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Think about the rules that currently exist at Smart. Think of four new rules that you feel would
be a good idea. Write a brief explanation of why is necessary each one. 70 - 100

1. Teachers must be listened to and cared for :)

2. The classroom must be entered and exited in an orderly manner.
3. It is not allowed to interrupt the teacher when he is explaining to a classmate
4. You can be late, but you have to come in quietly so you don’t disturb the lesson
5. Carry out all the activities indicated by the teacher in charge
6. You must have an attentive attitude during classes
7. Correct and polite language must be used
8. Teachers always make the rule to moderate the use of electronic devices
9. Leave the room in perfect cleanliness.

Some rules are necessary, because this gives organization to the classes, also allows the teacher to
have a structure on how to dictate the class, for students it is also good to know how to comply
with the organization of each class and in this way have more communication with the teacher


Write a letter to an advice columnist at www.el about a real or imaginary problem
you had. Include what you did to solve it and what people told you should have done instead.
70 o 100

Last year I had some economic problems due to the pandemic, since the company suffered a great
economic blow and they had to lay off some workers, unfortunately at the time the company gave
the statement of the people fired, my name was among those.

Then I had to make some adjustments to the curriculum, so that in this way there would be more
competencies for workING from home, among the actions I carried out was to send a curriculum
to offices that need to digitize files, at that time look for the oldest courts and that had Older
processes which had accumulated more processes to be digitized, I had to go in person to leave
the curriculum and wait for them to call, I also had to look for some lawyers or companies that had
the need to make digital invoices


Use repored speech to write a list of notes about information you have heard, seen or talked
about during the day. You can think of the news on TV or internet , a WhatsApp message,
phone or fase to fase conversation, a dialogue that you overheard between other people, etc

I found the news of an explosion of a fuel truck very interesting, at least one hundred people died
in Freetown, after a massive explosion when a truck collided with another vehicle, the fuel spill
and the subsequent combustion resulted in hell.

I also found it very interesting that IN the United States and Germany the bishops admitED
responsibility of the Church in cases of abuse, even the French bishops recognized the institutional
responsibility of the Catholic Church, however, it is important to note that to finance
compensation for the victims, the church gave an idea so that its finances are not affected, the
commission called to discard the donations of the faithful, but to finance the assets of the

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