consumers of various cultures, religions, and
ethnicities. Customers will be more inclined to build loyalty to the firm and share their positive
experience with others if they believe their traditions are being respected.

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